ExpressJs: Route with selected parameters only - node.js

Is this possible to add the condition directly in the route itself?
Something like this...
Router.get('/:status(active|inactive)', index);
I know that it can be handled by middleware or in the index method via conditions. However, If this is possible then this way can save a lot of efforts.
Currently I am writing this way:
Router.get('/:status?', index);
const index = async (req, res) => {
try {
const pageParams = paginationParams(, configs.perPage);
const conditions = (typeof req.params.status === 'undefined') ? {} : (
['active', 'inactive'].includes(req.params.status) ? req.params.status : {}
const count = await Model.count(conditions);
const items = await Model.find(conditions, {
__v: false,
}, {
sort: {
status: -1,
title: 1,
} catch (error) {

Actually, Router.get('/:status(active|inactive)', index); should work as expected by restricting the possible values for the status parameter to either active or inactive.
You should then be able to retrieve the status parameter as usual in your function with:
const { status } = req.params;
If you don't specify the status parameter as active or inactive on your request URL, the page will 404.
For more, you can read this interesting article on the topic.


DELETE method requires query parameter instead of path parameter in next.js

I am creating a CRUD in API,
but the delete does not seems to work properly.
I get a response from this
and not from this
this is the code in next.js:
export default async (req, res) => {
const {
query: { id },
} = req;
switch (method) {
case "DELETE":
return res.status(200).json({
success: true,
id: id,
in React:
axios.delete(`http://localhost:3000/api/admin/categories/`, {id: 1})
The same situation is also with "PUT" method
Folder Directory:
If you want to create API Routes such as DELETE, PUT ( they require /id as path parameter), you should create a separate file in that folder.
Like this:
And in the [id].js file:
export default function handler(req, res) {
const { id } = req.query;
if (req.method === "DELETE") {
res.end(`Category: ${id}`);

Pagination in TypeORM, NestJS

I have multiple search condition in my form. if user does not enter anything then all the data should be return. if he gives some search input then only those matching record should be return.
Below code is working fine. the only thing is ,sometimes record are coming around 30-40 with filter condition as well so I have been given requirement to introduce pagination. we have to show 10 record at a time in page with or without filter condition.
Could you please guide me how can I introduce pagination in below code.
async findAll(queryCertificateDto: QueryCertificateDto): Promise<Certificate[]> {
const { certificateNo, requestStatus, protoColNo, noOfSubjects} =queryCertificateDto
const query = this.certificateRepository.createQueryBuilder('certificate');
if (certificateNo) {
query.andWhere('certificate.certificateNo=:certificateNo', { certificateNo });
if (requestStatus) {
query.andWhere('certificate.requestStatus=:requestStatus', {
if (protoColNo) {
query.andWhere('certificate.protoColNo=:protoColNo', { protoColNo });
if (noOfSubjects) {
query.andWhere('certificate.noOfSubjects=:noOfSubjects', { noOfSubjects });
const certificates = await query.getMany();
return certificates;
export const getAllFaqs = () => async (req: Request, res: Response): Promise<void> => {
const {
query: { userType ,page ,perPage},
} = req;
const faqsPagesRepository = getCustomRepository(FaqsPageRepository);
let where: FindConditions<Faqs> = {};
if (userType) {
where = { ...where, userType };
const limit =Number(perPage);
const offset=(Number(page)-1)*limit;
const result = await faqsPagesRepository.findAndCount({
res.status(200).json({ result });

