If a google doc/sheet is made public, how easily can other people find the URL? - security

Is it easy for people to find "public" google sheets/docs?
Context: Storing some semi-sensitive data (individual user info, of non-sensitive nature) for an app beta-test in google sheets. Planning to migrate to some DB in the future, but for now, just using JavaScript to pull the data directly from the google sheets (since there are visualizations being dynamically updated by the sheets).

Yes, it's easy to get information. Search engines may index and cache the information. Then, there are bots, crawlers and scrapers. Do NOT put (semi)sensitive information in public. Implement google-oauth properly with google-sheets-api to get information. You can also use service-accounts

Yes, it can be easily accessed.
According to the official Google article Share files from Google Drive: when you set your file's General Access setting to public:
Anyone can search on Google and get access to your file, without signing in to their Google account.
What you can do:
In the case of your app beta-test in google sheets data, you may want to reconsider to change your file's General Access setting to one of the following (in descending order of security):
Restricted - Only people that you manually give access to can view or edit your files. When you click the share button, a prompt will show and you may manually add the users who can view or edit your files:
Afterwards, you may select a role for those users and then they can be notified afterwards through email.
On the other hand, you can share the link to others. A prompt will show like the one below if you send the url through Google Chat:
You may opt to select Don't give access which will result in the following view on the other user's end:
This would mean that if unauthorized users get hold of the file URL, they will still need to send an access request. If other users submit the request, an email notification will be sent to your mail inbox. Other users who also own the file will also be notified by mail.
Your Organization - If you use a Google Account through work or school, anyone signed in to an account in your organization can open the file. If you are an administrator in a work or school workspace, you may set how members can share content within the organization. The administrator can prevent the sharing of content with group members outside your organization. If external sharing is prohibited, only group members who are in your organization can access the group's shared content.
Anyone with the link - Anyone who has the link can use your file, without signing in to their Google Account. This option is least recommended because if the URL is leaked to unauthorized users, they can easily access the file.
Share files from Google Drive
Share content with a group

Don’t make it public unless you want the public to see it. Use oauth to access.


document creation using google APIs in python

Is is possible to give google service-account's access to whole drive instead of just folders?
I'm unable to switch to a new directory using google docs API in python. It was possible to jump into a folder and then create the document there using google drive APIs but I want to use docs API only and I can't see any way to jump into another folder.
Is is possible to give google service-account's access to whole drive instead of just folders?
If you have a Workspace domain, I'd suggest granting domain-wide authority to the service account in order to impersonate the regular user's My Drive and access everything they can access. See Delegating domain-wide authority to the service account for more details about how to accomplish this.
If this is not an option for you, you should share all top-level items on the Drive, since there's no direct method to share the full My Drive.
It was possible to jump into a folder and then create the document there using google drive APIs but I want to use docs API only and I can't see any way to jump into another folder.
You need to use Drive API to move files between folders. Docs API cannot be used for that.
Not sure if you're aware of this, but please notice that, if you create a document via Docs API, you can only create a blank document, since all fields apart from title are ignored in this method (see documents.create). If you want to add text, change other properties, etc., you'll have to use documents.batchUpdate.
I'm mentioning this since I don't know whether that was the reason you wanted to create the document via Docs API.

Is it possible to show alert message on the page or popup window, when user SHARE the document

My SharePoint Environment is SharePoint 2019 On Premise
Is it possible to show alert message on the page or popup window, when user SHARE the document on the Document Library.
When we Share the document, whether or not we could modify the mail alert template/ Content.
By 'share', I assume you mean you want to show a message anytime someone edits the permissions of a document. (Since technically, I could 'share' a document by emailing someone the link to it.)
To my knowledge, the only way to achieve this would be to build a custom-code (SPFx) solution which uses API's to interact with the document's permissions granted via app-only access. And block users' ability to access those documents in the traditional way through SharePoint. This would give you full control over the UI, and prevent users from granting access (sharing) elsewhere.
Another option you might investigate is Azure Rights Management. Sensitivity labels applied to documents/libraries can be configured to automatically display headers, footers, watermarks, and even encryption when they are accessed. Exchange can also be configured to display a 'tip', when it detects users are trying to email a sensitive document. Full disclosure: I have only worked with these features in SharePoint online and I'm not certain of their capability in an on-premise environment.

