Why is a reference leaked from inside a lambda despite using clone? - rust

I'm trying to implement the clone_into_box pattern in a piece of code the uses callbacks, and I'm running into an error I'm having trouble understanding.
Basically, I'm cloning the parameter of a lambda, but the borrow checker still complains I'm leaking a reference to said parameter.
My question: is this a case of the borrow checker being overly conservative (and if so, how can I re-write this in a way that would play nicely with the borrow checker), or is there something I'm missing here and a reference is indeed being leaked despite the clone?
pub trait CloneIntoBox{
fn clone_into_box<'a>(&self) -> Box<dyn CloneIntoBox + 'a>;
impl<'a> Clone for Box<dyn CloneIntoBox + 'a> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
pub struct StructWithBox<'a> {
pub my_box: Box<dyn CloneIntoBox + 'a>,
struct StructThatCanBeClonedIntoBox {
pub data: u32,
impl CloneIntoBox for StructThatCanBeClonedIntoBox {
fn clone_into_box<'a>(&self) -> Box<dyn CloneIntoBox + 'a> {
pub type WalkCallback<'a> = dyn FnMut(&StructWithBox) + 'a;
pub fn walk(data: Vec<u32>, cb: &mut WalkCallback) {
for d in data{
let instance = StructWithBox{my_box: Box::new(StructThatCanBeClonedIntoBox{data:d})};
fn main() {
let data = vec![1, 2];
let mut result = vec![];
walk(data, &mut|param| result.push((*param).clone()));
[Playground link]
error[E0521]: borrowed data escapes outside of closure
--> src/main.rs:39:28
38 | let mut result = vec![];
| ---------- `result` declared here, outside of the closure body
39 | walk(data, &mut|param| result.push((*param).clone()));
| ----- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `param` escapes the closure body here
| |
| `param` is a reference that is only valid in the closure body

The problem is the 'a in StructWithBox. Consider the following implementation of walk():
impl<'b> CloneIntoBox for &'b u32 {
fn clone_into_box<'a>(&self) -> Box<dyn CloneIntoBox + 'a> {
pub fn walk(data: Vec<u32>, cb: &mut WalkCallback) {
let data = 123u32;
let instance = StructWithBox {
my_box: Box::new(&data),
I haven't found a way to make this actually unsound: the only thing you can return from the impl CloneIntoBox for &u32 is a 'static reference, since 'a is decided by the caller. But the borrow checker doesn't know that: it assumes that 'a can be any lifetime in the callback, and then we push it into the vector outside the callback, but it can be freed after the callback is finished. So you can consider this overly conservative, or not.
To fix that you can make 'a always 'static in the callback:
pub type WalkCallback<'a> = dyn FnMut(&StructWithBox<'static>) + 'a;
Or get rid of the lifetime altogether:
pub trait CloneIntoBox {
fn clone_into_box(&self) -> Box<dyn CloneIntoBox>;
impl Clone for Box<dyn CloneIntoBox> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
pub struct StructWithBox {
pub my_box: Box<dyn CloneIntoBox>,
struct StructThatCanBeClonedIntoBox {
pub data: u32,
impl CloneIntoBox for StructThatCanBeClonedIntoBox {
fn clone_into_box(&self) -> Box<dyn CloneIntoBox> {

pub type WalkCallback<'a> = dyn FnMut(&StructWithBox) + 'a;
is equivalent to to
pub type WalkCallback<'a> = dyn for<'b> FnMut(&StructWithBox<'b>) + 'a;
which requires the callback to be able to take a StructWithBox of any lifetime 'c, as long as it is alive when the callback is called. Since the StructWithBox may not be valid any longer than that, it can't be pushed to a vector that lives longer than the callback.
Changing this to
pub type WalkCallback<'a, 'b> = dyn FnMut(&StructWithBox<'b>) + 'a;
allows the callback to only accept lifetimes longer than 'b.
In this case, 'b is inferred to be as long as result lives for, so that StructWithBox<'b> can be pushed to result.


