Peterson's solution just use one variable - multithreading

For Pi:
do {
turn = i; // prepare enter section
//critical section
turn = j; //exit section.
} while(true);
For Pj:
do {
turn = j; // prepare enter section
//critical section
turn = i; //exit section.
} while(true);
In this simplified algorithm, if process i want to enter critical section for i, it will set "turn = i"(different from Peterson's solution which will set "turn = j"). this algorithm does not seem to cause deadlock or starvation, so why Peterson's algorithm not simplified like this?
Another Question: as i know, mutual exclusion mechanisms such as semaphore P/V operations require atomicity (P should do test sem.value and sem.value-- concurrently). but why the algorithm above just use one variable turn does not seem to require atomicity (turn = i, test turn == j not atomicity )?

Before you ask whether the algorithm avoids deadlock and starvation, you first have to verify that it still locks. With your version, even assuming sequential consistency, the operations could be sequenced like this:
Pi Pj
turn = i;
while (turn == j); // exits immediately
turn = j;
while (turn == i); // exits immediately
// critical section // critical section
and you have a lock violation.
To your second question: it depends on what you mean by "atomicity". You do need it to be the case that when one thread stores turn = i; then the other thread loading turn will only read i or j and not anything else. On some machines, depending on the type of turn and the values of i and j, you could get tearing and load an entirely different value. So whatever language you are using may require you to declare turn as "atomic" in some fashion to avoid this. In C++ in particular, if turn isn't declared std::atomic, then any concurrent read/write access is a data race, and the behavior of the entire program becomes undefined (that's bad).
Besides the need to avoid tearing and data races, Peterson's algorithm also requires strict memory ordering (sequential consistency), which on many systems / languages is not guaranteed unless specially requested, again perhaps by declaring the variable as atomic in some fashion.
It is true that unlike more typical lock algorithms, Peterson doesn't require an atomic read-modify-write, only atomic sequentially consistent loads and stores. That's precisely what makes it an interesting and clever algorithm. But there's a substantial tradeoff in complexity and performance, especially if you want more than two threads, and most real-life systems do have reasonably efficient atomic RMW instructions, so Peterson is rarely used in practice.


What is the minimum hardware support required for mutual exclusion of competing threads from a critical section?

When several threads share common data, to avoid race conditions when it is being modified, mutual exclusion is required. These can be implemented if the hardware supports atomic test-and-set instruction.
But can we go even simpler? By having just atomic read operation and atomic write operation, is it possible to achieve mutual exclusion? Dekker's algorithm and Peterson's algorithm are some of the algorithms that can achieve mutual exclusion between just 2 processes if there exists atomic read and atomic write operations.
I have seen that Peterson's algorithm can be extended to involve N processes. The algorithm for that is like this:
lock(for Process i):
/* repeat for all partners */
for (count = 0; count < (NUMPROCS-1); count++) {
flags[i] = count; // I think I'm in position "count" in the queue
turn[count] = i; // and I'm the most recent process to think I'm in position "count"
"wait until // wait until
(for all k != i, flags[k]<count) // everyone thinks they're behind me
or (turn[count] != i)" // or someone later than me thinks they're in position "count"
// now I can update my estimated position to "count"+1
} // now I'm at the head of the queue so I can start my critical section
Unlock (for Process i):
/* tell everyone we are finished */
flags[i] = -1; // I'm not in the queue anymore
As far as I can think, this algorithm only requires atomic reads and atomic writes. But above algorithm is for cases where N is known. It cannot be extended to dynamic N case, since there concurrent array insert-allocation has to be protected again.
So, is there any known algorithm that can provide mutual exclusion among dynamic N threads, in a preemptive, multi-core environment with no test-and-set instruction? What if the starvation requirement is not there? Or, is it proven that this cannot be done without atomic test-and-set?
Sequentially consistent memory model is assumed, but mention if this is also not required. I think every hardware supports in some way to write a sequentially consistent program.

