Rust "use of moved value" error with map_err and '?' operator but not with match return - rust

I am trying to use the '?' operator and map_err to help flatten code that has a lot of simple matches that return on errors. The following is a code snippet to reproduce the compiler error I have been getting. I was wondering if anyone knows why compiler_error results in a 'use of moved value' error when no_compiler_error do not. They seem to have similar control flow and the function in map_err and after_test will never both be called, but there is clearly something I am missing.
fn main() {
fn no_compiler_error_1() -> Result<(), String> {
let outer = String::from("Outer Error");
match test() {
Ok(()) => (),
Err(inner) => return Err(error_test(inner, outer))
fn no_compiler_error_2() -> Result<(), String> {
let outer = String::from("Outer Error");
fn compiler_error() -> Result<(), String> {
let outer = String::from("Outer Error");
test().map_err(|inner| error_test(inner, outer))?;
fn test() -> Result<(), String> {
Err(String::from("Inner Error"))
fn error_test(inner: String, outer: String) -> String {
format!("{}:{}", inner, outer)
fn after_test(outer: String) {
format!("{} did not happen", outer);
error[E0382]: use of moved value: `outer`
--> src\
25 | let outer = String::from("Outer Error");
| ----- move occurs because `outer` has type `String`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
26 | test().map_err(|inner| error_test(inner, outer))?;
| ------- ----- variable moved due to use in closure
| |
| value moved into closure here
27 | after_test(outer);
| ^^^^^ value used here after move
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0382`.


Rust async function parameters and lifetimes

I'd like to understand why test1 causes an error but test2 compiles.
It seems like rust is being clever, and realising that when the .await is called directly on the async function result it knows to keep the parameter around for execution of the future but when the async is called on a separate line it can't do this.
Would love to have a link to the relevant functionality that makes this work to learn the details.
async fn do_async_thing(s: &String) {
fn get_string() -> String {
async fn test1() {
let a = do_async_thing(&get_string());
async fn test2() {
The error
error[E0716]: temporary value dropped while borrowed
--> crates/dynamo/src/
11 | let a = do_async_thing(&get_string());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - temporary value is freed at the end of this statement
| |
| creates a temporary value which is freed while still in use
12 | a.await;
| - borrow later used here
= note: consider using a `let` binding to create a longer lived value
It is not directly to do with async, its because the future returned from do_async_thing holds the string reference.
You can create your own future with the same result
struct DoAsyncThingFuture<'a> {
s: &'a String
impl<'a> Future for DoAsyncThingFuture<'a> {
type Output = ();
fn poll(self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
println!("{}", self.s);
fn do_async_thing(s: &String) -> DoAsyncThingFuture {
DoAsyncThingFuture {
And even get the same result without a future
fn do_sync_thing(s: &String) -> &String {
Attempting to use the return value from either of these functions will give the same error. This happens the return value of get_string does not have an owner so it is dropped after the call to do_sync_thing witch means the return reference is dangling. So as why one works and the other does not:
let a = do_sync_thing(&get_string());
println!("{}", a);
//Same as
let _temp_value = get_string();
let a = do_async_thing(&_temp_value);
println!("{}", a);
println!("{}", do_sync_thing(&get_string()));
//Same as
let _temp_value = get_string();
println!("{}", do_async_thing(&_temp_value));

Change the root node in a binary tree

I wrote a binary tree of i32. I want to change its root node to left node. But always failed. How to do it?
fn left(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
match self.root.as_mut() {
Some(root) => match root.left {
Some(left) => {
self.root = Some(left); // this line always failed
return Ok(());
None => {
return Err(Error::NotFound);
None => {
return Err(Error::EmptyTree);
self.root = Some(left) I think it is easy to do this, but always failed.
error[E0507]: cannot move out of `root.left.0` which is behind a mutable reference
--> src/
120 | Some(root) => match root.left {
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: consider borrowing here: `&root.left`
121 | Some(left) => {
| ----
| |
| data moved here
| move occurs because `left` has type `Box<Node>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0507`.
You can use std::mem::take, which allows taking things out of a mutable reference to them (replacing the pointed value with the default value of that type). That is, your function left can be rewritten:
use std::mem::take;
fn left(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let root = self.root.as_mut().ok_or(Error::EmptyTree)?;
let left = take(&mut root.left).ok_or(Error::NotFound)?;
*root = left;
Edit: turns out there is a method that does exactly that. I'll leave my first snippet so that you understand what happens, but the following is probably more suitable in real code.
fn left(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let root = self.root.as_mut().ok_or(Error::EmptyTree)?;
let left = root.left.take().ok_or(Error::NotFound)?;
*root = left;

