Is trino´s st_buffer in meters? - geospatial

Can you tell me if this function is in meters or decimal degrees in trino db new for athena v3
actually st_buffer in v2 is in decimal degrees

According to the documentation the signature is
ST_Buffer(Geometry, distance) → Geometry
which indicates that the the input parameter distance is in meters. We might have to specify that in the documentation some more. If you think this is necessary, file an issue.


Difference between distance() and geo_distance() in arangodb

What is the difference between the arango function - DISTANCE() and GE0_DISTANCE(). I know both of them calculates distance using haversines formula.
Both are used for two different purposes
DISTANCE(latitude1, longitude1, latitude2, longitude2) → distance
The value is computed using the haversine formula, which is based on a spherical Earth model. It’s fast to compute and is accurate to around 0.3%, which is sufficient for most use cases such as location-aware services.
GEO_DISTANCE(geoJsonA, geoJsonB, ellipsoid) → distance
Return the distance between two GeoJSON objects, measured from the centroid of each shape. For a list of supported types see the geo index page. (Ref:

Snowflake DB : How to plot a Geospatial sphere feature in Snowflake?

Snowflake now supports geospatial datatype.It supports geographical features like point,line,Polygon.
But wanted to know ,whether it supports for spherical feature?
How to plot a spherical feature in Snowflake geospatial datatype?
According to the Snowflake documentation it only supports WGS84 (EPSG:4326), which does not have a z (height/elevation) coordinate, making it impossible to represent a sphere, which is a 3d shape. Approximating the 2d projection, a circle, should be somewhat possible.
A lot of geospatial engines have a function called buffer (or some variation thereof), which when performed on a point would give you an approximation of a circle. Depending on what you are doing, this might be what you need. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like Snowflake has a buffer function as of July 2020.
If all you need to do is detect whether a point p lies within a disc of radius r around a point c, you can use the ST_DWITHIN function to accomplish that goal. You can find the documentation for that function here. Note that you must supply your radius in meters.

What is the default tolerance for ETRS89 in geospatial operations if the user does not specify any?

In Marklogic I'm using cts.geospatialRegionQuery to search for documents that contain (an indexed) geometry that has an intersection with the geometry I search with.
The geospatial region index uses etrs89/double as coordinate system. All geometries in the data have 9 decimal places.
According to the Marklogic Geospatial search applications documentation:
[...] geospatial queries against single precision indexes are accurate to within 1 meter for geodetic coordinate systems.
I would, therefore, expect that my queries would have sub-meter accuracy. However, I get search results from cts.geospatialRegionQuery containing geometries up to ~5 meters away from my search geometry. As far as I can see the only reason for this could be the tolerance option that I'm not specifying yet and is therefore using the default.
The documentation mentions that
If you do not explicitly set tolerance, MarkLogic uses the default tolerance appropriate for the coordinate system.
To ensure accuracy, MarkLogic enforces a minimum tolerance for each coordinate system.
This brings us to the actual question:
What is the default (and minimum) tolerance for the etrs89 coordinate system in Marklogic?
Looked further into the issue with help from Marklogic Support and found the cause of the low accuracy of my geospatial queries.
Before using cts.geospatialRegionQuery I parsed the search geometry with geo.parseWkt. This function does not allow you to explicitly set the coordinate system to be used and therefore uses the coordinate system set in the AppServer settings. By default this is single precision wgs84. This lead to a loss of 2-3 digits on my search geometry.
After setting the coordinate system to etrs89/double in the AppServer settings, geo.parseWkt didn't reduce the precision of the search geometry anymore and my geospatial queries had the expected 5 mm accuracy.
The default tolerance for WGS84 and ETRS89 coordinate systems is 0.5cm for double precision and 5 meters for single precision.
Closing the loop on this issue using feedback provided by MarkLogic support:
When setting up the query geo.ParseWkt was used to create the POINT and as this function does not take a coordinate system or precision as options the result was being truncated to 8 significant digits by default. In the Latitude they were working this reduced precision from 0.5cm to 5m leading to the observed results.
geo.parseWkt("POINT(5.176605744 52.045696539)");
Results in:
POINT(5.1766057 52.045697)
When using JavaScript the solution is to set the correct coordinate system in the AppServer, see and following example (written in XQuery):
xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module namespace admin = "" at "/MarkLogic/admin.xqy";
let $config := admin:get-configuration()
let $groupid := admin:group-get-id($config, "Default")
return admin:save-configuration(
admin:appserver-get-id($config, $groupid, "App-Services"),
Once this was done the POINT created using geo.ParseWkt had the correct level of precision.
With XQuery you can declare the coordinate system directly in the query:
declare option xdmp:coordinate-system "etrs89/double";

Mariadb: geography

I need to check if the distance between two geographic point is less then N km. I'm trying to execute this query:
select st_distance(
ST_GeomFromText('point(45.764043 4.835658999999964)', 4326),
ST_GeomFromText('point(45.750371 5.053963)', 4326)
) < :n
But it doesn't work because:
So far the SRID property is just a dummy in MySQL, it is stored as part of a geometries meta data but all actual calculations ignore it and calculations are done assuming Euclidean (planar) geometry.
My goal is to convert this distance to the metric distance or to convert the N to the degrees.
How I can do it?
Maybe, you know a better solution?
P.S. I need a solution based on the spatial methods (or more better for the performance).
I don't think the "distance" function is available (yet) in SPATIAL. There is a regular FUNCTION in that does the work. However, the args and output are scaled lat/lng (10000*degrees). The code could be altered to avoid the scaling, but it is needed in the context of that blog page.

what unity of measurement is used in st_buffer(g,d) for the distance in mySql?

I have this spatial query in mysql:
select st_intersects(st_buffer(point(8.429614,45.017725),0.05),shape)
where shape is a column in db with geometry format.
I don't understand what unity of measurement is used for the distance in st_buffer function. What represents 0.05, 5km?5miles?
I have the radius express in km. I red the answer for this question that is similar to mine: What is the unit of measurement used in MySQL's spatial Buffer call? but i dont'understand the unity of measurement used in my case.
