Total unread count for Nested Gmail Labels? - gmail

Is there a way for Gmail parent labels to display the total of their sub-labels unread count?
The only workaround I can see is to add a filter for each, adding the parent label which is wild, and not exactly future proof.


How to create a simple map showing the number of customers in each state

I have a table of data with two colums, state and count. The state column contains the names of the 50 US states. The count column contains the number of customers my company has in each state.
I want to dynamically generate a map that can be embedded in a website that will show, as a number, the number of customers in each state superimposed on top of that state.
I just want to show the actual number from the count column superimposed onto the map on top of the state in the state column. So, if California’s count is 1433, then I want to see the number 1433 superimposed on the state of California on the map, and so on for all states. I do not need any fancy visualizations.
I’ve tried Excel’s built-in map charts but instead of showing the count as a number, they shade each state with a color scale (darker = higher count) and you need a legend to approximate the count. I’ve tried PowerBI but they indicate the count with the size of a “bubble” being larger or smaller. I’ve tried Google Maps but I just get a single “pin” on each state that you must hover over to see the count. I don’t need anything fancy like that. In each of the above examples, you can only see the count by mousing over, hovering or clicking to see a "tooltip". I need the actual number displayed.
Note, it must be actually displayed permanently, and not “revealed” on a tooltip when you mouse over.
I’ve searched extensively and I can’t find something that is this simple. Everything I’ve tried wants to show the data with some sort of abstract visualization. I just want to see the numbers on the map!
This is currently as close as you can get using latitude and longitude and a calculated column like the following in the location field (category labels on):
Country - Number = 'Table'[Country] & " - " & 'Table'[Number]

Get inventory from all matrix child items and write to parent field

I have a situation in NetSuite and don't know how to approach a solution.
We have Matrix Assembly Items (Clothing) each with child items. I'd like to watch for inventory changes on the child items, loop over all of the sibling inventory levels and get the inventory values, and then write a value to a field on the parent.
Basically, write to the field "colors_available"
Shirt (colors_available: Red, Blue)
Red - 203
Blue - 100
Red sells out:
Shirt (colors_available: Blue)
Red - 0
Blue - 100
Apologies for the lack of example code. I'm new to SuiteScript.
Ok.... this is complicated. First, there are two types of changes in NetSuite, first the standard ones like saving records and the second like matrix updates. Second ones don't trigger scripts at all, these are background single purpose processes. Your best option here is to run a scheduled script to check for inventory changes, and do the updates you want accordingly.
If you are tracking the inventory changes, you need to deploy a user event script on transactions that will increase/decrease the item's inventory level. Then the script will check if the line item is a child matrix, so you can execute the logic to update the parent. This approach is better than schedule script, because it will be realtime.

Does Acumatica has some notification about current status of records

Let's say I develop processing screen in Acumatica. Each row has column Processed, Failed. Processing of each row takes 3 seconds. I have 1000 records. I want notify user via grid during run-time that either record was Processed or Failed. Is it possible to mark columns as processed/failed during execution of method, not after method execution?
you can have it show the green check or red x on each row if that is what you are referring to? I believe it will update as they rows are processed. (Ex: first 5 rows show green check, 6th row shows red x, and all others still processing...) the Inventory release process will do this (just confirmed). See Release IN Documents under the inventory module. Look at its page and BLC structure. This is what we used for similar logic.
Here is an example of what I think you are trying to do?

Getting entries of child grids of currently expanded row in `igHierarchicalGrid`

I am trying to achieve a functionality in which what i want is to get the data of children of the row, that is currently being expanded. I came through the Example on Ignite UI Help Forum, but it does not help me with the issue. The Example is demonstrated in this fiddle. The
is giving me data of all expanded rows children. I want this functionality to achieve at every level i.e. Suppose a row at level 2 is expanded, then, I want to be able to get the data of child grid associated with that row.
In the example above mentioned fiddle, I want to be able to get the data of Food row children, when food is expanded, and of Beverages row children, when this is expanded.
I am not able to figure out, how can i filter out those entries, which do not belong to a particular row.
I managed to find a way for you how to extract the specific child grid data:
This should still be made easier to be accessed using the event arguments more directly!

how to display sum of field in axgridview

I'm working with Microsoft Dynamics AX R3,2012 and i want to add a group by field in an dynamics:AxGridView then a sum for a certain field by the group field indicated then the total sum without the group by .Please help me .i didn't find a what described in this page
You can create a display method to compute your sum on each row. If you do so, don't forget the 'cacheAddMethod' in order not to compute it each time. This is the "historical" way.
More info on display methods.
Or you can create a view and use computed column in it. It will depends on your current datamodel and query you want to run.
More info on computed column in views.
Thanks for your reply,My Problem is not to create display method but the Problem is how to display the sum of subtotal by this display field.So my solution is to add GroupField in the AxGridView with designed field like GoalId in my case.then in the AxGridView i create template field with footer containing label not visible in default. So in rowdatabound i do the total by the new group that known with a test in rowcreated in GoalId 's value changes .Then when i get a new group i put the value of cumul of the previous value of a the previous group and in the footer template i display the total of all rows.this is the solution and thanks so much for your help. but now the problem that i noticed that axgridview have problems after updating data with a groupby fields and with template display noting in this fields
