I have two tables in Excel, one with categories and listings, and another with points based on the category and listing threshold. It goes as follows:
Categories table:
Points table:
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
I started with an INDEX MATCH formula pointing at the points:
=INDEX(Points!A1:D11, MATCH(Categories!B2, Points!A1:A11, 0)+2)
--> the +2 is to get the points directly
I also though of evaluating the thresholds with this formula:
=IF(Categories!C2 >= NUMBERVALUE(LEFT(Points!D3, FIND("-",Points!D3)-1)),Points!D4, IF(Categories!C2 >=NUMBERVALUE(LEFT(Points!C3, FIND("-",Points!C3)-1)),Points!C4, Points!B4))
I thought that the else if the if would make it faster.
Could someone help me populate the Points column in the Categories table? VBA code is also acceptable. The tables are in different sheets.
José, your original Match formula is the right starting place. It locates the particular sub-table to do a further lookup on. But in order to make this formula a whole lot simpler, can we change the ranges (1-30, 31-90, 91-) to have just their starting points (1, 31, 91)? If we do that simple change then we can use the approximate lookup feature of HLookup to easily and compactly specify the Lookup:
In the middle of this formula you can see your original Match function to locate the correct sub-table based on the category. We need to feed that start point to OFFSET() to create a table range useful to the HLookup. Offset takes an anchor cell reference (top left of the Points table), number of rows to count down from there (result of the Match), number of columns to the right (1), the number of rows in the range (2), and the number of columns in the range (3).
The Hlookup is just like a VLookup, but for tables arranged left-to-right not top-to-bottom. The True as the last parameter is very important as it tells HLookup to use the range lookup instead of an exact match.
A slightly verbose formula which takes the data as originally formatted (using Excel 365 Let):
As it's urgent this is what I got but I cannot continue before tomorrow. Assuming you can at least put the tiers next to the category (A on same line as tiers) this will get you the first tier. You just need to copy the whole formula in the "nextCol", with minor modifications to get the next tiers.
if you really cannot change the source you need to add an additional offset in the first match.
Option Explicit
Sub Score()
Dim wsP As Worksheet, wsC As Worksheet, dict
Dim iLastRow As Long, r As Long, i As Long, j As Integer
Dim sCat As String, iListing As Integer
Dim data, ar
Set wsP = Sheets("Points")
Set wsC = Sheets("Categories")
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
iLastRow = wsC.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
data = wsC.Range("A1:D" & iLastRow).Value2
' category to row lookup
For i = 1 To UBound(data)
If data(i, 1) = "Range" Then
dict.Add Trim(data(i - 1, 1)), i ' range
End If
' scan points
iLastRow = wsP.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For r = 2 To iLastRow
sCat = Trim(wsP.Cells(r, "B"))
iListing = wsP.Cells(r, "C")
If dict.exists(sCat) Then
i = dict(sCat)
For j = 4 To 2 Step -1
ar = Split(data(i, j), "-") ' lower-upper limit
If iListing >= ar(0) Then ' check lower limit
' update points
wsP.Cells(r, "D") = data(i + 1, j) ' points
Exit For
End If
MsgBox "No match '" & sCat & "'", vbCritical, "ERROR row " & r
End If
MsgBox "done"
End Sub
Please, try the next code. It uses arrays and should be very fast, working only in memory. Please use your sheets when setting shC and shP as your real sheets. I only use the active sheet and the next one for testing reason:
Sub GetPoints()
Dim shC As Worksheet, shP As Worksheet, lastRC As Long, lastRP As Long, arrBC, arrP, arrPP, arrFin
Dim i As Long, j As Long, p As Long, k As Long
Set shC = ActiveSheet 'use here your Categories sheet
Set shP = shC.Next 'use here your Points sheet
lastRC = shC.Range("A" & shC.rows.count).End(xlUp).row
lastRP = shP.Range("A" & shP.rows.count).End(xlUp).row
arrBC = shC.Range("B2:C" & lastRC).Value 'put the range B:C in an array
arrP = shP.Range("A2:D" & lastRP).Value 'put all the range in an array
ReDim arrFin(1 To UBound(arrBC), 1 To 1) 'redim the array to keep processed values
For i = 1 To UBound(arrBC) 'iterate between Categ array elements:
For j = 1 To UBound(arrP) 'iterate between Points array elements:
If arrP(j, 1) = arrBC(i, 1) Then 'if Category is found:
