Azure Active Directory add custom data to Oauth2 token - node.js

I'm using the auth endpoint programmatically (Nodejs) for getting back a token that will be used against my API. I have everything properly configured to send the request using a "Client secret" I setup on the Azure Portal - App registration service.
This issues a valid token that I can later check with the help of the Passport azure AD npm library. However I've been looking for a way of somehow adding more metadata to that token (i.e. a custom user name) so that when it gets validated and parsed by my server upon future requests I can extract this information.
When issuing tokens using a frontend application library (like msal) I have access to some of the user's information on the token (like its oid and email address). I'd like to be able to "extend" the token generated by the client secret to also contain a couple custom fields, which I can use after validating and parsing it.
Hopefully that's clear enough. I'm lost on how to achieve this. Thanks

It is a common requirement for APIs to authorize based on claims stored in the business data, eg roles or other custom data.
Ideally the authorization server can reach out at the time of token issuance to an API or database to include the custom claims. This is not always supported though.
Another option is for the API to process the incoming access token into a ClaimsPrincipal and to include custom values at that point. For an example see this code of mine.
When adding more claims, you should also be careful about revealing sensitive data in JWTs returned to internet clients. Eg if you include names and emails, they are easily readable, and this can sometimes be a security concern.


Is it possible to utilise Open ID Connect flows for authentication but then have another source of authorization rules?

My situation is this. I have a legacy Angular application which calls a Node API server. This Node server currently exposes a /login endpoint to which I pass a user/pwd from my Angular SPA. The Node server queries a local Active Directory instance (not ADFS) and if the user authenticates, it uses roles and privileges stored on the application database (not AD) to build a jwt containing this user's claims. The Angular application (there are actually 2) can then use the token contents to suppress menu options/views based on a user's permissions. On calling the API the right to use that endpoint is also evaluated against the passed in token.
We are now looking at moving our source of authentication to an oAuth2.0 provider such that customers can use their own ADFS or other identity provider. They will however need to retain control of authorization rules within my application itself, as administrators do not typically have access to Active Directory to maintain user rights therein.
I can't seem to find an OIDC pattern/workflow that addresses this use case. I was wondering if I could invoke the /authorize endpoint from my clients, but then pass the returned code into my existing Node server to invoke the /token endpoint. If that call was successful within Node then I thought I could keep building my custom JWT as I am now using a mix of information from my oAuth2 token/userinfo and the application database. I'm happy for my existing mechanisms to take care of token refreshes and revoking.
I think I'm making things harder by wanting to know my specific application claims within my client applications so that I can hide menu options. If it were just a case of protecting the API when called I'm guessing I could just do a lookup of permissions by sub every time a protected API was called.
I'm spooked that I can't find any posts of anyone doing anything similar. Am I missing the point of OIDC(to which I am very new!).
Thanks in advance...
Good question, because pretty much all real world authorization is based on domain specific claims, and this is often not explained well. The following notes describe the main behaviors to aim for, regardless of your provider. The Curity articles on scopes and claims provide further background on designing your authorization.
UIs can read claims from ID tokens, but should not read access tokens. Also, tokens returned to UIs should not contain sensitive data such as names, emails. There are two ways to keep tokens confidential:
The ID token should be a JWT with only a subject claim
The access token should be a JWT with only a subject claim, or should be an opaque token that is introspected
How does a UI get the domain specific data it needs? The logical answer here is to send the access token to an API and get back one or both of these types of information:
Identity information from the token
Domain specific data that the API looks up
How does an API get the domain specific data it needs from a JWT containing only a UUID subject claim? There are two options here:
The Authorization Server (AS) reaches out to domain specific data at the time of token issuance, to include custom claims in access tokens. The AS then stores the JWT and returns an opaque access token to the UI.
The API looks up domain specific claims when an access token is first received, and forms a Claims Principal consisting of both identity data and domain specific data. See my Node.js API code for an example.
At Curity we have a recent article on this topic that may also be useful to you for your migration. This will help you to design tokens and plan end-to-end flows so that the correct claims are made available to your APIs and UIs.
These do not affect the architecture at all. Your UIs always redirect to the AS using OIDC, and the AS manages connections to the IDPs. The tokens issued to your applications are fully determined by the AS, regardless of whether the IDP used SAML etc.
You'll only get authentication from your OAuth provider. You'll have to manage authorization yourself. You won't be able to rely on OIDC in the SAML response or userinfo unless you can hook into the authentication process to inject the values you need. (AWS has a pre-token-gen hook that you can add custom claims to your SAML response.)
If I understand your current process correctly, you'll have to move the data you get from /userinfo to your application's database and provide a way for admins to manage those permissions.
I'm not sure this answer gives you enough information to figure out how to accomplish what you want. If you could let us know what frameworks and infrastructure you use, we might be able to point you to some specific tools that can help.

