Is Bluetooth pairing mode indefinite? - bluetooth

I'm working on a BLE device and trying to understand pairing. Say a device has yet to be paired for the first time, can it be set to pairing mode indefinitely? By this I mean, can the device stay in pairing mode as long as it needs to (1 day, 1 week, 1 month, etc.)
Assume the following:
1.Battery power is unlimited
2.The device can only pair to a specified target

Yes, the BLE standard doesn't even mention "pairing mode". A device decides in every specific situation when receiving a pairing request or security request how and if it should continue.
It also decides itself when and if it should advertise to make itself connectable, or scan to find other devices to connect to.


Establish a connection between smartphone and PC via Bluetooth automatically

I'm trying to establish a connection between my PC running Ubuntu and my iPhone via Bluetooth automatically when it becomes available, after being manually paired beforehand. I've seen this to be possible with certain peripherals, mainly audio. For example, my phone will automatically connect to a Bluetooth speaker when it is turned on and Bluetooth is active on my phone; another example is my phone automatically connects to my car's radio system via Bluetooth when I turn the car on.
I'm not able to connect my phone to my PC without first initiating the connection from the smartphone's Bluetooth menu. I'm thinking that I could possibly write an application for the PC to attempt to connect to the device every few minutes or something, but it seems that the phone needs to be the device to initiate the connection.
The only information that I need for what I'm trying to do ultimately is that the devices can pair successfully. Essentially I'm trying to build a sort of proximity trigger between my phone and my PC without using Wi-Fi and GPS - I can't use these for some specific reasons.
Is there any way to make this happen?
Yes this should be doable as long as you use the Background Processing feature for iOS apps. In the example I'll give below, we'll have the PC be the peripheral and the phone be the central, but you can really have it working either way. You will need to do the following:-
First initial connection needs to be performed in the foreground (this is due to iOS's background limitations).
On the iOS side, you need an application that acts as a central that scans and connects to the remove device (check this example as a starting point).
Upon connection, you need to bond with the PC. Bonding is important as it will prevent you from having to do the pairing again in the future. However, pairing/bonding is managed by the iPhone's OS so you cannot write it in your application, so the workaround is to have an encrypted characteristic on the PC side that will force the iPhone to bond (this is covered later).
On the PC side, you need to have a BlueZ script that acts as a peripheral that is always advertising. You can do this using bluetoothctl (check the examples here and here).
Before you start advertising, you need to have a GATT server on the PC side (to do this, check this example).
When registering characteristics, ensure that one of them has the encrypt-read property (you can find a full list of the properties here).
Now when you attempt to read this characteristic from the iOS side, the two devices should bond (make sure that your PC is bondable which you can do this via these commands).
Once the devices are paired, your iOS app needs to be working in the background constantly scanning and attempting to connect to the same peripheral (have a look at this and this example).
You can find more useful information at the links below:-
Getting started with Bluetooth Low Energy
The Ultimate Guide to CoreBluetooth Development
How to manage Bluetooth devices on Linux using bluetoothctl

Is there any way to automatically accept BLE pairing request in Android 11?

I have an android app that connects to a few classic Bluetooth and BLE devices. Starting from one of the security patch releases of Android 10 I am getting pairing requests on my Android device. Is there a way to automatically accept these requests in code? The BLE devices do not have a pin and only need a certain flow of read and write operations to pair. Right now my write operations are failing unless I wait for the bond state to change to BONDED which happens on accepting the pairing request on the Android device.
So far I've tried setPairingConfirmation(true) which does not seem to be working.
I guess the idea of pairing is that the user must accept that an "unknown" device being paired to his system. Otherwise different shady apps could just pair devices in the background without the user's consent.
A peripheral that is not meant to be paired to a user should hence not require pairing in the first place, to perform various operations.

What does bluetooth pairing do technically?

