Azure DevOps CSV import issue [default state 'Done', Closed Date field] - azure

currently I'm trying to import approx 1600 tasks from Azure DevOps Kanban board to another one (via browser). I've faced two problems by doing this:
It is not possible to import the task with Closed Date field, it says:
Value of a readonly field Closed Date was modified. Please revert the Closed Date values or remove the column from the input file and and try to import again.
Removing the column with "Closed Date" will cause issue with default state "Done", it says:
The field 'State' contains the value 'Done' that is not in the list of supported values.
I've copied (manually) the project settings from old Organization to new, such as:
Process \ State (and assigned it to the project):
Time and Locale as it was set in old Kanban
Also, I had to remove the ID column, because it caused the issue:
Still it is not possible to import all these tasks because of the issues. I'm looking for any tips how to fix this.
Below there's an example of CSV:
Work Item Type,Title,Created By,Created Date,Assigned To,State
Issue,Some test task number 1,TestCreator,02.06.2020 15:19:24,TestWorker,"Done"
Issue,Some test task number 2,TestCreator,02.06.2020 15:20:23,TestWorker,"Done"

When importing work items via CSV file in Azure DevOps, first make the following statements are true:
1.The source project to export and target project to import has the same work item type configuration, in common, they need to have the same process configuration, for example, work item type, state.
2.All work items you import are created in a new state. This rule means that you can't specify field values that don't meet the field rules for the new state. (That's why "Done" that is not listed as supported value)
3.Make sure you don't assign IDs to new work items that you're adding. Work item ID is unique in one Azure DevOps organization. (ID will cause the following error message)
With the above prerequisites, the import process loads the imported work items into the queries view in an unsaved state. No IDs are assigned. Verify the results are what you want. Then, choose Save Items to save the work items.
If you still get the error when importing, try reduce the work item counts for per import attempt. As you said, you have approx 1600 tasks, you could import by separating them into several queries.


Upload Work Items using Bulk Import in non 'New' State in Azure DevOps

We have a handful of User Stories and associated Tasks which we want to upload to Azure DevOps (ADO). For upload we are using the Bulk Work Item Import feature of ADO.
The issue is that ADO is allowing upload of these work items only in 'New' status, but we already have these User Stories and Tasks in progress or in closed status.
How to upload Work Items in non 'New' states, like 'Closed' or 'Active'?
I don't want to first upload them all in New State and then Update them using the sheet as it will be too much of a work given we have lot of data.
All work items you import are created in a new state. This rule means that you can't specify field values that don't meet the field rules for the new state.
Please refer to doc:Import or update work items in bulk by using CSV file
I’m afraid that you can’t import works items in closedor Active state.
You could submit a feature request via :feature request
However, there is a flexible solution to solve your problem:
1 upload your work items in New state without manually to change the state to Closed or Active.(file:csv1)
2 export work items to CSV uploaded in step 1 and you can create Queries(file:csv2)
3 make sure that the work items are in same order in both files:csv1 and csv2
4 batch copy the state of all work items in csv1 to the column State in csv2 and update the state and save cvs2
5 update existing work items

Export assigned Labels to a task in planner in office 365

While there are multiple solutions available online to export plan to an excel, some of the export options are still in uncharted area. For e.g. i have edited few of the existing Labels to a customized name and not every label is assigned to every task under a plan. Is there any way i can export the assigned labels taskwise ?
I tried to find options in power automate but in vain. Let me know your thoughts . Thanks !
For e.g.
Here you can see task xyz has multiple Labels like Dev, Testing and Sample. If i would like to export them too into an excel sheet along with other details of the task, what would be the best way ?
Names of the labels are in the Plan Details entity, CategoryDescriptions property. You can read this once per plan to get all the names, then appliedCategories field on each task will indicate which labels are applied to the specific task. You can use the name of the property in the appliedCategories field to directly look up the value in the name from the plan.
You could also export a plan to excel from Planner directly, without writing code (which includes labels as well), in case you don't need an automated solution.
The tags do exist in each planned task but you're going to hate this, they come through in the appliedCategories object and they're represented by the order of the category itself.
"appliedCategories": {
"category2": true,
"category3": true,
"category4": true,
"category11": true
You can rename them all you like but those names aren't pulled through in the response.
You'll need to manage the names in your own mapping table or the like to get what you want.
To see it working, select labels in random positions and then run the List my tasks action and you'll see them there.