Azure Active Directory Token Validation

I'm integrating Azure Active Directory into a cloud platform. As our application is multi-tenant and relies on platform-specific claims, we've identified the simplest way to go about this is get an Azure AD token via our SPA, pass it back to our WebApi, validate it and return to the SPA a platform token with all the claims we need to go about our normal business (as if it was a simple username/password athentication request).
I'm concerned at the level of security for this though.
Some Context
As our platform is multi-tenant, we request that clients each register the application on their Azure AD portal, then supply us with the generated Application (client ID) and Directory (tenant) ID. We use these two pieces of information to make the initial request to Azure via our front-end SPA (following the node.js example provided by Microsoft's Quickstart guide when registering an app). Now because the user is unauthenticated at this point, we needed some way to return those two specific ids for the client. We have accomplished this using a sub-domain for identification.
E.g. will return a different Application (client ID) and Directory (tenant) ID than These are obviously public now as this request happens from an un-authenticated front-end route.
I can handle the token response just fine, both in the front-end and in the back-end when I pass it along, and validate that these two pieces of information are correct in the token, but seeing as the front-end is given them to begin with, validation on these is redundant. Also, validating the issuer seems equally redundant as someone who knows the Directory (tenant) ID, can fake that too (right?)
Am I missing something here? I would feel far more at ease if it were possible to request the client also include a claim that my platform generates privately such that I could validate this claim alongside the normal JWT validation. Custom claims do not seem possible from the Azure AD Portal.
Am I missing a critical step, or just overthinking this?
Someone cannot fake the issuer in the token because the token is digitally signed.
Without the private keys of Azure AD, it isn't feasible to generate a valid signature.
Without that, any modifications to the token will be immediately noticed because the signature does not match.
Your back-end should already be validating this signature if you are using standard JWT validation.
Requiring customers to register an app in their tenant is a bit of work that I would prefer not to put on them.
Have you considered making your app a multi-tenant app in Azure AD?
That way your customers could login to your app, consent to the permissions required, and start using it. Without needing to manually register anything.
This could be done in an on-boarding flow where the user signs in, and then they can decide what sub-domain they want.
You will at that point know their tenant id, which you can store. So in the future you can always use the correct tenant/directory id when signing them in.
The downside of this approach is managing the reply URLs.
With the specially registered apps, they can register their own sub-domain version as a reply URL.
With this generic multi-tenant app, you'll need to manage them.
And you can't add an infinite amount of them, and wildcards aren't supported anymore either.
So, your authentication would have to happen with a generic authentication reply URL like, from which they would be redirected to their tenant URL.

how to secure azure mobile service / html - javascript

When I call an oauth provider like gmail and I get the token back, how can I make sure that all future calls I make are from that same client that did the authentication? that is, is there some kind of security token I should pass pack? Do I pass that token back everytime?
For example, if I have a simple data table used for a guest book with first,last,birthdate,id. How can I make sure that the user who "owns" that record is the only one who can update it. Also, how can I make sure that the only person who can see their own birthday is the person who auth'd in.
sorry for the confusing question, I'm having trouble understanding how azure mobile services (form an html client) is going to be secure in any way.
I recently tried to figure this out as well, and here's how I understand it (with maybe a little too much detail), using the canonical ToDoList application with server authentication enabled for Google:
When you outsource authentication to Google in this case, you're doing a standard OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant flow. You register your app with Google, get a client ID and secret, which you then register with AMS for your app. Fast forwarding to when you click "log in" on your HTML ToDoList app: AMS requests an authorization code on your app's behalf by providing info about it (client ID and secret), which ultimately results in a account chooser/login screen for Google. After you select the account and log in successfully, Google redirects to your AMS app's URL with the authorization code appended as a query string parameter. AMS then redeems this authorization code for an access token from Google on your application's behalf, creates a new user object (shown below), and returns this to your app:
"authenticationToken":"eyJhbGciOiJb ... GjNzw"
These properties are returned after the Login function is called, wrapped in a User object. The authenticationToken can be used to make authenticated calls to AMS by appending it in the X-ZUMO-AUTH header of the request, at least until it expires.
In terms of security, all of the above happens under HTTPS, the token applies only to the currently signed-in user, and the token expires at a predetermined time (I don't know how long).
Addressing your theoretical example, if your table's permissions has been configured to only allow authenticated users, you can further lock things down by writing logic to store and check the userId property when displaying a birthday. See the reference docs for the User object for more info.

How to authenticate requests using ServiceStack, own user repository, and device ids?