From the Bluetooth client example at, it seems I can simply connect to a remote Bluetooth socket as long as I have the Bluetooth MAC address of the device.
If I can simply connect to a remote Bluetooth device, I am wondering what exactly does Bluetooth pairing do. When is pairing really needed?
From How does Bluetooth pairing work?, it appears the final result of pairing is that an encryption key gets stored on both sides. I assume, when you open a remote socket connection, the call is intercepted by the local bluetooth daemon. In turn, the daemon encrypts the data and sends to the remote device. The daemon on the remote device decrypts the data and sends to the remote client application:
Is this assumption correct?
Yes, your assumption is partially correct. Encryption is one of the uses of Passkey.
Bluetooth pairing is necessary whenever two Bluetooth devices connect to each other to share resources. A trusted relationship is established between the devices using a numerical password, commonly referred to as a passkey. Depending on how often one Bluetooth device connects to another, the user might opt to have the passkey saved for future connection attempts or prompt to enter the passkey each time the devices request communication with each other.
This is already explained on Stack Overflow please check- How does Bluetooth pairing work?
In the below answer, I will try to explain what is not mentioned in the above link or answers.
In Pairing process, when the initiating device sends a ‘Pairing Request” to the other device. The two devices then exchange I/O capabilities, authentication requirements, maximum link key size, and bonding requirements. Basically, all this phase consists of, is the two devices exchanging their capabilities and determining how they are going to go about setting up a secure connection. It is also important to note that all data being exchanged during this phase is unencrypted.
Now the question is why this Phase is needed?
As mentioned- “two devices exchanging their capabilities.” The pairing should happen between compatible device there is no point in Pairing you Mouse with a Headphone as Mouse capabilities are different than Headphone.
One more use of Pairing is – “determining how they are going to go about setting up a secure connection.” Here the frequency hopping pattern is determined for two reasons-
To avoid Middle Man Attack.
To avoid Collision
Bluetooth uses 79 radio frequency channels in the band starting at 2402 MHz and continuing every 1 MHz. It is these frequency channels that Bluetooth technology is "hopping" over. The signal switches carrier channels rapidly, at a rate of 1600 hops per second, over a determined pattern of channels. The hopping pattern is determined well during the pairing process so that no other device will know in which band of the frequency the data is being transferred at an instance. Its rare case that frequency hopping pattern can be the same for a couple of devices communicating hence collision is avoided.
Note: If any third device is able to capture the passkey then it can replicate the whole communication pattern and capture the data being transferred. This is how the BT Sniffers work.
I am not able to cover all the details as per SIG specs. I hope the above answers give you a clearer picture of the need for the Pairing process. Feel free to point out, if you want me to explain any specific point in detail.
Below are the reference Links for more information-

Bluetooth Low Energy paired vs unpaired communication

As I understand it, Bluetooth Low Energy communication can be established with or without pairing. This is in the context of mobile development, Android more specifically but I believe iOS is more or less the same.
Are there instances where one would choose one over the other? And what would be the purpose? What is technically considered paired communication and what is considered unpaired communication?
I've dabbled around for a bit on the differences and have even made a few demo only apps related to BLE but I haven't found a clear explanation if what I am doing is actually considered paired or not.
The reason I ask the question is that I believe I am looking to encrypt unpaired BLE connections. In some cases, and essentially my main use case, a mobile device may want to connect to several different peripherals randomly at different times throughout the day and the process of physically accepting a pair request seems unnecessary and quite time consuming. By 'randomly' I mean I am walking by one if I have a dozen scattered around my apartment and I personally don't know exactly which one without physically checking. I don't what to walk in the room the first time and have to manually pair each device, that would be insane if I had 100 devices. Note that these devices don't necessarily have to be connected at the same time, but could. Also note that I understand this isn't generally the main use case of the typical peripheral to mobile use case.
Here are a few differences:
If you bond the devices, the link will become encrypted, so it becomes more secure. So "paired" communication basically means the link is encrypted plus the device "knows" what it talks to.
The remote device also learns your phone's IRK (identity resolving key), which can be used to identify the phone later on. By default, the phone rotates the Bluetooth Device Address every 15 minutes or so. Without knowing the IRK, the peripheral can't identify the phone.
A good thing if the devices are bonded, is that the GATT db of the remote device gets cached, which means upon next connection, you don't have to wait a long time for service discovery to complete.
On Android, connecting by Bluetooth Device Address without first scanning is broken since the API lacks the "address type" bit (public/random address). If Android "guesses" wrong, you will connect to the wrong device and therefore fail. However if devices are bonded, the address type is stored and looked up based upon Bluetooth Device Address, which makes it work as expected. So if you plan to automatically connect to your peripherals in the background upon boot for example, it's a good idea to bond the devices.
A small detail is that Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor values should also be stored by the GATT server and restored once the bonded device reconnects so it doesn't have to rewrite the descriptor value.
Some Bluetooth profiles needs bonding, for example HID (at least on iOS and Android).

how many bluetooth pairing can be made?

I have an android phone and I want it to communicate with 10 bluetooth modules, not simultaneously. I know that a master device can have 7 slaves for bluetooth connection. does it mean "pairing"?
The question is can I have my phone paired with 10 bluetooth devices? Then send them data seperately?
There is no set limit on the number of pairings possible for a device, except for any limitations made by the platform or bluetooth software stack (eg. limited storage).
does it mean "pairing"?
Bluetooth pairing and connecting are two separate operations.
When two Bluetooth devices pair, they will exchange Bluetooth addresses and encryption keys. If pairing is successful, it allows the devices to connect to each other at a later time.
When two bluetooth devices connect, the profiles are established (a2dp if a speaker, hfp if headset, etc), and they can communicate.
Sometimes there is confusion between pairing and connecting since most smartphones automatically connect after detecting a successful pairing.
Pairing is just done once, typically when you buy a Bluetooth product. Connection is done whenever you use the product.
The question is can I have my phone paired with 10 bluetooth devices?
Then send them data seperately?
As mentioned in the other answer, the maximum number of paired devices is platform dependent, it varies from product to product, but there is no set limit. The maximum number of connected devices (that you could send/receive data concurrently to) is 7 according to the Bluetooth specification.