How to write an asynchronous recursive walkdir function with an asynchronous callback

I'm trying to write an async function that will traverse the filesystem tree, recursively, and calls an asynchronous callback for each file found.
This is for a learning effort, I have no real use case.
Here is what I have so far:
use async_std::{
fs::{self, *},
}; // 1.5.0, features = ["unstable"]
use futures::{
future::{BoxFuture, FutureExt},
}; // 0.3.4
use std::{marker::Sync, pin::Pin};
fn main() {
fn walkdir<F>(path: String, cb: &'static F) -> BoxFuture<'static, ()>
F: Fn(&DirEntry) -> BoxFuture<()> + Sync + Send,
async move {
let mut entries = fs::read_dir(&path).await.unwrap();
while let Some(path) = {
let entry = path.unwrap();
let path = entry.path().to_str().unwrap().to_string();
if entry.path().is_file().await {
} else {
walkdir(path, cb).await
let foo = async {
walkdir(".".to_string(), &|entry: &DirEntry| async {
async_std::println!(">> {}\n", &entry.path().to_str().unwrap()).await
I get this far by some sort of trial and error, but now I'm stuck on async closure callback with this error
warning: unused import: `path::*`
--> src/
3 | path::*,
| ^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default
warning: unused import: `pin::Pin`
--> src/
10 | use std::{marker::Sync, pin::Pin};
| ^^^^^^^^
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
33 | walkdir(".".to_string(), &|entry: &DirEntry| async {
| ______________________________________________________^
34 | | async_std::println!(">> {}\n", &entry.path().to_str().unwrap()).await
35 | | })
| |_________^ expected struct `std::pin::Pin`, found opaque type
= note: expected struct `std::pin::Pin<std::boxed::Box<dyn core::future::future::Future<Output = ()> + std::marker::Send>>`
found opaque type `impl core::future::future::Future`
use async_std::{
fs::{self, *},
}; // 1.5.0
use futures::{future::{Future, FutureExt, LocalBoxFuture}, executor}; // 0.3.4
fn main() {
async fn walkdir<R>(path: impl AsRef<Path>, mut cb: impl FnMut(DirEntry) -> R)
R: Future<Output = ()>,
fn walkdir_inner<'a, R>(path: &'a Path, cb: &'a mut dyn FnMut(DirEntry) -> R) -> LocalBoxFuture<'a, ()>
R: Future<Output = ()>,
async move {
let mut entries = fs::read_dir(path).await.unwrap();
while let Some(path) = {
let entry = path.unwrap();
let path = entry.path();
if path.is_file().await {
} else {
walkdir_inner(&path, cb).await
walkdir_inner(path.as_ref(), &mut cb).await
walkdir(".", |entry| async move {
async_std::println!(">> {}", entry.path().display()).await
Notable changes:
Take in AsRef<Path> instead of a String and a generic closure instead of a trait object reference
Change the closure type to be FnMut as it's more permissive
The closure returns any type that is a future.
There's an inner implementation function that hides the ugly API required for recursive async functions.
The callback takes the DirEntry by value instead of by reference.
See also:
How to asynchronously explore a directory and its sub-directories?
How to using async fn callback in rust

