How many threads to use when building gem5? - multithreading

When building gem5, the user can use the -j flag to set the number of threads to use.
In the documentation on building gem5, this note is included:
Note: I’m using -j9 here to execute the build on 9 of my 8 cores on my machine. You should choose an appropriate number for your machine, usually cores+1
Why is using cores+1 threads "appropriate?
I'm assuming that it has something to do with the fact that if one thread is blocked, there should be another thread to switch to. But at this point, why not have cores+2 number of threads (assuming that the payoff is greater than the cost of creating the threads?
In short,
Is there any sort of research on the "optimal" number of threads to use when running multi-threaded processes?

scons build/{ISA}/gem5.{variant} -j {cpus}
just set how many threads to use when you build your gem5, this is have nothing to do with running the simulations. The more threads you do, the more quicker your build will be.
For the optimal number of threads, you can run 2 threads for each processor to gain the optimal performance. However, that doesn't mean you cant run more than 2*NUM_CPU

Why is using cores+1 threads "appropriate?
Well ... the theory is that you have N cores then N+1 threads is going to keep all of your threads busy without wasting too much extra memory (etc) on threads that can't run because all of the cores are busy.
However, the "theory" (i.e. modelling) on which this based makes assumptions that are not necessarily realistic. Plug in different assumptions and you will get a different formula.
In practice ... cores+1 should be treated as just a "rule of thumb". The real optimal thread count for a particular build can only be determined experimentally on your build platform. And it will vary depending on what other things the build platform is doing at the same time. It is probably more effort to do that than it is worth to find the optimal setting.
My advice:
Don't over-think it.
If cores+1 gives you good results, use it. If not, try a larger or smaller number.
If someone tells you categorically that cores+1 or cores*2 or something else is the "optimal" thread count, they probably don't have a scientific basis for that. Treat what they say with healthy skepticism! They are entitled to their opinion ... but that is all that it is.
Is there any sort of research on the "optimal" number of threads to use when running multi-threaded processes?
The problem is too (mathematically) complicated to come up with a model that can give you good a priori predictions for a previously unseen multi-threaded application.


Is the point of multi-threading to increase your CPU usage?

I am very new to the concept of multi-threading, but to my understanding the whole point of multi-threading architecture (I learnt there is hardware multi-threading and software multi-threading; not that I completely understand the concept of each but I think I am talking about the hardware aspect here) is to "keep your CPU busy". This is for example to process another task when your current one is fetching your hard-disk for data import.
If I am correct, for a non multi-threading CPU, if it already has near 100% usage, then switching to a multi-threading one would not help you much. Am I correct?
I am sure my statement of the problem is full of inaccuracy but I hope I made myself understood.
You have been given the task to build a house, your team is composed by you, the supervisor, and a pool of workers.
When your boss came by to check on the progresses, what would you like him to see? One worker doing all the job and the other watching, or all the workers being busy?
You want to keep the worker busy giving them independent tasks, the more worker the harder this is.
Furthermore there are some issues to take into account: worker A was given the task to building a wall, and it is building it. Before the wall gets too tall the concrete need to dry, so A spends a lot of time waiting.
During this wait they could help somewhere else.
Asking A to help somewhere else while they are in the building-the-wall step is pointless, they either need to decline or stop what they are doing.
One way or the other you won't get any benefit.
The workers are the equivalent of threads.
The house building is the equivalent of a multi-threaded process.
The A worker building the wall is the equivalent of CPU bounded process, a process that use a CPU as much as he need.
The concrete drying is the equivalent of an IO operation, it will complete itself without the need of any worker.
The A worker waiting for the concrete to dry is the equivalent of a IO bounded process, it mostly does nothing.
The A worker being always busy is the equivalent of an optimal scheduling/multi-threaded algorithm.
Now you are given the task to study a CS book, your team is composed by you, a student that cannot read, and a pool of readers.
How would you assign the readers? You can't make them read each chapter individually, as you can't listen to more than one person.
So even if you have a lot of worker you pick one and make them read the book sequentially.
Reading a book is an example of an inherently sequential problem that won't benefit from multi-threading, while building an house is an example of a very parallelizable problem.
Handling multiple workers is not easy: a worker A may starts a wall because they took a look at the concrete stash and realized there was enough of it but didn't claim it. Worker B needs some concrete and takes it from the stash, now A no longer has enough concrete.
This is the equivalent of a race condition: A is checking and using a resource in two different times (as two different, divisible, operations) and the result depends on the timing of the workers.
If you think of the CPU as "units that can do things" you will realize that having more "units that can do things" is better only if they are not standing there glazing at the infinity.
Hence all the literature about multi-threading.
I've originally misunderstood the question. Your statement is correct for software multi-threading when we parallelize some algorithm to make the computations in multiple threads. In this case if your CPU is already loaded with work you can't make it work faster by executing code in multiple threads. Moreover, you can even expect decrease in performance due to overhead of multi-threaded communications and context switches. But in modern world it is not easy to find a single core CPU (with exception of embedded applications). So in most cases you need to use threads to fully utilize CPU's computational ability.
But for hardware multi-threading situation is different because it is an absolutely different thing. CPU has circuits that perform arithmetic operations and circuits responsible for program flow. And now we make a trick: we double number of second circuits and make them share arithmetic operations circuits. Now two threads can execute different commands simultaneously: they can't do summation at the same time, but one can add numbers and second can divide something. And that's how performance is gained. So 100% load now is different load because you have enabled additional circuits in the CPU. Relative value is the same, but absolute performance is higher.

