Calling a String in Processing - string

I'm new to processing/java/code but was hoping for some help with my sketch.
I am trying to create an ink-looking sketch, with letters/characters displayed, then faded out instead of particles themselves. Inspired by I've run into errors with the entire particle constructor with an error on the line void update(p):
//update the velocity and location of particle
void update(p){
this.acceleration.add(createVector((noise(this.location.x)*2-1), (noise(this.location.y)*2-1)));
this.alpha -= this.rate ;
// here is the recursion condition
if(this.alpha<=this.palpha*0.25 && this.palpha>10) {
p.push(new particle(this.location.x, this.location.y, this.rate*0.25, this.palpha*0.5));
Here is my full code
Thank you!
String[] particles = {"a", "b", "c", "d"} ; //string of particles
int velocity;
int acceleration;
int location;
int alpha;
int p;
void setup() {
size(600, 600);
void draw() {
if(mousePressed) {
// spawn a new particle and add it to the array
particles.push(text(particles, mouseX, mouseY, 75));
textSize(random(20, 40));
// update and show the particles
for(int i=particles.length-2; i>=0; i--) {
if(particles[i].alpha<=2) particles.splice(i, 5); // remove the dead particle
//particle class
class particle{
//constructor called when creating an instance of this class
// x & y are the location, r is the rate of decay, a is the starting alpha value
particle(float x, float y, float r, float a){
this.location = createVector(x,y) ;
this.velocity = createVector(random(-1,1),random(-1,1));
this.acceleration = createVector();
this.alpha = this.palpha=a ;
this.amp=4; // size of the particle
this.rate = r;
//update the velocity and location of particle
void update(p){
this.acceleration.add(createVector((noise(this.location.x)*2-1), (noise(this.location.y)*2-1)));
this.alpha -= this.rate ;
// here is the recursion condition
if(this.alpha<=this.palpha*0.25 && this.palpha>10) {
p.push(new particle(this.location.x, this.location.y, this.rate*0.25, this.palpha*0.5));
//show the particles
void show(){
noStroke() ;
fill(0,35,25, this.alpha) ;
ellipse(this.location.x, this.location.y, this.amp);
} // end particle class```

You have at least two separate questions here:
how to port the p5.js sketch to Processing ?
how to add text for each particle ?
In the future I recommend breaking the problem down to simpler/shorter problems that can be tackle independently.
How let's look at the syntax errors Processing presents:
particles.push(text(particles, mouseX, mouseY, 75));
errors with
The function "text()" expects parameters like: "text(int, float, float, float)"
The issue here is slightly masked. It looks like instead of calling text(yourTextString, yourTextX, yourTextY); you have different parameters. In reality there are two issues here:
push() is JavaScript Array's function. You need to use an ArrayList and its add() method instead in Processing (Java).
currently the particle class doesn't handle text. You can add a String text property which you can supply with a modified contructor: Particle(float x, float y, float r, float a, String text) (and you'd assign the constructor argument to the instance property (e.g. this.text = textl)
createVector exists in p5.js. In Processing you can switch this to new PVector(). Additionally you need to declare the variables initialised in the constructor as part of the class (e.g. location, velocity, acceleration, alpha, palpha, amp, rate).
ellipse(this.location.x, this.location.y, this.amp); is missing the last argument: ellipse(this.location.x, this.location.y, this.amp, this.amp);
This is a modified version of your code with the above notes applied:
// original sketch by OpenProcessing user Prasad
String[] particlesText = {"a", "b", "c", "d"} ; //string of text
// array of particles
ArrayList<Particle> particles = new ArrayList<Particle>();
int velocity;
int acceleration;
int location;
int alpha;
int p;
void setup() {
size(600, 600);
void draw() {
if(mousePressed) {
// spawn a new particle and add it to the array
// use % to loop over text (e.g .a,b,c,d,a...etc)
int textIndex = particles.size() % particlesText.length;
// grab the text from the array
String text = particlesText[textIndex];
// add a new particle providing text as well
particles.add(new Particle((float)mouseX, (float)mouseY,5.0, 75.0, text));
textSize(random(20, 40));
// update and show the particles
for(int i=particles.size()-2; i>=0; i--) {
Particle particle = particles.get(i);
if(particle.alpha<=2) particles.remove(i); // remove the dead particle
//particle class
class Particle{
PVector location;
PVector velocity;
PVector acceleration;
float alpha;
float palpha;
float amp;
float rate;
String text = "";
//constructor called when creating an instance of this class
// x & y are the location, r is the rate of decay, a is the starting alpha value
Particle(float x, float y, float r, float a, String text){
this.location = new PVector(x,y) ;
this.velocity = new PVector(random(-1,1),random(-1,1));
this.acceleration = new PVector();
this.alpha = this.palpha=a ;
this.amp=4; // size of the particle
this.rate = r;
this.text = text;
//update the velocity and location of particle
void update(ArrayList<Particle> p){
this.acceleration.add(new PVector((noise(this.location.x)*2-1), (noise(this.location.y)*2-1)));
this.alpha -= this.rate ;
// here is the recursion condition
if(this.alpha<=this.palpha*0.25 && this.palpha>10) {
p.add(new Particle(this.location.x, this.location.y, this.rate*0.25, this.palpha*0.5, this.text));
//show the particles
void show(){
noStroke() ;
fill(0,35,25, this.alpha);
//render the ellipse
ellipse(this.location.x, this.location.y, this.amp, this.amp);
// render the text
textSize(this.amp * 6);
text(this.text, this.location.x, this.location.y);
} // end particle class
(Note that you can choose not to render the ellipses and you can tweak the text size to something that makes more sense aesthetically. Also, when you're using other people's code, always credit them.)


Efficient floor/ceiling rendering in Raycaster

I am working on my Raycaster engine for some time, that I am runing on slower machines.
The most challenging problem I occures was/is the efficient floor and ceiling casting.
My question is:
what other faster approached can I use?
(I am not sure how Doom floors and ceilings are rendered)
So far I tried two typical solutions:
verical and horizontal - casting as described in well know lodev tutorial:
The horizontal approach is of course much faster, but I additionally optimized it with fixed point variables.
Unfortunately even that approach is a performance killer - quite big fps drop even on faster cpus, and an slower cpus its a bottle neck.
