Rust and RAII wrapper for shared mutable data - rust

Let's say I have a mutable structure (i32 in the example code for simplicity) which should be shared between threads. I can use Mutex for it (and Arc for memory management). But I want to have RAII wrapper for data lock to make some specific interface of data modification, track unlocks etc.
Here the draft (I don't know which lifetime specify for MutexGuard):
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, MutexGuard};
pub struct SharedData {
data: Arc<Mutex<i32>>
impl SharedData {
pub fn new(value: i32) -> Self {
SharedData {
data: Arc::new(Mutex::new(value))
pub fn lock(&self) -> LockedSharedData<'_> {
pub struct LockedSharedData<'a> {
_data: Arc<Mutex<i32>>,
guard: MutexGuard<'a, i32>
impl<'a> LockedSharedData<'a> {
fn new(data: Arc<Mutex<i32>>) -> Self {
LockedSharedData {
guard: data.lock().unwrap(),
_data: data
pub fn get(&self) -> i32 {
pub fn inc(&mut self) {
*self.guard += 1;
It predictable doesn't compile -
How to fix this pattern implementation?


How do I dynamically create a struct from a string from input?

Given a situation where we receive inputs for some nodes type like 'nodeA' or 'nodeB', and we want to initialize structs with that same input. Is it possible without a gigantic switch block? These structs share similar behaviour (using a Trait for that) but with some differences.
pub trait Executable {
fn run(&self);
pub struct NodeA {}
impl Executable for NodeA {
fn run(&self) {}
pub struct NodeB {}
impl Executable for NodeB {
fn run(&self) {}
User inputs 'nodeA'
Program initializes struct nodeA with some data
User inputs 'nodeB'
Program initializes struct nodeB with some data
To specify better, the final use case is reading a JSON file with all the nodes and respective params to be instantiated. Some of those nodes can come from external plugins, so the number of existing nodes can become very big.
For smaller, static number of nodes, I think a match - case construct is perfectly fine.
But if you have a larger number of nodes, or the available nodes is dynamically changing, I would implement something like this:
pub trait Executable {
fn run(&self);
pub struct NodeA {}
impl Executable for NodeA {
fn run(&self) {
pub struct NodeB {}
impl Executable for NodeB {
fn run(&self) {
pub trait Matcher {
fn try_match(&self, s: &str) -> Option<Box<dyn Executable>>;
pub struct NodeAMatcher;
pub struct NodeBMatcher;
impl Matcher for NodeAMatcher {
fn try_match(&self, s: &str) -> Option<Box<dyn Executable>> {
(s == "NodeA").then(|| Box::new(NodeA {}) as Box<dyn Executable>)
impl Matcher for NodeBMatcher {
fn try_match(&self, s: &str) -> Option<Box<dyn Executable>> {
(s == "NodeB").then(|| Box::new(NodeB {}) as Box<dyn Executable>)
struct MatcherRegistry {
matchers: Vec<Box<dyn Matcher>>,
impl MatcherRegistry {
fn new() -> Self {
Self { matchers: vec![] }
fn register_matcher(&mut self, matcher: impl Matcher + 'static) {
fn try_get_node(&self, s: &str) -> Option<Box<dyn Executable>> {
.filter_map(|matcher| matcher.try_match(s))
fn try_execute(&self, s: &str) {
if let Some(node) = self.try_get_node(s) {;
} else {
println!("'{}' not found.", s);
fn main() {
let mut registry = MatcherRegistry::new();
'NodeC' not found.
Here, you have a factory pattern.
The structs NodeAMatcher and NodeBMatcher are factories for NodeA and NodeB. They can check if the input matches, and then create an Executable object.
Then, you collect all possible factories (or Matchers here) in a registry, here called MatcherRegistry. You can then, at runtime, add or remove matchers as you wish.
Of course, if you don't need to create a new object every time and the act of executing doesn't consume it, you can reduce the complexity a little by bypassing the factory pattern:
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub trait Executable {
fn run(&self);
pub struct NodeA {}
impl Executable for NodeA {
fn run(&self) {
pub struct NodeB {}
impl Executable for NodeB {
fn run(&self) {
struct ExecutableRegistry {
executables: HashMap<&'static str, Box<dyn Executable>>,
impl ExecutableRegistry {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
executables: HashMap::new(),
fn register_executable(
&mut self,
command: &'static str,
executable: impl Executable + 'static,
) {
self.executables.insert(command, Box::new(executable));
fn try_execute(&self, s: &str) {
if let Some(node) = self.executables.get(s) {;
} else {
println!("'{}' not found.", s);
fn main() {
let mut registry = ExecutableRegistry::new();
registry.register_executable("NodeA", NodeA {});
registry.register_executable("NodeB", NodeB {});
Of course there exists a large mount of other variations of the same patterns. Which one you implement is up to you and your usecase.

