Magento 2 Customer Fields - attributes

I am just in need of a quick glance confirmation that all the columns in the linked photo are out of the box for Magento 2 and not a custom customer field for the site. I don't currently have access to the host server and so cannot check directly, nor is the site using the enterprise edition so I don't have access from the admin panel.
Customer Columns


Can't create a Group Publisher on Chrome Web Store

I registered as a developer on Chrome Web Store with my company's email address and paid the registration fee to publish a browser extension on behalf of the company I work for.
I followed the docs on how to publish an extension and tried to setup a 'Group Publisher' so other members can manage the extension in the future. However, in the 'Group publisher memberships' section in my Account's page the 'Select a group' dropdown is disabled. There is a link to our company's existing groups page, but there's no option to select any of them.
The group I want to use was created by another employee but he added me as the Group Owner and I followed all setup steps in the docs page, but still don't see how to enable it on my account.
I also tried uploading the extension and then clicking the options menu and select 'Transfer to group publisher' option, but the 'Group publisher' dropdown is also disabled in the modal that shows up.
NOTE: I tried using the older version of the dashboard, but after I login it always takes me to the new one.
Do you guys know why that is happening and how to fix it?

Sharepoint online Site Permission

I created a publishing site in sharepoint online and provided unique permissions. Two users (one internal & other external) provided full permissions. Internal user can access site but external user can't access site. Can anyone please assist what is the problem ?
The problem is solved now. The problem was that there was limitation of external domains in site collection feature. If want to limit external sharing of site, follow below steps:
1- Got to and click on Admins.
2- Click on Sharepoint in Admin Centers.
3- Click "More features" in left side.
4- Click "Open" on "Classic site collection page" in right side.
5- Select the site collection of the site and click on Sharing.
6- Go to Site Collection additional settings and add (if there is already domain added, put space between two domains).
7- Click save button.
Now access the site using external user account.

Add Custom Meta Data to a Team Site Programmatically

I have been asked to write a custom webpage in a web application integrated into a MOSS 2007 solution to allow users to create a teamsite using a custom template. No problem.
However, the user must have the ability to assign custom meta tags to the created team site to allow for specific searches, i.e. to assign country ("USA") and department ("Accounting") tags. Can anyone suggest a way of adding custom properties to the newly created team site via the SharePoint API?
Thanks, MagicAndi
There are 2 options:
You can use the Propertybag (SPWeb.Properties) of the SPWeb object of the new team site
You can add a list (invisble to users except admins) called "site tags" and add some items in there with key value pair fields i.e. item Country with value "USA" etc.

Changing the default page based on security group in SharePoint

We have a SharePoint site collection. In this site collection we have a home site and 6 other sites. Each of these sites belongs to a department in our company. Right now if you are a member of department A security group you would see homepage and your department site/tab when you navigate to the site. What they want me to do is to redirect the users directly to the department site/tab whenever they navigate to the site.
Is there any way to do this without coding or with coding?
With coding, you could write a very simple web control and include that on the home page. It would test which group a user belongs to and then redirect accordingly.
There are various ways to check if a user belongs to a group. One method is to get a reference to each SPGroup object and use SPGroup.ContainsCurrentUser.
You might also like to consider creating a custom list that maps SPGroup name against department URL, so you can manage behaviour of the control through the SharePoint UI.

Can SharePoint's Select People and Groups dialog box's Title and Department fields be customized with a custom membership provider?

I have created a custom membership provider for a SharePoint application but would like to populate the Title and Department columns for the MembershipUsers that are displayed with data from my user repository.
Is this possible? How can it be done?
I don't see anything in the System.Web.Security.MembershipUser class that could store this information. How does the Windows AD MembershipProvider have a different Display Name than the Account Name? Are some of these values coming from someplace else?
What happens in the AD is that, SharePoint runs the User Profile Sync Job that will pull all the required information from AD and updated the SharePoint UserProfile DB which In turn pushes to Each of the Site. Whereas in the case of the Custom Membership we don't have a direct option to update the Profile Information.
One method you can do is to update those information using code.There are two options you can update the User Profile information in the SSP so that it will be displayed in all the Site Collection or to Update the SPWeb.SiteUserInfo List. Please refer these link1 , link2 on how to do that. In case you want to update in SiteUserInfo list it is just another list just search for Item based on the user account name and update that item.