Generic parameter with reference used as function pointer argument

I am having trouble figuring out what lifetime parameter will work for this, so my current workarounds include transmutes or raw pointers. I have a structure holding a function pointer with a generic as a parameter:
struct CB<Data> {
cb: fn(Data) -> usize
I would like to store an instance of that, parameterized by some type containing a reference, in some other structure that implements a trait with one method, and use that trait method to call the function pointer in CB.
struct Holder<'a> {
c: CB<Option<&'a usize>>
trait Exec {
fn exec(&self, v: &usize) -> usize;
impl<'a> Holder<'a> {
fn exec_aux(&self, v: &'a usize) -> usize {
impl<'a> Exec for Holder<'a> {
fn exec(&self, v: &usize) -> usize
This gives me a lifetime error for the 'Exec' impl of Holder:
error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for lifetime parameter `'a` due to conflicting requirements
Simply calling exec_aux works fine as long as I don't define that Exec impl:
fn main() {
let h = Holder { c: CB{cb:cbf}};
let v = 12;
println!("{}", h.exec_aux(&v));
Also, making CB not generic also makes this work:
struct CB {
cb: fn(Option<&usize>) -> usize
The parameter in my actual code is not a usize but something big that I would rather not copy.
The lifetimes in your Exec trait are implicitly this:
trait Exec {
fn exec<'s, 'a>(&'s self, v: &'a usize) -> usize;
In other words, types that implement Exec need to accept any lifetimes 's and 'a. However, your Holder::exec_aux method expects a specific lifetime 'a that's tied to the lifetime parameter of the Holder type.
To make this work, you need to add 'a as a lifetime parameter to the Exec trait instead, so that you can implement the trait specifically for that lifetime:
trait Exec<'a> {
// ^^^^ vv
fn exec(&self, v: &'a usize) -> usize;
impl<'a> Exec<'a> for Holder<'a> {
// ^^^^ vv
fn exec(&self, v: &'a usize) -> usize
The problem here is that the Exec trait is too generic to be used in this way by Holder. First, consider the definition:
trait Exec {
fn exec(&self, v: &usize) -> usize;
This definition will cause the compiler to automatically assign two anonymous lifetimes for &self and &v in exec. It's basically the same as
fn exec<'a, 'b>(&'a self, v: &'b usize) -> usize;
Note that there is no restriction on who needs to outlive whom, the references just need to be alive for the duration of the method call.
Now consider the definition
impl<'a> Holder<'a> {
fn exec_aux(&self, v: &'a usize) -> usize {
// ... doesn't matter
Since we know that &self is a &Holder<'a> (this is what the impl refers to), we need to have at least a &'a Holder<'a> here, because &'_ self can't have a lifetime shorter than 'a in Holder<'a>. So this is saying that the two parameters have the same lifetime: &'a self, &'a usize.
Where it all goes wrong is when you try to combine the two. The trait forces you into the following signature, which (again) has two distinct implicit lifetimes. But the actual Holder which you then try to call a method on forces you to have the same lifetimes for &self and &v.
fn exec(&self, v: &usize) -> usize {
// Holder<'a> needs `v` to be `'a` when calling exec_aux
// But the trait doesn't say so.
One solution is to redefine the trait as
trait Exec<'a> {
fn exec(&'a self, v: &'a usize) -> usize;
and then implement it as
impl<'a> Exec<'a> for Holder<'a> {
fn exec(&'a self, v: &'a usize) -> usize {

