Eslint | How to make eslint to remove spaces in brackets considering conditions - eslint

How to make eslint to remove spaces in brackets considering conditions? For example, I'd like to set up eslint so that if it is just a number inside of an array then we will have no spaces, if other stuff then spaces have to be.
For example:
const arr = [1] // no spaces
const arr2 = [ var, var2, var3 ] // there are spaces


Nodejs adding extra backslash(\) in string [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Double backslash prints the same in node
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I am trying this sample code
let route = {
paths: []
let convertedStr0 = "/{test}/search/v1/{userId}"
let convertedStr1 = convertedStr0.replace(new RegExp("{", 'g'), "(?<").replace(new RegExp("}", 'g'), ">\\S+)$");
console.log(convertedStr1); //Output: /(?<test>\S+)$/search/v1/(?<userId>\S+)$
route.paths[0] = convertedStr1;
console.log(route); //Output: { paths: [ '/(?<test>\\S+)$/search/v1/(?<userId>\\S+)$' ] }
I need to write the route result in a file with single backslash (\). But an extra backslash is appended. Any one has any suggestion how I can fix this issue?
The backslash is also an escaping Character. In your literally string, ">\\S+)$", the 1st escaping the 2nd. this means both "\\" defining single literally char of \.
In the 1st console.log, your output is a sequence of characters. In character terms you have only single backslash defined in your string.
In the 2nd console.log, your output is a string representation of your sequence. So there is doubled backslash, representing one escaping the another.
Notice also, that the 1st output is not wrapped with single quotes as in the 2nd case.
If you want to keep the single backslash in the output file, first stringify your route object and then replace the double slash with a single one:
route = JSON.stringify(route, null, 2)
console.log(route); //Output: { "paths": [ "/(?<test>\S+)$/search/v1/(?<userId>\S+)$" ] }

adding commas and removing space after each class is copied cheerio

i am not understanding how can add commas after each class is copied i did it using for loop but it gives more different output than I want. There are around 9 div class of .name so when each one is copied i want add commas and remove extra space.
here is my code part:
const A = $('.tag-container.field-name').map((i, section) => {
let B = $(section).find('.name')
return B.text()
Use trim and join:
$(css).get().map(el => $(el).text().trim()).join(', ')
There are two things you want to do here.
To remove any whitespace from the left or right-hand sides of a string (eg. from " foo " to "foo"), you can use the String.trim() method.
Regarding the second point, I assume that in adding commas, you want to end up with a string of classnames, separated with commas, like "foo,bar,baz". The .map method you are already using will return an array of something. You can join elements of an array together as a string with the Array.join() method. The join method takes a single argument which specifies the string to use in between each element.
Put those together, and you end up with something like:
const A = $(".tag-container.field-name")
.map((i, section) => {
let B = $(section).find(".name");
return B.text().trim(); // Note use of trim
.join(',') // Join all elements of the array with the `,` character
// Something like `"foo,bar,baz"`

Python List Formatting and Updation

I have a list Eg. a = ["dgbbgfbjhffbjjddvj/n//n//n' "]
How do I remove the trailing new lines i.e. all /n with extra single inverted comma at the end?
Expected result = ["dfgjhgjjhgfjjfgg"] (I typed it randomly)
you can use string rstrip() method.
where c are what chars have to be trimmed, whitespace is the default when no arg provided.
a = ['Return a copy of the string\n', 'with trailing characters removed\n\n']
[i.rstrip('\n') for i in a]
['Return a copy of the string', 'with trailing characters removed']
more about strip():

Regex to capture comma separated numbers enclosed in quotes

I have a large set of JavaScript snippets each containing a line like:
function('some string without numbers', '123,71')
and I'm hoping to get a regex together to pull the numbers from the second argument. The second argument can contain an arbitrary number of comma separated numbers (inlcuding zero numbers), so the following are all valid:
The regex '(?:\d+|,)*' successfully matches the quoted numbers, but I have no idea how to match each of the numbers. Placing a capture group around the \d+ seems to capture the last number (if there is one present -- it doesn't work if the second argument is just ''), but none of the others.
In your case, you may match and capture the digits inside the single quotes and then split them with a comma:
var s = "function('some string without numbers', '123,71')";
var res = s.match(/'([\d,]+)'/) || ["", ""];
The /'([\d,]+)'/ regex will match a ', then 1+ digits or commas (placing that value into Group 1) and then a closing '.
If you want to run the regex globally, use
var s = "function('some string without numbers', '123,71')\nfunction('some string without numbers', '13,4,0')";
var rx = /'([\d,]+)'/g;
var res = [], m;
while ((m=rx.exec(s)) !== null) {
If you have a numbers in a variable x like this:
var x = '55,1,6000';
then use this to have the list of numbers:
var array = x.split(',');
If you can have some whitespace before/after the comma then use:
var array = x.split('\s*,\s*');
or something like that.
Sometimes it is easier to match the thing that you don't want and split on that.

Python - exclude data with double quotes and parenthesis

I have a list which contains set of words in single quotes and double quotes, now i want to grep all the data only in single quotes.
sentence = ['(telco_name_list.event_date','',"''",'data_flow.code',"'/long/page/data.jsp'"]
I want to exclude the parenthesis and string in double quotes.
Since you tagged the post as python-3.x, I'm assuming you want to write python code. Based on your example this would work:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Input_sentence = ['(telco_name_list.event_date','',"''",'data_flow.code',"'/long/page/data.jsp'"]
comma = False
result = []
for i in range(len(Input_sentence)):
e = Input_sentence[i]
if e.startswith("'"): continue
e = e.replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
if comma:
print(",", end="")
comma = True
print(e, end="")
This code iterates through the list, ignoring elements which begin with a single quote and filtering out parentheses from elements before printing them on stdout. This code works for the given example, but may or may not be what you need as the exact semantics of what you want out are somewhat ambiguous (i.e. is it fine to filter out all parentheses or just the ones at the beginning and end of your elements?).