For p = 2 To 4 'iterate between the next array row elements
arrPP = Split(arrP(j + 1, p), "-") 'split the element by "-" to determine the interval
If arrPP(1) <> "" Then 'for the tier3 case:
If arrBC(i, 2) >= CLng(arrPP(0)) And arrBC(i, 2) <= CLng(arrPP(1)) Then
k = k + 1
arrFin(k, 1) = arrP(j + 2, p): j = j + 2: Exit For 'place the value in the final array and exit iteration
End If
Else 'for the tier1 and tier2 cases:
If arrBC(i, 2) >= CLng(arrPP(0)) Then
k = k + 1
arrFin(k, 1) = arrP(j + 2, p): j = j + 2: Exit For 'place the value in the final array and exit iteration
End If
End If
Next p
End If
Next j
Next i
'drop the final array result at once:
shC.Range("D2").Resize(UBound(arrFin), 1).Value = arrFin
End Sub
In our financial statements we round everything to whole numbers and then sum them. Of course, the actual sum of the individual numbers does not always equal the summation of these numbers. I understand the reasons for this happening, but I want the rounded summation of the actual numbers to print and the component numbers to be "fudged" so that they equal the total. For example, if I have the numbers 5.20, 4.30, and 6.40 they are going to sum to 15.90. If I round them to a whole number I will obtain 5,4,and 6 and they will sum to 15. What I want is for the total to be 16 (the rounded summation of all of the component items) and the individual numbers to round to 5, 4, and 7 (fudged from 6.) Is there a way to accomplish this? Of course, my financial statements have thousands of numbers on them so I need some sort of formula that will work on all of them.
I have searched the Internet but can find nothing on this topic.
Thank you!
VBA approach without using any helper column
Based on #CLR 's 'fudging' method +, I show you a fast VBA approach via datafield array allowing you to forget about any helper columns.
Due to a later comment I edited a second approach => see II. Nearest roundings
I. First approach (based on CLR's method)
In my example I assume you have values in cells B2:B{n} including a last row with a total sum formula. In section (b) I create a one based 2-dim array, do some subsequent calculations and in section (g) I write the (redimmed) array v back to the same column B, but you can easily change that to any wanted column.
The program logic is based on calculating the difference between i.) the rounded total sum and ii.) the sum of each individual rounding and a subsequent value correction. Roundings are effectuated to whole numbers via WorksheetFunction.Round() (as opposed to so called Banker's Rounding via VBA's Round function)
Option Explicit
Public Sub Fudge()
Dim v As Variant
Dim i As Long, n As Long
Dim total As Double, rounded As Double, diff As Double
Dim d As Double, m As Double
Dim ws As Worksheet, Rng As Range
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MySheet") ' << change to your sheet name
' (a) get last row in column B containing data ' (omitting last row with total sum!)
n = ws.Range("B" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row - 1 ' << subtract 1 if last sum row!
' (b) get values (col.B-data, col.C- for calculation) to one based 2dim array
v = ws.Range("B2:C" & n).Value
' (c) loop through array to round (items count n - 1, as omitting one title row!)
For i = 1 To n - 1
v(i, 2) = WorksheetFunction.Round(v(i, 1), 0)
Next i
' (d) calculate difference to sum of rounded values
Set Rng = ws.Range("B2:B" & n) '
total = Application.Sum(Rng)
rounded = Application.Sum(Application.Index(v, 0, 2))
diff = WorksheetFunction.Round(total - rounded, 0)
' Debug.Print "Fudge Difference = WorksheetFunction.Round(" & total & " - " & rounded & ", 0) = " & Format(diff, "0.00;-0.00")
' (e) Loop through array and "fudge" (items count n - 1, as omitting one title row!)
For i = 1 To n - 1
' get modifier
m = IIf(d < diff, 1, 0)
' "fudge" values and cumulate modifiers
v(i, 1) = v(i, 2) + m: d = d + m
Next i
' (f) redim to one column only (items count n - 1, as omitting title row)
ReDim Preserve v(1 To n - 1, 1 To 1)
' (g) write back to B (or to ANY wanted column :-)
ws.Range("B2:B" & n).Value = v
End Sub
===== EDIT 1/17 2018 =======
II. Nearest roundings (cf. comment as of 16/1 2018)
This should meet your latest requirements to
"..change the items that rounded to $0.50 from the actual amount FIRST, then change the items that rounded off to either $0.51 or $0.49 from the actual amount, then those that round to $0.52 or $0.48, etc, etc. No number should be rounded by more than $0.99."
