Detect silence(s) in audio channel from video stream - audio

We need to detect the 'silence'(s) in the audio channel of a video stream. We have been able to receive a UDP video stream and extract audio from it using the command:
ffmpeg -y -i udp:// -ab 3000k -ar 44100 -ac 1 test.wav
The audio file was saved only to verify whether audio has been extracted correctly or not.
To detect 'silence'(s) in the audio, we are using the silencedetect filter. We referred to some examples and it seems to work for audio files:
ffmpeg -i audio/file/path -af silencedetect=noise=-50dB:d=0.25 -f null -
We are unable to detect silence(s) in the audio from a video stream. This is the command we came up with:
ffmpeg -y -i udp:// -ab 3000k -ar 44100 -ac 1 -af silencedetect=noise=-50dB:d=0.25 -f null -
What is it that we are doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated.


How do I convert wav into an mxf file with timecode?

I'm looking for a way to convert wav(16bit, 48kHz, LPCM) into an mxf file with timecode.
Since ffmpeg supports mxf, I'm trying, but I don't know the command.
ffmpeg -i ./input.wav [hh:mm:ss.ff, name1] [hh:mm:ss.ff, name2]... ./output.mxf
I'm expecting the above command, but does anyone know?
MXF is a pain
The default MXF muxer requires video.
The -timecode option with MXF requires video.
The mxf_opatom muxer allows just audio, but only mono with 48000 MHz sample rate, so each channel will need to be in its own MXF file.
Workaround 1: Pipe
ffmpeg -i input.wav -ar 48000 -c:a pcm_s16le -timecode 01:02:03:04 -f nut - | ffmpeg -i - -c:a pcm_s16le -f mxf_opatom output.mxf
I'm assuming your audio is mono (you didn't say what it is). If your input is multichannel then output each channel into its own file.
Use 01:02:03:04 for non-drop timecode, and 01:02:03.04 or 01:02:03;04 for drop.
Workaround 2: Dummy/blank video
Just ignore the video.
Non-drop timecode:
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i color=r=25 -i input.wav -timecode 01:02:03:04 -c:a copy -shortest output.mxf
Drop timecode:
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i color=r=30000/1001 -i input.wav -timecode 01:02:03.04 -c:a copy -shortest output.mxf

How to extract audio in 8khz using ffmpeg

I am using ffmpeg to extract the audio from a video. Below code downlaods the audio from a video file. I'm not sure how efficient this program is but I do know that it downloaods it in 48KHZ.
How do I use this program to extract audio from a video in 8Khz because the file is getting too big.
ffmpeg -i video_link -vn output.wav
Use -ar option to change frequency rate
ffmpeg -i video_link -vn -ar 8000 output.wav
If you want to try different formats of audio check the available formats in ffmpeg using ffmpeg -formats and available codecs using ffmpeg -codecs
Here's an example to extract to mp3 file
ffmpeg -i video_link -vn -ar 8000 -f mp3 output.mp3
Edit: as #llogan pointed out, -f option is not needed, ffmpeg automatically mux mp3 file.
ffmpeg -i video_link -vn -ar 8000 output.mp3

ffmpeg to calculate audio/visual difference between compressed and non-compressed video

I'm trying to calculate the audio + visual difference between a harshly compressed video file and one that hasn't been.
I'm using pipes because ultimately I wish this to take src from a camera stream.
I've managed to get the video results that I'm looking for, but I'm struggling with the audio.
I've added a line to invert the phase of the compressed audio, so that when they add up in the blend they should almost cancel each other out, but that doesn't happen.
ffmpeg -i input.avi -f avi -c:v libxvid -qscale:v 30 -c:a wmav1 - | \
ffmpeg -i - -f avi -af "aeval='-val(0)':c=same" - | \
ffmpeg -i input.avi -i - -filter_complex "blend=all_mode=difference" -c:v libx264 -crf 18 -f avi - | \
ffplay -
I can still hear all the audio, when what I should be hearing are solely compression artifacts. thx
To preface, I'm not sure your method would identify audio compression 'artifacts'
Your command doesn't perform any audio comparison, it only inverts a single channel. Also, the audio and video are compressed twice and the codecs the last ffmpeg command receives are the default AVI codecs of mpeg4 and mp3.
ffmpeg -i input.avi -f matroska -c:v libxvid -qscale:v 30 -c:a wmav1 - |\
ffmpeg -i input.avi -i - -filter_complex "[0][1]blend=all_mode=difference;[1]aselect=gt(n\,0),asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS[1a];[0][1a]amerge,aeval=val(0)-val(1):c=mono" -c:v rawvideo -c:a pcm_s16le -f matroska - |\
ffplay -
I assume your audio is mono. If your audio has N channels, your aeval will need N expressions where the Mth expression is val(M-1)-val(N+M-1)
I also trim out the first encoded audio frame in order to mitigate encoder delay that Paul mentioned, and it seems to work here.
There might be some delay introduced with encoded audio samples. Also your command is incorrect.

Discard channels when recording from audio interface with FFmpeg

I'm calling ffmpeg from a program I'm writing in order to record audio from an audio interface. The audio interface has six channels and what I'd like to do is only record from the first two audio channels, discarding the rest. I can't work out how to do this or if it is even possible from the documentation.
The command I'm using is as follows:
ffmpeg -f alsa -acodec pcm_s32le -ac 6 -ar 44100 -i hw:CARD=K6,DEV=0 output.wav
Is this something that is possible? If so, how?
ffmpeg -f alsa -acodec pcm_s32le -ac 6 -ar 44100 -i hw:CARD=K6,DEV=0
-af "pan=2c|c0=c0|c1=c1" output.wav
The first argument to the pan filter is the number of output channels. Then come the individual channel mixes. Here it is first out channel is first in channel, and a similar assignment for the second.

Not outputting Opus raw audio

I'm currently writing a small script that coverts an MP4 to Opus audio on the fly and sends it to Discord in golang. Initially my script would pass an MP4 as it was downloading to ffmpeg through stdin and then pass stdout to an Opus encoder, then to Discord (exactly like this). After learning I could build ffmpeg with Opus, I'd like to cut out the opus encoder I previous had and pass ffmpeg's output directly to Discord.
Previous, my ffmpeg command looked like this (with using the second opus encoder)
ffmpeg -i - -f s16le -ar 48000 -ac 2 pipe:1
Now, without the encoder and letting ffmpeg do all the work, this is what I've come up with so far.
ffmpeg -i - -f s16le -ar 48000 -ac 2 -acodec libopus -b:a 192k -vbr on -compression_level 10 pipe:1
With this command however the audio doesn't get accepted by Discord's server, meaning I'm suspecting opus audio isn't coming out the other end. No errors outputted. Have I done something wrong with ffmpeg that could of caused this?
ffmpeg -i - -sample_fmt s16 -ar 48000 -ac 2 -acodec libopus -b:a 192k -vbr on -compression_level 10 -f opus pipe:1
You can't use -f s16le as that specifies an uncompressed output format (of a specific sample type), whereas you need a compressed data stream of a certain codec. Instead, you can use sample_fmt and -f opus
