Inconsistent result when bitwise AND an inversed value on MySQL (PlanetScale/Vitess) - vitess

I have a SET column that has 10 values, and I'm querying against a specific row that has 2nd and 10th values set, therefore, it's 514 (1000000010).
Now, I encounter an issue that, the result is different whether SET is involved.
SELECT b'1000000010' & ~(1<<9)
↑ This returns 2. (expected)
SELECT Tags & ~(1<<1) FROM Table
WHERE Tags & (1<<9) = (1<<9);
↑ This returns 512. (expected)
SELECT Tags & ~(1<<9) FROM Table
WHERE Tags & (1<<9) = (1<<9);
↑ This returns 0. (unexpected, expecting 2)


Read columns in dataframe

I have a dataframe as below:-
I want to compare Name_x with Name_y & Age_x with Age_y values , if they match I add additional record saying all values matched ( as in 1st case) & if any of column doesnt match it should say "<column_name> not matched for Emplid" ( as in 2nd case it should say "age didnt match for empl_id 2)
My column names will be changing each time based on user input , so i have it currently captured in list & i am trying to scan the column list using for loop , but doesnt work fine .
Any leads on what approach or sudo code i can use ?
Seems like you're trying to check values in 2 columns.
df['new_column'] = np.where(df['Name_x']==df['Name_y'], 'matched names', 'no_match')
This adds a column saying the names match, if not it will say they haven't matched. You can loop through this with some added code for other columns

Possible faster VBA lookup with wildcards?

I need to perform a quite a lot of lookups with wildcards on the worksheet using a macro (mainly lookup for value & returning the value from another column though with proper adjustment it can be also just looking for a value with wildcard, and some lookups only as checks if the value exists in the dataset). My data can't be sorted and all the lookups are within a loop A or loops within loop A; wildcards are included mostly for condition "string begins with...". I often have to find a value in one row and find corresponding value in row N rows below or above.
I have a working code, but I wonder if it can be done faster. #response to comment about posting it on Code Review (sorry, I cannot comment yet :)) - preparation the whole code to posting would take a bit too much time for me, confidentiality etc, so I prefer to treat it as a general question to be worked on this example.
Example data (I can add more columns, if I need any helper column):
Example Data picture at Imgur
Assume 100 000 rows (max xPagesCount = 1000, typically around 400; all values for certain xPage is in one block). Due to a lot of possible rows with additional data I can't simply find one value and add numbers to the found row to find the other values by their position.
Example lookups to perform while looping through consecutive xPages (so, for each given xPage):
value in row just below row with "RESTRICTIONS:" text
find name (which is always given with height (column C) = 35)
find RSW number (which can be in several rows depending on page content, but always below name)
find all rows starting with the same four digits as RSW, in two formats: DDDD.LLL.DD and DDDD.DDDDD.DD (L letter, D digit) (I use internal loop here)
check if there is a text "MASTER" (or "MASTER " etc.)
find all values between values "DOCUMENTS:" and "OPTIONS:", which quantity can be from 1 to 50 (I use internal loop here)
I was wondering, what is the fastest way to do such lookups?
What I tried:
using a dictionary on all dataset (keys in column A or C with, values
col.D) but as dictionary can't work on wildcards, I had to add ifs
for not finding a key to perform additional Application.Match
lookup... and then realized it mostly worked on these Match lookups
and not sure I even need a dictionary. I also have duplicate values
within a page and dictionary was getting only first value, regardless
their position (for example, several attachments could have value 1).
The main use remained dict.exists("MASTER") but when I removed
dictionary and changed it to IsError(Application.Match(...)) the code
worked slightly faster.
Application.Match in whole range, typical example: Application.Match(xPage & "4???.*", sh.Range("A1:A" & LastRow), 0)
in few places I use If xValue Like "????.???.??" Then construction
I have dictionary lookups with ifs redirecting to Application.Match:
xValue = dict(xPage & "ATH.416")
If dict(xPage & "ATH.416") = "" Then xValue = Application.Match("ATH.*", Sheets(1).Range("D:D"), 0)
What I consider, but not sure it's worth the effort:
altering the code that at the beginning of the iteration I find the first and the last row for xPage, and then each later check is performed in this range
xStartPage = sh.Range("D" & Application.Match(xPage, sh.Range("A1:A" & LastRow), 0))
'or, I guess better:
xStartPage = xEndPage + 1
If xPage = xPagesCount Then
xEndPage = LastRow
xEndPage = sh.Range("D" & Application.Match(xPage + 1, sh.Range("A1:A" & LastRow), 0) - 1)
End If
xValue = sh.Range("D" & Application.Match("4???.*", sh.Range("D" & xStartPage & ":D" & xEndPage), 0)).Value