User defined atomic less than

I've been reading and it seems that std::atomic doesn't support a compare and swap of the less/greater than variant.
I'm using OpenMP and need to safely update a global minimum value.
I was thinking this would be as easy as using a built-in API.
But alas, so instead I'm trying to come up with my own implementation.
I'm primarily concerned with the fact that I don't want to use an omp critical section to do a less than comparison every single time because it may incur significant synchronization overhead for very little gain in most cases.
But in those cases where a new global minima is potentially found (less often), the synchronization overhead is acceptable. I'm thinking I can implement it using the following method. Hoping for someone to advise.
Use an std::atomic_uint as the global minima.
Atomically read the value into thread local stack.
Compare it against the current value and if it's less, attempt to enter a critical section.
Once synchronized, verify that the atomic value is still less than the new one and update accordingly (the body of the critical section should be cheap, just update a few values).
This is for a homework assignment, so I'm trying to keep the implementation my own. Please don't recommend various libraries to accomplish this. But please do comment on the synchronization overhead that this operation can incur or if it's bad, elaborate on why. Thanks.
What you're looking for would be called fetch_min() if it existed: fetch old value and update the value in memory to min(current, new), exactly like fetch_add but with min().
This operation is not directly supported in hardware on x86, but machines with LL/SC could emit slightly more efficient asm for it than from emulating it with a CAS ( old, min(old,new) ) retry loop.
You can emulate any atomic operation with a CAS retry loop. In practice it usually doesn't have to retry, because the CPU that succeeded at doing a load usually also succeeds at CAS a few cycles later after computing whatever with the load result, so it's efficient.
See Atomic double floating point or SSE/AVX vector load/store on x86_64 for an example of creating a fetch_add for atomic<double> with a CAS retry loop, in terms of compare_exchange_weak and plain + for double. Do that with min and you're all set.
Re: clarification in comments: I think you're saying you have a global minimum, but when you find a new one, you want to update some associated data, too. Your question is confusing because "compare and swap on less/greater than" doesn't help you with that.
I'd recommend using atomic<unsigned> globmin to track the global minimum, so you can read it to decide whether or not to enter the critical section and update related state that goes with that minimum.
Only ever modify globmin while holding the lock (i.e. inside the critical section). Then you can update it + the associated data. It has to be atomic<> so readers that look at just globmin outside the critical section don't have data race UB. Readers that look at the associated extra data must take the lock that protects it and makes sure that updates of globmin + the extra data happen "atomically", from the perspective of readers that obey the lock.
static std::atomic<unsigned> globmin;
std::mutex globmin_lock;
static struct Extradata globmin_extra;
void new_min_candidate(unsigned newmin, const struct Extradata &newdata)
// light-weight early out check to avoid the critical section
// No ordering requirement as long as globmin is monotonically decreasing with time
if (newmin < globmin.load(std::memory_order_relaxed))
// enter a critical section. Use OpenMP stuff if you want, this is plain ISO C++
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(globmin_lock);
// Check globmin again, after we've excluded other threads from modifying it and globmin_extra
if (newmin < globmin.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) {, std::memory_order_relaxed);
globmin_extra = newdata;
// else leave the critical section with no update:
// another thread raced with use *outside* the critical section
// release the lock / leave critical section (lock goes out of scope here: RAII)
// else do nothing
std::memory_order_relaxed is sufficient for globmin: there's no ordering required with anything else, just atomicity. We get atomicity / consistency for the associated data from the critical section/lock, not from memory-ordering semantics of loading / storing globmin.
This way the only atomic read-modify-write operation is the locking itself. Everything on globmin is either load or store (much cheaper). The main cost with multiple threads will still be bouncing the cache line around, but once you own a cache line, each atomic RMW is maybe 20x more expensive than a simple store on modern x86 (
With this design, if most candidates aren't lower than globmin, the cache line will stay in the Shared state most of the time, so the globmin.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) outside the critical section can hit in L1D cache. It's just an ordinary load instruction, so it's extremely cheap. (On x86, even seq-cst loads are just ordinary loads (and release loads are just ordinary stores, but seq_cst stores are more expensive). On other architectures where the default ordering is weaker, seq_cst / acquire loads need a barrier.)

Is there a data race?