Considerate, dynamic CPU load management

I am writing a CPU-intensive image processing library. To make best use of available CPU, I can detect the total number of cores on my machine and have my library run with that number of threads. When my library to allocate one thread for each core it performs optimally using 100% available processor time.
The above approach works fine when mine is the only CPU-heavy process running. If another CPU-intensive process is running, or even another instance of my own code, then the OS allocates us only a fraction of the available cores and my library then has too many threads running which is both inefficient and inconsiderate to other processes.
So I would like to find a way to determine the "fair share" number of threads to run given a specific load. For example, if two instances of my process are running on an 8-core machine, each would run with 4 threads. Each would need a way to adapt thread count dynamically according to fluctuations in machine load.
So, my question:
Is there any OS feature or third-party library which allows my process to adapt thread count dynamically to use its fair share of the CPU?
My focus is Windows but interested in non-Windows solutions too.
Edit: to be clear, this is about optimization. I am trying to achieve peak efficiency by running the optimal number of threads appropriate to my fair share of the CPU.
In my eyes, the application shouldnt decide how many threads to spawn. This is an information, that the caller should know. In linux, the "-j" or "--jobs" parameter is widely used (Default: 1).
What about also setting the priority of the processing tasks. So if the caller knows, the processing is mission-critical, he can increase the prio (with the knowledge of maybe blocking the (whole) system). Your processing lib would never know, how important the processing of this image would be.
If the caller doesnt care, then the default low-prio is used, which shouldnt affect the rest of the system. If it does, you should look to what is exactly blocking the system (maybe writing image files to the hdd, reduce ram size to prevent swapping, ...). If you figured out that, you can optimize exactly that point.
If you start the processing with (cpu-cores)*2 on low till normal priority, your system should be useable. No one would expect, that this will kill the system.
Just my 2 cents.
Actually it's not a problem of multithreading but a problem of executing many programs simultaneously. This is hard on most PC's operating systems because it conflicts to the idea of time-sharing.
Let's assume some workflow.
Suppose we have 8 cores and we create 8 threads to feed them; ok, that's easy. Next we choose to monitor core loading to summary how many tasks running on a certain core; well, that needs some statistical assumptions, e.g on Linux you can get a 1/5/15-mins load average chart, but that could be done. The statistical chart is clear and now we get a plot about how many CPU-bound processes are running, say, seeing other 3 CPU-intensive processes.
Then we come to the point: we have to make 3 redundant threads to sleep, but which 3?
Usually we choose 3 threads arbitrarily because the scheduler arranges the other 8 CPU-bound threads automatically. In some cases, we explicitly put threads on high load cores to sleep, assign other threads to certain low load cores, and let the scheduler do the rest things. Most scheduling policies also try to "keep CPU cache hot", which means they tend to forbid transferring threads between cores. We reasonably expect our CPU-intensive threads can utilize the core cache since other processes are scheduled to the 3 crowded cores. Everything looks good.
However this could fail in tightly synchronized computation. In this scenario we need to run our 5 threads simultaneously. Simultaneity here means the 5 threads have to gain CPU and run at almost the same time. I don't know if there's any scheduler on PC could do this for us. In most low-load cases, things still work fine because costs to wait for simultaneity is trivial. But when the load of a core is high and even 1 of our 5 threads is disturbed, occasionally we'll find we spend many life cycles in waiting.
It may help to schedule your program as a real-time program but it's not a perfect solution. Statistically it leads to a wider time window for simultaneity when it gains more CPU control priority. I have to say, it's not guaranteed.

