How to fetch the Finance Charge Preferences values using SuiteScript in NetSuite? - netsuite

We need to perform calculations in SuiteScript using the values in Setup/Accounting/Finance Charge Preferences. Which record is this stored on? Specifically, we're looking for these finance charge fields:
Annual Rate
Minimum Finance Charge
Grace Period
We've tried to create saved searches in all of the obvious records but have not been able to find these fields.

Not documented but N/runtime can be used to get this info (at least in the console)
require(['N/runtime'], runtime=>{
const user = runtime.getCurrentUser();
You can get the field ids by clicking the field help on the Finance Charge Preferences page.
If that doesn't work to get the fields you can see if the fields are available but not documented by creating a server side script (I'd use a suitelet) to get the accounting preferences object and dump the field names.
If the config module was available client side this would be the console version:
require(['N/config'], config=>{
const conf = config.load({type:'accountingpreferences'});


Search payment records information in Netsuite using Suitelet

Need to get payment data from Transaction >> Payable >> Pay single vendor form and create a data file. This has been done with an eventscript (add button), a clientscript and a Suitelet by searching currentRecord data from client script to Suitelet and generated a file. However, searching Transaction record type could not get payer payment department and cost center data as I know. So any advice and recommendation from Netsuite experts on how can get these payer data from Netsuite with the existing Transaction information on the Bill Payment form, like payment check number, entity id, transaction number, etc ?
When using the N/search module the following 3 tools are invaluable for retrieving data from netsuite transactions.
Netsuite records browser (shows all of the fields, available search filters, and joins ect.)
Another great tool is an extension called Netsuite Field Explorer developed by Michoel Chaikin
you can also turn on field ids in your account by navigating to Home->Set preferences->General tab->Set defaults->Show internal ids
(This will show the field id when you click on the field "What is this?" link directly on the record)
between the three you should be able to get everything you need to run a search and retrieve the data you are looking for.
Depending on your needs you can either search.create (return multiple records) or search.lookupfield(return a single record)

Stripe: Get card information so customer can update their card

My app uses subscriptions with Stripe.
I want to create a standard "account" page, which will list the customer's current card information (like "MasterCard" and last 4 of card number), and give the customer the option of updating that information.
I'm stuck on the first piece--getting back the current card information. To do this, I need the current card_id. I have tried the "listSources" method, but this returns blank data where the card info is supposed to be. What do I need to do to get that card info?
Here is what I've tried:
(I'm using Node, and running this server side)
The closest method I have found is here:
var stripe = require('stripe')(STRIPE_TOKEN);
{object: 'bank_account', limit: 3},
function(err, cards) {
// asynchronously called
This returns information (there's no error), but the docs say this method should return a data array of the cards that includes the card id for each. In testing, the data array keeps coming back empty.
I am testing with a customer id that has a valid subscription and a card that I can see on my Stripe dashboard.
Why is the data array coming back empty?
Note: there's also a retrieve source method, which should give back card details, but this method requires you have the id of the card you want info on, and that's what I am not able to get right now.
Converting this to an answer...
Stripe has recently rolled out PaymentMethods, which replace (and are separate from) the older Tokens and Sources API.
OP's issue is that their integration creates PaymentMethod objects, which won't show up in the sources list, but can instead be accessed via stripe.paymentMethods.list.

