Relative path for JetBrains Projector, or list of all available features for projector-images project? - jetbrains-ide

I'm trying to run a Projector image (IDEA Community and DataGrip) behind the nginx proxy with relative path, something like:
But on that URL I can see projector UI which refer to the root of webserver, so all queries going to instead of
Is it possible to configure Projector image somehow? I can't find any good documentation about that project.


How to see my Compute Engine app in my browser?

I have created a virtual machine on Compute Engine of Google Cloud and I want to host my project made in Node and Angular on that virtual machine. I installed Node on the server and cloned my project from Git, its working perfectly.
My question is, how do I bring that project in the browser?
You should: npm run build. After that you could find dist folder with your project and copy content of this folder to any static web server (GitHub pages and etc)
Additional info
As Rajesh said in a previous answer, your question is a bit ambiguous. I think that maybe what you are asking is for a way to allow http/https traffic to your Google Compute Engine instance. Please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.
If my assumption is correct, you need two things here. The first one is a public IP for your instance and the second is create firewall rules to allow this kind of traffic from internet to your instance.

How to merge 2 applications using their own Gruntfile.js and their having their own package.json

I have two differents apps using a gruntfile.js and a package.json and when i launch locally my second app (providing only 1 functionnality, thats why i trying to merge it with the other), this works, but when i try to works the functionnality by merging the second app in the principal app, it says that modules are missing.
My principal app is the BPMN editor from:
And the second app is the BPMN-diffing from:
My BPMN_editor's Gruntfile is minifying BPMN_editor's .js files, then i tried to do the same for BPMN diffing's js files. but nothing is working, my node server wont run normally (while hes working without this BPMN diffing).
I dont understand how to use the bpmn diffing, should i make an npm install to install all dependencies of bpmn diffing, and then make an npm install of the bpmn editor to install dependencies ? or should i merge the Gruntfiles and the package.json files ?
Thanks a lot
If they are based upon two differrent configurations, I would prefer using a load balancer or a reverse proxy to load them on the server. Merging the projects takes a little more insights from you and a little effort. The effort always depends on the setup. I would give you a little tip, but I am not seeing a Gruntfile in your main principle repository.
A little insight into "Reverse Proxy vs. Load Balancer"
What is the difference between Reverse Proxy and Load Balancers
Alternative 1 (preferred):
You could however create a small node.js server, which is handling the serving of those two applications, like the following:
- bpmn_root
|- principal
|- diffing
Afterwards you just need to write a little script, that is building both things on the server you want it to be deployed, and then you just need to do node SCRIPT_NAME.js.
Further reading, and another post about this.
Alternative 2:
You can use Docker. I am not very aware of how to use Docker to power such thing, but it is "as simple as" creating an Nginx configuration, which is doing the reverse proxy stuff for you.
Alternative 3:
Using the load balancer, which is handling the reverse proxy automatically. This is also a little more complex and needs some more learning to do. You can find plenty of tutorials on this however on the internet.

Node.js and ColdFusion on the same server?

I have question about how to set Node.js server application. On my server I have ColdFusion application server. I can test my code through browser url. I would like the same for Node.js. Node is already installed on my server but the only way to run the code is through cmd command window. First question is what I need in order for both to run on the same server? I still need my ColdFusion. Second question is about Nodes.js and can I set up server application with ISS or I need something else? Also do I have to specify what extension on my files will point to ColdFusion and other to Node. For example .cfm extension is for ColdFusion and .js is for the Node. If anyone knows anything about this or where I can find more information please let me know. I never experienced something similar and this is something completely new for me.
I know this is an old post but I figure I'd provide an answer for those souls who are looking around.
If working with Apache 2.4.x.
In a test environment this would not be to much of an issue as Node and Coldfusion operate on different ports.
If your looking to create a production site than I would say that building a virtual host with proxy to the node site and Coldfusion would be another method.
If you are using the Coldfusion connector to Apache and loading node, than still loading the proxy for the node part would be fine, just make sure you are pointing to the correct port for your node.
Things to remember:
You may have to alter internal Firewall rules.
Comment your hosts files so you don't accidentally alter the wrong file.
Both can exist within the same platform.

docker compose django and node

I am trying to make an application in django via docker and I want separate the backend (django) container from frontend (node, react) container using only one repository.
I want to run node commands from django container (for example: npm init and creating the package.json at main folder).
Is it a good pratice?
If yes, how can I do this?
Thanks in advance.
If you only need Nodejs for building, you should have one docker image just for building (and if you want, deploying) the static files, and then use a whole different docker setup for the actual production environment.
You can look at (disclaimer, I am the developer) to see an example. Unfortunately, the project is not yet fully tested and documented, but shows how I propose to handle static files outside Django (it does emulate what I do for real in production - just not fully tested).
You will see a top level docker image I use only for building the webpack type project (using gulp), and actually releasing that directly to S3. The top level index.html file gets copied to the django templates directory, to be used as the base template by other django templates (you may not need this if your front-end will be 100% independent of Django). But IMO, I find it useful to mix. For example, I do all the authentication portion using regular django (django-allauth).
Your question is fairly open ended (not exactly a good way to ask in SO), but I hope the link above gives you some ideas on how to implemented what you need.

CouchDB, Fauxton - installation of, locating files

I'm using CouchDB 1.5 on Ubuntu Desktop 14.04. I'm having trouble understanding how the Fauxton app got installed (as I don't recall installing it.)
I found the UI at [myhostip]:5984/_utils/fauxton/ but I can't locate all of the files on disk. So the questions are:
1) I'm thinking the Ubuntu Software Center installed some sort of package, but wondered if someone could confirm that?
2) Where the application files on disk?
Fauxton is a part of couchdb, in fact it is the default user interface for 2.0. Most likely your fauxton is in
to find out for sure open your your config file
and look for
__utils in httpd_global_handlers section and it will tell you where couchdb utilities are installed. In the utilities directory you should see a fauxton folder which contains the fuaxton files.
Don't worry though no third party installed it. It is a part of couchdb package. Here is the repo on github.
Went further based on guidance from #Akshat; it turns out that the Fauxton application code was on disk in /usr/share/couchdb/www/fauxton/js in a file named require.js. All code and templates were there, minified and munged.