My other ideas:
I figure out an algorithm that was converting visible floor/ceiling map tiles to quads that I splitted to two triangles - and rasterized them as in regular scanline rasterizers. It was much faster - also I could sorted tiles by texture id to be more cache friendly. Unfortunately I got into "perspective correction texture mapping" in that case - to fix this I must add some divisions, that will lower the performacnce.. but also there are some optimalizations that can be done..
using horizontal casting with every 2 ray (in column, row or both) - i will fill the blank spaces with averaged texture coords
I could also try to combine my algorithm from 1 point with horizontal casting - I could sort the textures by ID then for example, I think that there would be no texture distortions
mode 7 ?
my progres so far:
EDIT (1):
The Floor and Ceiling rednering code (based od lodev tutorial the horizontal approach)
but optimized with fixed point. Ceil calculations are mirrored to floor.
This approach is faster than the vertical approach, butlots of calculations is inner loop and random accesing to texture pixels hits the performance..
inline void RC_Raycast_Floor_Ceiling()
// get local copy of RC_level_textures
sBM_Bitmap* level_textures = RC_level_textures;
// ray direction for leftmost ray (x = 0) and rightmost ray (x = width)
float32 r_dx0 = RC_pp_dx - RC_pp_nsize_x_d2;
float32 r_dy0 = RC_pp_dy - RC_pp_nsize_y_d2;
//float32 r_dx1 = RC_pp_dx + RC_pp_nsize_x_d2;
//float32 r_dy1 = RC_pp_dy + RC_pp_nsize_y_d2;
// precalculated helpers for performance
float32 r_dx1_m_dx0_div_width = (RC_pp_nsize_x_d2 + RC_pp_nsize_x_d2) * RC_render_width__1div__f;
float32 r_dy1_m_dy0_div_width = (RC_pp_nsize_y_d2 + RC_pp_nsize_y_d2) * RC_render_width__1div__f;
int16 ray_y = -1;
u_int16 ray_y_counter = RC_render_height__i;
u_int8* walls_buffer__ptr = RC_walls_buffer;
// casting floor and ceiling - horizontal line by line - from left to right
// dont go further if the current floor/ceil scanline line won't be visible
if (ray_y >= RC_walls_start)
if (ray_y < RC_walls_end)
ray_y = RC_walls_end;
ray_y_counter = RC_walls_start - 1;
walls_buffer__ptr += ((RC_walls_end - RC_walls_start) * RC_render_width__i);
// whether this section is floor or ceiling
u_int8 is_floor = ray_y > RC_render_height__div2__i;
// current ray y position compared to the center of the screen (the horizon)
float32 ry_pos = (float32)(is_floor ? (ray_y - RC_render_height__div2__i) : (RC_render_height__div2__i - ray_y));
// vertical position of projection plane, 0.5 is between floor and ceiling
float32 pp_z = (float32)(is_floor ? (RC_render_height__div2__i) : (RC_render_height__div2__i));
float32 straight_distance_to_point = pp_z / ry_pos;
// calculate the real world step vector we have to add for each x (parallel to camera plane)
// adding step by step avoids multiplications with a weight in the inner loop
float32 floor_step_x = straight_distance_to_point * r_dx1_m_dx0_div_width;
float32 floor_step_y = straight_distance_to_point * r_dy1_m_dy0_div_width;
float32 floor_x = RC_player_x + straight_distance_to_point * r_dx0;
float32 floor_y = RC_player_y + straight_distance_to_point * r_dy0;
// convert that values to fixed point
int32 floor_x__fp = (int32)(floor_x * 65536.0f);
int32 floor_y__fp = (int32)(floor_y * 65536.0f);
int32 floor_step_x__fp = (int32)(floor_step_x * 65536.0f);
int32 floor_step_y__fp = (int32)(floor_step_y * 65536.0f);
u_int32 ry_m_render_width = ray_y * RC_render_width__i;
u_int32 ry_m_render_width_i_mirror = (RC_render_height__i- ray_y-1) * RC_render_width__i;
int16 ray_x = -1;
u_int16 ray_x_counter = RC_render_width__i;
sLV_Cell* level_map = RC_level->map;
// drawing floor and ceiling from left to right
floor_x__fp += floor_step_x__fp;
floor_y__fp += floor_step_y__fp;
if (*walls_buffer__ptr != 0)
u_int32 output_pixel_index = ray_x + ry_m_render_width;
u_int32 output_pixel_index_mirror = ray_x + ry_m_render_width_i_mirror;
// the cell coord is simply got from the integer parts of floorX and floorY
u_int32 curr_cell_x = (floor_x__fp & FP_INTEGER_MASK_16) >> 16;
u_int32 curr_cell_y = (floor_y__fp & FP_INTEGER_MASK_16) >> 16;
// prevent overflow
// curr_cell_x &= LV_MAP_SIZE_m1;
// curr_cell_y &= LV_MAP_SIZE_m1;
u_int32 texture_pixel_x = (floor_x__fp & FP_FRACTION_MASK_16) >> 9;
u_int32 texture_pixel_y = (floor_y__fp & FP_FRACTION_MASK_16) >> 9;
u_int32 cell_index = curr_cell_x + (curr_cell_y << LV_MAP_SIZE_BITSHIFT);
// get the texture index depending on the cell
u_int32 texture_index;
/* if (is_floor)
texture_index = level_map[cell_index].floor_id;
texture_index = level_map[cell_index].ceil_id;
texture_index = level_map[cell_index].ceil_id;
// get pixel coords in texture
u_int32 tex_index = texture_pixel_x + (texture_pixel_y << 7);
u_int32 texture_current_pixel = level_textures[0].pixels[tex_index];
RC_output_buffer_32[output_pixel_index] = texture_current_pixel;
texture_index = level_map[cell_index].floor_id;
texture_current_pixel = level_textures[texture_index].pixels[tex_index];
RC_output_buffer_32[output_pixel_index_mirror] = texture_current_pixel;
I will refer my ray cast engine so here some stuff that will help you understand it. Lets start with class declarations:
const int _Doom3D_mipmaps=8; // number of mipmaps for texture
const DWORD _Doom3D_edit_cell_size=4; // [pixel] 2D map cell size
const DWORD _Doom3D_cell_size=100; // [units] cell cube size
// heigh ceil floor wall
const DWORD _Doom3D_cell_floor=( 0<<24)|( 0<<16)|(18<<8)|(39);
