How do I map a domain name to public ip in azure virtual machine? - azure

I have created a vm using
I have installed IIS it is working in localhost,
I maped the public ip to iis.
Now I bought a domain from
How Can I map the domain name to the public Ip ?

Go to from where you brought the domain, login with your account and open the DNS records of the DNS that you have purchased and want to map it to the Azure VM IP address where your IIS site is running.
Then under that DNS records add A record and provide the public IP of Azure VM. You will be all set then


Configure DNS Azure to multiples sites in VM

I have VM for development in Azure w/ azure provided static public IP address. DNS name label for public IP is lets say "aaa". It is assigned to VM and a web site hosted in this VM is accessible as http:\ w/o any issues.
However, I need a second and third web site, which again will be hosted in same VM and needs to be accessible as http:\ and http:\
All are configured to listen on port 80 on the ISS of VM.
In summary how can make aaa, bbb and ccc to point to same public IP address in Azure?
To configure DNS azure to multiple sites in VM. you can make Azure support customers to map multiple domain names to one VM.
Before trying to map multiple domain names to one Azure VM, try to create as CNAME
Try to point the CNAME to the DNS Domain Label of your public ip
log in to your account at your domain name
In my account -> click domain ->advanced technical setting ->click edit domain aliases record -> enter the name/ host/alias from CNAME
In second field -> enter value / answer /destination from the CName -> continue -> create
you can add multiple domain names to one public IP address
You can check some document Host Multiple Sites from ONE Azure IIS Server (

How to set up endpoints within a Azure Virtual Machine

I'm trying to set up MailTrain (a newsletter application) on an Azure VM. I created a resource group with the virtual machine, a virtual network, a network interface, a network security group, a public ip adress and a private DNS zone.
MailTrain expects three URL endpoints which all point to the same IP adress. For testing purposes I would like to create internal endpoints which all point to the VM. I played around with DNS entries in the DNS zone, but it doesn't work as I expected.
The name of the private DNS zone is equal to the DNS name of the VM's public IP adress. The private DNS zone and the VM are linked with the virtual network link and auto registration is enabled. The virtual network contains a default subnet. I created an A entry for "lists" pointing to the VM's internal IP adress and a CNAME entry for "sbox" pointing to the DNS name of the public IP adress. Inbound rules for the ports 80 and 443 were added to the netwwork security group.
The console shows me the following message while running the installation script:
Type: None
Detail: DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up A for - check that
a DNS record exists for this domain
Type: None
Detail: DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up A for - check that a
DNS record exists for this domain
Type: unauthorized
Detail: Invalid response from>challenge/VIjYMd-Uic_T2lQBl4vSyy9Va46-yVxmTA8SSE3f8J8
2.0//EN\">\n<html><head>\n<title>503 Service
Followed that quick start, you just need to create three DNS records in your public domain DNS zone.
Please note that there is public DNS and private DNS in Azure. In this case, I assume you have created a private DNS zone for internal endpoints. To resolve the records of a private DNS zone from your virtual network, you must link the virtual network with the zone. Additionally, you can also enable autoregistration on a virtual network link. If you enable auto registration on a virtual network link, the DNS records for the virtual machines on that virtual network are registered in the private zone. Or, you can manually create an A record to map to your VM's private IP address in the zone and create other CNAME records to map to the other internal endpoints.
As a best practice, do not use a .local domain for your private DNS zone. Not all operating systems support this.
In addition, you need to add inbound ports 80, 443 in your network security group that associated with the Azure VM subnet or NIC.
For an internal test, you can use a private DNS zone because the DNS records in a private Zone can only be resolved in a virtual network it can not be resolved over the Internet, you could select the local installation in this scenario.
For example, I create a private DNS zone named,
After local install, you can access the website via the trusted endpoint http://localhost:3000, then you should access the other endpoints in the VNet instead of access external.
However, if you want to use it for public access, you could select to install a public website secured by SSL. In this case, you need to purchase a domain and add the related DNS records to the DNS zone in the respective DNS provider. Azure DNS zone supports host your public domain zones in Azure.

DNS routing to private IP

We have 1 virtual machine with IIS in Azure, it doesn't hold the public IP address.
Its FQDN is machine.domain.local.
Its serving a service from IIS. We want to install certificate. However, we got the SSL by name
If my machine would have public IP address I would have created A record for pointing to machines public IP address.
But we want this service to run internally, how we can we achieve this routing?
Any suggestions?
you can make a CNAME record to map bind to machine.domain.local
The question is not Azure or DNS related, it looks like its IIS/certificate related.
You got certificate for, which you want to apply to website machine.domain.local.
You either get machine.domain.local added to CName on Certificate or change IIS website domain to
You can use IIS to generate a self-signed certificate. Then, use an Azure Site-to-Site or Express Route to connect to On-premise. Set up a local host file entry on the servers for that domain & private IP address. This would work without a flaw but, it's tedious and not much of a recommended design.
What I would do is, I would MAP my domain to the private IP within the local DNS server and set the DNS as custom DNS on the VNET. This will make sure that all the VM's will point to the DNS server for any query and then start a recursive query.
MAP to Private IP
Make record entry with the local DNS server with Private IP
Make changes at the Azure VNET to use the custom DNS, provide the DNS server private IP
Do a host file entry manually on all the servers.
You can also read more along the lines of Private DNS on Azure:

How to assign azure custom dns to public ip

I have resource group on azure containing virtual machine and kubernetes and load balancer and public ip address and etc.
I can access to my kubernetes app with direct public ip or public ip dns name. But problem is that i can't get azure custom dns (dns zone) working for my public ip. e.g.
I have tried to assign public ip address in dns zone but not getting custom dns name working for my app.
2 options:
1. A record that points to public ip address explicitly
2. CNAME record that points to azure "internal" dns name
From the description it looks like you haven't updated the name server settings of your domain (e.g. to use Azure DNS's name servers (where you have created a zone for that domain name) for query resolutions.
The article linked below has instructions on how to do it. Please let us know if this answers your question.

Mapping DNS name to my website which is hosted on azure Virtual machine

How do i map my dns( to my website which is hosted on my virtual machine.
Things i already done.
Created virtual machine in Azure.
Added endpoint on public port 80, private port 80
Website hosted on IIS, and can access via localhost (inside virtual machine) and even via http:// ipaddress/sitename/ (outside of virtual machine)
I already have a DNS name in godaddy.
Also if i have more than one website hosted on my IIS, how do i map to corresponding domains.
Now you need to create DNS record for your VM.
See how to do that at
You have got two alternatives here:
Create A record (DNS name to IP, e.g. -> your VM VIP).
Public Virtual IP (VIP) adress can be found in the VM configuration on, on the right pane.
Create CNAME record (DNS name to another DNS name, e.g. ->
DNS Name of your VM can also be found in the VM configuration, on the same right pane.
After that, set appropriate Host Name (e.g. in IIS site binding so that you can reuse the same port (80) for other sites, binding different Host Names for them.
If you need your site to response for localhost or other DNS name, just add it as another binding (see screenshot).