Using Graph API to query SharePoint list items and expand user field

I'm trying to query for some SP list items, all is working fine except I can't seem to expand a custom column of type Person.
I can see the createdBy and lastModifiedBy expanded and even includes the AAD user id, which is great and also leads me to think what I want is possible!
But mine is a custom column.
I'm running this and can only seem to get the SP user list id and the user's display name...neither of which are much use.
Ideally I'd like to get the AAD user id as per createdBy and modifiedBy field, but the email would suffice.
Otherwise the only way I can see is to query the User Information List (using the UserLookupId) to get the email?
This appears to be correct assumption:
Otherwise the only way I can see is to query the User Information List
(using the UserLookupId) to get the email?
for non-system user fields, it is indeed a way to go, but there are some distinctions whether user field is multi-valued or single-valued.
If Approvers is a multi-valued user field, then the following query:{site-id}/lists/{list-id}/items?$expand=fields($select=Approvers)
returns email and id properties along with displayName property for user field value.
While for single-valued user field only id (available via {userfield}LookupId property) and displayName properties could be requested via items endpoint, for example:{site-id}/lists/{list-id}/items?$expand=fields($select=Approver,ApproverLookupId)
So, indeed User Information List needs to be utilized to request additional user properties, for example:'User Information List')/items/{item-id}/?$expand=fields($select=Email)
where item-id corresponds to user field lookup id
This was my experience modifying the
Build Angular single-page apps with Microsoft Graph. In the examples below, I changed my id's out with the default text.
Here is
The Finished Project on thier github
In Graph Explorer, this worked. You can verify it at the Microsoft Graph Explorer.{site-id}/lists/{list-id}/items?expand=fields($select=id,Title)
In the app/graph.service.ts in the app, this did not work. Even though you would expect it to based on the graph explorer.
Changing the app/graph.service.ts api call worked.
The result looked like this:
fields: {
#odata.etag: ""d6f5b6ea-9f90-452d-98ba-e838f58d3359,1"",
id: "20"
Here's an example site id:,9dk062b-2e54-4e4f-b71a-cdb74f42cc44,c6cf6b0a-cc7c-41fd-a76a-ef8f97e8a22f
Here's an example list id.
The end url won't have any {} in it.

How to modify a Customer Refund in an After Submit User Event

After a new Customer Refund record is saved (After Submit user event) I need to communicate with an external web service and then update 2 fields in the record. When this code is executed to load the Customer Refund
var o = nlapiLoadRecord("customerrefund", 1906);
This error message is returned:
Transaction type specified is incorrect.
I found a list of supported records in the "Chapter 60 SuiteScript Supported Records" of SuiteScript Developer & Reference Guide which says the Customer Refund is only available in a server side script.
How should I go about updating the Customer Refund record?
Without seeing more code, it looks ok. I would double check that the internalId of 1906 is correct.
Also, if you're just submitting two fields, I would use nlapiSubmitField(), this will take less governance points and be quicker for NetSuite rather than nlapiLoadRecord / nlapiSubmitRecord.
Your code looks correct, if you are updating the current record I would recommend using below code to avoid incorrect internalid:
var o = nlapiLoadRecord("customerrefund", nlapiGetRecordId());
Also, I would recommend that if you need to update the fields, consider using before submit user event script on customer refund and you can update the fields using nlapiSetFieldValue(FIELD_ID, FIELD_VALUE). No need to submit the record in case of before submit.
If your script is deployed in the customer refund record, you can also do nlapiGetRecordType().

nlapiResolveURL, identifiers?

I'm having trouble finding the identifiers for the nlapiResolveURL command. According to the dev guide, nlapiResolveURL(type, identifier, id, displayMode) and identifier is identifier {string} [required] - The primary id for this resource (recordType for RECORD, scriptId for SUITELET)
for bill payments the recordType is vendorpayment not VendPymt I have been searching in the dev guide for the list of recordTypes but I can seem to find the list of recordTypes to use for nlapiResolveURL
Check the Records Browser for a list of all Records. The page for each Record Type will display its Internal ID, which is always in all lowercase letters (e.g. "salesorder", "invoice", "journalentry").
In addition to that, when you are running SuiteScript in the context of a record (e.g. User Event or Client Script), you can use nlapiGetRecordType() to get the type's internal ID.
Edit: Just found the page title SuiteScript Supported Records in the NetSuite Help. This has a list of all record types supported by SuiteScript along with their internal IDs. There is an accompanying Web Services Supported Records if you're using the SOAP API as well.
Check SuiteScript Supported Records to check the internal id's of records that is to be used in identifier.
Make a bookmark on your browser and paste this as the link
Then go to NetSuite and open the console (F12 in Chrome > console), and press the bookmark button.
This will show all record types in NetSuite.