const DWORD _Doom3D_cell_wall =(_Doom3D_cell_size<<24)|( 0<<16)|( 0<<8)|(39);
class Texture2D // 2D textures
Graphics::TBitmap *bmp;
int xs,ys; DWORD **pyx;
Texture2D() { bmp=new Graphics::TBitmap; xs=0; ys=0; pyx=NULL; resize(1,1); }
Texture2D(Texture2D& a) { *this=a; }
~Texture2D() { free(); if (bmp) delete bmp; bmp=NULL; }
Texture2D* operator = (const Texture2D *a) { *this=*a; return this; }
Texture2D* operator = (const Texture2D &a) { bmp->Assign(a.bmp); resize(); return this; }
void free() { if (pyx) delete[] pyx; xs=0; ys=0; pyx=NULL; }
void resize(int _xs=-1,int _ys=-1) { free(); if ((_xs<0)||(_ys<0)) { _xs=bmp->Width; _ys=bmp->Height; } else bmp->SetSize(_xs,_ys); bmp->HandleType=bmDIB; bmp->PixelFormat=pf32bit; pyx=new DWORD* [_ys]; for (int y=0;y<_ys;y++) pyx[y]=(DWORD*)bmp->ScanLine[y]; xs=bmp->Width; ys=bmp->Height; }
void load(AnsiString name) { AnsiString ext=ExtractFileExt(name).LowerCase(); for(;;) { if (ext==".bmp") { bmp->LoadFromFile(name); break; } if (ext==".jpg") { TJPEGImage *jpg=new TJPEGImage; if (jpg==NULL) return; jpg->LoadFromFile(name); bmp->Assign(jpg); delete jpg; break; } return; } resize(); }
class Doom3D
Texture2D map,map2,scr,sky; // map, map preview, screen, sky texture
Texture2D txr[_Doom3D_mipmaps],*ptxr;// texture atlas with mipmas, actual mipmap for rendering scan lines
DWORD sxs2,sys2; // screen half resolution
DWORD tn,tm; // number of textures in texture atlas, number of mipmaps used
BYTE liH[256],liV[256],liF[256]; // shading LUT for H,V,floor/ceiling (light scaled shades of gray)
int scale_x;
bool _no_mipmap;
struct _player
double a; // player view direction [rad]
double x0,y0,z0; // old player position [cell]
double x, y, z; // player position [cell]
double vx,vy,vz; // player speed [cell/s]
double ax,ay,az; // player acceleration [cell/s]
void update(double dt)
x0=x; vx+=ax*dt; x+=vx*dt;
y0=y; vy+=ay*dt; y+=vy*dt;
z0=z; vz+=az*dt; z+=vz*dt;
_player() { a=x=y=z=vx=vy=vz=ax=ay=az=0.0; }
_player(_player& a) { *this=a; }
~_player() {};
_player* operator = (const _player *a) { *this=*a; return this; }
//_player* operator = (const _player &a) { ..copy... return this; }
} plr;
double view_ang; // [rad] view angle
double focus; // [cells] view focal length
double wall; // [px] projected wall size ratio size = height*wall/distance
struct _ray
int x,y; // cell map position
double ang; // ray angle
double x0,y0,l0; // cell first hit
double x1,y1,l1; // cell second hit
int sx; // screen x coordinate
int sy0,sy1; // screen y coordinates of V scanline to render
char tp0,tp1; // H/V hit type
DWORD map; // map cell of hit or 0xFFFFFFFF
_ray() {};
_ray(_ray& a) { *this=a; }
~_ray() {};
_ray* operator = (const _ray *a) { *this=*a; return this; }
//_ray* operator = (const _ray &a) { ..copy... return this; }
keytab keys; // keyboard handler
DWORD txr_wall; // map editor
DWORD txr_floor;
DWORD txr_ceil;
DWORD cell_h;
DWORD *txr_mode; AnsiString txr_mode_txt;
Doom3D(Doom3D& a) { *this=a; }
Doom3D* operator = (const Doom3D *a) { *this=*a; return this; }
//Doom3D* operator = (const Doom3D &a) { ..copy... return this; }
void map_resize(DWORD xs,DWORD ys); // change map resolution
void map_clear(); // clear whole map
void map_save(AnsiString name); // save map to file
void map_load(AnsiString name); // load map from file
void scr_resize(DWORD xs,DWORD ys); // resize view
void txr_mipmap(); // generate mipmaps for txr
bool cell2screen(int &sx,int &sy,double x,double y,double z); // [pixel] <- [cell] return tru if in front of player
void draw_scanline(int sx,int sy0,int sy1, int symin,int tx0,int ty0,int tx1,int ty1,BYTE *li); // render screen y-scan line from texture (sub routine)
void draw_scanline(int sx,int sy0,int sy1,int sz0,int sz1,int symin,int tx0,int ty0,int tx1,int ty1,BYTE *li); // render screen y-scan line from texture (sub routine)
void draw_cell(_ray &p); // render actual cell hit by ray p (sub routine)
void draw(); // render view
void update(double dt); // update game logic (call in timer with interval dt [s])
void mouse(double x,double y,TShiftState sh) // editor mouse handler
keys.setm(x,y,sh); // mx,my mouse screen pos [pixels]
x=floor(x/_Doom3D_edit_cell_size); //if (x>=map.xs) x=map.xs-1; if (x<0) x=0;
y=floor(y/_Doom3D_edit_cell_size); //if (y>=map.ys) y=map.ys-1; if (y<0) y=0;
DWORD xx=x,yy=y;
if ((xx>=0)&&(xx<map.xs)&&(yy>=0)&&(yy<map.ys)) keys.setk(xx,yy,sh); // kx,ky mouse map pos [cells]
if (keys.Shift.Contains(ssLeft )) map.pyx[yy][xx]=(txr_wall)|(txr_floor<<8)|(txr_ceil<<16)|(cell_h<<24);
if (keys.Shift.Contains(ssRight )) map.pyx[yy][xx]=0xFFFFFFFF;
if (keys.Shift.Contains(ssMiddle))
DWORD c=map.pyx[yy][xx];
txr_wall =c &0xFF;
txr_floor=(c>> 8)&0xFF;
txr_ceil =(c>>16)&0xFF;
cell_h =(c>>24)&0xFF;
void wheel(int delta,TShiftState sh) // editor mouse wheel handler
if (sh.Contains(ssShift))
if (delta<0) { cell_h-=10; if (cell_h>_Doom3D_cell_size) cell_h=0; }
if (delta>0) { cell_h+=10; if (cell_h>_Doom3D_cell_size) cell_h=_Doom3D_cell_size; }
if (delta<0) { (*txr_mode)--; if (*txr_mode>=tn) *txr_mode=tn-1; }
if (delta>0) { (*txr_mode)++; if (*txr_mode==tn) *txr_mode= 0; }
The full code (without any helper files) is ~27.7 KByte so it would not fit with answer. Its old version (without floor/ceiling/top of walls) is here:
Ray Casting with different height size
Its more complicated than yours as it allows walls with different heights and separate texture for wall, floor and ceiling (however ceiling is not implemented yet I used cloud texture instead) and also jumps (z position of player).