Comparing Strings Producing Unexpected Results

I have a list of data and I created a form to enter new data to be added to the list. Upon the click of a button it will take the information (name and email address) from the form and add it to the corresponding sheets in alphabetical order. There are linked cells involved so I can't just add this to the bottom and sort. Instead, I have it searching the last name cell in the correct sheets to insert a row into the correct location.
This was working as expected for the most part until I came along a possibly unique situation that I can't figure out.
Basically, I have an if statement checking to see if the name is a duplicate and afterwards checking to see if the if the new name should be inserted.
For i = 2 To lastrow
ElseIf StrComp(lastname, searchl) = 1 And StrComp(lastname, searchl2) = -1 Then
Sheets("Master List").Range("A" & i).Offset(1).EntireRow.Insert (xlDown)
Sheets("Master List").Range("A" & i + 1).Value = firstname
Sheets("Master List").Range("B" & i + 1).Value = lastname
Sheets("Master List").Range("C" & i + 1).Value = fullname
Variables searchl and searchl2 are the last names from search rows i and i + 1, respectively.
My problem is that when I tried to add the last name "Kralik" it tried to insert the data between the last names "Day" and "de Castro"
Originally, I tried comparing the names using the line of code below:
ElseIf lastname > searchl And lastname < searchl2 Then
This executed the exact same way as the code outlined above. I then inserted a break point and decided to use the StrComp method for troubleshooting. Comparing "Kralik" to "Day" produced results expected but the problem occurs when comparing "Kralik" to "de Castro". For some reason, the code thinks "Kralik" is less than "de Castro" and enters the if statement to insert the data at that location. Even more head scratching for me is that I opened a new workbook and quickly typed "Kralik" into A1, "de Castro" into A2 and the formula "=A1>A2" into A3. The formula gave a result TRUE which is what I would have expected from VBA as well.
EDIT: After more tests, I think it must have something to do with the capitalization of "Kralik" vs. "de Castro" my code works as expected as long as the "k" in "Kralik" is uncapitalized. I will use the UCase method on my variables and come back with the results.
EDIT 2: Using UCase works as well. Outlined by GSerg's answer below as to why my original method was not working.
Excel formulas use case insensitive comparisons by default.
VBA uses case sensitive comparisons by default.
If you want case insensitive comparisons, either put
Option Compare Text
at the beginning of the code module to make all text comparisons in that code module case insensitive by default, or request a comparison type in each specific comparison:
ElseIf StrComp(lastname, searchl, vbTextCompare) = 1 And StrComp(lastname, searchl2, vbTextCompare) = -1 Then
On top of that, you should be using binary search in your particular case to find the position to insert. MATCH with match_type = 1 will return you position in a sorted list where the value should go.

Automatic numbering in Excel with hierarchy

I would like to do an automatic summary numbering. The only thing we could do is to number the A's (the titles) but the subtitles should be numbered automatically. If the title = 1, subtitle 1.1, below 1.1.1 and so on.
Let's say the titles are A, B and C are subtibles.
The pattern should be like this
1.1 B
1.2 B
2.1 B
2.1.1 C
So I tried this :
What I get
What we want
What we want
If you have your Level Marker as "A" / "B" / "C" in Column A, and the heading in Column B, then you can use the following (convoluted) code:
=REPT(CHAR(9), CODE(A1)-65) & SUMPRODUCT(--(A:A="A")*--(ROW(A:A)<=ROW(A1))) & "." & IF(CODE(A1)>65,SUMPRODUCT(--(A:A="B")*--(ROW(A:A)<=ROW(A1))*--(ROW(A:A)>=MAX(--ROW(A:A)*--(A:A="A")*--(ROW(A:A)<=ROW(A1))))) & ".","") & IF(CODE(A1)>66,SUMPRODUCT(--(A:A="C")*--(ROW(A:A)<=ROW(A1))*--(ROW(A:A)>=MAX(--ROW(A:A)*--(A:A="B")*--(ROW(A:A)<=ROW(A1))))) & ".","") & CHAR(9) & B1
Let's break it down into steps:
Start with Tabs to indent the heading (0 for "A", 1 for "B", 2 for "C"): REPT(CHAR(9), CODE(A1)-65) where Char(9) is a Tab.
Next, we want to count how many "A"s have we had. We can use SUMPRODUCT to run this as an Array Formula, looking for cells where the value is "A" and the Row is <= current row: SUMPRODUCT(--(A:A="A")*--(ROW(A:A)<=ROW(A1))). Shove a dot after that, and you have your heading number.
Next, IF Column A is "B" or later in the alphabet (IF(CODE(A1)>65, since CODE("A")=65, CODE("B")=66, etc) then we want to count how many "B"s since the last "A". This is very similar to our last query, but we need a ROW(A:A)>=LAST_A. But, what is LAST_A? Well, we want the MAX Row where Column A = "A" and Row <= current row. So, MAX(--ROW(A:A)*--(A:A="A")*--(ROW(A:A)<=ROW(A1))).
This gives SUMPRODUCT(--(A:A="B")*--(ROW(A:A)<=ROW(A1))*--(ROW(A:A)>=MAX(--ROW(A:A)*--(A:A="A")*--(ROW(A:A)<=ROW(A1)))))
Now, we need to add the IF and the full-stop, to get
If(Code(A1)>65,SUMPRODUCT(--(A:A="B")*--(ROW(A:A)<=ROW(A1))*--(Row(A:A)>=MAX(--ROW(A:A)*--(A:A="A")*--(ROW(A:A)<=ROW(A1))))) & ".","")
Repeat the same for all "C"s since the last "B", and then finally add a Tab (CHAR(9)) and the value in Column B.
(If you want, for example, 4 spaces or 6 hyphens or 7 dots instead of Tabs at the start of the row or between the number and the tile, just replace the first or last CHAR(9))
{EDIT} Example:
Fast and dirty.
Just enter the first section manualy.
Then insert it below:
When you write "down" it will add "1." in the end of the string above.
When you write "up" it will remove the last 2 chars and add 1 to the last char of the string above.
if you dont write nothing it will add 1 to the last char.
bug: "up" will not work if section is > 9.

