Getting repository contents using GitHub API - github-api

I know there is an API for getting repository content. But my use case is I need to get the whole repository and display it in my UI like GitHub UI. Similar to GitHub UI, I need my repository to be displayed in my UI. Is there any API I can use to get the whole repository so I can display that in my UI.
I tried this API.
curl \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" \
But it gives separate file contents. I need the whole repo.

Getting the all repository remains easier with a simple git clone. No need for an API call there.
If, as mentioned in this 2016 octokit issue, you cannot clone through GitHub API, you could use libgit2sharp to integrate the clone operation in your application.


How do I download a raw file from my IBM Cloud Git Repos and Issue Tracking repository?

I'm trying to download a raw file from one of my IBM Cloud Git Repos and Issue Tracking repositories. I had a script that was able to fetch raw file contents using the following curl command:
curl -H "Private-Token: $PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN"
but it recently started failing with a 302 response that is redirecting to a UI login page.
Is there a supported way to download raw file contents from an IBM Cloud Git Repos and Issue Tracking repository?
The curl request above is attempting to use a personal access token to authenticate to a UI endpoint. There was a security fix in GitLab 11.3.11 that limited the scope of personal access tokens to API calls only. That would explain why personal access tokens are no longer working on that request.
The supported method of downloading raw file contents would be to call the repository files API.
For example, to fetch myFolder/myFile.txt from the master branch of myRepo, owned by myUser, you can make a curl call like this:
curl -H "Private-Token: $PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN"

How can I GET a json of all the projects I have access to using Gitlab API?

I want to get a json file with all the projects that appear on my Dashboard and that I have developer access to. I though it would be a very simple job using the Gitlab API, more specifically the projects API, but so far, I can't. Is it possible?
Note : I generated a token with api scope.
Here's what I tried and the results :
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: XXXXX"
It gives me all the projects I don't own but I have master access to. It doesn't include the ones I have developer/other access to. The result is the closest to what I'm looking for so far.
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: XXXXX"
It gives me a list of projects I seem to have access to, even though I have no idea what they are.
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: XXXXX"
It gives me all the projects I own. I thought that one would work since the documentation says Get a list of visible projects for the given user. I also tried with the membership attribute set to true or false, but there is no difference.
Any advice/help would be appreciated!
I know this is old question, but maybe other will stumble over this as I just did.
My solution was adding the per_page option
curl -s -X GET -H 'Private-Token: ' ''

Upload file on Linux (CLI) to Dropbox (via bash/sh)?

I need to save (and overwrite) a file via the cron (hourly) to my dropbox account. The file needs to be stored in a predefined location (which is shared with some other users).
I have seen the possibility to create a Dropbox App, but that create its own dropbox folder.
Also looked at Dropbox Saver but that seems for browsers.
I was thinking (hoping) something super lightweight, a long the lines of CURL, so i don't need to install libraries. Just a simple sh script would be awesome. I only need to PUT the file (overwrite), no need to read (GET) it back.
Was going thru the dropbox developer API documentation, but kind of got lost.
Anybody a good hint?
First, since you need to access an existing shared folder, register a "Dropbox API" app with "Full Dropbox" access:
Then, get an access token for your account for your app. The easiest way is to use the "Generate" button on your app's page, where you'll be sent after you create the app. It's also accessible via the App Console.
Then, you can upload to a specified path via curl as shown in this example:
This uploads a file from the local path matrices.txt in the current folder to /Homework/math/Matrices.txt in the Dropbox account, and returns the metadata for the uploaded file:
echo "some content here" > matrices.txt
curl -X POST \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
--header "Dropbox-API-Arg: {\"path\": \"/Homework/math/Matrices.txt\"}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \
--data-binary #matrices.txt
<ACCESS_TOKEN> should be replaced with the OAuth 2 access token.
#Greg's answer also works but seems like a long chore.
I used Dropbox's official command-line interface here:
As the date of posting, it is working fine and provides lots of helpful commands for downloading and uploading.
Another solution I just tried is a bash utility called Dropbox-Uploader.
After configuration through the same steps as above (app creation and token generation), you can just do: ./ upload mylocal_file my_remote_file, which I find pretty convenient.

Is there an official host uri for Gitlab API?

is it possible to use Gitlab API for official Gitlab Server? I mean I can't find the host URI. Here is the api:
While the documention does mention, you are still able to apply that API to itself.
You would use urls like as described in this issue
Or here (for creating a new project):
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: my token" -d "name=test" ""

Dashboard with builds, commits and files from GitLab

How do I do dashboard with information from my GitLab repo? I don't know how I get information about builds, commits and files and create dashboard with this information. Any idea? Thank you very much.
You can use GitLab's API to obtain the information from GitLab. You will need to have an user account which can access a particular project. Get this user's "Private Token" from the /profile/account page and then you can make requests for which you would get a JSON response.
Retrieving latest commits
"https://[HOST]/api/v3/projects/[PROJECT ID]/repository/commits"
Retrieving latest builds
"https://[HOST]/api/v3/projects/[PROJECT ID]/repository/builds"
These are examples using curl. Depending on the programming language you are going to use, you will have to make a GET request while setting a HTTP header (that is what -H in my example stands for) named PRIVATE-TOKEN.