The geometry of map and projections are the same as in the link above. Here a helper function that convert between 2.5D map position and screen (so you know what math is used):
bool Doom3D::cell2screen(int &sx,int &sy,double x,double y,double z)
double a,l;
// x,y relative to player
// convert z from [cell] to units
// angle -> sx
if (a<-pi) a+=pi2;
if (a>+pi) a-=pi2;
// perpendicular distance -> sy
// in front of player?
return (fabs(a)<=0.5*pi);
The function itself is used only for HUD of editor (highlight selected map cell in 2.5D view) the sxs2,sys2 is the center of screen (half of resolution sxs,sys) and wall is used to manage the perspective projection computed like this:
void Doom3D::scr_resize(DWORD xs,DWORD ys)
// aspect ratio,view angle corrections
double a=90.0*deg-view_ang;
In my engine the ray is tested in more like ray march manner as it does not stop on first hit, but on first hit that covers whole wall size (so rays can pass through smaller walls that do not block whole view which also render the ground tiles along the way).
As your engine does not do this and have full size walls only you will have just single hit instead.
Now finally get back to your question. I see 2 ways of improvement:
use result of the ray from wall test instead of casting floor/ceiling ray
As you want to have separate tiles on ceiling and floor then you should use ray marching like ray cast. Meaning cast one ray per each column of screen and iterate it by all map cell crossings until a wall is hit. However instead of rendering only on wall hit you have to render on each cell hit. Something like on this image:
So red line is cast ray (orange is just a mirror). Each rendered cell of map is hit with the ray in 2 points. You should know the map cell position of each hit and also its screen coordinate from the ray casting. So you just need to add the perpendicular distance to camera and render the line segment as a perspective correct interpolated textured line for floor and ceiling. The wall is always just vertical non perspective textured line. The texture coordinates are taken from the map position of hit (fractional part of coordinates). In code its a bit messy but here it is:
void Doom3D::draw_scanline(int sx,int sy0,int sy1,int symin,int tx0,int ty0,int tx1,int ty1,BYTE *li)
// affine texture mapping (front side of walls) sy0>sy1
union { DWORD dd; BYTE db[4]; } cc;
int sy,tx,ty,ktx,kty,dtx,dty,ctx,cty,dsy;
dsy=sy1-sy0; if (dsy<0) dsy=-dsy;
ktx=0; dtx=tx1-tx0; if (dtx>0) ktx=+1; else { ktx=-1; dtx=-dtx; } tx=tx0; ctx=0;
kty=0; dty=ty1-ty0; if (dty>0) kty=+1; else { kty=-1; dty=-dty; } ty=ty0; cty=0;
if (dsy) for (sy=sy0;sy>=sy1;sy--)
if ((sy>=0)&&(sy<scr.ys)&&(sy<=symin))
if ((tx>=0)&&(tx<ptxr->xs)&&(ty>=0)&&(ty<ptxr->ys))
for (ctx+=dtx;ctx>=dsy;) { ctx-=dsy; tx+=ktx; }
for (cty+=dty;cty>=dsy;) { cty-=dsy; ty+=kty; }
void Doom3D::draw_scanline(int sx,int sy0,int sy1,int sz0,int sz1,int symin,int tx0,int ty0,int tx1,int ty1,BYTE *li)
// perspective correct mapping (floor, top side of walls, ceiling) sy0>sy1
union { DWORD dd; BYTE db[4]; } cc;
int sy,tx,ty,dsy,dtx,dty,n,dn;
int a,_z0,_z1,_tx;
const int acc0=16;
const int acc1=8;
dsy=sy1-sy0; dn=abs(dsy);
if (sz0==0) return; _z0=(1<<acc0)/sz0;
if (sz1==0) return; _z1=(1<<acc0)/sz1;
if (dn) for (n=0;n<=dn;n++)
a=((n<<acc1)*_z1)/(((dn-n)*_z0)+(n*_z1)); // perspective correction a=<0,1<<acc1> (
if ((sy>=0)&&(sy<scr.ys)&&(sy<=symin))
if ((tx>=0)&&(tx<ptxr->xs)&&(ty>=0)&&(ty<ptxr->ys))
void Doom3D::draw_cell(_ray &p)
BYTE *li;
int tx0,tx1,ty0,ty1,sy,sy0,sy1,sy2,sy3,sz0,sz1,q;
int sy4,sy5;
sy1=sy0 -divide(double((>>24)<<1 )*wall,p.l0);
sy3=sy2 -divide(double((>>24)<<1 )*wall,p.l1);
// select mipmap resolution
for (q=tm-1;q>=0;q--)
if (ty0<=ptxr->ys) break;
if (_no_mipmap) ptxr=txr;
// mouse select
if (
if (>=sy3)
if (<=sy0)
if ((>=map2.ys)||(>=map2.xs))
if (( { sy1=sy0; sy3=sy2; }
// wall
if ((sy1<p.sy1)&&((!=0xFF))
if (p.tp0=='H') { li=liH; tx0+=double(double(ptxr->ys-1)*(p.x0-floor(p.x0))); }
