Knex generating wrong query - node.js

I'm making a query like this with Knex.
const query = knex
.select('ue.username', 'ue.permission', 'ue.status')
.from('user_entity as ue')
.join('device_entity as de', function () {
.on('de.username', '=', 'ue.username')
.andOn({'de.deleted': ''})
.andOn({'de.token': token})
.andOn({'de.uid': uid});
.where({'ue.deleted': ''})
Node.js Console shows just that.
in token condition for some reason generates with (´) and replacing (´ ´) with (" ") the query works normally. But I don't understand why he generates the SQL with (´ ´)
select `ue`.`username`, `ue`.`permission`, `ue`.`status`
from `user_entity` as `ue`
inner join `device_entity` as `de`
on `de`.`username` = `ue`.`username`
and `de`.`deleted` = ``
and `de`.`token` = `C0AbKXv2ffWS7w`
and `de`.`uid` = `F8F9C9A8-06CC-40E4-AE8E-75FE7FA6BB57`
where `ue`.`deleted` = ''
How SQL should be...
select `ue`.`username`, `ue`.`permission`, `ue`.`status`
from `user_entity` as `ue`
inner join `device_entity` as `de`
on `de`.`username` = `ue`.`username`
and `de`.`deleted` = ''
and `de`.`token` = 'C0AbKXv2ffWS7w'
and `de`.`uid` = 'F8F9C9A8-06CC-40E4-AE8E-75FE7FA6BB57'
where `ue`.`deleted` = ''
a query with inner join but Knex generates in "Inner Join in condition (and)" with (´ ´) instead of (" ").

on clause basically parses everything into column names, so all your values wrapped with `, which is for mysql identifier such as table name or column name.
If you use typescript, or javascript IDE that supports parsing typescript syntax like vscode, you can check out type definitions for .join().
interface JoinClause {
on(raw: Raw): JoinClause;
on(callback: JoinCallback): JoinClause;
on(columns: { [key: string]: string | Raw }): JoinClause; // <--------
on(column1: string, column2: string): JoinClause;
on(column1: string, raw: Raw): JoinClause; // <-----------------------
As you can see, string parameters are column*. If you want to add condition according to non-column value, use should pass Raw value via knex.raw().
knex("user_entity as ue")
.select('ue.username', 'ue.permission', 'ue.status')
.join('device_entity as de', (j)=> (
.on('de.username', '=', 'ue.username')
.andOn({'de.deleted': knex.raw("?","")})
.andOn({'de.token': knex.raw("?","iMoENdVC5hSUwr")})
.andOn({'de.uid': knex.raw("?","TPB4.220624.004")})
.where({'ue.deleted': ''})
Knex Playground


How to change code to prevent SQL injection in typeorm

I am writing code using nestjs and typeorm.
However, the way I write is vulnerable to SQL injection, so I am changing the code.
.where(`userId = ${userId}`)
.where(`userId = :userId` , {userId:userId})
I am writing a question because I was changing the code and couldn't find a way to change it for a few cases.
const query1 = `select id, 'normal' as type from user where id = ${userId}`;
const query2 = `select id, 'doctor' as type from doctor where id = ${userId}`;
const finalQuery = await getConnection().query(`select id, type from (${query1} union ${query2}) as f limit ${limit} offset ${offset};`);
.addSelect(`CASE WHEN userRole = '${userRole}' THEN ...`, 'userType')
//CASE3 -> to find search results in order of accuracy
.orderBy(`((LENGTH( - LENGTH((REPLACE(, '${keyword.replace( / /g, '', )}', '')))) / LENGTH('${keyword.replace(/ /g, '')}'))`,
let query = 'xxxx';
let whereQuery = '';
for(const i=0;i<5;i++)
whereQuery += ' or ' + ` like '%${keyword}%'`
I cannot use parameter in the select function.
In the above case, I am wondering how to change it.
Is it ok to not have to modify the select code?

How do we add quotes to an oracle query in node.js

I am new to node.js and it seems like a simple problem but I have a parametrised variable which I need to put in quotes for the value to appear as it is appering in oracle server.
How do I add this?
Here is the nodejs code:
export const orderItemCRQry = async (coil: any) => {
try {
const sql = `SELECT ccl_id_order, ccl_id_order_item FROM v_cold_coil WHERE
ccl_id_coil = :coil_id`;
const binds = [`${coil}`];
return await query(sql, binds);
} catch (error) {
throw new Error.InternalServerError("Error!");
This is the query section. I need to put :coil_id in quotes to get a value when I put a static variable like '001300' in quotes it gives the correct value however if I want to put coil id like this ':coil_id' it gives bad request . How do I put quotes there for the parametrised query to work
In oraclesql:
when I run the query:
SELECT ccl_id_order, ccl_id_order_item FROM v_cold_coil WHERE
ccl_id_coil = '001300'
like this it works
and If I remove the quotes I get no value. There fore I need to add quotes to the default 001300 value which I am getting . How do I do that?
You don't need quotes when using bind variables. The following snippet:
const coil = 'abc';
const result = await connection.execute(
`SELECT * FROM DUAL where 'abc' = :coil_id`,
console.dir(result.rows, { depth: null });
[ [ 'X' ] ]
showing that the WHERE condition was satisfied.

