Add-SPOTheme is not recognized – SharePoint Management Shell - sharepoint

I’m a SharePoint Online Administrator, I want to register a customized Company Theme for our Office 365 tenant. Using SharePoint Online Management Shell, I came across the error message “Add-SPOTheme is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program”.
I have tried the solution from this site: with no luck.
I also tried running the command on both 32 and 64 bit versions of PowerShell with no luck.
So, I’m not sure what am I missing?

You have to install Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell PowerShell module before using the Add-SPOTheme cmdlet:
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell
If already installed, update to latest version.
Follow this documentation: Get started with SharePoint Online Management Shell


Azure AD: I need to change a Company wide setting, but apparently that's impossible?

I need to change a setting in Azure to allow for Email Verification. MS documentation states that I have to get into azure's powershell and run Set-MsolCompanySettings -AllowEmailVerifiedUsers. I found this, however, to be apparently impossible?
In order to do this, I have to use before: Connect-MsolService, which gives me this error:
Connect-MsolService: Could not load file or assembly
'System.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'. The system cannot find the file
And from what I read, Azure's Powershell does not allow for this?? How am I supposed to run that command?
Thanks in advance, any clue is welcome at this point
We have did a repro in our local environment, below statements are based on the repro analysis.
I have tried connecting to msolservice & successfully enabled the company setting " AllowEmailVerifiedUsers" in my local machine that is running with PowerShell version 5.1
Set-MsolCompanySettings -AllowEmailVerifiedUsers $true
Here is the output
I have tried running the same company setting cmdlet in PowerShell core version 7 it is failing with same error that you have mentioned above.
Based on this GitHub , we understood that currently MSOnline module version v1 is too old and it is not supported in PowerShell core 7.
We would suggest you use the PowerShell version 5.1 to enable company setting using MsolOnline module.

