I am using a 8265A 8265NGW module with Jetson Nano.
I am trying to connect my Jetson Nano.
How to check my bluetooth UUID?
Try running
bluetoothctl info
For more info, see this question on SE.U&L, What are the UUIDs listed by bluetoothctl info?
like the title says, i am not able to connect to a le device on my raspberry pi 3.
I tried:
- via bluetoothctl i get an AutenthicationFailure
- via gatttool i get connection refused (111)
I searched a lot for a solution and already tried (made sure that):
- btmgmt le up
- reinstalling bluez/bluez to the newest version
- use of "-t random" when using gatttool
And know i really have no idea what to do next.
What might be important:
uname -r = 4.19.58-v7+
bluetoothctl -v = 5.50
Using the Android App nRF Connect the connection to the le device works fine.
Can somebody help me please?
Thanks in advance,
It looks like your device needs to be bonded and Bluez fails to successfully bond...
I have the same issue with several devices that need bonding. Bluez can apparently only deal with some variants of bonding but certainly not all. On iOS and Android I have no issues at all with those devices...
Unless you fancy digging into Bluez source code and fixing the issue yourself, I think you can only wait for some Bluez update to fix the issue...
I would like to stream my music through my Bluetooth speaker but PulseAudio can't see the speaker. When I open the sound settings (pavucontrol) I can't change the output device to my speaker since it's not displayed.
What I already checked
The speaker is paired and connected through the Bluetooth interface in GNOME. I verified the connection using the bluetoothctl tool and made sure that the device is connected and trusted by OpenSUSE.
I checked if PulseAudio can see the device through the command line using pactl list sources short and pactl list sinks short and it's not there either.
I verified if PulseAudio has the right Bluetooth addon installed and it has.
Removing the configuration in ~/.config/pulse doesn't help
This question: Pulseaudio not detecting bluetooth headset couldn't help me either.
It worked a couple months ago without any issue but now it doesn't. Any advice to force PulseAudio to recognize my Bluetooth speaker?
UE Boom Bluetooth speaker
GNOME OpenSUSE Leap 15.0
Pulseaudio 11.1
BlueZ 5.48
Try these steps to resolve the bluetooth audio issue on Opensuse Linux- These would work in ubuntu and other linux too. I am running on Opensuse linux 15.
First comment out the line
load-module module-bluetooth-discover
by editing the
sudo vim /etc/pulse/default.pa
Now you would need to reboot after this change is done. After rebooting,
we configure the bluetoothctl by running the following sequence of commands in a terminal:
> pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover
> bluetoothctl
>> power on
>> agent on
>> default-agent
>> discoverable on
>> scan on
scanon will return with the name of the bluetooth speaker along with a code in the format '11:11:11:11:11:11' - thats ur bluetoooth speakers id. Note that down and use it in the next command trust and connect.
>> trust 11:11:11:11:11:11
>> connect 11:11:11:11:11:11
>> scan off
Do not close this terminal.
And these are all thats required to connect to a bluetooth speaker/headphone.
YOu can put the above in a script say - connectbluettooth.sh and run it everytime you login.
Last step change the speakers settings, your applications uses by running the below command:-
pavucontrol - Change the default audio device to the bluetooth speaker.
You can see my bluetooth speaker - 'Juarez' set in the pavucontrol tool in the screenshot.
I have done pairing of Intel Edison and pi bluetooth dongle successfully but whenever I try to connect pi from Edison I always get.
Connected Yes
Connected No
I am using bluetoothctl to connect
Try flashing an older version of the firmware. The problem seems to be with the recent update of Edison firmware.
The flashing should be done manually because, as far as I know, the wizard can only install the latest version (if you are using Windows, follow 32bit instruction on Intel website). If you found some easier way using the wizard, please share it. Thanks.
I have been trying to pass serial communications between the Jetson and an Arduino Nano, and have discovered that the Jetson will not provide the Arduino with a serial port (should be something like ttyACM0). lsusb in the terminal doesn't identify an Arduino, instead, it lists a generic "Future Technology Devices International" USB serial device. My assumption is that there is a driver issue, but I can find no helpful information for installing or even finding any drivers. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I eventually got this to work, using this tutorial. I had tried it before, couldn't get past the Configuring the kernel section. Having tried it again in desperation yesterday, it worked fine. I must not have been paying attention!
Just install the current version of the "grinch" kernel, this custom kernel
has the drivers included.
find more info on the Nvidia dev forum:
grinch kernel
I am working on using the Bluetooth low energy modem with Linux. I am using the command line option for that i.e. hcitool . I am able to the find the devices using the command: $ hcitool scan
It is working fine for me, also I am able to broadcast my device using :
sudo hciconfig hci0 leadv
It is also working fine. But I want to add the services and characteristic to the modem device which can be detected by other device. I have tried sdptool add but it is not working for me. Does anyone know how to add the services and characteristics to the peripheral using the command line tools in ubuntu?
Edit: My modem is broadcasting but not able to explore the services and characteristic to the other BLE device. Now I am able to set the name of device using hcio name command
Edit: Now I am able to render the services and characteristic, by simultaneously running sudo hcidump command. But I am not able to track from where I am getting those services and characteristics. One definite observation is those services are rendering from the machine.
SDP is absent in BLE. Broadcast/advertise frame and GATT client/server are used instead.
Several links:
BlueZ gatttool: command line tool to run common GATT procedures
BlueZ GATT's ready profiles
hint: DBUS
GATT and DBUS example
How can I connect to the FitBit Zip over Bluetooth 4.0 LE on Linux with bluez?
Bluetooth Low Energy: listening for notifications/indications in linux
I used to broadcast BT services by following this article. This page not only shouws you how to advertise a profile, but also gives you an example on how to implement the HSP profile.
To know the bt class you need to announce, you can check this other page.