How to handle conditional prepared statements using prisma and postgresql?

I have a search query that its parameters changes depending on the client input.
await prisma.$queryRaw(`SELECT column FROM table ${condition ? `WHERE column = '${condition}'` :' ' } `)
how can I write this query using prepared statement and avoiding duplicate queries. The only solution I came up with is the following:
const result = condition ? await prisma.$queryRaw(`SELECT column FROM table WHERE column = $1`,condition) : await prisma.$queryRaw(`SELECT column FROM table`)
The goal from this is to avoid sql injections from the first query.
after trying the solution suggested by #Ryan I got the following error:
Raw query failed. Code: `22P03`. Message: `db error: ERROR: incorrect binary data format in bind parameter 1`
here's my implementation:
const where = Prisma.sql`WHERE ${searchConditions.join(' AND ')}`;
const fetchCount = await prisma.$queryRaw`
${searchConditions.length > 0 ? where : Prisma.empty}
that will translate to the following in the prisma logs:
["column = something"]
I had to do a lot of rework to achieve what I want. Here's the idea behind it:
for every search condition you need to do the following:
let queryCondition = Prisma.empty;
if (searchFilter) {
const searchFilterCondition = Prisma.sql`column = ${searchFilter}`;
queryCondition.sql.length > 0
? (queryCondition = Prisma.sql`${queryCondition} AND ${streamingUnitCondition}`)
: (queryCondition = searchFilterCondition);
afterwards in the final search query you can do something of this sort:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table ${queryCondition.sql.length > 0 ? Prisma.sql`WHERE ${queryCondition}` : Prisma.empty}
You can do it like this:
import { Prisma } from '#prisma/client'
const where = Prisma.sql`where column = ${condition}`
const result = await prisma.$queryRaw`SELECT column FROM table ${condition ? where : Prisma.empty}`
Here is my working version, using Prima.join :
import { Prisma } from '#prisma/client'
const searchConditions: Prisma.Sql[] = []
if (q) {
searchConditions.push(Prisma.sql`column = ${q}`)
const where = searchConditions.length ?
Prisma.sql`where ${Prisma.join(searchConditions, ' and ')}` :
await prisma.$queryRaw(
select *
from table

Odata $filter always returns empty array with node js and postgresql

I want to create a simple REST endpoint with OData and the $filter parameter.
This is my filter query param: $filter=shoecolor eq 'black'
And this is my node js code:
import { createFilter } from "odata-v4-pg";
var filter = createFilter(req.query.$filter + "");
const projectName = req.params.projectname;
const storeName = req.params.storename;; // prints: "shoecolor" = $1
var result = await this.database.any(`SELECT * FROM $1:name.$2:name WHERE ${filter.where}`, [projectName, storeName]);; // prints an empty array!!!
Why is my SELECT with OData $filter always empty?
I found the solution on my own: I forgot to pass filter.parameters to the query. This link gives a good example:

Objection.js: Can all where clauses be enclosed in parentheses after they have been added?

Code example
// Creates an Objection query.
// I have no control over the creation of the query. I can only modify the query after it has been created.
// Example: "select `todos`.* from `todos` where `text` = ?"
const objectionQuery = thirdPartyService.createQuery(userControlledInput);
// Adds an access check. Example "select `todos`.* from `todos` where `text` = ? and `userId` = ?"
The above example has a security bug. If the thirdPartyService generates a query like this:
select `todos`.* from `todos` where `text` = ? or `id` = ?
Then after adding the access check we will get the following query:
select `todos`.* from `todos` where `text` = ? or `id` = ? and `userId` = ?
And this query can return data that doesn't belong to the current user.
To fix this bug, we need to enclose the user-controlled conditions in parentheses:
select `todos`.* from `todos` where (`text` = ? or `id` = ?) and `userId` = ?
But how do I do this with the Objection query builder? I imagine something like this:
const objectionQuery = thirdPartyService.createQuery(userControlledInput);
From docs: You can add parentheses to queries by passing a function to any of the where* methods:
await Todo.query()
.where('userId', 1)
.where(builder => {
builder.where('text', 2).orWhere('id', 3);
will result in
select * from "todos" where "userId" = 1 and ("text" = 2 or "id" = 3)
One way could be to wrap the original query to be subquery / temporary table:
(please let me know if this works at all, I haven't tested it)