I'm building a mobile app and a ServiceStack web service back-end. The Authentication stuff in ServiceStack looks great but easy to get lost in its flexibility - guidance much appreciated. I'll be using my own db tables for storing users etc within the web service. I'd like to have a registration process and subsequent authentication something like this:
the user initially provides just an email address, my web service then emails a registration key to the user
the user enters the key. The app sends to the web service for registration: email, key & a unique device identifier.
the web service verifies the key and stores the email & device id. It responds back with an auth token that the app will use for later authentication.
Then subsequent web service requests would provide the device id and auth token (or a hash created with it). The app is not very chatty so I'm tempted to send the authentication details on each web request.
Question 1: Should I hook into ServiceStack's registration API or just add a couple of custom web service calls? e.g. without using ServiceStack's registration I would:
post to a registration web service with the email address and device id. My web service would send the registration email with a key and add a record to the user db table.
when the user enters the key it would again post to the registration web service, this time also with the key. My web service would validate the key and update the user table marking the user as registered, creating and recording the auth token & returning it to the caller
subsequent requests would be sent using http basic auth with the device id as username and the auth token as password. The service is not very chatty so creds will be sent with each request.
I'll implement a CredentialsAuthProvider that'll get the creds with httpRequest.GetBasicAuthUserAndPassword() and validate them against the db data.
But it feels like I should use registration built in to ServiceStack.
Question 2: What's wrong with passing the authentication details with each request? This would make it easier for composing my app requests but it doesn't seem 'done' based on the ServiceStack examples. Presumably that's because it's inefficient if you have lots of requests to need to re-authenticate every call - any other reasons? My app will only make a single web request at most every few minutes so it seems simpler to avoid having sessions and just re-auth each request.
Question 3: Am I on the right track subclassing CredentialsAuthProvider?
Question 4: Is there any point using the auth token to generate a hash instead of sending the auth token each time? All communication will be over https.
Answer1: It will be OK. if you give multiple call as per requirement. Normally authentication works based on cookie, now you can store it on client and/or on server and match the user with it. Again here if you are using device you, can always use device instead of user to map and authenticate user. Based on your requirement.
I will prefer to use provider as it hides many details which you need to do manually instead. You are on right track. There are many blogs specifically for authentication and how to create custom authentication with service stack. If you like let me know I have book marked some will give it you. Best way to search latest one is checkout twitter account of Servicestack.
Answer2: This is again, I say as per requirement. Now if your user will be in WIFI zone only. (Mostly true for business users), then there is not limit for calls. Just give a API call and do the authentication in background. Simple JSON token will not hurt, It is few bytes only. But again if you have big user base who is not using good internet connection then it will be better to store authentication detail on device and check against that. Just to save a network call. In any case network call is resource heavy.
Answer3: Yes you are on a right track. Still check out blog entries for more details. I don't remember the code snippet and how it works with last update so I am not putting up code here.
Answer4: This is answer is little complicated. Passing data over https and saving user from Identity fraud is little different thing. Now, if you are not generating auth token (hash based value) then you can pass user also over the http or https. Now, this can be used by another user to mock first user and send data. Even data is being passed through https but still data is getting mocked. Hashed based value is used to avoid this situation. And also there are couple of other business use cases can be covered using auth token.
Please let me know if I have understand you questions correctly and answered them?? or If any further details is required??

Secure data access to RESTful API

I figured this has been answered before, but a quick SO search didn't yield anything.
I have a private API that is locked down by an APIKey. This key needs to be passed for each request. With this key you can access any part of the API. Obviously that's pretty open. For the most part this is acceptable. However, there are cases where I want to ensure that the request is sent by the owner of the data.
For example, consider an update or delete request. You shouldn't be able to make this request for someone else's data. So in addition to the APIKey, I'd like to have something else to ensure that this user making the request is authorized to perform that action.
I could require that an ownerID be passed with such request. But that's quickly forged. So what have I gained.
I am interested to hear what other members of SO have implemented in these situations. Individual APIKeys? Dual-authorization?
If it matters, my API follows the REST architecture and is developed with PHP/Apache.
API keys should be unique per user. This will verify the user and that they should have access to the data.
If you want to be even more secure you can have that api secret be used as a refresh token that can be used to retrieve an access token with an automated expiration.
SSL for all requests is also suggested.
Each API user has a unique API key. This key identifies them as a single user of the system. When dealing with more sensitive data, I've used client side certificates for auth, however Basic Auth + requiring SSL is usually sufficient.
When the request comes in, map the API key to the user and then determine if that user "owns" the resource they are trying to interact with.
The whole "determine the owner" part is a separate issue that can be tricky to do nicely in an API depending on how well the system was built. I can share how we've done that in the past as well, but figured that's a bit off topic.
Suggest you should consider using Oauth. In summary this is how it should work.
Each application making the API calls will need the respective application level APIkey for authorization through the Oauth process. Apikey here would just represent the application (client) identity.
Each end-user associated with the usage must authenticate themselves separately (independent of the apikey) during the Oauth authorization process. The users identity, associated context such as scope of authorization is then encoded into a token called access token.
Once the application obtains this access token, all subsequent API calls to access resources should use the access token, until expiry.
On the API implementation side, the access token validation should reveal the end-user context (including the scope of access that is granted during the Oauth process) and hence the access/authorization to use a specific resource can be managed by the resource server.
