`ara::core::Result< T, E >::Result (T const &t);` vs `static Result ara::core::Result< T, E >::FromValue (T const &t);` - autosar

Since ara::core::Result< T, E >::Result (T const &t); allready could construct a new Result from the specified value (given as lvalue), it seems meaningless to to provide such a method(static Result ara::core::Result< T, E >::FromValue (T const &t);) to achieve the similar goal.
Am I missing something? If I am wrong, please let me know.
As per the document of AutoSar, which says that
Build a new Result from the specified value (given as lvalue).
Here is the example code snippet:
int foo =1;
return ara::core::Result<int>::Result(foo);
return ara::core::Result<int>::FromValue(foo);


Why does this loop repeatedly log the last pair in the array instead of all the pairs?

I am using Node v16.15.1 and TypeScript v4.7.4
I want to split an object into multiple objects, and then insert each object as a value in another object.
{key1:"value1", key2:"value2"}
-> {key1:"value1"} and {key2:"value2"}
-> {key3:"value3", key4:"value4", key5:{key1:"value1"}} and {key3:"value3", key4:"value4", key5:{key2:"value2"}}
Below is the code I am using:
let a:any = {}
let entries = Object.entries({key1:"value1", key2:"value2"});
for(const el of entries) {
let b = a;
b.key = Object.fromEntries(new Map([el]));
However, the output I get is this.
{key2:"value2"} is in both objects, instead of just the second one.
If I use the following code, however, I get the correct result:
let entries = Object.entries({key1:"value1", key2:"value2"});
for(const el of entries) {
let b:any = {};
b.key = Object.fromEntries(new Map([el]));
The problem with this is that I am not inserting into a blank object, and am passing it as a parameter in a function.
Why does this happen?
How would I be able to fix this?
In javascript, when you do let a:any = {}; and then let b = a; you are assigning to b the references of a (not the value). So if you update b, you are actually updating a because both variable are the same.
If you want b to be a copy of a you should do something like : let b = {...a}.

Is it possible to provide a setter function in my computational expression?

I'm trying to write an F# computational expression that permits reading and writing thread-safe variables only from within a critical section.
I've got a type, ThreadSafeVar<'t> that wraps a value, a CriticalSection<'t> and a computational expression builder, LockContext, as follows:
// wraps a value and restricts access to it
type ThreadSafeVar<'t> (value: 't) =
member val internal Value = value with get, set
// Encapsulates a critical section
type CriticalSection<'t> =
{ LockObj: obj
fn: unit -> 't }
static member Lock(lc: CriticalSection<'t>) = lock lc.LockObj lc.fn
// Expression builder for a locked context
type LockContext () =
member internal this.SyncRoot = obj()
member this.Return(value: 'v) = value
member this.ReturnFrom(value: ThreadSafeVar<'t>) = value.Value
member __.Bind(value: ThreadSafeVar<'t>, fn: 't -> 'u) = fn value.Value
// returns a CriticalSection
member this.Run(fn : unit -> 'u) = { LockObj = this.SyncRoot
fn=fn }
Reading the thread-safe values from within a lock context is simple enough thanks to Bind. e.g.
let lockedInt = ThreadSafeVar(1) // create a thread-safe variable
let context = LockContext()
let wrapperVal = context {
let! i = lockedInt // get the wrapper value inside lockedInt
return i
} |> CriticalSection.Lock
But I'm struggling to understand how to implement a means setting the value from within a LockContext instance. The approach I've thus taken is to implement a custom operation called, for instance, setVal. I've included my attempts thus far but I'm afraid they'd just muddy the waters. It seems that custom operations operate upon the computation built so far within the expression, encoded as a tuple, but I don't see that this is required in my case.
Any hints, pointing to resources, or direct help would be appreciated.
I'm not at all sure of the wisdom of this, but I came up with something based on the State monad that might work for you. First, define a "stateful" function as one that takes a ThreadSafeVar and returns some type of result:
ThreadSafeVar<'state> -> 'result
We then put that signature into a type that represents a stateful computation:
type Stateful<'state, 'result> =
MkStateful of (ThreadSafeVar<'state> -> 'result)
Now we need a way to run such a computation safely using a given TSV:
let run (tsv : ThreadSafeVar<_>) (MkStateful f) =
lock tsv (fun () -> f tsv)
Note that I've gotten rid of your CriticalSection type and instead just lock the TSV itself.
Next, we need a way to lift a pure value into a stateful computation:
let lift value =
MkStateful (fun _ -> value)
And a way to bind two stateful computations together:
let bind binder stateful =
MkStateful (fun tsv ->
run tsv stateful
|> binder
|> run tsv)
Defining the builder is then trivial:
type LockContext () =
member __.Return(value) = lift value
member __.Bind(stateful, binder) = bind binder stateful
let context = LockContext()
We also need helper computations for setting and getting a value safely:
let getValue =
MkStateful (fun tsv ->
let setValue value =
MkStateful (fun tsv ->
tsv.Value <- value)
Putting it all together, we can define a computation that increments the value of a TSV:
let comp =
context {
let! oldValue = getValue
let newValue = oldValue + 1
do! setValue newValue
return newValue
And we can run it like this:
let lockedInt = ThreadSafeVar(1)
let result = comp |> run lockedInt
printfn "%A" result // output is: 2
You can see the full solution and try it yourself here.