Can a multi-threaded program ever be deterministic?

Normally it is said that multi threaded programs are non-deterministic, meaning that if it crashes it will be next to impossible to recreate the error that caused the condition. One doesn't ever really know what thread is going to run next, and when it will be preempted again.
Of course this has to do with the OS thread scheduling algorithm and the fact that one doesn't know what thread is going to be run next, and how long it will effectively run.
Program execution order also plays a role as well, etc...
But what if you had the algorithm used for thread scheduling and what if you could know when what thread is running, could a multi threaded program then become "deterministic", as in, you'll be able to reproduce a crash?
Knowing the algorithm will not actually allow you to predict what will happen when. All kinds of delays that happen in the execution of a program or thread are dependent on environmental conditions such as: available memory, swapping, incoming interrupts, other busy tasks, etc.
If you were to map your multi-threaded program to a sequential execution, and your threads in themselves behave deterministically, then your whole program could be deterministic and 'concurrency' issues could be made reproducible. Of course, at that point they would not be concurrency issues any more.
If you would like to learn more, is very interesting reading.
My opinion is: technically no (but mathematically yes). You can write deterministic threading algorithm, but it will be extremely hard to predict state of the application after some sensible amount of time that you can treat it is non-deterministic.
There are some tools (in development) that will try to create race-conditions in a somewhat predictable manner but this is about forward-looking testing, not about reconstructing a 'bug in the wild'.
CHESS is an example.
It would be possible to run a program on a virtual multi-threaded machine where the allocation of virtual cycles to each thread was done via some entirely deterministic process, possibly using a pseudo-random generator (which could be seeded with a constant before each program run). Another, possibly more interesting, possibility would be to have a virtual machine which would alternate between running threads in 'splatter' mode (where almost any variable they touch would have its value become 'unknown' to other threads) and 'cleanup' mode (where results of operations with known operands would be visible and known to other threads). I would expect the situation would probably be somewhat analogous to hardware simulation: if the output of every gate is regarded as "unknown" between its minimum and maximum propagation times, but the simulation works anyway, that's a good indication the design is robust, but there are many useful designs which could not be constructed to work in such simulations (the states would be essentially guaranteed to evolve into a valid combination, though one could not guarantee which one). Still, it might be an interesting avenue of exploration, since large parts of many programs could be written to work correctly even in a 'splatter mode' VM.
I don't think it is practicable. To enforce a specific thread interleaving we require to place locks on shared variables, forcing the threads to access them in a specific order. This would cause severe performance degradation.
Replaying concurrency bugs is usually handled by record&replay systems. Since the recording of such large amounts of information also degrades performance, the most recent systems do partial logging and later complete the thread interleavings using SMT solving. I believe that the most recent advance in this type of systems is Symbiosis (published in this year's PLDI conference). Tou can find open source implementations in this URL:
This is actually a valid requirement in many systems today which want to execute tasks parallelly but also want some determinism from time to time.
For example, a mobile company would want to process subscription events of multiple users parallelly but would want to execute events of a single user one at a time.
One solution is to of course write everything to get executed on a single thread. Another solution is deterministic threading. I have written a simple library in Java that can be used to achieve the behavior I have described in the above example. Take a look at this-
Now, having said that, the actual allocation of CPU to a thread or process is in the hands of the OS. So, it is possible that the threads get the CPU cycles in a different order every time you run the same program. So, you cannot achieve the determinism in the order the threads are allocated CPU cycles. However, by delegating tasks effectively amongst threads such that sequential tasks are assigned to a single thread, you can achieve determinism in overall task execution.
Also, to answer your question about the simulation of a crash. All modern CPU scheduling algorithms are free from starvation. So, each and every thread is bound to get guaranteed CPU cycles. Now, it is possible that your crash was a result of the execution of a certain sequence of threads on a single CPU. There is no way to rerun that same execution order or rather the same CPU cycle allocation order. However, the combination of modern CPU scheduling algorithms being starvation-free and Murphy's law will help you simulate the error if you run your code enough times.
PS, the definition of enough times is quite vague and depends on a lot of factors like execution cycles need by the entire program, number of threads, etc. Mathematically speaking, a crude way to calculate the probability of simulating the same error caused by the same execution sequence is on a single processor is-
1/Number of ways to execute all atomic operations of all defined threads
For instance, a program with 2 threads with 2 atomic instructions each can be allocated CPU cycles in 4 different ways on a single processor. So probability would be 1/4.
Lots of crashes in multithreaded programs have nothing to do with the multithreading itself (or the associated resource contention).
Normally it is said that multi threaded programs are non-deterministic, meaning that if it crashes it will be next to impossible to recreate the error that caused the condition.
I disagree with this entirely, sure multi-threaded programs are non-deterministic, but then so are single-threaded ones, considering user input, message pumps, mouse/keyboard handling, and many other factors. A multi-threaded program usually makes it more difficult to reproduce the error, but definitely not impossible. For whatever reasons, program execution is not completely random, there is some sort of repeatability (but not predictability), I can usually reproduce multi-threaded bugs rather quickly in my apps, but then I have lots of verbose logging in my apps, for the end users' actions.
As an aside, if you are getting crashes, can't you also get crash logs, with call stack info? That will greatly aid in the debugging process.

Is there a point to multithreading?