The Program logic also calculates the difference between i.) the rounded total sum and ii.) the sum of each individual rounding, but uses a refined correction pattern.
Basically this 2nd approach uses a datafield array combined with some filtering methods based on a loop through the nearest absolute differences around $0.50 and a search for a special alphnumeric code combining these 50 differences with the item number.
Option Explicit
Sub Fudge()
Dim s As String
Dim v, vx As Variant
Dim ii As Long
Dim total As Double, rounded As Double, diff As Double, diffrest As Double, cent As Double
Dim i As Long, j As Long, n As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("MySheet") ' << change to your sheet name
' --------------------------------------------------------------------
' I. Get data for normal roundings and code absolute cent differences
' --------------------------------------------------------------------
' (a) get last row in column B containing data ' (omitting last row with total sum!)
n = ws.Range("B" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row - 1 ' << subtract 1 if last sum row!
' (b) get values (col.B-data, col.C-D temp) to one based 2dim array
v = ws.Range("B2:D" & n).Value
total = Application.Sum(Application.Transpose(Application.Index(v, 0, 1)))
' (c) loop through array to round (items count n - 1, as omitting one title row!)
For i = 1 To n - 1
' round original values
v(i, 2) = WorksheetFunction.Round(v(i, 1), 0)
' convert absolute cent differences 1-100 to chr codes and add item no
v(i, 3) = Chr(64 + (0.51 - Abs(v(i, 2) - v(i, 1))) * 100) & _
Format(i, "0") ' << corr./edited
' overwrite original data in col2 with rounded values col1, AFTER coding!
v(i, 1) = v(i, 2)
Next i
' --------------------------------------------------------------------
' II. Calculate 'fudge'
' --------------------------------------------------------------------
rounded = Application.Sum(Application.Transpose(Application.Index(v, 0, 2)))
diff = WorksheetFunction.Round(rounded - total, 0) ' resting difference
diffrest = diff
' --------------------------------------------------------------------
' III. 'Fudge' resting difference using Filter function
' --------------------------------------------------------------------
For j = 0 To 49 ' absolute cent differences 0 to 49
If diffrest = 0 Then Exit For ' escape if no diffrest left
s = Chr(64 + j) ' code differences from Chr(64)="A" to Chr(64+49)="q"
' (a) get zerobased 1-dim array via ' Filter function
vx = Filter(Application.Transpose(Application.Index(v, 0, 3)), s)
' (b) Adapt roundings nearest to .50, .49, to .99 cents (i.e. j = 0, 1 to 49)
For i = LBound(vx) To UBound(vx) ' loop through filter items
ii = Val("0" & Replace(vx(i), s, "")) ' get coded Item index from filter array
If ii <> 0 Then
If diffrest <> 0 Then ' remaining diffrest
cent = IIf(diffrest > 0, -1, 1) ' get fudge cent
v(ii, 1) = v(ii, 2) + cent ' << new value = rounded +/- 1 cent
diffrest = WorksheetFunction.Round(diffrest + cent, 0)
' check escape condition: no remaining diffRest
If diffrest = 0 Then Exit For
End If
End If
Next i
Next j
' --------------------------------------------------------------------
' IV. Write results
' --------------------------------------------------------------------
' (a) redim to one column only (items count n - 1, as omitting title row)
ReDim Preserve v(1 To n - 1, 1 To 1)
' (b) write back to B (or to ANY wanted column :-)
ws.Range("C2:C" & n).Value = v
End Sub
Explications are added to the above code as comments. I assume that code starts in the second row (omitting the title row) and that there is a last row with a possible total sum or formula which is omitted, too.
Edit 1/22 2018 - Debug indicated code line
Due to your comment as of 22/1 try the following by inserting some Error handling in your I.c) loop:
' convert ...
On Error Resume Next ' << EDIT 1/22 2018
v(i, 3) = Chr(64 + (0.51 - Abs(v(i, 2) - v(i, 1))) * 100) & Format(i, "0") ' << code line in question
If Err.Number <> 0 Then ' << EDIT 1/22 2018
Debug.Print "Error No " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Debug.Print "i =" & i
Debug.Print "v(" & i & ",1)=" & v(i, 1), "v(" & i & ",2)=" & v(i, 2)
Debug.Print (0.51 - Abs(v(i, 2) - v(i, 1))) * 100
v(i, 3) = 0
End If
' overwrite ...