Allowing extension (beyond the crate) of implementation with event loop

Within the crate we can happily do something like this:
mod boundary {
pub struct EventLoop;
impl EventLoop {
pub fn run(&self) {
for _ in 0..2 {
pub fn handle(&self, message: &str) {
println!("{} handling", message)
pub trait EventLoopExtend {
fn foo(&self);
use boundary::EventLoopExtend;
impl EventLoopExtend for boundary::EventLoop {
fn foo(&self) {
fn main() {
let el = boundary::EventLoop{};;
But if mod boundary were a crate boundary we get error[E0117]: only traits defined in the current crate can be implemented for arbitrary types.
I gather that a potential solution to this could be the New Type idiom, so something like this:
mod boundary {
pub struct EventLoop;
impl EventLoop {
pub fn run(&self) {
for _ in 0..2 {
pub fn handle(&self, message: &str) {
println!("{} handling", message)
pub trait EventLoopExtend {
fn foo(&self);
impl EventLoopExtend for EventLoop {
fn foo(&self) {
use boundary::{EventLoop, EventLoopExtend};
struct EventLoopNewType(EventLoop);
impl EventLoopExtend for EventLoopNewType {
fn foo(&self) {
fn main() {
let el = EventLoopNewType(EventLoop {});;
But then the problem here is that the extended trait behaviour isn't accessible from the underlying EventLoop instance.
I'm still quite new to Rust, so I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, I wouldn't be surprised if I need to take a completely different approach.
Specifically in my case, the event loop is actually from wgpu, and I'm curious if it's possible to build a library where end users can provide their own "render pass" stage.
Thanks to #AlexN's comment I dug deeper into the Strategy Pattern and found a solution:
mod boundary {
pub struct EventLoop<'a, T: EventLoopExtend> {
extension: &'a T
impl<'a, T: EventLoopExtend> EventLoop<'a, T> {
pub fn new(extension: &'a T) -> Self {
Self { extension }
pub fn run(&self) {
for _ in 0..2 {
pub fn handle(&self, message: &str) {
println!("{} handling", message)
pub trait EventLoopExtend {
fn foo<T: EventLoopExtend>(&self, el: &EventLoop<T>) {
use boundary::{EventLoop, EventLoopExtend};
struct EventLoopExtension;
impl EventLoopExtend for EventLoopExtension {
fn foo<T: EventLoopExtend>(&self, el: &EventLoop<T>) {
fn main() {
let el = EventLoop::new(&EventLoopExtension {});;
The basic idea is to use generics with a trait bound. I think the first time I looked into this approach I was worried about type recursion. But it turns out passing the EventLoop object as an argument to EventLoopExtend trait methods is perfectly reasonable.

Is there a heapless trait object?