Java8 sum up to a limit with streams

I have this LinkedHashMap:
myMap = {
0 => 10,
1 => 6,
2 => 28,
int limit = 15;
What I'd want to do using streams is to sum (in order) the map values, and stop when the limit is reached, and return back the correspective index in the map (in this case 0).
Is there an elegant way with streams?
You could sum up to a limit like this
myMap.values().reduce(0, (a, b) -> a+b > limit ? a : a + b);
It's possible via my free StreamEx library which extends the standard Stream API, though even with library it's not very elegant:
EntryStream.of(myMap) // like myMap.entrySet().stream()
(e1, e2) -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(e2.getKey(), e1.getValue() + e2.getValue()))
.takeWhile(e -> e.getValue() < limit)
.reduce((a, b) -> b)
Here we use two special StreamEx operations. One is prefix which lazily calculates running prefix (like scanl in Haskell). Here for two entries we select the key of the latter one and the sum of their values, creating a new entry. Next, we use takeWhile (which will also appear in Java 9 standard Stream API) to stop as soon as value exceeds the limit. Finally we reduce to the last found element and print it if its present, so we have not only index, but also final sum printed (if you need only index, add .map(Entry::getKey) step).
While such solution is moreless FP-ish I would not recommend it in general, because it's not very efficient and produces garbage (intermediate entries and boxed Integers), not to mention external library dependency. Use plain old for loop. It is efficient and easy-to-understand:
int sum = 0;
Integer lastKey = null;
for(Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> e : myMap.entrySet()) {
if(sum >= limit) break;
lastKey = e.getKey();
if(lastKey != null) {

Why C# doesn't support overloading based on return type

In C# why can't we have two functions with same signature except return type:
(1) int Function(int a,int b)
(2) string Function(int a,int b)
Why C# doesn't support overloading based on return type?
object result = Function(a, b);
Which one do you call?
Because you can't specify the return type when you call it.
// int or string?
Function(a, b);
I'm also curious why you would want to do this, naming something the same but returning two different things is probably a bad idea. This code is far more readable and the intent is clearer:
string x = FunctionToString(a, b);
int y = FunctionToInt(a, b);

NDepend rule to warn if objects of a given type are compared using ==

as the title says: I need a NDepend rule (CQLinq) for C#/.net code, that fires whenever instances of a given type are compared using == (reference comparison). In other words, I want to force the programmer to use .Equals.
Note that the type in question has no overloaded equality operator.
Is this possible? If so, how? :)
Thanks, cheers,
With the following code with see that for value type, == translate to the IL instruction: ceq. This kind of usage cannot be detected with NDepend.
int i = 2;
int j = 3;
Debug.Assert(i == j);
var s1 = "2";
var s2 = "3";
Debug.Assert(s1 == s2);
However for reference types we can see that a operator method named op_Equality is called.
L_001d: call bool [mscorlib]System.String::op_Equality(string, string)
Hence we just need a CQLinq query that first match all method named op_Equality, and then list all callers of these methods. This can look like:
let equalityOps = Methods.WithSimpleName("op_Equality")
from m in Application.Methods.UsingAny(equalityOps)
select new { m,
typesWhereEqualityOpCalled = m.MethodsCalled.Intersect(equalityOps).Select(m1 => m1.ParentType) }
This seems to work pretty well :)
