Passing query reference after calling get mut - rust

A few months ago, I started learning Rust and Bevy. After a few projects my code started being repetitive, and too large to be concise and stay in a single function. To solve this problem I wrote a small macro to generate type aliases for queries and it's items and make passing their references easier.
macro_rules! mut_sys_alias {
$type_name:ident, $wq_q:tt, $wq_f:tt
) => {
type $type_name <'w, 's> = Query<'w, 's, $wq_q, $wq_f>;
type [<$type_name Item >]<'w> = QueryItem<'w, $wq_q>;
It is used like so:
mut_sys_alias! {
&'static mut Transform,
&'static GlobalTransform,
mut_sys_alias! {
&'static mut Transform,
&'static GlobalTransform,
&'static mut Contained,
&'static Parent,
mut_sys_alias! {
&'static mut Container,
&'static GlobalTransform,
&'static Children,
This is where the problem occures:
pub fn us_container(
mut commands: Commands,
removed_dragging: RemovedComponents<Dragging>,
mut q_containables: QContainables,
mut q_contained: QContained,
mut q_containers: QContainers,
) {
for removed_dragging_entity in removed_dragging.iter() {
// Check if the current dagging entity was in a container previously
if let Ok(mut t_containable) = q_containables.get_mut(removed_dragging_entity) {
// NO it wasn't
// Loop trough all potential containers and see which is the most suitable
for mut t_container in q_containers.iter_mut() {
// Add to container
if util_add_to_container(
&mut commands,
&mut t_containable,
&mut t_container,
&mut q_contained,
} else if let Ok(mut t_contained) = q_contained.get_mut(removed_dragging_entity) {
&mut commands,
&mut t_contained,
&mut q_contained,
&mut q_containers,
// Previous code
// let (mut contained_tran, contained_gtran, contained_compnent, contained_parent) =
// t_contained;
// if let Ok(t_container) = q_containers.get_mut(contained_parent.get()) {
// let (container_entity, mut container, _container_gtran, container_children) =
// t_container;
// commands
// .entity(removed_dragging_entity)
// .remove::<Contained>();
// contained_tran.translation = contained_gtran.translation();
// commands
// .entity(container_entity)
// .remove_children(&[removed_dragging_entity]);
// container.len -= 1;
// let idx = contained_compnent.idx;
// for child_entity in container_children.iter() {
// if let Ok(t_contained) = q_contained.get_mut(*child_entity) {
// let (_contained_tran, _contained_gtran, mut contained_compnent, _) =
// t_contained;
// if contained_compnent.idx > idx as u8 {
// contained_compnent.idx -= 1;
// }
// }
// }
// }
fn util_remove_from_container(
commands: &mut Commands,
removed_dragging_entity: Entity,
t_contained: &mut QContainedItem,
q_contained: &mut QContained,
q_containers: &mut QContainers,
) {
let (contained_tran, contained_gtran, contained_compnent, contained_parent) = t_contained;
if let Ok(t_container) = q_containers.get_mut(contained_parent.get()) {
let (container_entity, mut container, _container_gtran, container_children) = t_container;
contained_tran.translation = contained_gtran.translation();
container.len -= 1;
let idx = contained_compnent.idx;
for child_entity in container_children.iter() {
if let Ok(t_contained) = q_contained.get_mut(*child_entity) {
let (_contained_tran, _contained_gtran, mut contained_compnent, _) = t_contained;
if contained_compnent.idx > idx as u8 {
contained_compnent.idx -= 1;
I tried to move the commented code to a separate function and needed to pass &mut t_contained and &mut q_contained but the compiler complained:
error[E0499]: cannot borrow `q_contained` as mutable more than once at a time
--> src\setup\
172 | } else if let Ok(mut t_contained) = q_contained.get_mut(removed_dragging_entity) {
| -------------------------------------------- first mutable borrow occurs here
173 | util_remove_from_container(
| -------------------------- first borrow later used by call
177 | &mut q_contained,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ second mutable borrow occurs here
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0499`
I don't understand why the previous version of the code(the one without the function) worked, while the new one does not. I know that get_mut takes &mut self as an argument but still, I don't see why q_contained.get_mut(removed_dragging_entity) counts as a borrow inside the if let statement.
Can this be fixed somehow, and are there better ways to write modular code and not pass every component separately or in a tuple?