Return a reference to a member iterator

I have a struct that has an iterator over a borrowed slice, and I want to create a method that returns an iterator that does some computation on the contained iterator
Basically this:
struct Foo<'a> {
inner: ::std::iter::Cycle<::std::slice::Iter<'a, u8>>,
impl<'a> Foo<'a> {
pub fn new<T: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized>(vals: &'a T) -> Foo<'a> {
Self {
inner: vals.as_ref().iter().cycle(),
pub fn iter(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = u8> + 'a {
self.inner.by_ref().map(Clone::clone) // simple case but this could be any computation
Which yields a cryptic error.
Here's my understanding: I need to bind the returned iterator's lifetime to the &mut self of iter() so that &mut self is only dropped when .collect() is called on the returned iterator.
BUT, changing to fn iter(&'a mut self) isn't good enough because &'a mut self now lives for the entire duration of the struct instance (meaning that calling collect() doesn't drop that reference). Which prevents something like this
fn test(){
let mut foo = Foo::new("hello, there");
foo.iter().zip(0..4).collect::<Vec<_>>(); // call once, ok
foo.iter().zip(0..4).collect::<Vec<_>>(); // error because 2 &mut references exist at the same
rust playground link
The way I would do this is to make a struct just for iterating over those items. It makes things much easier.
pub fn iter(&mut self) -> ClonedFooIter<'a, '_> {
ClonedFooIter {
inner: &mut self.inner,
pub struct ClonedFooIter<'a, 'b> {
inner: &'b mut std::iter::Cycle<::std::slice::Iter<'a, u8>>,
impl<'a, 'b> Iterator for ClonedFooIter<'a, 'b> {
type Item = u8;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
The idea is that the returned struct only lives till the mutable borrow of self lives.
Using a struct makes naming the iterator type easier too.

Storing FnMut in struct gives lifetime problems

I'm trying to store a FnMut in a struct:
struct OpenVPNSocket {
socket_send_callback: Option<Box<dyn FnMut(Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), ()>>>,
impl OpenVPNSocket {
fn set_socket_send<F: FnMut(Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), ()>>(&mut self, callback: Box<F>) {
self.socket_send_callback = Some(callback);
I get this error:
error[E0310]: the parameter type `F` may not live long enough
--> src/lib.rs:8:42
7 | fn set_socket_send<F: FnMut(Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), ()>>(&mut self, callback: Box<F>) {
| -- help: consider adding an explicit lifetime bound...: `F: 'static +`
8 | self.socket_send_callback = Some(callback);
| ^^^^^^^^ ...so that the type `F` will meet its required lifetime bounds
I understand lifetime as something to do with references. However I don't use references. I don't see why my struct cannot store a Box. A Box lives as long as it's used.
I have this example:
use std::sync::Arc;
pub type OnConsume = Arc<dyn Fn() -> Option<u8> + Send + Sync>;
struct Test {
callback: OnConsume
impl Test {
fn set_on_consume(&mut self, f: OnConsume) {
self.callback = f;
which works. What is the difference from the previous one?
In Rust, values also have lifetimes. Take, for example, this struct:
struct RefWrapper<'a> {
some_ref: &'a u32
An instance of RefWrapper is not a reference, but contains a lifetime. Since you're moving the box into the struct, which could live for the duration of the program (the method makes no guarantees as to when the struct instance could be dropped), the function must live for the maximum lifetime, the static lifetime.
All trait objects have lifetimes, the default implicit lifetime for boxed trait objects is 'static so your struct's socket_send_callback actually has an implicit + 'static bound. Shown in context:
struct OpenVPNSocket {
socket_send_callback: Option<Box<dyn FnMut(Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), ()> + 'static>>,
Since the boxed trait object has to be bounded by a 'static lifetime when you write a function to set this field the value itself must have a 'static lifetime which is why the compiler suggests adding that explicit bound. Fixed example with added bound:
impl OpenVPNSocket {
// notice the added 'static bound for F
fn set_socket_send<F: FnMut(Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), ()> + 'static>(&mut self, callback: Box<F>) {
self.socket_send_callback = Some(callback);
With this change your code will compile. If you want to accept trait objects that aren't bounded by 'static lifetimes then you can do that by making your OpenVPNSocket generic over lifetimes. This alternative solution also compiles:
struct OpenVPNSocket<'a> {
socket_send_callback: Option<Box<dyn FnMut(Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), ()> + 'a>>,
impl<'a> OpenVPNSocket<'a> {
fn set_socket_send<F: FnMut(Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), ()> + 'a>(&mut self, callback: Box<F>) {
self.socket_send_callback = Some(callback);
The reason why this code works is because you define the type once and use it in multiple places, and in all places it has the implicit 'static bound. Desugared:
use std::sync::Arc;
pub type OnConsume = Arc<dyn Fn() -> Option<u8> + Send + Sync + 'static>;
struct Test {
callback: OnConsume
impl Test {
fn set_on_consume(&mut self, f: OnConsume) {
self.callback = f;
However you can do the exact same thing in your prior code as well:
type Callback = Box<dyn FnMut(Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), ()>>;
struct OpenVPNSocket {
socket_send_callback: Option<Callback>,
impl OpenVPNSocket {
fn set_socket_send(&mut self, callback: Callback) {
self.socket_send_callback = Some(callback);
The above also compiles, and the implicit 'static bound is still there.

