G suite block and unblock emails - gmail

How can I block emails in g suite from certain domains for 90% of employees in an organisation and the remaining 10% should receive emails from that blocked domains.
I am able to block emails from the domains but cannot unblock it for 10% of employees.


Intermittently Delay in Receiving Email Messages by Gmail Api

I'm facing intermittently delay with polling email messages via Gmail API from GSuite user's inbox. Those calls origin from automatic jobs and use multiple G-Suite users to disperse the work and avoid reaching Quota limits.
However, there are still delay of at least 3 minutes in reading the email. Investigating message email headers showed neither errors (429) or delay time, nor quota limits are being reached.
I examined the push notification method and I'm limited to use it.
Are limit units calculated according to domain rather than per G-Suite user so I'm indeed reach quota?
What else can cause those delays?
The Gmail API has usage limits per method and per user.
Email sending limits are calculated per user per day, not per domain.
Limit units are calculated from all requests made from your application per day
You can check your quota in the Cloud console, choosing your project and API (in this case Gmail).
In my case, I could clearly see the email inside the 'Sent' folder but the recipient had not got any email, so I knew the limits for using the API had not been crossed. It was spam protection taking a ton of time to figure out if the sent email was spam or not. The most common case would be if your emails are all similar with a link in them. I removed the hyperlink in my template email notification and it started working again without any delay.

Creating a shared support email in GSuite

Currently the small business I work for has a support email address setup as the following: support#mybusinessdomain.com (changed domain for anonymity).
We need to make it so that multiple people can manage this email address, and the way we have it currently setup is causing some issues.
The way it is currently setup is that all emails are forwarded to myself and three other coworkers that manage the support emails that come in, and each of us have setup the following rule:
"Do this: Skip Inbox, Apply label "BusinessDomain Support", Never send it to Spam"
So we get all of the emails sent to that label, they skip our inbox and we delegate/respond from there. This was causing issues with my coworkers responding to the same emails and has our customers replying to our actual work email addresses rather than the support email.
We setup a process/procedure to make sure my coworkers and I were only answering things once, and to solve the problem of customers responding to the wrong email address we added the support#mybusinessdomain.com email as a "Send mail as" for each of us. However, now we are all sending emails from the same email address and it is a bit confusing as to who responded AND all sent emails are showing in our sent folder.
So, what is the best way to setup this support email so that multiple people can manage it and so that customers that reply to emails sent are always sent to support#mybusinessdomain.com?
Any help would be great!!
You need to use a group as a collaborative inbox.
Collaborative inboxes are especially useful for technical support or
customer service teams. For example, you could create a group with the
address support#your-domain.com. You could then add your
support staff as group members, and allow people outside your
organization to send messages to the group. Your support staff would
then receive customer messages and take any of the following actions:
Assign responsibility for topics to group members
Mark topics as resolved
Edit tags associated with topics
Filter topics according to tag, resolution status, or assignee

My client need to send mailing lists, can server black listed as spam?

My client need to send 500 or 1000 e-mails to a list of registered members that subscribe to mailing list, can I marked as spammer and have problems with my shared ip blacklisted on spam lists or spammer in gmail, yahoo, outlook?
What the best way to send these e-mails from my server without risks of being marked as spam or get my ip black listed? Or I recommend them to not do that in any way?
You can send an email to 1000 different users. A lot of companies send millions of emails per month !
It first depends on your users
Users can mark the email as spam if you send it without their mutual consent or send 1000 mails to each, obviously !
But in your question you explain that your users have given their consent because they are subscribed to your mailing list, so thats good.
Secondly it depends on your mail content
It depends mainly on your mail content.
There are a plenty of different reasons that your content can be marked as spam.
some word in subject
the ratio text/image of your content (too much images can be consider as spam by mail client)
There are a lot of words which can marked your mail as spam by the mail client.
a non exhaustive words list : https://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/30684/the-ultimate-list-of-email-spam-trigger-words.aspx
In a lot of cases, emailing services can be very useful
You can use service like MailChimp or SendGrid to send huge amount of emails. They have free tier plan to try their service.
e.g with SendGrid
Send up to 40,000 emails for the first 30 days and 100 emails per day free forever
with MailChimp
Forever Free
Up to 2,000 subscribers and 12,000 emails per month
Moreover they have a nicely done dashboard with a lot of information about your sent emails (spam report, devices, clicked mails, opened mails etc..)
Last recommendation
You can use a service different for your marketing mails and your transactional emails. So marketing emails don't impact the reputation of your transactional emails (they are more important than marketing mails)
I would use a third party API (SendGrid, MailChimp etc.) to send out those emails. Using a 3rd party API sends the emails directly to your audience's inbox and not to their junk or spam box.
However, if you are sending mail which is spam and people are marking those emails as spam, your reputation with that mailing service will go down.
There are many "bulk email" service providers out there. You would want to google and research your options as each one of them have their own emailing price plans.

Multiple Stripe accounts in one form

With Stripe, can I have two charges from two different stripe accounts on one form? ie) Have the setup fee be sent Company A and the product fee sent to Company B...
I am creating a subscription based website however, I need to charge consumers a fee for their transaction as well as send the payment directly to the company. Example: The consumer will be charge a transaction fee of $5, which will go to my company. Furthermore, the price of the product will go to the company that posts the product. Therefore, I get the transaction fee and the company gets the money for their product.
Is there a way to do this with Stripe?
Yes, you'd need to use Stripe Connect to accept payments on behalf of other accounts, and optionally take a cut.
In your case, your account would be the platform's account and the company that ships the product would be a connected account.
You could then accept charges on behalf of this company, and specify your own application fee: https://stripe.com/docs/connect/payments-fees

Mass Emails Getting Rejected by Google

I need help automating mass emails I'm sending daily.
I'm trying to send out automated mass emails through a Gmail account (My Business uses Google Apps). I built a Java program that allows me to enter my credentials (gmail username & password), Subject Line, Email List, and enter is a body template. The program then sends out emails one at a time to each of the contacts which are in a comma delimited list. This isn't spam as I'm getting the users to submit their email address.
I got this Mail Delivery Message today: "Technical details of permanent failure: Message rejected." I read that Google will only allow a maximum of 100 recipients to any message through its smtp gateway - and there's a maximum of 500 messages in any 24 hr period.
I need a new strategy. How do I build a program to automate sending of ~100-200 emails a day? Do I need to be buying IP's, SMTP Servers, write a new PHP application? I need a place to start because this is out of my scope.
Gmail is not designed for email marketing as you have seen. In the past I have used a Google App Engine account for sending tens to hundreds of thousands of emails (because that was where the domain was managed), but that can be a pain to manage.
You could consider using a service that specializes in email marketing. I have heard good things about Campaign Monitor and MailChimp. Plus MailChimp can integrate into Google Apps.
We use www.authsmtp.com but I was looking at switching to Google when we switch to Google Apps in the near future. I'll have to drill in a bit more. IN the meantime, give authsmtp a try.
Google specifically rejects this type of behavior/use of their system. https://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=69585
I would suggest trying a system that is built for this type of activity such as MailChimp or Aweber.