if (p.tp0=='V') { li=liV; tx0+=double(double(ptxr->ys-1)*(p.y0-floor(p.y0))); }
// ceiling
if ((!=0xFF0000)
// floor/top side
if ((sy3<p.sy1)&&((!=0xFF00))
if (sy3<p.sy1) p.sy1=sy3;
void Doom3D::draw()
_ray p;
DWORD x,y,c,m;
DWORD mx,mx0,mx1;
DWORD my,my0,my1;
double a,a0,da,dx,dy,l;
double xx0,yy0,dx0,dy0,ll0,dl0;
double xx1,yy1,dx1,dy1,ll1,dl1;
// compute diffuse + ambient lighting LUT (light scaled shades of gray)
c=155.0+fabs(100.0*sin( plr.a)); for (x=0;x<256;x++) liH[x]=(x*c)>>8; // H wall
c=155.0+fabs(100.0*cos( plr.a)); for (x=0;x<256;x++) liV[x]=(x*c)>>8; // V wall
c=155.0+fabs(100.0*cos(30.0*deg)); for (x=0;x<256;x++) liF[x]=(x*c)>>8; // floor, wall top side
// [2D map]
for (my0=0,my1=m,y=0;y<map.ys;y++,my0=my1,my1+=m) // map.pyx[][]
for (mx0=0,mx1=m,x=0;x<map.xs;x++,mx0=mx1,mx1+=m)
for (my=my0;my<my1;my++)
for (mx=mx0;mx<mx1;mx++)
c=0x00202020; // map grid
for (y=0;y<map2.ys;y+=m) for (x=0;x<map2.xs;x++) map2.pyx[y][x]=c;
for (x=0;x<map2.xs;x+=m) for (y=0;y<map2.ys;y++) map2.pyx[y][x]=c;
x=keys.kx*m; // selected cell*m;
map2.bmp->Canvas->MoveTo(x ,y );
map2.bmp->Canvas->LineTo(x+m,y );
map2.bmp->Canvas->LineTo(x ,y+m);
map2.bmp->Canvas->LineTo(x ,y );
// [cast rays]
for (a=a0,x=0;x<scr.xs;x+=scale_x,a+=da)
// grid V-line hits
ll0=1.0e20; dl0=0.0; dx0=cos(a); const char tp0='V';
if (dx0<0.0) { xx0=floor(plr.x); dx0=-1.0; }
if (dx0>0.0) { xx0=ceil (plr.x); dx0=+1.0; }
if (fabs(dx0)>1e-6) { dy0=tan(a); yy0=plr.y+((xx0-plr.x)*dy0); dy0*=dx0; dx=xx0-plr.x; dy=yy0-plr.y; ll0=sqrt((dx*dx)+(dy*dy)); dl0=sqrt((dx0*dx0)+(dy0*dy0)); }
// grid H-line hits
ll1=1.0e20; dl1=0.0; dy1=sin(a); const char tp1='H';
if (dy1<0.0) { yy1=floor(plr.y); dy1=-1.0; }
if (dy1>0.0) { yy1=ceil (plr.y); dy1=+1.0; }
if (fabs(dy1)>1e-6) { dx1=divide(1.0,tan(a)); xx1=plr.x+((yy1-plr.y)*dx1); dx1*=dy1; dx=xx1-plr.x; dy=yy1-plr.y; ll1=sqrt((dx*dx)+(dy*dy)); dl1=sqrt((dx1*dx1)+(dy1*dy1)); }
p.ang=a; =x;
// first hit
if (ll0<ll1){ p.tp0=tp0; p.x0=xx0; p.y0=yy0; p.l0=ll0; xx0+=dx0; yy0+=dy0; ll0+=dl0; }
else { p.tp0=tp1; p.x0=xx1; p.y0=yy1; p.l0=ll1; xx1+=dx1; yy1+=dy1; ll1+=dl1; }
p.l0*=cos(p.ang-plr.a); // anti fish eye; p.x=p.x0; p.y=p.y0;
for (;;)
// closest hit
if (ll0<ll1) { p.tp1=tp0; p.x1=xx0; p.y1=yy0; p.l1=ll0; xx0+=dx0; yy0+=dy0; ll0+=dl0; }
else { p.tp1=tp1; p.x1=xx1; p.y1=yy1; p.l1=ll1; xx1+=dx1; yy1+=dy1; ll1+=dl1; }
p.x=floor(0.5*(p.x0+p.x1)); // actaul cell position
p.l1*=cos(p.ang-plr.a); // anti fish eye
// edge of map crossed?
if ((p.x>=0)&&(p.x<map.xs)&&(p.y>=0)&&(p.y<map.ys))[p.y][p.x]; else break;
// render
draw_cell(p); // scan line
if (p.sy1<=0) break; // scan line reached top of screen
// prepare next cell position
p.tp0=p.tp1; p.x0=p.x1; p.y0=p.y1; p.l0=p.l1;
// copy skiped scan lines
for (mx=1;mx<scale_x;mx++)
if (x+mx<scr.xs)
for (y=0;y<scr.ys;y++)
// render map ray
if (x==sxs2) map2.bmp->Canvas->Pen->Color=0x000000FF;
if ((x==0)||(x==sxs2+scale_x)) map2.bmp->Canvas->Pen->Color=0x00002020;
// ... here HUD and info texts continues I skipped it to keep this simple
render floor and ceiling without per pixel of row/col raycast
Simple ray casters do use non textured floor/ceiling which makes this simple just render half of screen with sky and the other with ground color before rendering the walls (or after it if rendered walls start and end is remembered):
something like this in code:
int x,y,sxs=sxs2<<1,sys=sys2<<1;
// simple color sky/ceiling
for (y=0;y<sys2;y++)
for (x=0;x<sxs;x++)
for (y=sys2;y<sys;y++)
for (x=0;x<sxs;x++)
To make this more nice usually for outdoor parts of map sky texture is added that covers the ceiling. It does not move with player just rotates. So you can map a sky textured quad to upper half of view that just rotates with -plr.a Here overview of the geometry:
The bigger radius R is half of texture resolution and the smaller I empirically compute by r=R*sin(0.5*view_ang) as its looking best to me (however the true value should be computed from screen aspect ratio and perspective focal length and view_ang).