Let's say you have column A with a header and then your values - 5.20, 4.30 and 6.40.
In column B you have a formula that rounds the column A value - =ROUND(A2,0), =ROUND(A3,0) and =ROUND(A4,0)
You'd then want a modifier column containing the following formula IN CELL C2:
Copy the above down, and you'll see an additional 1 appear in each cell until it makes up the difference between the column A total and the rounded column B total.
Finally, a final column (D) to add B and C together will give you your required values. I've added another item but it might look something like this:
So I have column A (contains the word) and column C (contains the date) shown below. The columns are occasionally separated by new headers, such as for "Word" and "Date" and a blank space.
Word Date
BV 12/06/2017
BV 12/06/2017
BV 13/06/2017
BV 13/06/2017
BR 17/07/2017
BR 17/07/2017
BR 24/07/2017
Word Date
BT 30/07/2017
BT 30/07/2017
Word Date
BY 05/08/2017
First the date would be converted in terms of week number into a new column D, such as 12/06/2017 to week 24.
Using something like:
Sub TimeConverter()
Dim I as Long, MaxRow as Long
MaxRow = Range("A" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row
For I = 2 to MaxRow
Cells(I, "D").Value = DatePart("ww", Cells(I, "C"), 7)
End Sub
Then I would like the VBA macro code to look through column A and find the number of times a word appears and match with a date on the same week number into a new column B.
Using something like:
# 4
# 3
Now to then combine them together so that the unique word (column A) counts (column B) can be separated into the corresponding week number (column D).
Desired Output:
BV 4 24
BR 2 29
BR 1 30
BT 2 30
BY 1 31
Any suggestion would be great!
Thank you.
Let's say that with your VBA code you have managed to get something like this as an input:
Then, as mentioned in the comments, you need to implement a dictionary to get something like this:
As you see, the keys of the dictionary is the word + the week number together. Thus BR29 is different than BR30.
Copy the sample input, run the code below and you will get the desired output:
Option Explicit
Public Sub TestMe()
Dim myDict As Object
Dim lngCounter As Long
Dim strKey As String
Dim objKey As Object
Set myDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For lngCounter = 1 To 14
strKey = Cells(lngCounter, 1) & Cells(lngCounter, 3)
If myDict.exists(strKey) Then
myDict(strKey) = myDict(strKey) + 1
myDict(strKey) = 1
End If
Next lngCounter
For lngCounter = 0 To myDict.Count - 1
Cells(lngCounter + 1, 6) = myDict.Items()(lngCounter)
Cells(lngCounter + 1, 7) = myDict.keys()(lngCounter)
Next lngCounter
End Sub
Then you have to work more to find a way to split the keys from BV24 to BV and 24. You need to find a way to eliminate the zero from the results as well.
In Excel, I have many products with different sizes listed in columns, such that the sizes "10x10 cm", "11x11 cm" and "15x15 cm" belongs to Product A, etc.
In some other cells, I am selecting a product (either Product A, Product B, or Product C) and a size.
I want, for each of the other products, to determine which size is closest to the selected product:
I don't know how to solve this. One solution might be to remove all non-numeric characters from the strings and add the two values on each side of the "x" and then select the size with the lowest absolute difference from the sum of the selected size.
But I guess it would be easier to do a mapping and use a VLOOKUP to choose the first found size in a given column.
However, the problem is that I do not only have 3 products with a few different sizes, but rather 15 different products with 10 different sizes, so I don't know how to do a mapping in a clever way.
1) Creating a lookup table with the values extracted for each product,
Source sheet:
Sub lookup()
Dim i As Long, j As Long, prod As Integer, str As String
prod = InputBox("Enter Number of Products")
Sheets.Add.Name = "LookupSheet"
j = 1
For i = 1 To prod
Columns(i).Copy Sheets("LookupSheet").Cells(1, j)
j = j + 2
Next i
For j = 1 To prod * 2 Step 2
For i = 2 To Sheets("LookupSheet").Cells(Rows.Count, j).End(xlUp).Row
str = Replace(Replace(Sheets("LookupSheet").Cells(i, j), " ", ""), "cm", "")
Sheets("LookupSheet").Cells(i, j + 1) = Left(str, InStr(str, "x") - 1) _
* Mid(str, InStr(str, "x") + 1, 999)
Next i
Next j
End Sub
This simple code creates a lookup sheet with the corresponding values. The code ignores any spaces present between the texts.
Since you have 15 different products, run this macro to extract the lookup data. This should be a one time activity unless you have additional products.