Resolve elided static lifetime when borrowing from an object pool

This is a simplified version of the issue I am currently facing.
trait SuperObject {
fn object_name(&self) -> String;
trait Inspect {
fn inspect(&self);
impl Inspect for SuperObject {
fn inspect(&self) {
println!("I am a Superobject.");
struct Object {
name: String
impl SuperObject for Box<Object> {
fn object_name(&self) -> String {
format!("I am {}.",
struct ObjectPool {
object1: Box<Object>,
object2: Box<Object>,
object3: Box<Object>
impl ObjectPool {
pub fn new() -> ObjectPool {
ObjectPool {
object1: Box::new(Object { name: String::from("Object 1") }),
object2: Box::new(Object { name: String::from("Object 2") }),
object3: Box::new(Object { name: String::from("Object 3") })
fn all_objects(&self) -> Vec<&SuperObject> {
let mut ret: Vec<&SuperObject> = Vec::new();
fn main() {
let objectpool: ObjectPool = ObjectPool::new();
let allobjects: Vec<&SuperObject> = objectpool.all_objects();
for i in &allobjects {
println!("{}", i.object_name());
// Comment the following line in order to drop error E0597
i.inspect(); // FIXME: borrowed value must be valid for the static lifetime
The error when attempting to compile this snippet is as follows:
error[E0597]: `objectpool` does not live long enough
--> src/
50 | let allobjects: Vec<&SuperObject> = objectpool.all_objects();
| ^^^^^^^^^^ does not live long enough
56 | }
| - borrowed value only lives until here
= note: borrowed value must be valid for the static lifetime...
error: aborting due to previous error
After numerous searches, from what I understand, the objects being instantiated have a default static lifetime, as referred in
I believe the output of ObjectPool's all_objects method is elided by the compiler as static as is evidenced by one of the errors evoked when I attempted to debug the snippet:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
42 | ret.push(&self.object2);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected struct `std::boxed::Box`, found reference
= note: expected type `std::boxed::Box<SuperObject>`
found type `&std::boxed::Box<SuperObject + 'static>`
What would be the best course of action this doesn't involve scrapping the object pool altogether? Or is there a more elegant abstraction befitting for rust implementations?
The issue is your impl Inspect for SuperObject. Implementing a trait for another trait does not do what you expect from it. Basically the rule is: never do it. Essentially it means that only when you have a &(SuperObject + 'static), you'll be able to treat it as an Inspect. What you want is
impl<T: SuperObject + ?Sized> Inspect for T {
fn inspect(&self) {
println!("I am a Superobject.");

Borrowing error using macros

I'm trying to use the code I found here with some problems, basically it's a borrowing error using some macros, the error:
Compiling playground v0.0.1 (file:///playground)
error[E0597]: `body` does not live long enough
--> src/
6 | let raw_structure = borrow_function(&body);
| ---- borrow occurs here
12 | }
| ^ `body` dropped here while still borrowed
31 | let body = get_body_as!(&str, "Hello", function1);
| -------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
32 | println!("Hello");
33 | }
| - borrowed value needs to live until here
I manage to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example, I was thinking that a solution would be to transform the macros into functions, but I'm not completely sure how to do that either (Playground
macro_rules! get_body_as {
($structure:ty, $req:expr, $error_fn:ident) => {
let body = get_body!($req, $error_fn);
let raw_structure = borrow_function(&body);
match raw_structure {
Ok(structure) => structure,
Err(error) => "Error"
macro_rules! get_body {
($req:expr, $error_fn:ident) => {
let mut payload = String::new();
fn borrow_function(s: &str) -> Result<&str, &str> {
fn main() {
let function1 = |s: &str| s;
let body = get_body_as!(&str, "Hello", function1);
The problem is that you are trying to return a reference to a body variable from a block which owns the body variable, but body is to be dropped at the end of that block, so the reference would outlive the data it references.
If you want your example to compile, you can alter your code so that body is declared within the main function using ident parameter added to get_body_as macro:
macro_rules! get_body_as {
($structure:ty, $req:expr, $error_fn:ident, $body: ident) => {
let $body = get_body!($req, $error_fn);
let raw_structure = borrow_function(&$body);
match raw_structure {
Ok(structure) => structure,
Err(error) => "Error"
macro_rules! get_body {
($req:expr, $error_fn:ident) => {
let mut payload = String::new();
fn borrow_function(s: &str) -> Result<&str, &str> {
fn main() {
let function1 = |s: &str| s;
get_body_as!(&str, "Hello", function1, body);
This example compiles, but still has warnings about unused variables, I have made only minimal changes for compilation to succeed.
