I want to continuously obtain the Bluetooth rssi value of a device amd I use btmon to achieve this - bluetooth

But after I use sudo btmon | grep RSSI and sudo hcitool lescan, it shows mac address and RSSI of all the device. So what should I do to make it display only the RSSI of the device I want continuously?
I don't know if btmon can do it, if can't, which way should I use? I just want to continuously obtain the Bluetooth rssi value of a device. Please, give me some advice.


About using ```hcitool``` to get bluetooth rssi

I use sudo hcitool rssi AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF to test 2 phones, but the results are 0. I also try to use python program (https://github.com/ewenchou/bluetooth-proximity), the result is also 0. I don't know where went wrong. Besides, I use bluetoothctl-scan on and can get their mac address and rssi although the value is not accuracy.
Please, give me some advice.

i2cdetect doesn't find anything on goodix chip

I have a goodix chip for the touchscreen on my tablet PC and even though I compiled the latest kernel module for it, things are not working.
I am using exactly this kernel version with the patched driver:
For starters, the picture of the said chip is the following:
The DSDT tables contain information regarding the touchscreen.
From what I understand the touchscreen is connected via an I2C serial interface but lshw shows that *-serial is UNCLAIMED.
Nevertheless I can see that the i2c_i801 module for the SMBus controller is loaded.
With the help of Aleksei I was able to determine that the toucscreen is connected to i2c-1 buss and that the controller must use 0x14 or 0x5d address.
Unfortunatelly, i2cdetect doesn't find anything, as it can be seen here.
I created a lengthy gist with the output of the following:
I know that some of these are redundant and that others are useless but nevertheless it's better to have where to search than to miss something out.
I measured with a multimeter and the chip is powered both when running Windows and Linux so this rules out that I need to somehow tell Linux to power this thing out.
So, what do do next in order to debug this thing?
Hi can you check where pin 5,6 are connected specifically 6 which is reset ic so if that may be reseting the ic. just a posiblity.

How to get iwconfig to display signal level as dbm instead of a fraction

When I run:
iwconfig wlan0 | grep -i quality
on my Raspberry Pi, with a wifi card installed, it reports back to me with:
Link Quality=99/100 Signal level=48/100 Noise level=0/100
How can I get iwconfig or some other network tool to report the signal level back to me in dBm instead of an arbitrary fraction?
It's a matter of the Network Interface Card or of the relatives Drivers.
To workaround you can use this simple formula I to do the conversion.
Of course is an approximation and results may vary from chipset to chipset but is how I solved.
You can alternatively find the correct Drivers if you know the wifi card is capable RSSI sampling. But that's usually not easy.

Can't find out which usb port is the one at the front

I have 2 fronta usb plugs but I want to know which ones are so I can turn on or suspend the power of one of them.
the motherboard has 4 back usb plugs at the back and two at the front.
ls /sys/bus/usb/devices/
1-0:1.0/ 1-3.4/ 1-3.4.3:1.0/ 1-3.4.4:1.1/ usb2/
1-3/ 1-3.4:1.0/ 1-3.4.4/ 2-0:1.0/
1-3:1.0/ 1-3.4.3/ 1-3.4.4:1.0/ usb1/
You could run sudo dmesg and then connect a device to the port

UCBT Bluetooth Simulator

Can anyone please tell me if UCBT can be used for RSSI measurement and if yes how?
RSSI - Received Signal Strength Indication - measurement of the strength power of the radio signal. UCBT - University of Cincinnati Bluetooth extension for ns2 simulation software. No you cannot measure the RSSI with UCBT. You should try to use something like Wireshark for this.