Is there a way to implement trait objects completely in stack memory?
This is the code that I use Box and thus heap memory:
extern crate alloc;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use alloc::boxed::Box;
pub trait ConnectionImp {
fn send_data(&self);
pub struct Collector {
pub connections: Vec<Box<dyn ConnectionImp>>
impl Collector {
pub fn new() -> Collector {
Collector {
connections: Vec::with_capacity(5),
pub fn add_connection(&mut self,conn: Box<dyn ConnectionImp> ){
I tried to use heapless crate but I could not find any replacement for Box. The following code shows the result of my effort:
use heapless::{Vec,/*pool::Box*/};
extern crate alloc;
use alloc::boxed::Box;
pub trait ConnectionImp {
fn send_data(&self);
pub struct Collector {
pub connections: Vec<Box<dyn ConnectionImp>,5>
impl Collector {
pub fn new() -> Collector {
Collector {
connections: Vec::new(),
pub fn add_connection(&mut self, conn: Box<dyn ConnectionImp> ){
Yes, you can use &dyn Trait. A lot of examples of dynamic dispatch use Box because it's a more common use-case and using references introduces lifetimes, which tend to make examples more complicated.
Your code would become:
pub struct Collector<'a> {
pub connections: Vec<&'a dyn ConnectionImp>,
impl<'a> Collector<'a> {
pub fn new() -> Collector<'a> {
Collector {
connections: Vec::new(),
pub fn add_connection(&mut self, conn: &'a dyn ConnectionImp) {

Returning a mutable reference to a value behind Arc and Mutex

pub struct ForesterViewModel {
m_tree_lines: Arc<Mutex<Vec<TreeLine>>>,
impl ForesterViewModel {
pub fn new() -> ForesterViewModel {
ForesterViewModel {
m_tree_lines: Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![])),
pub fn get_the_forest(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<TreeLine> {
I need help writing the get_the_forest function. I've tried many various things but they all return compilation errors. I need to return a mutable reference to Vec<TreeLine> which is wrapped behind an Arc and a Mutex in self.m_tree_lines.
There is no way of doing this.
You create a concrete MutexGuard object that releases the mutex when it dropped when you call lock; you cannot move a reference out of the scope that contains the guard:
pub fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &Whatever {
let mut guard =;
drop(guard) // <--- implicitly added here, which would invalidate the ref
You also cannot return both the mutex guard and a reference, for more complex reasons (basically rust cannot express that), for the same reason it cannot have a reference and an object in a single structure; see the discussion on Why can't I store a value and a reference to that value in the same struct? basically your best bet is one of two things:
/// Return the mutex guard itself
pub fn get_the_forest(&mut self) -> Result<MutexGuard<Vec<TreeLine>>, TreeLockError> {
/// Pass a function in, which patches the mutable internal value
pub fn patch_forest(&mut self, patch: impl Fn(&mut Vec<TreeLine>)) -> Result<(), TreeLockError>{
let mut guard = self.m_tree_lines.lock()?;
patch(&mut guard); // <-- patch happens while guard is still alive
Full code:
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, MutexGuard};
use std::sync::PoisonError;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::Formatter;
use std::ops::Deref;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum TreeLockError {
impl Error for TreeLockError {}
impl fmt::Display for TreeLockError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{:?}", self)
impl<T> From<PoisonError<T>> for TreeLockError {
fn from(_: PoisonError<T>) -> Self {
// ---
pub struct TreeLine {
pub value: &'static str
pub struct ForesterViewModel {
m_tree_lines: Arc<Mutex<Vec<TreeLine>>>,
impl ForesterViewModel {
pub fn new() -> ForesterViewModel {
ForesterViewModel {
m_tree_lines: Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![])),
pub fn get_the_forest(&mut self) -> Result<MutexGuard<Vec<TreeLine>>, TreeLockError> {
pub fn patch_forest(&mut self, patch: impl Fn(&mut Vec<TreeLine>)) -> Result<(), TreeLockError>{
let mut guard = self.m_tree_lines.lock()?;
patch(&mut guard);
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let mut vm = ForesterViewModel::new();
let mut trees = vm.get_the_forest()?;
trees.push(TreeLine{ value: "one"});
trees.push(TreeLine{ value: "two"});
} // <--- Drop the mutable reference here so you can get it again later
// Patch
vm.patch_forest(|trees| {
trees.push(TreeLine{ value: "three"});
// ...
let trees = vm.get_the_forest()?;
println!("{:?}", trees.deref());

How can I expose a safe wrapper around an owned pointer?