2) Assuming you enter the product and dimensions to F5 and F6, i would suggest you to data validation with dropdowns to select from the list,
3) Using a worksheet_change event, detect for changes in F5 and F6,
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim str As String, result As Integer, i As Long
'F5 and F6 contains Product and Size repectively
If (Target.Address = "$F$5" Or Target.Address = "$F$6") _
And Range("F5") <> "" And Range("F6") <> "" Then
str = Replace(Replace(Range("F6"), " ", ""), "cm", "")
result = Left(str, InStr(str, "x") - 1) * Mid(str, InStr(str, "x") + 1, 999)
j = 8
For i = 1 To Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
If Cells(1, i) <> Range("F5") Then
Range("E" & j) = Cells(1, i)
j = j + 1
End If
Next i
End If
End Sub
This code automatically populated the rest of the product types in the column E,
4) The variable result would contain the product/area of the value that you provide in F6. The only task pending would be to loop through the lookup sheet to find the nearest match. The Algorithm is below,
Compare cell F5 with the data in row 1 of lookup sheet (need to loop)
If they are equal, ignore and move to next value. If not, need to loop the immediate next column to find the next match, and populate the result in the corresponding cell in source sheet.
Algorithm for column wise looping is below,
diff = cell.value - result
if diff < 0 then multiply diff by -1
nextdiff = nextcell.value - result (multiply by -1 if negative)
if nextdiff < diff then
diff = nextdiff
end if
end loop:
The cell value with the least difference would be your best match for that particular product type.
Bit lengthier explanation, hope this helps.
How do I have to change the following macro code and formula which works for the data and question below(earlier data/question,column F) to make it suitable for Problemstatement (2) and (3) ?
Earlier data
Colums C,D,E,F
Row 1 4,10,40,F
Row 2 4,12,48,F
Row 3 4,14,56,F
Row 4 3,16,48,F
Row 5 1,18,18,F
Row 6 1,20,10,F
Row 7 0,22,0,0
Intention of the column F
If Cx <> 0, Fx = Cx
If Cx = 0, Fx = the address of the cell in Column C that produces minimum of (C1 * D7 - E1, C2 * D7 - E2, ..., CN * D7 - EN) and is >0.
** Macro code and formula for column F**
Public Function MinimumC()
Dim rngCurrent As Range
Set rngCurrent = Application.ThisCell
Dim rngMin As Range
Dim minimum As Long
minimum = 100000000
Dim tmp As Long
Dim rngC As Range
Set rngC = ActiveSheet.Range("C1:C" & rngCurrent.Row - 1)
For Each c In rngC.Cells
If c.Value2 <> 0 Then
tmp = c.Value2 * rngCurrent.Offset(0, -2).Value2 - c.Offset(0, 2)
If tmp < minimum Then
minimum = tmp
Set rngMin = c
End If
End If
Next c
MinimumC = rngMin.Value2
End Function
Formula in F1 and copy down column F: =IF(C1<>0,C1,MinimumC())
How do I have to change the macro and formula to archieve the same in the following data format:
New data 1
Row 1 4,4,4,10,10,10,120,444
Row 2 4,4,4,12,12,12,144,444
Row 3 4,4,4,14,14,14,168,444
Row 4 3,3,3,16,16,16,144,333
Row 5 1,1,1,18,18,18,54,111
Row 6 1,1,1,20,20,20,60,111
Row 7 0,0,0,22,22,22,0,???
Intention of the column BG
otherwise, the adress cell of Concatenate (AZ;BA;BB), unequal to 000, to minimize the following difference (AZn*BCx+BAn*BDx+BBn*BEx)-BFn
How do I have to change the macro and formula from (1) to archieve the same in the following data format:
New data 2
Row 1 4,4,4,10,10,10,120,444,3,3,3,10,10,10,90,333
Row 2 4,4,4,12,12,12,144,444,3,3,3,12,12,12,108,333
Row 3 4,4,4,14,14,14,168,444,3,3,3,14,14,14,126,333
Row 4 3,3,3,16,16,16,144,333,3,3,3,16,16,16,144,333
Row 5 1,1,1,18,18,18,54,111,2,2,2,18,18,18,108,222
Row 6 1,1,1,20,20,20,60,111,1,1,1,20,20,20,60,111
Row 7 0,0,0,22,22,22,0,?,0,0,0,22,22,22,0,?