Here some code for this:
const int x0=0,x1=sxs2<<1,y0=0,y1=sys2,y2=sys2<<1;
int sx[4]={x0,x0,x1,x1},
float a,r,R;
R=sky.xs>>1; // sky texture inscribed circle radius
r=R*sin(0.5*view_ang); // smaller radius (visible portion of sky)
dx=sky.xs>>1; // mid of sky texture
The ground (and indoor ceiling) can be done similarly but the radius R must be a fraction of whole texture. The player position in map must be scaled to texture half size - R and added to the texture coordinates. However the texture resolution must be big enough otherwise it will not look as good (Ideally the empty space should match the resolution of your map size * wall texture resolution... So if R is half the empty space will be also R then its done like this:
const int x0=0,x1=sxs2<<1,y0=0,y1=sys2,y2=sys2<<1;
int sx[4]={x0,x0,x1,x1},
float a,r,R;
R=sky.xs>>2; // sky texture inscribed circle radius /2 so empty space is also R
r=R*sin(0.5*view_ang); // smaller radius (visible portion of sky)
dx=sky.xs>>1; // mid of sky texture
a=float(R)/float(map.xs); // add player position skaled to empty space
In case you want to use smaller textures then your polygon rendering must be capable of handling texture coordinates like GL_REPEAT in OpenGL. The function polygon2D(scr,sky,sx,sy,tx,ty,4) is just simple/ugly/slow/unoptimized 2D textured polygon render I bustled yesterday just to test this (as I did not want to mess my optimized rendering routines for #1 methods which support only scan lines instead of polygons anyway) where sx,sy are array of screen coordinates, tx,ty are arrays f texture coordinates, 4 is number of vertexes and scr,txr are target and source textures. The code is just a port of this fill_quad without the shadings and SSD1306 related stuff. Here full code:
const int ys_max=1024;
int bufl_vx[ys_max],bufr_vx[ys_max];
int bufl_tx[ys_max],bufr_tx[ys_max];
int bufl_ty[ys_max],bufr_ty[ys_max];
void _fill2D_line(Texture2D &scr,Texture2D &txr,int vx0,int vy0,int tx0,int ty0,int vx1,int vy1,int tx1,int ty1)
int *bvx,*btx,*bty;
int i,n,cvx,cvy,ctx,cty,svx,svy,stx,sty;
// target buffer depend on y direction (before point ordering)
if (vy0<vy1){ bvx=bufl_vx; btx=bufl_tx; bty=bufl_ty; }
else { bvx=bufr_vx; btx=bufr_tx; bty=bufr_ty; }
// order points so joined edges are interpolated the same way
if (vx0>vx1)
i=vx0; vx0=vx1; vx1=i;
i=vy0; vy0=vy1; vy1=i;
i=tx0; tx0=tx1; tx1=i;
i=ty0; ty0=ty1; ty1=i;
// line DDA parameters
vx1-=vx0; svx=0; if (vx1>0) svx=+1; if (vx1<0) { svx=-1; vx1=-vx1; } if (vx1) vx1++; n=vx1;
vy1-=vy0; svy=0; if (vy1>0) svy=+1; if (vy1<0) { svy=-1; vy1=-vy1; } if (vy1) vy1++; if (n<vy1) n=vy1;
tx1-=tx0; stx=0; if (tx1>0) stx=+1; if (tx1<0) { stx=-1; tx1=-tx1; } if (tx1) tx1++; if (n<tx1) n=tx1;
ty1-=ty0; sty=0; if (ty1>0) sty=+1; if (ty1<0) { sty=-1; ty1=-ty1; } if (ty1) ty1++; if (n<ty1) n=ty1;
// single pixel (not a line)
if (!n)
if ((vy0>=0)&&(vy0<scr.ys))
bufl_vx[vy0]=vx0; bufl_tx[vy0]=tx0; bufl_ty[vy0]=ty0;
bufr_vx[vy0]=vx0; bufr_tx[vy0]=tx0; bufr_ty[vy0]=ty0;
// horizontal line
if (svy==0) return;
// ND DDA algo i is parameter
for (cvx=cvy=ctx=cty=n,i=0;;)
if ((vy0>=0)&&(vy0<scr.ys)){ bvx[vy0]=vx0; btx[vy0]=tx0; bty[vy0]=ty0; }
i++; if (i>=n) break;
cvx-=vx1; if (cvx<=0){ cvx+=n; vx0+=svx; }
cvy-=vy1; if (cvy<=0){ cvy+=n; vy0+=svy; }
ctx-=tx1; if (ctx<=0){ ctx+=n; tx0+=stx; }
cty-=ty1; if (cty<=0){ cty+=n; ty0+=sty; }
void _fill2D(Texture2D &scr,Texture2D &txr,int Y0,int Y1)
int vx0,vx1,tx0,tx1,ty0,ty1;
int vy,i,n,cvx,ctx,cty,svx,stx,sty;
// fill horizontal lines
for (vy=Y0;vy<=Y1;vy++)
// horizontal line to render
vx0=bufl_vx[vy]; tx0=bufl_tx[vy]; ty0=bufl_ty[vy];
vx1=bufr_vx[vy]; tx1=bufr_tx[vy]; ty1=bufr_ty[vy];
if ((vx0< 0)||(vx1< 0)) continue;
if ((vx0< 0)&&(vx1< 0)) continue;
if ((vx0>=scr.xs)&&(vx1>=scr.xs)) continue;
// line DDA parameters
vx1-=vx0; svx=0; if (vx1>0) svx=+1; if (vx1<0) { svx=-1; vx1=-vx1; } if (vx1) vx1++; n=vx1;
tx1-=tx0; stx=0; if (tx1>0) stx=+1; if (tx1<0) { stx=-1; tx1=-tx1; } if (tx1) tx1++; if (n<tx1) n=tx1;
ty1-=ty0; sty=0; if (ty1>0) sty=+1; if (ty1<0) { sty=-1; ty1=-ty1; } if (ty1) ty1++; if (n<ty1) n=ty1;
// single pixel (not a line)
if (!n)
if ((vx0>=0)&&(vx0<scr.xs)) scr.pyx[vy][vx0]=txr.pyx[ty0][tx0];
// ND DDA algo i is parameter
for (cvx=ctx=cty=n,i=0;;)
while (tx0<0) tx0+=txr.xs;
while (ty0<0) ty0+=txr.ys;
while (tx0>=txr.xs) tx0-=txr.xs;
while (ty0>=txr.ys) ty0-=txr.ys;
if ((vx0>=0)&&(vx0<scr.xs)) scr.pyx[vy][vx0]=txr.pyx[ty0][tx0];
i++; if (i>=n) break;
cvx-=vx1; if (cvx<=0){ cvx+=n; vx0+=svx; }
ctx-=tx1; if (ctx<=0){ ctx+=n; tx0+=stx; }
cty-=ty1; if (cty<=0){ cty+=n; ty0+=sty; }
void polygon2D(Texture2D &scr,Texture2D &txr,int *vx,int *vy,int *tx,int *ty,int n)
int i,j,y,Y0,Y1;
// y range to render
for (i=1;i<n;i++)
if (Y0>vy[i]) Y0=vy[i];
if (Y1<vy[i]) Y1=vy[i];
// clip to screen in y axis
if ((Y1<0)||(Y0>=scr.ys)) return;
if (Y0< 0) Y0= 0;
if (Y1>=scr.ys) Y1=scr.ys-1;
// clear buffers
for (y=Y0;y<=Y1;y++)
// render circumference
for (j=n-1,i=0;i<n;j=i,i++)
// fill horizontal lines
And finally preview (using sky texture for both sky and ground):
The render does not have perspective correct interpolation but for single big texture its not a big problem. In case you want also jumps then you need recompute R,r with the use of z position of player or use Another option to compute the texture coordinates by simply casting 4 rays (one for each corner of half screen rectangle) and check where it hit map edges.