I'm wrapping a C library that has two structs: one has a pointer to the other.
struct StructA {
void * some_mem;
struct StructB {
void * some_mem;
struct StructA * some_struct;
Both of these structs own memory, so my wrapper has constructors and destructors for both of them.
struct StructA(*mut c_void);
impl StructA {
fn new() -> Self {
impl Drop for StructA {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let StructA(ptr) = self;
There's also a function that takes a pointer to StructB and returns its pointer to StructA:
const struct StructA * get_struct(const struct StructB * obj);
The user of this function should not free the returned pointer, since it will be freed when the user frees obj.
How can I wrap this function? The problem is that the destructor for StructB frees all its memory, including the one for StructA. So if my wrapping of get_struct returns an object, then the wrapped StructA will be freed twice (right?). It could instead return a reference to an object, but where would that object live?
I could have separate structs for StructA based on whether it's standalone and needs to be freed or if it's a reference, but I'm hoping that's unnecessary.
I could have separate structs for StructA based on whether it's standalone and needs to be freed or if it's a reference, but I'm hoping that's unnecessary.
It's necessary. The difference between an owned StructA * and a borrowed StructA * is precisely the same as the difference between a Box<T> and a &T. They're both "just a pointer", but the semantics are completely different.
Something along these lines is probably what you want:
use std::marker::PhantomData;
struct OwnedA(*mut c_void);
impl Drop for OwnedA {
fn drop(&mut self) { }
impl OwnedA {
fn deref(&self) -> RefA { RefA(self.0, PhantomData) }
struct RefA<'a>(*mut c_void, PhantomData<&'a u8>);
struct OwnedB(*mut c_void);
impl Drop for OwnedB {
fn drop(&mut self) { }
impl OwnedB {
fn get_a(&self) -> RefA { RefA(get_struct(self.0), PhantomData) }
In particular, it's worth noting that lifetime parameter on RefA lets the compiler make sure you don't use a RefA after the backing structure has been freed.
I could have separate structs for StructA based on whether it's standalone and needs to be freed or if it's a reference, but I'm hoping that's unnecessary.
I believe this would be the accepted pattern. For backup, I'd point to the fact that this is a normal pattern in the Rust library. &str and String, &[T] and Vec<T>, Path and PathBuf, and probably lots of others I can't think of.
The good news is that you can use similar patterns as these pairs, leveraging Deref or DerefMut to call down to shared implementation:
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
enum RawFoo {}
fn c_foo_new() -> *const RawFoo { std::ptr::null() }
fn c_foo_free(_f: *const RawFoo) {}
fn c_foo_count(_f: *const RawFoo) -> u8 { 42 }
fn c_foo_make_awesome(_f: *const RawFoo, _v: bool) { }
struct OwnedFoo(Foo);
impl OwnedFoo {
fn new() -> OwnedFoo {
impl Drop for OwnedFoo {
fn drop(&mut self) { c_foo_free((self.0).0) }
impl Deref for OwnedFoo {
type Target = Foo;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 }
impl DerefMut for OwnedFoo {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.0 }
struct Foo(*const RawFoo);
impl Foo {
fn count(&self) -> u8 { c_foo_count(self.0) }
fn make_awesome(&mut self, v: bool) { c_foo_make_awesome(self.0, v) }
fn main() {
let mut f = OwnedFoo::new();
println!("{}", f.count());
Then, when you get a borrowed pointer from your other object, just wrap it up in a &Foo:
use std::mem;
fn c_bar_foo_ref() -> *const RawFoo { std::ptr::null() }
// Ignoring boilerplate for wrapping the raw Bar pointer
struct Bar;
impl Bar {
fn new() -> Bar { Bar }
fn foo(&self) -> &Foo {
unsafe { mem::transmute(c_bar_foo_ref()) }
fn foo_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Foo {
unsafe { mem::transmute(c_bar_foo_ref()) }
fn main() {
let mut b = Bar::new();
// Doesn't work - lifetime constrained to Bar
// let nope = Bar::new().foo();
