Spark : java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to - apache-spark

Received this error (java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to while executing a pyspark py file which is reading the data from orc files in a partitioned folder.
This input folder has data, which should be read, transformed and needs to be written to a folder which has existing external table built on top(MSCK repair will be run post writing data to this target folder)
Code sample(process)
Step 1:
Df =“input_path”)
Step 2:
—> apply transformations(No cast function used)
Step 3:
When I checked the logs, I see this error occurs multiple times right after reading partitions. I believe this is happening before applying transformations and writing the data to target.
Attached a picture of the log, please check.
enter image description here


AzureML TabularDatasetFactory.from_parquet_files() error handling column types

I'm reading in a folder of parquet files using azureml's TabularDatasetFactory method:
dataset = TabularDatasetFactory.from_parquet_files(path=[(datastore_instance, "path/to/files/*.parquet")])
but am running into the issue that one of the columns is typed 'List' in the parquet files, and it seems TabularDatasetFactory.from_parquet_files() can't handle that typing?
Error Code: ScriptExecution.StreamAccess.Validation
Validation Error Code: NotSupported
Validation Target: ParquetType
Failed Step: xxxxxx
Error Message: ScriptExecutionException was caused by StreamAccessException.
StreamAccessException was caused by ValidationException.
No conversion exists for column: '[REDACTED COLUMN NAME]', from Parquet SchemaType: 'List' to DataPrep ValueKind
So I'm wondering if there's a way to tell TabularDatasetFactory.from_parquet_files() specifically which columns to pull in, or a way to tell it to fall back on any unsupported column types to just use object/string. Or maybe there's a work around by first reading in the files as a FileDataset, then selecting which columns in the files to use?
I do see the set_column_types parameter, but I don't know the columns until I read it into a dataset since I'm using datasets to explore what data is available in the folder paths in the first place

Databricks Error: AnalysisException: Incompatible format detected. with Delta

I'm getting the following error when I attempt to write to my data lake with Delta on Databricks
fulldf ="csv").option("header", True).option("inferSchema",True).load("/databricks-datasets/flights/")
The above produces the following error:
AnalysisException: Incompatible format detected.
You are trying to write to `/mnt/lake/BASE/flights/Full/` using Databricks Delta, but there is no
transaction log present. Check the upstream job to make sure that it is writing
using format("delta") and that you are trying to write to the table base path.
To disable this check, SET
To learn more about Delta, see
Any reason for the error?
Such error usually occurs when you have data in another format inside the folder. For example, if you wrote Parquet or CSV files into it before. Remove the folder completely and try again
This worked in my similar situation:
%sql CONVERT TO DELTA parquet.`/mnt/lake/BASE/flights/Full/`

Spark - Read and Write back to same S3 location

I am reading a dataset dataset1 and dataset2 from S3 locations. I then transform them and write back to the same location where dataset2 was read from.
However, I get below error message:
An error occurred while calling No such file or directory 's3://<myPrefix>/part-00001-a123a120-7d11-581a-b9df-bc53076d57894-c000.snappy.parquet
If I try to write to a new S3 location e.g. s3://dataset_new_path.../ then the code works fine.
my_df \
.write.mode('overwrite') \
.format('parquet') \
Note: I have tried using .cache() after reading in the dataframe but still get the same error.
The reason this causes a problem is that you are reading and writing to the same path that you are trying to overwrite. It is standard Spark issue and nothing to do with AWS Glue.
Spark uses lazy transformation on DF and it is triggered when certain action is called. It creates DAG to keep information about all transformations which should be applied to DF.
When you read data from same location and write using override, 'write using override' is action for DF. When spark sees 'write using override', in it's execution plan it adds to delete the path first, then trying to read that path which is already vacant; hence error.
Possible workaround would be to write to some temp location first and then using it as source, override in dataset2 location

Dataframe not able to write on S3

I am creating a dataframe from existing hive table.Table is partitioned on date and site column.Now, when i am trying to overwrite the data in this same table after some computation with previous day data.It is successfully getting loaded.
But when i am trying to write final dataframe at S3 bucket. I am getting error saying file not found.Now the file it is mentioning is previous day file which is now overwritten.
If i write dataframe first and then overwrite table then its running fine.
For writing at S3 location , what it has to do with table partition file?
Below is the error and code. No such file or directory: s3://bucket_1/DM/web_fact_tbl/local_dt=2018-05-10/site_name=ABC/part-00000-882a6e29-eb6a-477c-8b88-6fe853956674.c000
fact_tbl = spark.table('db.web_fact_tbl')
fact_lkp = fact_tbl.filter(fact_tbl['local_dt']=='2018-05-10')
fact_join = fact_lkp.alias('a').join(fact_tbl.alias('b'),(col('') == col('')),"inner").select('a.*')
fact_final = fact_join.union(fact_tbl)
spark.sql('INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE dm.web_fact_tbl PARTITION (local_dt, site_name) \
Before last line fact_final is just a "lazy" dataframe object that contains definitions only. It does not contain any data. But it has pointer to exact data files, where data is stored actually.
When you try to perform actual operations (does not matter it's writing to S3, or executing query like fact_final.count()) you'll get the error as above. It looks like partition local_dt=2018-05-10 does not exists anymore (files/folder that sits behind it does not exists).
You can try to re-initialize dataframe once again, before final write (it's another lazy operation - all work is done in your case while you writing it on S3).

Spark in docker parquet error No predefined schema found

I have a based local spark test cluster including R. In particular, this image is used:
Trying to read a parquet file with sparkR this exception occurs. Reading a parquet file works without any problems on a local spark installation.
myData.parquet <- read.parquet(sqlContext, "/mappedFolder/myFile.parquet")
16/03/29 20:36:02 ERROR RBackendHandler: parquet on 4 failed
Fehler in invokeJava(isStatic = FALSE, objId$id, methodName, ...) :
java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: No predefined schema found, and no Parquet data files or summary files found under file:/mappedFolder/myFile.parquet.
at scala.Predef$.assert(Predef.scala:179)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetRelation$$apache$spark$sql$execution$datasources$parquet$ParquetRelation$MetadataCache$$readSchema(ParquetRelation.scala:512)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetRelation$MetadataCache$$anonfun$12.apply(ParquetRelation.scala:421)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetRelation$MetadataCache$$anonfun$12.apply(ParquetRelation.scala:421)
at scala.Option.orElse(Option.scala:257)
at org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetRelation$MetadataCache.refresh(ParquetRelation.scala:421)
Strangely the same error is the same - even for not existing files.
However in the terminal I can see that the files are there:
root#worker:/mappedFolder/myFile.parquet# ls
_common_metadata part-r-00097-e5221f6f-e125-4f52-9f6d-4f38485787b3.gz.parquet part-r-00196-e5221f6f-e125-4f52-9f6d-4f38485787b3.gz.parquet
My initial parquet file seems to have been corrupted during my test runs of the dockerized spark.
To solve: re-create parquet files from original sources
