.Net Maui iOS app with Push Notifications WillPresentNotification or DidReceiveNotificationResponse never gets called - xamarin.ios

I'm able to call RegisterForRemoteNotifications(); from the AppDelegate to get the Token. I'm then using an APN server I built to update Apple Passes. I'm sending a message with the correct payload, headers etc..., but nothing ever happens.
I'm assuming that something needs to be added to MauiProgram.cs in order to get this to work.
Seeing as I have my own APN server, I really don't want to use Firebase or Azure Notification Hub at this time. A Firebase method is provided in the following link.
Seeing as Local Notifications and Remote Notifications use the same methods, I modeled my code after this example.
Here is my code with some decorations.
// Called if app is in the foreground.
public override void WillPresentNotification(UNUserNotificationCenter center, UNNotification notification, Action<UNNotificationPresentationOptions> completionHandler)
SentrySdk.CaptureMessage("WillPresentNotification = " + "yes");
// Called if app is in the background, or killed state.
public override void DidReceiveNotificationResponse(UNUserNotificationCenter center, UNNotificationResponse response, Action completionHandler)
SentrySdk.CaptureMessage("DidReceiveNotificationResponse = " + "yes");
if (response.IsDefaultAction)
NOTE: I'm compiling my iOS app using an Azure DevOps Pipeline. I've added both the Development cert and the Push Notification cert to the Keychain. I don't see the Push Notification cert included in the DotNetCoreCLI#2 Task. Push Notifications are enabled and configured in the Provision Profile. Perhaps there is a problem with the build process and how the Keychain installs/uses the all the certs.
Does anyone know how to make this work? Seems like this should be pretty easy to do.

I finally got this working using the Firebase.plugin for .Net Maui. My APN server works. The Firebase console works too.
I used these directions.
If you are having issues getting Firebase.plugin to build on iOS, take a look at this issue. https://github.com/TobiasBuchholz/Plugin.Firebase/issues/51
Here is the code I used in my Azure Pipeline to combine the two Apple Certs. https://stackoverflow.com/a/74105887/5360237


React native azure notification hub

I am using this library to implement azure notification hub in react native.
I am able to get the registration ID successfully. But no notification is received.
I am sending test notification from azure portal and it is getting delivered successfully.
I am followed the integration tutorial from here and here.
In my manifest file i am getting this error in red. Could be the reason.
If yes, How do i resolve this ?
I followed the same steps and had the same issue with com.microsoft.windowsazure.notifications.NotificationsBroadcastReceiver being unreferenced. I was able to resolve by adding
dependencies {
implementation 'com.microsoft.azure:notification-hubs-android-sdk:0.6#aar'
implementation 'com.microsoft.azure:azure-notifications-handler:1.0.1#aar'
repositories {
maven {
url "https://dl.bintray.com/microsoftazuremobile/SDK"
to my app build.gradle as outlined here
It may or may not make a difference but also make sure you have the x86 Atom image installed to the project

communicate with console application in service fabric

I've just started a PoC on service fabric for a project and I'm stuck on something that should have been straightforward but has become a real pain ...
What I need to do is host a console app returning some values in the service fabric and be able to call it on demand and get back its return value.
So I've created a simple exe looking like this, hosted in a GuestExe
static void Main(string[] args)
File.AppendAllText("hello.txt" + DateTime.Now.ToString(), "Hello world!");
First, if the readline is commented, the explorer shows the guestExe as failing and the file is not created.
If I uncomment it, the guest exe will appear as being good in the explorer, and the console app will be started on it's own (despite I didn't ask for it), the file will be created, and I won't be able to call it.
cluster image
I've tried to just hit few things in my browser : the endpoint above, http://localhost:19081/PoC9/GuestExe?cmd=instance and same without the cmd argument.
If anyone has any idea of how that should be done, please help :)

AppInsights instrumentation key is replaced when win universal app is published to Windows Store