The math behind can be found in here:
Perspective Vision on Canvas
How to show visible part of planar world rendered with 3D perspective on topside 2D minimap?
However beware your perspective must match the ray cast otherwise alignment artifacts may occur (or ground move with slightly different speed than walls).

MQL4 Drawing a Dynamic Rectangle_Label with a Text in It

I am trying to draw a Rectangle Label with a text in it every tick.. I want a text to fit exactly in to a Rectangle_Label.. As a text i am using Label.. But cant get it to work exactly.. It is not correctly situated..
In Fact i would like to create a class that would do it all in one... Just like a rectangle with text in it that would be always having same co ordinance and size etc..
Any help would be greatly appreciated...
bool createRectangleLabel(long chart_ID,string name,string labelName,int shift,double price,string text,double xSize,double ySize,double xOffSet,double yOffSet,double xDistance,double yDistance)
Print(xDistance+" "+yDistance);
return true;
Print("createRectangleLabel return error code: ",GetLastError());
return false;
bool createLineText(long chart_ID,string name,string labelName,int shift,double price,string text)
int xDistance=0;
int yDistance=0;
int xSize,xOffSet;
int ySize,yOffSet;
bool i=ChartTimePriceToXY(chart_ID,0,TimeCurrent(),price,xDistance,yDistance);
xSize = ObjectGet(name,OBJPROP_XSIZE);
ySize = ObjectGet(name,OBJPROP_YSIZE);
xOffSet = ObjectGet(name,OBJPROP_XOFFSET);
yOffSet = ObjectGet(name,OBJPROP_YOFFSET);
return true;
Print("createLineText return error code: ",GetLastError());
return false;
You cannot call ObjectCreate() every tick - it would return an error 4200.
If you check the object exists before creating, that would help. Alternative approach would be to try to create the object and assign it with some necessary properties (e.g., color of the object, anchor etc) in one block, and move it in another.
ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,labelName,OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,yDistance);//if you need to move the object or take other steps each tick, e.g. update text - do it here
You're thinking along the right lines when you say that you'd like to create a class. Fortunately for you, the standard library already includes all the classes you need to make chart objects. Documentation
Example Indicator:
#property strict
#property indicator_chart_window
#include <ChartObjects\ChartObjectsTxtControls.mqh>
class MyRectLabel : public CChartObjectRectLabel
CChartObjectLabel m_label;
bool Create(long chart, const string name, const int window,
const int X, const int Y, const int sizeX, const int sizeY)
return false;
return m_label.Create(chart, name + "_", window, X + 8, Y + 12);
bool Color(const color clr){
return m_label.Color(clr);
bool Description(const string text){
return m_label.Description(text);
bool FontSize(const int size){
return m_label.FontSize(size);
bool ToolTip(const string text){
return (this.ToolTip(text) && m_label.Tooltip(text));
MyRectLabel rect_label;
int OnInit()
if(!rect_label.Create(0, "rlabel", 0, 5, 25, 100, 50)
|| !rect_label.BackColor(clrWhiteSmoke)
|| !rect_label.Description("LABEL!")
|| !rect_label.Tooltip("I am a rectangle label")
|| !rect_label.Color(clrBlack)
|| !rect_label.FontSize(18)
int start()
static double last_price = 0.;
rect_label.Description(DoubleToString(Bid, _Digits));
if(Bid > last_price)
last_price = Bid;
return 0;

Processing PApplet call in nested classes

I'm using Processing 3 to make a GUI for a servo controller instead of using a pre-made library. It's based on having a packaging class organize several subclasses which use registerMethod mouse events to operate (as opposed to the simpler use of mousePressed() in the main sketch). What I'm getting hung up on is the PApplet naming/terms for each class to ensure that they can function both inside a subclass as well as on their own when called from the main. In my example the package is just a single button, as well as a direct button call for comparison. I do know that most current Java-users consider Applet use outdated, but since I'm just using the Processing IDE, I'd like to understand this concept better as well as try to avoid using something more complicated (but maybe less confusing) like an Interface.
PackServ tryMe;
Butt bOne;
void setup() {
size(200, 150);
tryMe = new PackServ(this);
bOne = new Butt(this);
void draw() {
background (250);
tryMe.Add(20, 10, 50);
bOne.Add("B2", 145,35,25);
stroke(20); textSize(14); fill(25);
text("single", 130,100);
text("package", 20,100);
public class PackServ extends PApplet {
PApplet SerApp;
Butt Butt1, Butt2;
String theName;
int pkX, pkY, pkW;
PackServ(PApplet pa) {
this.SerApp = pa;
theName = "The Slider";
pkX = 20;
pkY = 20;
pkW = 100;
void Add(int _x, int _y, int _w) {
pkX = _x; pkY = _y; pkW = _w;
Butt1 = new Butt (this);
void drawIt() {
SerApp.rect(pkX, pkY, pkW, 60, 5);
Butt1.Add("B1", pkX+25, pkY+25, 25);
public class Butt
PApplet butApp;
int theX, theY, theW, theH, bRad;
boolean pressed = false;
color n;
color h = color(240, 210, 10);
color f = color (40, 90, 190);
color a = color (240, 20, 20);
int oBb, li;
String theLabel;
Butt (PApplet butApplet) {
this.butApp = butApplet;
n = f;
void Add(String _myName, int x, int y, int siz) {
theLabel = _myName;
theX = x;
theY = y;
bRad = siz;
boolean overB(int mx, int my) {
if (dist (mx, my, theX, theY) <= bRad) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
void buttonLook() {
if (overB(mouseX, mouseY) && pressed) {
n = a;
oBb = 3; li = 100;
} else if (overB(mouseX, mouseY)) {
text(theLabel, theX-10, theY+25);
n = h;
} else {
n = f; oBb=1; li=25;
ellipse(theX, theY, bRad, bRad);
void mouseEvent(MouseEvent e) {
pressed = false;
int mx = e.getX(), my = e.getY();
switch (e.getAction()) {
case MouseEvent.PRESS:
pressed = overB(mx, my);
I'm not totally sure what you're asking, so let me try to answer a few different things that you seem a bit confused about.
