Use cache with multiple image in gitlab CICD - gitlab

I am making a gitlab CI/CD pipeline that uses two different image.
One of them necessitate the installations of some package using npm. In order to avoid multiple-time installation I've added some cache.
Let's see this example :
- build
- quality
- node_modules/
image: node:latest
stage: build
- npm install <some package>
image: foo_image:latest
stage: build
- some cmd
image: node:latest
stage: quality
- <some cmd using the previously installed package>
The fact of having two different docker images forces me to specify it inside the job definition. So from my tests the cache isn't actually used and the command executed by the quality job will fail because the package isn't installed.
Is there a solution to this problem ?
Many thanks !

There can be two cases
Same runner is being used to run all the jobs. In this case the way to specified cache should work fine.
Different runners are being used to run different jobs. So suppose build job runs with runner 1 and quality jobs is running with runner 2 so the cache will only be present in runner 1.
In order to make use of caching in case 2 you will have to use distributed caching.
Then runner 1 will run the build job it will push the cache to s3 and runner 2 will pull with cache during the quality job and then can use that.


why we use images in CI CD pipeline?

actually i'm facing a problem in this code :
- Changes
- Lint
- Build
- Tests
- E2E
- Publish
- Deployment
# Get Runner Image
image: Node:latest
# Set Variables for mysql
- ./addons/scripts/ci/
why we use image I asked some one said that we build on it like the docker file command FROM ubuntu:latest
and one other told me it's because it executes the code and I don't actually know the script tag above what evem does it mean to execute inside the image or on the runner?
GitLab Runner is an open source application that collects pipeline job payload and executes it. Therefore, it implements a number of executors that can be used to run your builds in different scenarios, if you are using a docker executor you need to specify what image you will be using to run your builds.

Why does GitLab Ci not find my cached folder?

I have a list of CI jobs running in my GitLab and the Caching does not work as expected:
This is how my docu-generation job ends:
[09:19:33] Documentation generated in ./documentation/ in 4.397 seconds using gitbook theme
Creating cache angular...
WARNING: frontend/node_modules: no matching files
frontend/documentation: found 136 matching files
No URL provided, cache will be not uploaded to shared cache server. Cache will be stored only locally.
Created cache
Job succeeded
I then start a deployment Job (to GitLab Pages) but it fails because it doesn't find the documentation-folder:
$ cp -r frontend/documentation .public/frontend
cp: cannot stat 'frontend/documentation': No such file or directory
this is the cache config of the generation:
image: node:12.19.0
stage: build
key: angular
- frontend/node_modules
- frontend/documentation
needs: ["download_angular"]
and this is for deployment:
stage: deploy
- key: angular
- frontend/node_modules
- frontend/documentation
policy: pull
- key: laravel
- backend/vendor
- backend/public/docs
policy: pull
does anyone know why my documentation folder is missing?
The message in your job output No URL provided, cache will be not uploaded to shared cache server. Cache will be stored only locally. just means that your runners are not using Amazon S3 to store your cache, or something similar like Minio.
Without S3/Minio, the cache only lives on the runner that first ran the job and cached the resources. This means that the next time the job runs and it happens to be picked up by a different runner, it won't have the cache. In that case, you'd run into an error like this.
There's a couple ways around this:
Configure your runners to use S3/Minio (Minio has an open source, free-to-use license if you're interested in hosting it yourself).
Only use one runner (not a great solution since generally more runners means faster pipelines and this would slow things down considerably, though it would solve the cache problem).
Use tags. Tags are used to ensure that a job runs on a specific runner(s). Let's say for example that 1 out of your 10 runners have access to your production servers, but all have access to your lower environment servers. Your lower-env jobs can run on any runner, but your Production Deployment job has to run on the one runner with prod access. You can do this by putting a Tag on the runner called let's say prod-access and putting the same tag on the prod deploy job. This will ensure that job will run on the runner with prod access. The same thing can be used here to ensure the cache is available.
Use artifacts instead of cache. I'll explain this option below as it's really what you should be using for this use case.
Let's briefly explain the difference between Cache and Artifacts:
Cache is generally best used for dependency installation like npm or composer (for PHP projects). When you have a job that runs npm ci or composer install, you don't want it to run every since time your pipeline runs when you don't necessary change the dependencies as it wastes time. Use the cache keyword to cache the dependencies so that subsequent pipelines don't have to install the dependencies again.
Artifacts are best used when you need to share files or directories between jobs in the same pipeline. For example, after installing npm dependencies, you might need to use the node_modules directory in another job in the pipeline. Artifacts are also uploaded to the GitLab server by the runner at the end of the job, opposed to being stored locally on the runner that ran the job. All previous artifacts will be downloaded for all subsequent jobs, unless controlled with either dependencies or needs.
Artifacts are the better choice for your use case.
Let's update your .gitlab-ci.yml file to use artifacts instead of cache:
- build
- deploy
image: node:12.19.0
stage: build
- ./ # this is just a representation of whatever steps you run to generate the docs
- frontend/node_modules
- frontend/documentation
expire_in: 6 hours # your GitLab instance will have a default, you can override it like this
when: on_success # don't attempt to upload the docs if generating them failed
stage: deploy
- ls # just an example showing that frontend/node_modules and frontend/documentation are present
- # whatever else you need to run this job