I don’t want to make this subjective...
If I/O and other input/output-related bottlenecks are not of concern, then do we need to write multithreaded code? Theoretically the single threaded code will fare better since it will get all the CPU cycles. Right?
Would JavaScript or ActionScript have fared any better, had they been multithreaded?
I am just trying to understand the real need for multithreading.
I don't know if you have payed any attention to trends in hardware lately (last 5 years) but we are heading to a multicore world.
A general wake-up call was this "The free lunch is over" article.
On a dual core PC, a single-threaded app will only get half the CPU cycles. And CPUs are not getting faster anymore, that part of Moores law has died.
In the words of Herb Sutter The free lunch is over, i.e. the future performance path for computing will be in terms of more cores not higher clockspeeds. The thing is that adding more cores typically does not scale the performance of software that is not multithreaded, and even then it depends entirely on the correct use of multithreaded programming techniques, hence multithreading is a big deal.
Another obvious reason is maintaining a responsive GUI, when e.g. a click of a button initiates substantial computations, or I/O operations that may take a while, as you point out yourself.
The primary reason I use multithreading these days is to keep the UI responsive while the program does something time-consuming. Sure, it's not high-tech, but it keeps the users happy :-)
Most CPUs these days are multi-core. Put simply, that means they have several processors on the same chip.
If you only have a single thread, you can only use one of the cores - the other cores will either idle or be used for other tasks that are running. If you have multiple threads, each can run on its own core. You can divide your problem into X parts, and, assuming each part can run indepedently, you can finish the calculations in close to 1/Xth of the time it would normally take.
By definition, the fastest algorithm running in parallel will spend at least as much CPU time as the fastest sequential algorithm - that is, parallelizing does not decrease the amount of work required - but the work is distributed across several independent units, leading to a decrease in the real-time spent solving the problem. That means the user doesn't have to wait as long for the answer, and they can move on quicker.
10 years ago, when multi-core was unheard of, then it's true: you'd gain nothing if we disregard I/O delays, because there was only one unit to do the execution. However, the race to increase clock speeds has stopped; and we're instead looking at multi-core to increase the amount of computing power available. With companies like Intel looking at 80-core CPUs, it becomes more and more important that you look at parallelization to reduce the time solving a problem - if you only have a single thread, you can only use that one core, and the other 79 cores will be doing something else instead of helping you finish sooner.
Much of the multithreading is done just to make the programming model easier when doing blocking operations while maintaining concurrency in the program - sometimes languages/libraries/apis give you little other choice, or alternatives makes the programming model too hard and error prone.
Other than that the main benefit of multi threading is to take advantage of multiple CPUs/cores - one thread can only run at one processor/core at a time.
No. You can't continue to gain the new CPU cycles, because they exist on a different core and the core that your single-threaded app exists on is not going to get any faster. A multi-threaded app, on the other hand, will benefit from another core. Well-written parallel code can go up to about 95% faster- on a dual core, which is all the new CPUs in the last five years. That's double that again for a quad core. So while your single-threaded app isn't getting any more cycles than it did five years ago, my quad-threaded app has four times as many and is vastly outstripping yours in terms of response time and performance.