Difference between Azure CLI and PowerShell

I am asking this question as Windows user but I request you not to limit the answer for windows only.
I tried executing Azure CLI commands in Power-Shell and they are executing successfully but not the other way around. In that case why do we have 2 separate command sets? Why not just work on Power-Shell? I have only tried some basic commands and they are all working except filter commands | find only works on CLI and | Select only works in Power-Shell.
I know that Azure CLI is for cross platform support. But is there any difference for Windows user? Are there any consequences to run CLI command on Power-Shell?
Thanks in advance.
Here are my opinions from using both. In no way am I saying one is better than the other. They both have their pros and cons.
Azure CLI is cross-platform command-line tool for managing Azure resources, and it can run in Windows, Mac and Linux. This also means it can run on Windows PowerShell. Its more flexible than Azure PowerShell since its a binary and can run inside any OS default shell.
Are there any consequences to run CLI command on Power-Shell?
Updating can be a bit of a pain. If you want to update it on Windows you have to re-install the MSI with the instructions from Install Azure CLI on Windows. Updating is easier on other platforms, and makes me only want to only use Azure PowerShell on Windows PowerShell. A work around is to use WSL on Windows, then you can run Azure CLI on Linux inside a Windows machine. You can install WSL at Windows Subsystem for Linux Installation Guide for Windows 10. I find updating the azure-cli package much easier on Linux using apt-get than the Windows equivalent. You can have a look at Install Azure CLI with apt on how to install the Azure CLI package on Linux.
Another difference is that you have to chain multiple commands with Azure CLI, such as az group list vs Get-AzResourceGroup from Azure PowerShell. You also can't run Get-Help with Azure CLI commands like you do with Azure PowerShell, which is a huge game changer for me, since I find the PowerShell help system to be very helpful displaying in-depth information about PowerShell Cmdlets. The Azure CLI help info is found with az --help, but is not as comprehensive as Get-Help.
Tab completion also doesn't work in Azure CLI when using Windows PowerShell. This makes typing a bit of a pain as well, another reason I use WSL inside of Windows. You can have a look at the other alternatives at this Autocompletion support in Windows command line GitHub issue.
Azure PowerShell on the other hand is a set of PowerShell Cmdlets for managing Azure resources from the command-line, and only works in Windows PowerShell and PowerShell Core. This also means that if another OS such as Mac or Linux is running PowerShell Core, then it can run Azure PowerShell as well.
I have only tried some basic commands and they are all working except filter commands | find only works on CLI and | Select only works in Power-Shell.
Select-Object or the shorthand Select is a PowerShell Cmdlet, so it only works on PowerShell objects. find can search a string or text file. Furthermore, if you are searching for data from Azure CLI, you should use the --query parameter instead of find, since find is limited to searching strings inside text. Azure CLI uses the JMESPath query language to search for data inside the JSON output you receive. If your comfortable with this query language then searching for data using Azure CLI shouldn't be too much of an issue. Additionally, you can also use Azure CLI commands inside PowerShell scripts, but not vice-versa.
If you deal with multiple platforms or want to write scripts with others that use different platforms, using Azure CLI is a good choice. However, if you mainly deal with Windows systems and work with others who do so as well, then using Azure PowerShell is a good idea. If your like me and have to use different platforms, then installing both is a good idea. If you still just want to use Azure PowerShell on different OS platforms, then you need PowerShell Core.
For simple tasks, like quickly looking up resources in cloud shell or writing quick scripts, Azure CLI is good to use and less verbose than Azure PowerShell. If you already use bash a lot, this will feel more natural, and adding Azure CLI commands to existing scripts will be a simple task. As others have also said, there is nothing stopping you from adding Azure CLI commands to powershell scripts, which allows you to deserialize the JSON output using ConvertFrom-Json into a PSCustomObject.
For more complex tasks, Azure PowerShell is preferable, since working with .NET objects/OOP principals is much easier than parsing the JSON text given from Azure CLI. This is one reason I try to use Azure PowerShell when I can.
Azure CLI does benefit from being idempotent, so running the same command against the resources won't require any null checking like in Azure PowerShell. If this becomes an issue, then you can run ARM templates in Azure PowerShell, which are idempotent.
As #AimusSage helpfully pointed out in the comments, PowerShell 7.0 has recently been released, replacing the name PowerShell Core or PowerShell 6.x. You can read more at Announcing PowerShell 7.0.
Another Idea
If you want to maintain OOP principals from Azure PowerShell, but use something that is easier for Linux Sys Admins to use, then you can consider using the Azure SDK for Python. I have used this in the past when I wanted to run scripts in a Linux host, but didn't want to use Azure CLI or install PowerShell.
I like the previous answers, I just want to add a different point of view for people in the enterprise world that is forced to pick one:
In that case why do we have 2 separate command sets? Why not just work on Power-Shell?
Rephrasing: Both Az CLI and Az PowerShell just call the same set of APIs, the Azure APIs.
This is important because theoretically and eventually you will be able to do everything in both ways
So why did Microsoft creates and maintains two ways of doing the same thing?
Martin Fowler ones said: but remember, the skill of the team will outweigh any monolith/microservice choice
If you change the monolith/microservice by PowerShell/Bash then this answers the question.
I believe that there are people with decades of development of systems using Bash, and there are other teams that are heavy users of PowerShell. Microsoft does not want them to have to learn a whole new programming language to be able to use Azure.
If your team is familiar with PowerShell, go with PowerShell and do as much native PowerShell stuff as possible. This way you benefit from things like error handling, OOP concepts,environment settings, parallelization, etc
If yout team are linux admins, heavy users of jenkins, with million lines of Bash to automate other things already there, and working with Bash for their entire life, go with CLI and keep consistency across all the already built tools
I've noticed when doing the MS Azure training (AZ-900 fundamentals and AZ-303 Azure Architect) is that the exercises are done in Azure CLI.
That's not to say it's better, but if you're wanting to do the exams it might be worth being familiar with it. For the record, I'm a PowerShell guy.
the existing answer is silly way of looking at this question. and misleading.
The biggest difference is that azure cli is a binary (that can run on different platforms) and Powershell is a shell that works across platforms. Azure Powershell is a bunch of Powershell modules, everything else derives from that.
find cannot work in the cli, because there is no in the cli, because its not a shell. find works perfectly fine in Powershell on Windows, because its a binary in the Windows OS, whereas select is a cmdlet in Powershell and hence it will not work in command line on Windows (or bash on Linux).
Furthermore, if you are searching for data from Azure CLI, you should
use the --query parameter instead of find
this is also debatable, JMESPath query language is overcomplicated for no particular reason and I dont know how Azure Cli is actually compatible with the official JMESPath documentation. I prefer to use Powershell to run Azure Cli commands and just parse output JSON with Powershell. Obviously, you might not be as comfortable with Powershell as I am and you might not find this convenient.
Another issue with Azure Powershell that does not seem to be the case with azure cli is the different versions. I have spent days figuring out which version of which command for which script in my pipeline needs to be what. Seriously the most ridiculous assinined