class Test {
struct hazard_pointer {
std::atomic<void*> hp;
std::atomic<std::thread::id> id;
hazard_pointer hazard_pointers[max_hazard_pointers];
std::atomic<void*>& get_hazard_pointer_for_current_thread(){
std::thread::id id = std::this_thread::get_id();
for( int i =0; i < max_hazard_pointers; i++){
if( hazard_pointers[i].id.load() == id){
return hazard_pointers[i].hp;
std::atomic<nullptr> ptr;
return ptr;
int main() {
Test* t =new Test();
std::thread t1([&t](){ while(1) t->get_hazard_pointer_for_current_thread();});
std::thread t2([&t](){ while(1) t->get_hazard_pointer_for_current_thread();});
return 0;
The function get_hazard_pointer_for_current_thread can be executed parallelly. Is there data race? On my eye there is no data race because of atomic operation, but I am not sure.
So, please make me sure or explain why there is ( are ) data race(s).
Let's assume that hazard_pointers array elements are initialized.
There are a few errors in the code:
get_hazard_pointer_for_current_thread may not return any value - undefined behaviour.
hazard_pointers array elements are not initialized.
if(hazard_pointers[i].id.load() == id) hazard_pointers[i]; does not make any sense.
And yes, there is a data race. Between statement if(hazard_pointers[i].id.load() == id) and hazard_pointers[i]; another thread may change hazard_pointers[i].id. You probably need to use a compare-and-swap instruction.
I don't think you have any C++ UB from concurrent access to non-atomic data, but it looks like you do have the normal kind of race condition in your code.
if (x==a) x = b almost always needs to be an atomic read-modify-write (instead of separate atomic loads and atomic stores) in lock-free algorithms, unless there's some reason why it's ok to still store b if x changed to something other than a between the check and the store.
(In this case, the only thing that can ever be stored is the value that was already there, as #MargaretBloom points out. So there's no "bug", just a bunch of useless stores if this is the only code that touches the array. I'm assuming that you didn't really intend to write a useless example, so I'm considering it a bug.)
Lock-free programming is not easy, even if you do it the low-performance way with the default std::memory_order_seq_cst for all the stores so the compiler has to MFENCE everywhere. Making everything atomic only avoids C++ UB; you still have to carefully design the logic of your algorithm to make sure it's correct even if multiple stores/loads from other thread(s) become visible between every one of your own operations, and stuff like that. (e.g. see Preshing's lock-free hash table.)
Being UB-free is necessary (at least in theory) but definitely not sufficient for code to be correct / safe. Being race-free means no (problematic) races even between atomic accesses. This is a stronger but still not sufficient part of being bug-free.
I say "in theory" because in practice a lot of code with UB happens to compile the way we expect, and will only bite you on other platforms, or with future compilers, or with different surrounding code that exposes the UB during optimization.
Testing can't easily detect all bugs, esp. if you only test on strongly-ordered x86 hardware, but a simple bug like this should be easily detectable with testing.
The problem with your code, in more detail:
You do a non-atomic compare-exchange, with an atomic load and a separate atomic store:
if( hazard_pointers[i].id.load() == id){
// a store from another thread can become visible here
return hazard_pointers[i].hp;
The .store() should be a std::compare_exchange_strong, so the value isn't modified if a store from another thread changed the value between your load and your store. (Putting it inside an if on a relaxed or acquire load is still a good idea; I think a branch to avoid a lock cmpxchg is a good idea if you expect the value to not match most of the time. That should let the cache lines stay Shared when no thread finds a match on those elements.)