Your question would be valid had we only had single cores. The things is though, we mostly have multicore CPU's these days. If you have a quadcore and write a single threaded program, you will have three cores which is not used by your program.
So actually you will have at most 25% of the CPU cycles and not 100%. Since the technology today is to add more cores and less clockspeed, threading will be more and more crucial for performance.
That's kind of like asking whether a screwdriver is necessary if I only need to drive this nail. Multithreading is another tool in your toolbox to be used in situations that can benefit from it. It isn't necessarily appropriate in every programming situation.
Here are some answers:
You write "If input/output related problems are not bottlenecks...". That's a big "if". Many programs do have issues like that, remembering that networking issues are included in "IO", and in those cases multithreading is clearly worthwhile. If you are writing one of those rare apps that does no IO and no communication then multithreading might not be an issue
"The single threaded code will get all the CPU cycles". Not necessarily. A multi-threaded code might well get more cycles than a single threaded app. These days an app is hardly ever the only app running on a system.
Multithreading allows you to take advantage of multicore systems, which are becoming almost universal these days.
Multithreading allows you to keep a GUI responsive while some action is taking place. Even if you don't want two user-initiated actions to be taking place simultaneously you might want the GUI to be able to repaint and respond to other events while a calculation is taking place.
So in short, yes there are applications that don't need multithreading, but they are fairly rare and becoming rarer.
First, modern processors have multiple cores, so a single thraed will never get all the CPU cycles.
On a dualcore system, a single thread will utilize only half the CPU. On a 8-core CPU, it'll use only 1/8th.
So from a plain performance point of view, you need multiple threads to utilize the CPU.
Beyond that, some tasks are also easier to express using multithreading.
Some tasks are conceptually independent, and so it is more natural to code them as separate threads running in parallel, than to write a singlethreaded application which interleaves the two tasks and switches between them as necessary.
For example, you typically want the GUI of your application to stay responsive, even if pressing a button starts some CPU-heavy work process that might go for several minutes. In that time, you still want the GUI to work. The natural way to express this is to put the two tasks in separate threads.
Most of the answers here make the conclusion multicore => multithreading look inevitable. However, there is another way of utilizing multiple processors - multi-processing. On Linux especially, where, AFAIK, threads are implemented as just processes perhaps with some restrictions, and processes are cheap as opposed to Windows, there are good reasons to avoid multithreading. So, there are software architecture issues here that should not be neglected.
Of course, if the concurrent lines of execution (either threads or processes) need to operate on the common data, threads have an advantage. But this is also the main reason for headache with threads. Can such program be designed such that the pieces are as much autonomous and independent as possible, so we can use processes? Again, a software architecture issue.
I'd speculate that multi-threading today is what memory management was in the days of C:
it's quite hard to do it right, and quite easy to mess up.
thread-safety bugs, same as memory leaks, are nasty and hard to find
Finally, you may find this article interesting (follow this first link on the page). I admit that I've read only the abstract, though.