I have a simple Windows Univeral Application with Azure Application Insights enabled in it. First published version worked well - all telemetry data was visible in AppInsights dashboard. But after I updated the app, strange thing happened - no telemetry data is generated at all.
After installing the version of the application from Windows Store, and tracing web requests with Fiddler, I've found out VERY strange thing - instrumentation key (iKey) sent in AppInsights requests is UNKNOWN for me. I mean that this is not a one of my AppInsights instances!
On the other hand, when I sideload the same package I've used for publish, than correct (expected) iKey is used in traced web requests.
This makes me think that my iKey is somehow replaced in published version of application. How is this possible?
IMPORTANT NOTE: AppInsights initialization code is the following (in App class):
protected override void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs e)
var instrumentationKey =
// ...
And one more time - this worked well in first version of the application and was broken only after update (wich did not touch any AppInsights related stuff).
UPDATE (2016-03-21): Following recommendations in the answers, I've done the following:
Moved release iKey into ApplicationInsights.config file
Changed initialization logic to replace the iKey only in case of Debug mode:
protected override void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs e)
var instrumentationKey = Current.Resources["ApplicationInsights.InstrumentationKey.Debug"].ToString();
await Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.WindowsAppInitializer.InitializeAsync(instrumentationKey);
await Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.WindowsAppInitializer.InitializeAsync()
// ...
Republished the application to Windows Store.
Now AppInsights is working correctly - my iKey is used in AppInsights web requests and data appears in admin panel.
do you have an applicationinsights.config file in your project?
if you do not, I believe the store will create one for you so that the reports work, because it doesn't know you're setting the key in code. you might want to add an applicationinsights.config file, and put in one of your ikeys, even if you are then setting the key explicitly in code.
The ApplicationInsights SDK for Store apps, only works with ApplicationInsights.config.
The Store looks for this file, and if no instrumentation key is set, it injects one.
The SDK on the other hand, will always respect instrumentation key coming from the configuration file.

API Breaks past 8-9 Devices?

It would seem that streaming breaks when there is too many devices in the account. After about 8 or 9 it just stops streaming data to me all together.
Are you using Firebase? I came on here to post a similar issue myself. If I change the temp through the nest device or the web tool, my Firebase listeners are updated. If I try to set a value, the value that I try to set is echoed back to my listener (like there has been an update on the thermostat even though it wasn't changed successfully) then, the correct value (unchanged) comes immediately after.
The weird thing is that it works.... then it just doesn't. Is this similar to what you've been experiencing?
Now it appears as if my listeners are not working either. I can query the server using REST successfully.
Update #2:
Now my listeners are working again but still no control.
Well... I think I see my problem at least. I don't know if it will help you (or me for that matter) but here it is...
protected void setHighTemp(int value){
fb.child("target_temperature_high_f").setValue(value, new CompletionListener() {
public void onComplete(FirebaseError arg0, Firebase arg1) {
System.out.println("Communicaiton error: " + arg0);
Communicaiton error: FirebaseError: Too many requests
I remember reading the following paragraph in https://developer.nest.com/documentation/glossary#client
An integration of your application or service with Nest
devices. When you create a Nest account and sign up for the Developer
Program, you can add up to 10 clients to the account.
This might be your problem.

My custom Windows Service is not writing to my custom Event Log

I have written a custom Windows Service that writes data to a custom Event Log (in the Windows Event Viewer).
For dev'ing the biz logic that the service uses, I created a Windows Form which simulates the Start/Stop methods of the Windows Service.
When executing the biz logic via the Windows Forms, info is successfully written to my custom Event Log. However, when I run the same biz logic from the custom Windows Service, information is failing to be written to the Event Log.
To be clear, I have written a library (.dll) that does all the work that I want my custom service to do - including the create/write to the custom Event Log. My Form application references this library as does my Windows Service.
Thinking the problem is a security issue, I manually set the custom Windows Service to "Log on" as "Administrator", but the service still did not write to the Event Log.
I'm stuck on how to even troubleshoot this problem since I can't debug and step into the code when I run the service (if there is a way to debug a service, please share).
Do you have any ideas as to what could be causing my service to fail to write to the event log?
I use it like this. There can be some typos. Writed it on my phone browser...
public class MyClass
private EventLog eventLog = new EventLog();
public void MyClass()
if (!System.Diagnostics.EventLog.SourceExists("MyLogSource"))
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.CreateEventSource("MyLogSource", "MyLogSource_Log");
eventLog.Source = "MyLogSource";
eventLog.Log = "MyLogSource_Log";
private void MyLogWrite()
eventLog.WriteEntry(ex.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error);
To debug a running service you need to attach to the process. See here for the steps.
You could also add parameter checking to the Main entry point and have a combination service and console app which would start based on some flag. See this SO post for a good example but here's a snippet:
using System;
using System.ServiceProcess;
namespace WindowsService1
static class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args == null)
Console.WriteLine("Starting service...");
ServiceBase.Run(new ServiceBase[] { new Service1() });
Console.WriteLine("Hi, not from service: " + args[0]);
The above starts the app in console mode if there any parameters exist and in service mode if there are no parameters. Of course it can be much fancier but that's the gist of the switch.
I discovered why my service wasn't writing to the Event Log.
The problem had nothing to do with any part of the code/security/etc that was attempting to write to the EL. The problem was that my service wasn't successfully collecting the information that is written to the EL - therefore, the service wasn't even attempting to write the log.
Now that I fixed the code that collects the data, data is successfully writing to the event log.
I'm open to having this question closed since the question was amiss to the real problem.