Memory barrier in the implementation of single producer single consumer

The following implementation from Wikipedia:
volatile unsigned int produceCount = 0, consumeCount = 0;
TokenType buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
void producer(void) {
while (1) {
while (produceCount - consumeCount == BUFFER_SIZE)
sched_yield(); // buffer is full
buffer[produceCount % BUFFER_SIZE] = produceToken();
// a memory_barrier should go here, see the explanation above
void consumer(void) {
while (1) {
while (produceCount - consumeCount == 0)
sched_yield(); // buffer is empty
consumeToken(buffer[consumeCount % BUFFER_SIZE]);
// a memory_barrier should go here, the explanation above still applies
says that a memory barrier must be used between the line that accesses the buffer and the line that updates the Count variable.
This is done to prevent the CPU from reordering the instructions above the fence along-with that below it. The Count variable shouldn't be incremented before it is used to index into the buffer.
If a fence is not used, won't this kind of reordering violate the correctness of code? The CPU shouldn't perform increment of Count before it is used to index into buffer. Does the CPU not take care of data dependency while instruction reordering?
If a fence is not used, won't this kind of reordering violate the correctness of code? The CPU shouldn't perform increment of Count before it is used to index into buffer. Does the CPU not take care of data dependency while instruction reordering?
Good question.
In c++, unless some form of memory barrier is used (atomic, mutex, etc), the compiler assumes that the code is single-threaded. In which case, the as-if rule says that the compiler may emit whatever code it likes, provided that the overall observable effect is 'as if' your code was executed sequentially.
As mentioned in the comments, volatile does not necessarily alter this, being merely an implementation-defined hint that the variable may change between accesses (this is not the same as being modified by another thread).
So if you write multi-threaded code without memory barriers, you get no guarantees that changes to a variable in one thread will even be observed by another thread, because as far as the compiler is concerned that other thread should not be touching the same memory, ever.
What you will actually observe is undefined behaviour.
It seems, that your question is "can incrementing Count and assigment to buffer be reordered without changing code behavior?".
Consider following code tansformation:
int count1 = produceCount++;
buffer[count1 % BUFFER_SIZE] = produceToken();
Notice that code behaves exactly as original one: one read from volatile variable, one write to volatile, read happens before write, state of program is the same. However, other threads will see different picture regarding order of produceCount increment and buffer modifications.
Both compiler and CPU can do that transformation without memory fences, so you need to force those two operations to be in correct order.
If a fence is not used, won't this kind of reordering violate the correctness of code?
Nope. Can you construct any portable code that can tell the difference?
The CPU shouldn't perform increment of Count before it is used to index into buffer. Does the CPU not take care of data dependency while instruction reordering?
Why shouldn't it? What would the payoff be for the costs incurred? Things like write combining and speculative fetching are huge optimizations and disabling them is a non-starter.
If you're thinking that volatile alone should do it, that's simply not true. The volatile keyword has no defined thread synchronization semantics in C or C++. It might happen to work on some platforms and it might happen not to work on others. In Java, volatile does have defined thread synchronization semantics, but they don't include providing ordering for accesses to non-volatiles.
However, memory barriers do have well-defined thread synchronization semantics. We need to make sure that no thread can see that data is available before it sees that data. And we need to make sure that a thread that marks data as able to be overwritten is not seen before the thread is finished with that data.

Why is threading dangerous?

I've always been told to puts locks around variables that multiple threads will access, I've always assumed that this was because you want to make sure that the value you are working with doesn't change before you write it back
int a = sharedVar
a = someComplexOperation(a)
sharedVar = a
And that makes sense that you would lock that. But in other cases I don't understand why I can't get away with not using Mutexes.
Thread A:
sharedVar = someFunction()
Thread B:
localVar = sharedVar
What could possibly go wrong in this instance? Especially if I don't care that Thread B reads any particular value that Thread A assigns.
It depends a lot on the type of sharedVar, the language you're using, any framework, and the platform. In many cases, it's possible that assigning a single value to sharedVar may take more than one instruction, in which case you may read a "half-set" copy of the value.
Even when that's not the case, and the assignment is atomic, you may not see the latest value without a memory barrier in place.
MSDN Magazine has a good explanation of different problems you may encounter in multithreaded code:
Forgotten Synchronization
Incorrect Granularity
Read and Write Tearing
Lock-Free Reordering
Lock Convoys
Two-Step Dance
Priority Inversion
The code in your question is particularly vulnerable to Read/Write Tearing. But your code, having neither locks nor memory barriers, is also subject to Lock-Free Reordering (which may include speculative writes in which thread B reads a value that thread A never stored) in which side-effects become visible to a second thread in a different order from how they appeared in your source code.
It goes on to describe some known design patterns which avoid these problems:
The article is available here
The main problem is that the assignment operator (operator= in C++) is not always guaranteed to be atomic (not even for primitive, built in types). In plain English, that means that assignment can take more than a single clock cycle to complete. If, in the middle of that, the thread gets interrupted, then the current value of the variable might be corrupted.
Let me build off of your example:
Lets say sharedVar is some object with operator= defined as this:
object& operator=(const object& other) {
ready = false;
if (other.value == true) {
value = true;
} else {
value = false;
ready = true;
return *this;
If thread A from your example is interrupted in the middle of this function, ready will still be false when thread B starts to run. This could mean that the object is only partially copied over, or is in some intermediate, invalid state when thread B attempts to copy it into a local variable.
For a particularly nasty example of this, think of a data structure with a removed node being deleted, then interrupted before it could be set to NULL.
(For some more information regarding structures that don't need a lock (aka, are atomic), here is another question that talks a bit more about that.)
This could go wrong, because threads can be suspended and resumed by the thread scheduler, so you can't be sure about the order these instructions are executed. It might just as well be in this order:
Thread B:
localVar = sharedVar
Thread A:
sharedVar = someFunction()
In which case localvar will be null or 0 (or some completeley unexpected value in an unsafe language), probably not what you intended.
Mutexes actually won't fix this particular issue by the way. The example you supply does not lend itself well for parallelization.