How many simultaneous threads in an application is a lot?

5, 100, 1000?
I guess, "it depends", but on what?
What is common in applications that run as server daemons / services?
What are hard limits?
Given that the machine can handle the overall workload, how do I determine at how many threads the overhead starts to have an impact on performance?
What are important differences between OS's?
What else should be considered?
I'm asking because I would like to employ threads in an application to organize subcomponents of my application that do not share data and are designed to do their work in parallel. As the application would also use thread pools for parallelizing some tasks, I was wondering at what point I should start to think about the number of threads that's going to run in total.
I know the n+1 rule as a guideline for determining the number of threads that simultaneously work on the same task to gain performance. However, I want to use threads like one might use processes in a larger scope, i. e. to organize independent tasks that should not interfere with each other.
In this related question, some people advise to minimise the number of threads because of the added complexity. To me it seems that threads can also help to keep things sorted more orderly and actually reduce interference. Isn't that correct?
I can't answer your question about "how much is many" but I agree that you should not use threads for every task possible.
The optimal amount of threads for performance of application is (n+1), where n is the amount of processors/cores your computer/claster has.
The more your actual thread amount differs from n+1, the less optimal it gets and gets your system resources wasted on thread calculations.
So usually you use 1 thread for the UI, 1 thread for some generic tasks, and (n+1) threads for some huge-calculation tasks.
Actually Ajmastrean is a little out of date. Quoting from his own link
The thread pool has a default size of
250 worker threads per available
processor, and 1000 I/O completion
threads. The number of threads in the
thread pool can be changed by using
the SetMaxThreads method.
But generally I think 25 is really where the law of diminishing returns (and programmers abilities to keep track of what is going on) starts coming into effect. Although Max is right, as long as all of the threads are performing non-blocking calculations n+1 is the optimal number, in the real world most of the threading tasks I perform tend to be done on stuff with some kind of IO.
Also depends on your architecture. E.g. in NVIDIA GPGPU lib CUDA you can put on an 8 thread multiprocessor 512 threads simoultanously. You may ask why assign each of the scalar processors 64 threads? The answer is easy: If the computation is not compute bound but memory IO bound, you can hide the mem latencies by executing other threads. Similar applies to normal CPUs. I can remember that a recommendation for the parallel option for make "-j" is to use approx 1.5 times the number of cores you got. Many of the compiling tasks are heavy IO burden and if a task has to wait for harddisk, mem ... whatever, CPU could work on a different thread.
Next you have to consider, how expensive a task/thread switch is. E.g. it is comes free, while CPU has to perform some work for a context switch. So in general you have to estimate if the penalty for two task switches is longer than the time the thread would block (which depends heavily on your applications).
Microsoft's ThreadPool class limits you to 25 threads per processor. The limit is based on context switching between threads and the memory consumed by each thread. So, that's a good guideline if you're on the Windows platform.