Sharing arrays between threads in Rust

I'm new to Rust and I'm struggling with some ownership semantics.
The goal is to do some nonsense measurements on multiplying 2 f64 arrays and writing the result in a third array.
In the single-threaded version, a single thread takes care of the whole range. In the multi-threaded version, each thread takes care of a segment of the range.
The single-threaded version is easy, but my problem is with the multithreaded version where I'm struggling with the ownership rules.
I was thinking to use raw pointers, to bypass the borrow checker. But I'm still not able to make it pass.
use std::time::SystemTime;
use rand::Rng;
use std::thread;
fn main() {
let nCells = 1_000_000;
let concurrency = 1;
let mut one = box [0f64; 1_000_000];
let mut two = box [0f64; 1_000_000];
let mut res = box [0f64; 1_000_000];
println!("Creating data");
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
for i in 0..nCells {
one[i] = rng.gen::<f64>();
two[i] = rng.gen::<f64>();
res[i] = 0 as f64;
println!("Finished creating data");
let rounds = 100000;
let start = SystemTime::now();
let one_raw = Box::into_raw(one);
let two_raw = Box::into_raw(two);
let res_raw = Box::into_raw(res);
let mut handlers = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..rounds {
let sizePerJob = nCells / concurrency;
for j in 0..concurrency {
let from = j * sizePerJob;
let to = (j + 1) * sizePerJob;
handlers.push(thread::spawn(|| {
unsafe {
unsafe {
processData(one_raw, two_raw, res_raw, from, to);
for j in 0..concurrency {
let durationUs = SystemTime::now().duration_since(start).unwrap().as_micros();
let durationPerRound = durationUs / rounds;
println!("duration per round {} us", durationPerRound);
// Make sure we can find the function in the generated Assembly
pub fn processData(one: *const [f64;1000000],
two: *const [f64;1000000],
res: *mut [f64;1000000],
from: usize,
to: usize) {
unsafe {
for i in {
(*res)[i] = (*one)[i] * (*two)[i];
This is the error I'm getting
error[E0277]: `*mut [f64; 1000000]` cannot be shared between threads safely
--> src/
38 | handlers.push(thread::spawn(|| {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `*mut [f64; 1000000]` cannot be shared between threads safely
= help: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `*mut [f64; 1000000]`
= note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `Send` for `&*mut [f64; 1000000]`
note: required because it's used within this closure
--> src/
38 | handlers.push(thread::spawn(|| {
| ^^
note: required by a bound in `spawn`
--> /home/pveentjer/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/std/src/thread/
653 | F: Send + 'static,
| ^^^^ required by this bound in `spawn`
[edit] I know that spawning threads is very expensive. I'll convert this to a pool of worker threads that can be recycled once this code is up and running.
You can use chunks_mut or split_at_mut to get non-overlapping slices of one two and res. You can then access different slices from different threads safely. See: documentation for chunks_mut and documentation for split_at_mut
I was able to compile it using scoped threads and chunks_mut. I have removed all the unsafe stuff because there is no need. See the code:
use rand::Rng;
use std::thread;
use std::time::SystemTime;
fn main() {
let nCells = 1_000_000;
let concurrency = 2;
let mut one = box [0f64; 1_000_000];
let mut two = box [0f64; 1_000_000];
let mut res = box [0f64; 1_000_000];
println!("Creating data");
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
for i in 0..nCells {
one[i] = rng.gen::<f64>();
two[i] = rng.gen::<f64>();
res[i] = 0 as f64;
println!("Finished creating data");
let rounds = 1000;
let start = SystemTime::now();
for _ in 0..rounds {
let size_per_job = nCells / concurrency;
thread::scope(|s| {
for it in one
let ((one, two), res) = it;
s.spawn(|| {
processData(one, two, res);
let durationUs = SystemTime::now().duration_since(start).unwrap().as_micros();
let durationPerRound = durationUs / rounds;
println!("duration per round {} us", durationPerRound);
// Make sure we can find the function in the generated Assembly
pub fn processData(one: &[f64], two: &[f64], res: &mut [f64]) {
for i in {
res[i] = one[i] * two[i];