Is there a way to put authentication on calendar subscription url which is in ics format in outlook?

I have created a URL for subscribing to calendar events, mainly in Outlook. Since it has private information, I want users to be able to authenticate when subscribing to this calendar URL using a username and password. I don't want users to add passwords in the URL in order to authenticate.
Is there a way to achieve this where potentially a dialog box appears in outlook where user can enter their security credentials or some other way to authenticate? I'm using node.js on server side.
Thanks in advance!
I don't believe there is a consistent way to do this:
The RFC5545 specification is meant to "provide the definition of a common format for openly exchanging calendaring and scheduling information across the Internet".
Ie the receiving application must be able to access the url. It may work for some if the application user is able to access the url at the time they are logged in, then fail at other times. This is what annoyed me intensely with a school application. One could login & download an ics file and import it BUT could not subscribe to it. So whenever there were updates at a minimum each term, one had to login and re download & import.
You could have people login and get their unique obfuscated url. This is how google calendar does it. It is a 'private' but public url - anyone who gets sent that url can subscribe to it. Since even if it weren't public, the person who logs in, could also download it and send the file around, there is only 'some' additional minimal risk.
At any stage if people are no longer authorised to access the URL, then for their url you issue a 410, or issue empty ics file, or one with dummy events .
Calendar subscription are just HTTP resources, so did you try to protect your resource with Basic Authentication, e.g. by using something like https://www.npmjs.com/package/basic-auth ?

Access Active Directory username on web page

On our intranet, I want to provide a website that certain employees can access. The work they do on the site will be recorded and tagged with their user-name for identification if the need should arise. Of course users have already logged in to their workstation and they have supplied credentials to our Active Directory.
Rather than maintain an additional set of user logins and passwords for the website, and forcing users to enter this second set of credentials, I am wondering if they can just be silently authenticated when they pull up the site? Somehow the webpage would have to find out their Active Directory user name as known on their workstation. (I see no reason it would need their password.) And then, for their work, the website can store their actions tagged with their user name.
So: I'd log in to my workstation as "Mark" in domain "ONU-AD". I'd pull up the webpage "resolveticket.php". That page would not challenge me for credentials, but it can access my username and store that with my various actions.
NOTE: I have seen some questions and answers here that were more specific. But my initial question is general: is there a piece of tech that can help with this? What is it? (for example, should I try to do this with Java?) Many similar questions are about ways to get this information in a server-side script. But I am simply wanting the webpage sitting on the client computer to be able to get the user name and perhaps place it in an input (type="hidden") on a web form.

Azure Download for specific Users

Project ASP.NET
I will use Azure for my storage. Questions (requirements):
In my project I let my registered users download files. But I don't want the user to share this download link to unregistered people (example : the download link what I gave the registered user shall only be downloadable on their computer) .
I show only for registered users the download link, the registered users can download the files that I gave them
No one can delete my files
Question 1: This is really up to your app but... if you're giving direct links to blobs in Azure Storage, you would need to protect them with a Shared Access Signature (or policy). This way, you can give someone a link that expires (for example, 10 minutes after you issue the link). Then, if someone gives away the link, it won't work for very long. There's no way to limit a link's use to a specific computer. Now, if you simply stream content from blob to your app, and then from your app to the user, you will probably have a bit more control, since you wouldn't really be generating a reusable link. But this will have downsides (such as running all content through your web tier, requiring more resources in your web tier).
Question 2: This is completely up to your app, how you manage assets and present them to a registered user. No way to answer this for you, since we know nothing about your app.
Question 3: Azure Storage is accessible by a secret key, which should stay secret, and only you should ever have access to it (for example, it would be used by your code on the server). As long as you don't publish this key anywhere, then nobody would be able to delete your content.