Best way to access data in react

I have a MERN application that is has a model with a couple of other models in it. The problem that I figured out later is that it saves the _id of the object and not the actual object in the model when you do this
const checkoutHistory = new Schema({
book: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'books',required: true },
checkoutCopiesNum: {type: Number, required: true},
profChosen: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'prof', required: true },
dueDate: {type: String, required: true}
The book: part of the object when retreived will be an id some string like "DKKLDFJhdkghhe839kdd" whatever. This is fine because then I guess I can make an API call in the react app later to search for this book. Is this the correct way to do it though?
The other way that I thought of was in the actual endpoint that retrieves the data was to call the findByID functions and set that data. It didn't work though here is the code for that:
const checkoutHistoryMiddle = async (req, res, next) => {
try {
//get the body of the request
const body = req.body
//check for data
return res.status(400).json({
success: false,
error: 'no body given'
const history = new CheckoutHist(body)
// await Book.findById({_id:}, (err, book) => {
// = book
// })
// await Prof.findById({_id: history.profChosen}, (err, prof) => history.profChosen = prof)
console.log(history) => next()).catch(error => {
return res.status(400).json({
success: false,
message: error,
msg: "checkout save failed"
} catch (error) {
success: false,
message: error,
msg: "checkoutHist failed"
I commented out the part I was talking about because well, it didn't work. It still saved the id instead of the object. Which like I said is fine. I gave my other idea a go and decided to do the calls inside the react app.
So I first got the array of objects from the schema provided above like this:
const [bookHist, setBookHist] = useState()
useEffect( () => {
const getHistory = async () => {
api.getCheckoutHist().then(hist => {
setBookHist( => === props.book_id))
}, [])
This will create an array of objects in bookHist that looks like this
[{_id: "DKJFDKJDKLFJSL", book: "LDKhgajgahgelkji8440skg", checkoutCopiesNum: 3, profChosen: "gjellkdh39gh39kal930alkdfj", dueDate: "11/11/11"}, {...}]
so the next step would be to take each item in the array and get the id to search the database with so api.findProfByID(bookHist[0].profChosen)
then I would need to update the state of bookHist somehow only that item without effect the other items in the array.
The questions I have are what is the best way to update one item in the array state?
How do I make so many api calls? how do I make sure that they are waited on so that the state actually changes once the calls complete?
Here are things I have tried so far:
useEffect(() => { bHist => {
await Axios.get("http://localhost:8174/user/professor/" + bHist.profChosen).then(async prof => {
// console.log(prof)
// console.log(prof)
bHist.profChosen =
// setBookHist(prevStat => ({}))
// setBookHist(...bookHist, [bookHist.])
}, [])
this didn't work I assume because it would not update the state because it is not waiting on the map to finish before it sets the state of bookHist
So then I searched on the internet and found a promisAll method in react like this:
useEffect(() => {
const change = async () => {
//get the prof data
// const galleries = []
await Promise.all( (bHist, index) => {
return await Axios.get("http://localhost:8174/user/professor/" + bHist.profChosen);
})).then(someData => {
}, [])
This also does not work for unknown reasons. It only works if it hot reloads and does not refresh. The logging actually logs something when it hot refreshes.
here is the entirety of the funcitional component:
import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react'
import api from '../../api/index'
import Axios from 'axios'
export default function CheckoutBookHistroy(props){
const [bookHist, setBookHist] = useState()
const [histData, setHistData] = useState([{
book: {},
prof: {}
useEffect( () => {
const getHistory = async () => {
api.getCheckoutHist().then(hist => {
setBookHist( => === props.book_id))
}, [])
//i also tried this way but this resulted in an infinite loop
const [profChosen, setProfChosen] = useState()
const handleProfFind = async (id) => {
await Axios.get("http://localhost:8174/user/professor/" + id).then(prof => {
return (
bookHist ? => {
//need to present the prof data here for each data obj
return (
<div>Checked out {data.checkoutCopiesNum}</div>
)}) : <div>no data</div>
I really hope I can gain some insight into the correct way to do all of this. I must be either really close or awfully wrong. Thank you in advance!
just by looking at your code, i don't see too much issue, although your code is a bit convoluted.
some functions has no caller, ex. handleProfFind. One suggestion, if you want to do something, just do it, no need that many functions, ex.
// assume you only want to do it once after mounting
useEffect( () => {
if (!data) {
api.getCheckoutHist().then(hist => {
// you can set your data state here
// or you can get the id inside each item, and then call more APIs
// whatever you want to do, please finish it here
}, [])