borrow_mut() on my RefCell-like structure doesn't work

I try to write my own RefCell-like mutable memory location but without runtime borrow checking (no overhead). I adopted the code architecture from RefCell (and Ref, and RefMut). I can call .borrow() without problems but if I call .borrow_mut() then the rust compiler says cannot borrow as mutable. I don't see the problem, my .borrow_mut() impl looks fine?
code that fails:
let real_refcell= Rc::from(RefCell::from(MyStruct::new()));
let nooverhead_refcell = Rc::from(NORefCell::from(MyStruct::new()));
// works
let refmut_refcell = real_refcell.borrow_mut();
// cannot borrow as mutable
let refmut_norefcell = nooverhead_refcell.borrow_mut();
norc.rs (No Overhead RefCell)
use crate::norc_ref::{NORefMut, NORef};
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
use std::borrow::Borrow;
pub struct NORefCell<T: ?Sized> {
value: UnsafeCell<T>
impl<T> NORefCell<T> {
pub fn from(t: T) -> NORefCell<T> {
NORefCell {
value: UnsafeCell::from(t)
pub fn borrow(&self) -> NORef<'_, T> {
NORef {
value: unsafe { &*self.value.get() }
pub fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> NORefMut<'_, T> {
NORefMut {
value: unsafe { &mut *self.value.get() }
norc_ref.rs (data structure returned by NORefCell.borrow[_mut]()
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
pub struct NORef<'b, T: ?Sized + 'b> {
pub value: &'b T,
impl<T: ?Sized> Deref for NORef<'_, T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
/// No Overhead Ref Cell: Mutable Reference
pub struct NORefMut<'b, T: ?Sized + 'b> {
pub value: &'b mut T,
impl<T: ?Sized> Deref for NORefMut<'_, T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
impl<T: ?Sized> DerefMut for NORefMut<'_, T> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
NORefCell::borrow_mut() takes &mut self, which requires a DerefMut on the Rc in which it is wrapped. This won't work because Rc does not give mutable references just by asking nicely (you need it to check if the reference count is exactly one, otherwise there would be multiple mutable borrows).
borrow_mut has to take &self instead of &mut self.
As mentioned in my comment: What you are basically doing is providing a safe-looking abstraction around an UnsafeCell. This is incredibly dangerous. Notice the docs regarding UnsafeCell:
The compiler makes optimizations based on the knowledge that &T is not mutably aliased or mutated, and that &mut T is unique. UnsafeCell is the only core language feature to work around the restriction that &T may not be mutated.
You are providing a thin wrapper around this powerful object, with no unsafe on the API-boundary. The "No-overhead-RefCell" is really a "no-trigger-guard-foot-gun". It does work, yet be warned about its dangers.