I do know that most current Java-users consider Applet use outdated
Please note that other than its name, PApplet has nothing to do with applets. Historically a PApplet was an applet, but as of Processing 3 that's no longer the case. PApplet is its own thing and has nothing to do with applets.
Let's take a closer look at this code:
public class PackServ extends PApplet {
PApplet SerApp;
PackServ(PApplet pa) {
this.SerApp = pa;
It doesn't make a ton of sense to extend PApplet and also take a PApplet argument into the constructor. This means that you now have two PApplet instances, which is almost never what you want to do.
Instead, my guess is you probably want to get rid of the extends PApplet part and only use Processing's classes using your serApp variable.
I believe that's the crux of your confusion: the PApplet class offers a bunch of handy functions like draw() and ellipse(), basically most variables and functions in the Processing reference. So you do need an instance of PApplet, but that instance is created for you when you use the Processing editor. You don't need to create your own instance by extending the PApplet class.

lerpColor() / fill() throwing NullPointerException with Processing

This is the code for a class:
class Circle extends PApplet {
//var declarations
Circle(int duration, int from, int to, PApplet parent, int x, int y, int length, int height){
this.ani = new Tween(parent, 1.3f, Tween.SECONDS, Shaper.QUADRATIC);
Class s = Shaper.QUADRATIC;
this.from = from; = to;
this.len = length;
this.height = height;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
void update(){
int c = lerpColor(this.from,, this.ani.position(), RGB);
ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.len, this.height);
When I run update() on a properly seeded version of Circle (see below example), I get this stack trace:
Exception in thread "Animation Thread" java.lang.NullPointerException
at processing.core.PApplet.fill(
at ellipses.Circle.update(
at ellipses.Ellipses.draw(
at processing.core.PApplet.handleDraw(
at processing.core.PGraphicsJava2D.requestDraw(
It tells me that inside fill(), something is null when it shouldn't be. I would at first assume the value passed to fill() is somehow wrong. The value to fill() comes from lerpColor(), so presumably I've used lerpColor() wrongly.
My instance of Circle looks like this:
int c1 = color(45, 210, 240);
int c2 = color(135, 130, 195);
cir = new Circle(1, c1, c2, this, 100, 200, 140, 140);
So how can I use fill()/lerpColor correctly?
(BTW, I'm using processing in eclipse with proclipsing.)
Well first of all I am not entirely sure why would you need to extend the PApplet from a class that does not seem to be one of your windows, but i digress.
If I understand what you are trying to do, the problem lies with the fill function and not with lerpColor. If you are trying to call the fill function of your main PApplet and this Circle class is not it, then you need to tell it on which PApplet to call it. i.e. the parent that you already send in. I'd do something like this.
class Circle extends PApplet {
//var declarations
Tween ani;
int from, to, x, y, len, heightz;
PApplet parr; // prepare to accept the parent instance
Circle(int duration, int from, int to, PApplet parent, int x, int y, int length, int height) {
this.ani = new Tween(parent, 1.3f, Tween.SECONDS, Shaper.QUADRATIC);
Class s = Shaper.QUADRATIC;
this.from = from; = to;
this.len = length;
this.heightz = height;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
parr = parent; // store the parent instance
void update() {
color c = lerpColor(this.from,, this.ani.position(), RGB);
parr.fill(c); // call fill on the parent
parr.ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.len, this.height); // this one obviously suffers from the same problem...
I hope this helps!

get layout height and width at run time android

How can I get width and height of a linear layout which is defined in xml as fill_parent both in height and width? I have tried onmeasure method but I dont know why it is not giving exact value. I need these values in an Activity before oncreate method finishes.
Suppose I have to get a LinearLayout width defined in XML. I have to get reference of it by XML. Define LinearLayout l as instance.
l = (LinearLayout)findviewbyid(;
ViewTreeObserver observer = l.getViewTreeObserver();
observer.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
public void onGlobalLayout() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
protected void init() {
int a= l.getHeight();
int b = l.getWidth();
Toast.makeText(getActivity,""+a+" "+b,3000).show();
The width and height values are set after the layout has been created, when elements have been placed they then get measured. On the first call to onSizeChanged the parms will be 0 so if you use that check for it.
Little more detail here!topic/android-developers/nNEp6xBnPiw
and here
Here is how to use onLayout:
protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {
int width = someView.getWidth();
int height = someView.getHeight();
To get it work, you need to check whether the desired height value is bigger than 0 - and first then remove the onGlobalLayout listener and do whatever you want with the height. The listener calls its method continuously and by the first call it is not guaranteed that the view is measured properly.
final LinearLayout parent = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
parent.getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
public void onGlobalLayout() {
int availableHeight = parent.getMeasuredHeight();
if(availableHeight>0) {
//save height here and do whatever you want with it
You could add on layout change listener to your layout and get the newest height and width or even the one before last change.
Added in API level 11
Add a listener that will be called when the bounds of the view change
due to layout processing.
LinearLayout myLinearLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
myLinearLayout.addOnLayoutChangeListener(new View.OnLayoutChangeListener() {
public void onLayoutChange(View v, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int oldLeft, int oldTop, int oldRight, int oldBottom) {
// Preventing extra work because method will be called many times.
if(height == (bottom - top))
height = (bottom - top);
// do something here...
A generic approach using Kotlin based on MGDroid's answer for API 16+.
* Align height of a container from wrap-content to actual height at runtime.
* */
private fun <T: ViewGroup> alignContainerHeight(container: T) {
container.viewTreeObserver.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(object : ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener {
override fun onGlobalLayout() {
// Obtain runtime height
val availableHeight = container.measuredHeight
if (availableHeight > 0) {
setContainerHeight(container, availableHeight)
* Note: Assumes that the parent is a LinearLayout.
* */
private fun <T : ViewGroup> setContainerHeight(container: T, availableHeight: Int) {
val availableWidth = container.measuredWidth
val params = LinearLayout.LayoutParams(availableWidth, availableHeight)
// Note: getLayoutParams() returns null if no parent exists
if (container.layoutParams != null) {
container.layoutParams = params