Get Source Code for referenced functions in Azure Runbook

I'm new to powershell and Azure automation. Currently I've an Azure Automation Account and it has few Runbook jobs. I'm trying to add new logic to an existing Azure Runbook job by updating its powershell script. I see there are some functions but unfortunately we didn't maintain the source code :(. As the runbook is currently running without any issues, i want to know how to get the source code of the referenced functions.
I searched in the modules, modules gallery, python 2 packages, etc in the Automation Account used by this runbook as well as under Assets, cmdlets, and runbooks nodes (that you see in the Edit mode of the script in Portal) but couldn't find where these functions are referenced. I see one module which I suspect to have something related but not sure.
As an FYI, the functions are named like this:
Set-Subscription $subcriptName
So here are my questions:
Is there are way to get the source code of all the referenced functions within this runbook powershell script? Something like disassembling a .NET dll using disassembler tools.
How to see the source code of an existing module in Automation Account that has its Status as "Available" under Modules section.
I have not had teh reason, yet, to use Azure Runbooks, however, PowerShellCore is already open source and can be viewed on GitHub.
That being said, you can get source code from local cmdlets for example this way...
[string]$CmdletName = (Get-Command -CommandType Cmdlet |
Out-GridView -Passthru)
# Get the DLL is it is a compiled cmdlet
'Getting DLL if the entered cmdlet name is a compiled cmdlet'
(Get-Command $CmdletName).DLL
'Getting cmdlet details / source code'
$metadata = New-Object (Get-Command $CmdletName)
Note: Even with the above I've had issues with some cmdlets erroring out.
You can get source code from local functions for example this way...
[string]$FunctionName = (Get-Command -CommandType Function |
Out-GridView -Passthru)
(Get-Command -Name $FunctionName).ScriptBlock
For dll, one could use the same approach for looking at any other .Net dlls, would be the same tools, ILSpy or dotNetPeek and the like

Azure Powershell Linux

Are there any more cmdlets for Linux Azure Powershell apart from these?
Is there an official repository for Azure Powershell for Linux?
Is there a way for terminal to launch powershell on startup, not bash?
My google-fu is weak today :(
Your question is old but I'll still answer it. In hopes that you will receive my response via email, others seeking help in the future will see this, and to establish reputation on this damn site so I can actually start using it effectively.
Are there any more cmdlets for Linux Azure Powershell apart from these?
I assume you're specifically looking for Azure because of your title. AzureRM.Netcore has been released as of ~1 month ago. This supports 90% of the functionality you need to deploy to Azure.
Unfortunately, I am finding that some older cmdlets are not supported yet though, since they are in an older module called Azure, which does not yet have a .NET Core implementation. See my recent post for more information on that.
Is there an official repository for Azure Powershell for Linux?
You can find all of that discussion on the official Powershell repository. It is cross-platform. Additionally Microsoft intends to build Powershell 6 on top of .NET Core 2.0 which was released yesterday. So it's likely that future development will heavily support Linux. This will be your best resource:
Is there a way for terminal to launch powershell on startup, not bash?
There is. But I wouldn't recommend doing that. That just sounds wrong. But I'm a pretentious Linux user with a bias towards Microsoft so take my opinion with a grain of salt. There are two methods you can use to accomplish that.
1) Most Linux distros come with a command called chsh just for that. Try chsh -s /usr/bin/powershell provide that is the location of your installed Powershell binary. If you are not sure where it is, you can use which to determine the installation location. which powershell. Do not execute this command with sudo as that will attempt to change the shell for your root user rather than your current user.
2) Alternatively you can manually edit the file /etc/passwd on Linux. Locate the line that contains your user account, go to the very end of it, and replace /bin/bash or whatever shell you use with /usr/bin/powershell, or the proper location of your Powershell Binary.

Powershell Error "The term 'Get-SPWeb' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function..."

I just typed the follow to try and get my SharePoint site:
$spWeb = Get-SPWeb -Identity "http://nycs00058260/sites/usitp"
It gave me the following error
The term 'Get-SPWeb' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet,
function, script...
The url is correct so why am I getting this error?
I think this need to be run from the Management Shell rather than the console, it sounds like the module isn't being imported into the Powershell console. You can add the module by running:
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Sharepoint.Powershell
in the Powershell console.
Run this script from SharePoint 2010 Management Shell as Administrator.
Instead of Windows PowerShell, find the item in the Start Menu called SharePoint 2013 Management Shell:
