I copied the path of model.onnx and it did not take the path. Why model.onnx is showed error? - text

How to solve the issue? and where is I write the wrong path for model.onnx


Cannot load extension with file or directory name desktop.ini. The filename is illegal

I get this error and I don't know how to fix it. I once got it away but got the Thumbs.db error but not that that's gone I am getting this once instead. Can you help me??

No Python At ... problems with PATH of pip3

I think this problem splits to sub-problems starting with PATH.
I don't know why pip3 is calling a non-existent path that isn't
written in the PATH variable.
I've added a picture showing the problem more clearly.
Basically: I have no such path that pip3 claims to look at in PATH
so why does it look there? and more importantly how do I configure this?
Thanks for the help.
The problem was with a virtual environment that directed
the path for old removed path. I found it by using the $ where pip.
I have Removed the problematic virtual environment and
the python path in my PATH was not overwritten anymore.

Error in running a binary file on ubuntu terminal

AM trying to run a binary file on ubuntu terminal but getting following error
cant find trained object detector file "object_detector.svm."
Well, obviously this file is missing or the program you are running can not locate it. What I will do:
First check if the file really exists:
find . -name 'object_detector.svm'
or you can try to locate at any other folder. On the extreme search everything as root:
find / -name 'object_detector.svm'
Also, if you have the source code and not only the binaries, then you can try to locate where this file is calling from. Maybe it's a misconfiguration and you can fix it editing the congig files (if there are any). Try
grep -R 'object_detector.svm'
If you are lucky enough maybe you spot it.
More data from your side needed for further help.

Node.js - "which node" returns wrong path

I was messing around with my node.js config, following a guide on moving the globals folder to somewhere more appropriate.
I eventually wound up in a position where I couldn't install anything with NPM. So I tried "which npm". This returns:
"which npm"
The file path is wrong, my the C:\ drive is not being entered properly. Obviously, this is wrong. But I couldn't figure out how to change this. Out of curiosity, I tried "which node":
"which node"
Which is also wrong. I can't edit the prefix file because npm won't let me do anything. I've tried PC restarts, complete uninstalls, adding the real folder path to the $PATH but nothing is working.
Would appreciate some help!
To fix this, I delete the .npmrc file in the home directory (windows: C:\user\username), uninstalled and re-installed node.
Things are working fine now.

Invalid Config Path

Android studio is giving this "Invalid Config Path" error. I've already tried this: Android studio path error and reinstalled it, it still doesn't seem to work.
See this: http://prntscr.com/9zufj4
Also, I have renamed the username from "Tanuj Singh" to "Tanuj" and this might be a path issue, anybody knows how to fix?
i also had the same probelm. Try changing or creating a new Path in the system variables and assign it to your java version and the directory as shown