In Hybris ,Content page doesn't get synced when change approval status in cms

Not able to sync content page when i changed the approval status to unapproved.
I reverted back it to "Approved" still page not getting synced.
I compared the dumps in sync job , it's exactly same.
What could be causing the issue?
Troubleshooting the synchronization is very complicated...
A synchronization is executed using a synchronization cronjob. To find the respective cronjob:
go to hmc/backoffice
navigate to System/Cronjobs in hmc or System/Background Processes/Cronjobs in backoffice
use the types dropdown to restrict the search to "Multithreaded Synchronization"
pick the most recent one OR look in log file for this output and search for the code.
INFO [Thread-107] (000000RS) [CatalogVersionSyncJob] Sync 'sync powertoolsContentCatalog:Staged->Online' (pk:8796094464500) configured 0 entries for job '000000RS' (pk:8796125823477) schedule medias: 1
This is the cronjob that executed your synchronization. Now it is getting even more tricky:
go to the administration tab
look for an attribute called "Dump medias"
download the media file where attribute Realfilename starts with "sync_dump_"
The downloaded file should contain comma seperated values.
The entries represent the following data:
the PK of the source item
the PK of the target item
a list of attributes, that could not be synchronized
item has been victim to a deadlock
Now you can troubleshoot your synchronization by evaluating source and target items and pending attributes.
Sometimes there is a problem when referencing an item, that does not exist in the target catalog, sometimes a uid is already existing in the target catalog. Sometimes an initial attribute needs change. There are a lot of pitfalls. In this case you can try to use this property to get more details about the exception that is thrown during sync:
Here is some additional information:

Acumatica import scenario change default receipt to

I created an data source 'CSV' that has 2 columns. receipt_to and inventory_id.
I want to change the on the warehouse details screen, the default receiving location to Main, from whatever it currently is.
I created an import scenario and tried to configure it multiple ways. I can't get it to work. Sometimes I receive an error that either the value "Main" or the field "Default Receipt To" doesnt exist. I don't understand the error because I am sure both the field (which I selected) and the value "Main" is a legitimate location
See image
Kyle, add "Warehouse" also in your input file. So, your input file must have InventoryID and Warehouse. and your import scenario must be like this.

How to use a list of values for a parameter?

I am using the test plugin for VS 2012 (although have just installed 2013), and need to know:
Is it possible to have a parameter pass a different value from a selected list while load testing?
I have used the sample load test located here: and created a new web test that meets my needs as below.
I have a simple journey recorded that is an email registration web page. The journey is essentially completing name & address, email, conf email, password, conf password. On submission of the form, a verification email is sent.
I need to check that this process can handle around 3000 users. The email to actually send the verification has been hardcoded for test purposes, but I need a unique email to submit the form. I would essentially like to run 3000 test cases through, and just change the email address each time.
What is the best way to do this?
The simple answer is do a web search for data driving (or data driven) Visual Studio web performance tests. You should find many articles and tutorials.
In more detail:
Outline of how to data drive a test
Firstly, Visual Studio distinguishes different types of test. A Load Test is a way of running individual test cases many times, as if by many simultaneous users, gathering data about the test executions and producing a report. The test cases that a load test can execute include Web Performance Tests and Coded UI Tests; both of these can be data driven.
Data driving a Web Performance Test requires a data source. The data can be CSV, XML, Spreadsheet, database and in TFS. I will describe using CSV.
Create a CSV file, containing something similar to the following. Note that the top line of field names is required and those names are used within the test.
Fred,,0123 456789
George,,0123 456790
Harry,,0123 456791
See also CodedUI test does not read data from CSV input file for some notes CSV file creation.
Open the test project in Visual Studio and open the .webtest file for the test. Use the context (right-click) menu of the top node of the test, ie the test's name (or use the corresponding icon) and select "Add data source ...". Follow the prompts to add the CSV file into the project.
Within the Web Performance Test expand the request to show the form parameters or query string or whatever that is to use the data. View the properties panel of the relevant field and select the appropriate property, in many cases it is the Value property. Click the little triangle for choosing a value for the property. The popup should show the data source, expand the items shown and select the required field. After selecting the field the property will show a value such as {{DataSource1.FileName#csv.Email}}. The doubled curly braces ({{ and }}) indicate the use of a context parameter. All the used data source fields are available as context parameters. All of the data source fields can be made available by altering the Select Columns property of the data source file. Data source field can be used as part of a property value by using values such as
Data source access methods
The data from the datasource can be read and used in four ways. The default is Sequential. Other orders are selected using Solution Explorer to access the properties of the file (eg FileName#csv). The Access Method property can be set to one of:
Sequential data is read sequentially through the file. After the last line of the file is read, the first line of the file will be next line to be read. Thus each line may be read more than once.
Random data is read randomly.
Unique data is read sequentially through the file. After the end of the file is read the test will not be executed again. Thus each line in can only be read once.
Do not move cursor automatically intended for more complex tests where the cursor is moved via calls from plugins.
A web test may use more than one data source file. These files may have different access methods. For example one file containing login names and passwords could be accessed Sequentially and another file with other data could be accessed Randomly. This would allow each login to try many different sets of the other data.
Data sources and loops
Web performance tests may contain loops. The properties of a loop include Advance data cursors. This allows, for example, a data source file to contain items to be found and added to a shopping basket such that each loop iteration adds a new item.