Creating a list of headings, sub-headings and sub-subheadings in Excel

I am looking to make a list of heading type 1, sub-heading type 2 and sub-sub-heading type 3, and each subsequent instance of a heading increments in excel. e.g.
Outcome 1
Output 1.1
Activity 1.1.1
Activity 1.1.2
Output 1.2
Activity 1.2.1
Activity 1.2.2
Activity 1.2.3
Outcome 2
Output 2.1
Activity 2.1.1
Here is my formula - getting to be a complicated nested IF statement:
IF([#Column1]="Outcome", "Outcome " & COUNTIF(tbOOA[[#Headers],[Column1]]:[#Column1], [#Column1]),
IF([#Column1]="Output","Output "& COUNTIF(tbOOA[[#Headers],[Column1]]:[#Column1],"Outcome") ***&"."&*** COUNTIF(tbOOA[[#Headers],[Column1]]:[#Column1],[#Column1]),
"Activity " & "serious help")))
In Column 1, choose from a list of 'Outcome', 'Output', or 'Activity'.
In column 2, calculate the appropriate number, e.g. Output 1.2
If the row is empty, then nothing. - Fine
If it is "Outcome", count from the header until current row for the number of instances of "Outcome". - Fine
Else if it is "Output", count the number of "Outcome"s there are. - Fine
This is where it falls apart. Trying to calculate the number after the "." (bold and italic)
I need to count the # of instances of "Output", but then this has to reset to 1 each time there is a new 'Outcome'.
The logic I'm trying to follow is:
(# of "Outputs" from the table header until the current row) minus
(# of "Outputs" from the table header until the last instance of "Outcome")
I've tried several attempts at calculating row number, but everything has been problematic.
The logic is the same for activities, though will complicate the formula even more and I haven't bothered to start on that until I can get level 2 sorted.
Does anyone know of a similar problem/solution?
If you are open to using hidden helper columns, the formulas become much more manageable. Use Column A to hold your "Outcome", "Output", and "Activity" data.
Then use column B to deal with Outcome numbers, column C to deal with Output numbers, and column D to deal with Activity numbers. Merge the final results together in Column E.
In B1, C1, and D1, manually write in the first values (1, 0, and 0).
Then, fill down starting from B2 with the following:
This works by incrementing only if you have found your next Outcome.
Fill down from C2 with the following:
This works by incrementing only if you have found your next Output. It resets to 0 if you have a new Outcome.
Then fill down from D2 with
It's very similar to the prior formula, but resets on an Outcome or an Output.
Finally, in D4, merge it all together with
& is a string concatenate operation. By checking if the inner values are 0, we only concatenate . and the next number if the next number is non-zero.
I had a similar problem, where I wanted to create the multi-level heading numbers based on the indentation of list of texts. So the numbers must be generated automatically with a user-defined formula (UDF) like below:
For this to work, you must type ="1" in cell A2. The same formula in A3 (below) must be copied down to A4:A14.
Function IndentLevel I took from
Function NextLevelNum I did myself. All code below.
Option Explicit
Public Function IndentLevel(Ref As Range) As Long
IndentLevel = Ref.IndentLevel
End Function
Public Function NextLevelNum(prevNumRef As Range, level As Integer) As String
Dim prevNum As String
Dim nums() As String
Dim prevLevel As Integer
prevNum = prevNumRef.Value
nums = Split(prevNum, ".")
prevLevel = UBound(nums) + 1
' Ensure 1 <= level <= prevLevel +1
level = WorksheetFunction.Max(level, 1)
level = WorksheetFunction.Min(level, prevLevel + 1)
ReDim Preserve nums(0 To level - 1)
If level = prevLevel + 1 Then
nums(level - 1) = "1"
nums(level - 1) = CStr(CInt(nums(level - 1)) + 1)
End If
NextLevelNum = Join(nums, ".")
End Function