Mock multiple api call inside one function using Moxios

I am writing a test case for my service class. I want to mock multiple calls inside one function as I am making two API calls from one function. I tried following but it is not working
it('should get store info', async done => {
const store: any = DealersAPIFixture.generateStoreInfo();
moxios.wait(() => {
const request = moxios.requests.mostRecent();
status: 200,
response: store
const nextRequest =;
status: 200,
response: DealersAPIFixture.generateLocation()
const params = {
dealerId: store.dealerId,
storeId: store.storeId,
uid: 'h0pw1p20'
return DealerServices.retrieveStoreInfo(params).then((data: IStore) => {
const expectedOutput = DealersFixture.generateStoreInfo(data);
const nextRequest is always undefined
it throw error TypeError: Cannot read property 'respondWith' of undefined
here is my service class
static async retrieveStoreInfo(
queryParam: IStoreQueryString
): Promise<IStore> {
const res = await request(getDealerStoreParams(queryParam));
try {
const locationResponse = await graphQlRequest({
query: locationQuery,
variables: { storeId: }
});['inventoryLocationCode'] =;
} catch (e) {['inventoryLocationCode'] = 'N/A';
Late for the party, but I had to resolve this same problem just today.
My (not ideal) solution is to use moxios.stubRequest for each request except for the last one. This solution is based on the fact that moxios.stubRequest pushes requests to moxios.requests, so, you'll be able to analyze all requests after responding to the last call.
The code will look something like this (considering you have 3 requests to do):
moxios.stubRequest("get-dealer-store-params", {
status: 200,
response: {
name: "Audi",
location: "Berlin",
moxios.stubRequest("graph-ql-request", {
status: 204,
moxios.wait(() => {
const lastRequest = moxios.requests.mostRecent();
status: 200,
response: {
isEverythingWentFine: true,
// Here you can analyze any request you want
// Assert getDealerStoreParams's request
const dealerStoreParamsRequest = moxios.requests.first();
// Assert graphQlRequest
const graphQlRequest = moxios.requests.get("POST", "graph-ql-request");
// Assert last request

Extensions not returned in GraphQL query results

I'm creating an Apollo Client like this:
var { ApolloClient } = require("apollo-boost");
var { InMemoryCache } = require('apollo-cache-inmemory');
var { createHttpLink } = require('apollo-link-http');
var { setContext } = require('apollo-link-context');
exports.createClient = (shop, accessToken) => {
const httpLink = createHttpLink({
uri: `https://${shop}/admin/api/2019-07/graphql.json`,
const authLink = setContext((_, { headers }) => {
return {
headers: {
"X-Shopify-Access-Token": accessToken,
"User-Agent": `shopify-app-node 1.0.0 | Shopify App CLI`,
return new ApolloClient({
cache: new InMemoryCache(),
link: authLink.concat(httpLink),
to hit the Shopify GraphQL API and then running a query like that:
return client.query({
query: gql` {
productVariants(first: 250) {
edges {
node {
product {
pageInfo {
but the returned object only contain data and no extensions which is a problem to figure out the real cost of the query.
Any idea why?
Many thanks for your help
There's a bit of a hacky way to do it that we wrote up before:
You'll need to create a custom apollo link (Apollo’s equivalent of middleware) to intercept the response data as it’s returned from the server, but before it’s inserted into the cache and the components re-rendered.
Here's an example were we pull metrics data from the extensions in our API:
import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache, HttpLink, ApolloLink } from 'apollo-boost'
const link = new HttpLink({
uri: '<app_id>',
const metricsWatchers = {}
let id = 0
export function addMetricsWatcher(f) {
const watcherId = (id++).toString(36)
metricsWatchers[watcherId] = f
return () => {
delete metricsWatchers[watcherId]
function runWatchers(requestMetrics) {
for (const watcherId of Object.keys(metricsWatchers)) {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.error('error running metrics watcher', e)
// We intercept the response, extract our extensions, mutatively store them,
// then forward the response to the next link
const trackMetrics = new ApolloLink((operation, forward) => {
return forward(operation).map(response => {
? response.extensions
? response.extensions.metrics
: null
: null
return response
function create(initialState) {
return new ApolloClient({
link: trackMetrics.concat(link),
cache: new InMemoryCache().restore(initialState || {}),
const apolloClient = create(initialState);
Then to use the result in our React components:
import { addMetricsWatcher } from '../integration/apolloClient'
const Page = () => {
const [requestMetrics, updateRequestMetrics] = useState(null)
useEffect(() => {
return addMetricsWatcher(requestMetrics =>
// Metrics from extensions are available now
return null;
Then use a bit of mutable state to track each request and its result, and the use that state to render the metrics inside the app.
Depending on how you're looking to use the extensions data, this may or may not work for you. The implementation is non-deterministic, and can have some slight race conditions between the data that’s rendered and the data that you've extracted from the extensions.
In our case, we store performance metrics data in the extensions - very useful, but ancillary - so we felt the tradeoff was acceptable.
There's also an open issue on the Apollo client repo tracking this feature request
I dont have any idea of ApolloClient but i tried to run your query in shopify graphql app. It return results with extensions. Please find screenshot below. Also You can put questions in ApolloClient github.