Borrow checker error after adding generic parameter to struct

I have code that works, but it stops compiling with a borrow checker error after a change. I don't understand how the change could affect borrow checking.
Common part to both working and non-working code:
/// Some struct that has references inside
struct MyValue<'a> {
number: &'a u32,
/// There are many structs similar to `MyValue` and there is a
/// trait common to them all that can create them. In this
/// example I use the `From` trait.
impl<'a> From<&'a u32> for MyValue<'a> {
fn from(value: &'a u32) -> Self {
MyValue { number: value }
/// `Producer` makes objects that hold references into it. So
/// the produced object must be first dropped before any new
/// one can be made.
trait Producer<'a, T: 'a> {
fn make(&'a mut self) -> T;
Here is the working code:
struct MyProducer {
number: u32,
impl MyProducer {
fn new() -> Self {
Self { number: 0 }
impl<'a, T: 'a + From<&'a u32>> Producer<'a, T> for MyProducer {
fn make(&'a mut self) -> T {
self.number += 1;
fn main() {
let mut producer = MyProducer::new();
"made this: {:?}",
<MyProducer as Producer<MyValue>>::make(&mut producer)
"made this: {:?}",
<MyProducer as Producer<MyValue>>::make(&mut producer)
This compiles and prints the expected output:
made this: MyValue { number: 1 }
made this: MyValue { number: 2 }
I don't like that MyProducer actually implements Producer for every T as it makes it impossible to call make directly on it. I would like to have a type that is a MyProducer for a specific T (for example for MyValue).
To achieve this, I want to add a generic parameter to MyProducer. Because the MyProducer does not really use the T, I use PhantomData to prevent the compiler from complaining.
Here is the code after changes:
use std::marker::PhantomData;
struct MyProducer<'a, T: 'a + From<&'a u32>> {
number: u32,
_phantom: PhantomData<&'a T>,
impl<'a, T: 'a + From<&'a u32>> MyProducer<'a, T> {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
number: 0,
_phantom: PhantomData::default(),
impl<'a, T: From<&'a u32>> Producer<'a, T> for MyProducer<'a, T> {
fn make(&'a mut self) -> T {
self.number += 1;
fn main() {
let mut producer = MyProducer::<MyValue>::new();
println!("made this: {:?}", producer.make());
println!("made this: {:?}", producer.make());
The main function now looks exactly as I would like it to look like. But the code does not compile. This is the error:
error[E0499]: cannot borrow `producer` as mutable more than once at a time
--> src/main.rs:50:33
49 | println!("made this: {:?}", producer.make());
| -------- first mutable borrow occurs here
50 | println!("made this: {:?}", producer.make());
| ^^^^^^^^
| |
| second mutable borrow occurs here
| first borrow later used here
I don't understand why it no longer works. The produced object is still dropped before the next one is made.
If I call the make function just once, it compiles and works.
I am using edition 2018, so NLL is active.
Rust Playground: working version before change
Rust Playground: broken version after change
I reduced the noise from the code so the following is an even shorter version of the broken case which demonstrates the same problem: (test in the playground)
use std::marker::PhantomData;
struct MyValue<'a>(&'a u32);
impl<'a> From<&'a u32> for MyValue<'a> {
fn from(value: &'a u32) -> Self {
struct MyProducer<'a, T>(u32, PhantomData<&'a T>);
impl<'a, T> MyProducer<'a, T>
T: From<&'a u32>,
fn new() -> Self {
Self(0, PhantomData)
fn make(&'a mut self) -> T {
self.0 += 1;
fn main() {
let mut producer = MyProducer::<MyValue>::new();
println!("made this: {:?}", producer.make());
println!("made this: {:?}", producer.make());
The main problem here is that the mutable borrow's lifetime is the lifetime of MyProducer, that is, the lifetime of the instance called producer is the same as the mutable borrow taken in its make method. Because the producer instance does not go out of scope (if it would then MyValue wouldn't be able to hold a reference to a value stored in it) so the mutable borrow lives until the end of main's scope. The first rule of borrowing is that there can only be a single mutable borrow of a given value in a scope at any time, hence the compiler error.
If you are looking at my solution here, which is actually working and does what I think you wanted it to: (test in the playground):
struct MyValue<'a>(&'a u32);
impl<'a> From<&'a u32> for MyValue<'a> {
fn from(value: &'a u32) -> Self {
struct MyProducer(u32);
impl MyProducer {
fn new() -> Self {
fn make<'a, T>(&'a mut self) -> T
T: From<&'a u32>,
self.0 += 1;
fn main() {
let mut producer = MyProducer::new();
println!("made this: {:?}", producer.make::<MyValue>());
println!("made this: {:?}", producer.make::<MyValue>());
then you can see that the mutable borrow only lives as long as the make method, therefore after the invocation there's no more living mutable borrow to producer in main's scope, thus you can have another one.