Intention of the column BN
otherwise the adress of the cell either concatenate (AZ;BA;BB) or concatenate (BH;BI;BJ) to minimize (AZn*BCx+BAn*BDx+BBn*BEx)-BFn or (BHn*BKx+BIn*BLx+BJn*BMx)-BNn .In this case i need to find the adress of either concatenate (AZ;BA;BB) or concatenate (BH;BI;BJ) with the min difference and that cell of BN (concatenate) unequal to 000.
I appriciate the help. Thank you very much!!!!
To solve problem 2, the macro is basically identical. You just need to replace the C range with the AZ range, and change the calculation of tmp:
Public Function CalcBG()
Dim rngCurrent As Range
Set rngCurrent = Application.ThisCell
Debug.Print rngCurrent.Address
Dim rngMin As Range
Dim minimum As Long
minimum = 100000000
Dim tmp As Long
Dim rngAZ As Range
Set rngAZ = ActiveSheet.Range("AZ1:AZ" & rngCurrent.Row - 1)
Debug.Print rngAZ.Address
For Each c In rngAZ.Cells
If c.Value2 <> 0 Then
tmp = ((c.Value * rngCurrent.Offset(0, -4).Value2) + (c.Offset(0, 1).Value2 * rngCurrent.Offset(0, -3).Value2) + (c.Offset(0, 2).Value2 * rngCurrent.Offset(0, -2)) - c.Offset(0, 6).Value2) 'This is your calculation (AZn * BCx) + ... - BFn
If tmp < minimum Then
minimum = tmp
Debug.Print minimum
Set rngMin = c.Offset(0, 7)
Debug.Print rngMin
End If
End If
Next c
Debug.Print minimum
Debug.Print rngMin.Address
CalcBG = rngMin.Address 'Return the address rather than the value
End Function
And the formula:
Place that in BG1 and copy down Column BG.
Problem 3
This added a couple more variables, but the basic structure is the same.
Based on the data, I also assumed that "If(And(AZ>0;BA>0;BB>0;BH>0;BI>0;BJ>0);0" should have been If(And(AZ>0;BA>0;BB>0;BH>0;BI>0;BJ>0),concatenate(bh,bi,bj). Otherwise your values in BO would all be 0. Also, your last column is BO, not BN. :)
Here's the macro:
Public Function CalcBO()
Dim rngCurrent As Range
Set rngCurrent = Application.ThisCell
Debug.Print rngCurrent.Address
Dim rngMin As Range
Dim minimum As Long
minimum = 100000000
Dim tmp1 As Long
Dim tmp2 As Long
Dim lowest As Long
Dim rngAZ As Range
Set rngAZ = ActiveSheet.Range("AZ1:AZ" & rngCurrent.Row - 1)
Debug.Print rngAZ.Address
For Each c In rngAZ.Cells
If c.Value2 <> 0 Then
tmp1 = ((c.Value2 * rngCurrent.Offset(0, -12).Value2) + (c.Offset(0, 1).Value2 * rngCurrent.Offset(0, -13).Value2) + (c.Offset(0, 2).Value2 * rngCurrent.Offset(0, -10).Value2)) - c.Offset(0, 6).Value2
tmp2 = ((c.Offset(0, 8).Value2 * rngCurrent.Offset(0, -4).Value2) + (c.Offset(0, 9).Value2 * rngCurrent.Offset(0, -3).Value2) + (c.Offset(0, 10).Value2 * rngCurrent.Offset(0, -2).Value2)) - c.Offset(0, 14).Value2
lowest = WorksheetFunction.Min(tmp1, tmp2)
If lowest < minimum Then
minimum = lowest
Debug.Print minimum
Set rngMin = c.Offset(0, 7)
Debug.Print rngMin
End If
End If
Next c
Debug.Print minimum
Debug.Print rngMin.Address
CalcBO = rngMin.Address
End Function
And here is the formula for BO1. Copy down as usual:
There's a lot of repetition among those macros, and they could probably be condensed. But they should do what you need.
One note: The macros won't differentiate between equal minimum values. For example, in problem set 3, the two calculations (AZn ... - BFn and BHn ... - BNn) return the same value, 6, which also happens to be the minimum value among all the calculations. In this case, it returns the first address (AZn ... - BFn). So in Problem 3, you will get the answer $BG$6 in BO7, even though $BG$6 and $BO$6 both satisfy the conditions. Your requirements didn't specify what to do in case there was more than one minimum value, so I left it as it is.
Let me know if you need any help with the above.