Are containers available between stages in Gitlab CI

Is a container that is used in the build stage accessible in the next stage? I have yaml like this:
image: web-app
- mysql:5.7
stage: build
- make build
image: node:8
stage: test
- make run-tests
My tests, that are triggered in make run-tests need to run HTTP requests against the backend container if possible?
I was trying to avoid building a new container and then pushing to a registry only to pull it down again, but maybe there is no other way? If I did this, would my web-app container still have access to the mysql container if I added it as a service in the test_frontend job.
No, containers are not available between stages. Job artifacts (i.e. files) will be passed between stages by default and can also be passed explicitly betweeen jobs.
If you need to run tests against a container, you should indeed pull it down again from a registry. Then, you can use the docker in docker (dind) service to run your tests.
I think this blog post explains a similar use case nicely. The testing job that's is described there is the following:
stage: test
- docker run -d --env-file=.postgres-env postgres:9.5
- docker run --env-file=.environment --link=postgres:db $CONTAINER_TEST_IMAGE nosetests --with-coverage --cover-erase --cover-package=${CI_PROJECT_NAME} --cover-html

GitLab CI job takes 20+ minutes

With gitlab-ci I am using a simple .yml file. I have defined various stages to run synchronously. I have set a cache for node_modules. But the problem is that the cache of node_modules is actually slowing down the process. This cache is required to make the node_modules the same across each stage. (Each stage automatically clears /node_modules for some reason)
When building locally this whole process takes less then 2 minutes. But on the CI machine this process takes between 20 and 25 minutes. Learning how Gitlab CI works internally, I've learned that it's zipping the node_module files (about 36K small files) and that process is extremely slow.
tl;dr: What is the proper way to handle node_module caching with Gitlab CI without uploading node_modules to artifacts? I would like to avoid uploading artifacts that are over 400MB large.
See configuration below:
untracked: true
- node_modules
- install
- eslint-check
- eslint
- prettier
- test
- dist
# install dependancies
stage: install
- yarn install
name: development
# run eslint-check
stage: eslint-check
- yarn eslint-check
name: development
# Other scripts below
It would appear that there will be a solution for this in the future as the issue has been discussed here for almost two years. A milestone has been set so this can be resolved eventually.

How to deploy to custom server after success CI in docker environment?

I already did CI, but now I want to deploy to my server. My server is the same machine where I do CI, but I do CI in docker-executor. So I can't have acces to server folders to update production.
There is my script:
image: node:9.11.2
- node_modules/
- npm install
- test
- deploy
stage: test
- npm run test
stage: deploy
#here I want to go to /home/projectFolder and make git pull, npm i, npm start
# but I can't beause I run CI in docker-environment which hasn't acces to my server's dirictories.
First of all you should consider using gitlab auto cicd ( or use it as a base to customize if you dont want to use kubernetes)
You have multiple way to do so but the simplest way should be to use an alpine image and
- install ssh (if necessary)
- load your private ssh key ( from pipeline secrets)
- run your npm commands through ssh.
The cleanest way would be :
- generating adding a valid Dockerfile to your project
- adding docker image generation for each commit on master (in your pipeline)
- Adding docker rm running image (in your pipeline)
- Adding docker run the newly generated image (in your pipeline) (by sharing your docker volume)
- Make nginx redirect to your container.
I can give more detailed advice depending on what you decide to do.
Hoping i helped.