Borrow inside a loop

I'm trying to learn Rust after many years of C++. I have a situation where the compiler is complaining about a borrow, and it doesn't seem to matter whether it is mutable or immutable. I don't seem to be able to use self as a parameter inside a loop that start with: for item in self.func.drain(..).I've tried calling appropriate() as a function:
and I have tried it as a method:
but I get the same message in either case:
The function or method appropriate() is intended imply examine the relationship among its parameters and return a bool without modifying anything. How can I call either a function or method on self without violating borrowing rules?This program is a learning exercise from and doesn't include a main() so it won't run but should almost compile except for the error in question. Here's the code I have:
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub type Value = i32;
pub type Result = std::result::Result<(), Error>;
pub struct Forth {
v: Vec<Value>,
f: HashMap<String,usize>,
s: Vec<Vec<String>>,
func: Vec<String>
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Error {
impl Forth {
pub fn new() -> Forth {
let mut temp: Vec<Vec<String>> = Vec::new();
Forth{v: Vec::<Value>::new(), f: HashMap::new(), s: temp, func: Vec::new()}
pub fn stack(&self) -> &[Value] {
pub fn eval(&mut self, input: &str) -> Result {
let mut count = 0;
let temp: Vec<&str> = input.split(' ').collect();
let n = temp.len() as i32;
for x in 0..n as usize {
let mut collecting = false;
let mut xlist: Vec<(usize,usize)> = Vec::new();
let mut sx: usize = 0;
let mut z: i32 = -1;
let mut x: usize;
let mut n: usize = self.s[0].len();
loop {
count += 1;
if count > 20 {break;}
z += 1;
x = z as usize;
if x >= n {break;}
z = x as i32;
let word = &self.s[sx][x];
if word == ";" {
if collecting {
collecting = false;
let index: usize = self.s.len();
for item in self.func.drain(..) {
if self.s[index].len() > 0 &&
let sx = *self.f.get(&self.s[index][0]).unwrap();
let n = self.s[sx].len();
for x in 1..n as usize {
let symbol = self.s[sx][x].clone();
else {
self.f.insert(self.s[index][0].clone(), index);
if 0 < xlist.len() {
(x, n) = xlist.pop().unwrap();
return Err(Error::InvalidWord);
if collecting {
if Self::is_op(word) {
if self.v.len() < 2 {
return Err(Error::StackUnderflow);
let b = self.v.pop().unwrap();
let a = self.v.pop().unwrap();
let c = match word.as_str() {
"+" => a + b,
"-" => a - b,
"*" => a * b,
"/" => {if b == 0 {return Err(Error::DivisionByZero);} a / b},
_ => 0
match word.parse::<Value>() {
Ok(value) => { self.v.push(value); continue;},
_ => {}
if word == ":" {
collecting = true;
if word == "drop" {
if self.v.len() < 1 {
return Err(Error::StackUnderflow);
if word == "dup" {
if self.v.len() < 1 {
return Err(Error::StackUnderflow);
let temp = self.v[self.v.len() - 1];
if !self.f.contains_key(word) {
return Err(Error::UnknownWord);
sx = *self.f.get(word).unwrap();
n = self.s[sx].len();
z = 0;
fn is_op(input: &str) -> bool {
match input {"+"|"-"|"*"|"/" => true, _ => false}
fn appropriate(&self, item:&str, index:usize) -> bool
fn prev_def_is_short(&self, index: usize) -> bool {
if index >= self.s.len() {
else {
if let Some(&sx) = self.f.get(&self.func[0]) {
self.s[sx].len() == 2
else {
The error message relates to the call to appropriate(). I haven't even written the body of that function yet; I'd like to get the parameters right first. The compiler's complaint is:
As a subroutine call
error[E0502]: cannot borrow `self` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable
--> src/
81 | for item in self.func.drain(..) {
| -------------------
| |
| mutable borrow occurs here
| mutable borrow later used here
85 | Self::appropriate(&self,&item,index)
| ^^^^^ immutable borrow occurs here
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0502`.
as a method call
error[E0502]: cannot borrow `*self` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable
--> src/
81 | for item in self.func.drain(..) {
| -------------------
| |
| mutable borrow occurs here
| mutable borrow later used here
85 | self.appropriate(&item,index)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ immutable borrow occurs here
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0502`.
Is there any canonical way to deal with this situation?
The problem is that self.func.drain() will consume the elements contained in self.func, thus an exclusive (&mut) access is needed on self.func for the entire for loop.
If during the iteration you need to pass a reference to self globally, then its func member is potentially accessible while the loop holds an exclusive access to it: Rust forbids that.
Since you use drain() in order to consume all the elements inside self.func, I suggest you swap this vector with an empty one just before the loop, then iterate on this other vector that is not anymore part of self.
No copy of the content of the vector is involved here; swap() only deals with pointers.
Here is an over-simplified version of your code, adapted consequently.
struct Forth {
func: Vec<String>,
impl Forth {
fn eval(&mut self) {
for item in self.func.drain(..) {
let mut func = Vec::new();
std::mem::swap(&mut self.func, &mut func);
for item in func.drain(..) {
let b = self.appropriate();
println!("{:?} {:?}", item, b);
fn appropriate(&self) -> bool {
fn main() {
let mut f = Forth {
func: vec!["aaa".into(), "bbb".into()],

How to fix this "borrowed value does not live long enough" error?

I'm writing a program that detects duplicate frames in h264 encoded video. I'm using the ac-ffmpeg crate Here's my code:
use std::fs::File;
use ac_ffmpeg::{
video::{frame::Planes, VideoDecoder},
CodecParameters, Decoder,
demuxer::{Demuxer, DemuxerWithStreamInfo},
muxer::{Muxer, OutputFormat},
fn open_input(path: &str) -> Result<DemuxerWithStreamInfo<File>, Error> {
let input = File::open(path)
.map_err(|err| Error::new(format!("unable to open input file {}: {}", path, err)))?;
let io = IO::from_seekable_read_stream(input);
.map_err(|(_, err)| err)
fn open_output(path: &str, elementary_streams: &[CodecParameters]) -> Result<Muxer<File>, Error> {
let output_format = OutputFormat::guess_from_file_name(path)
.ok_or_else(|| Error::new(format!("unable to guess output format for file: {}", path)))?;
let output = File::create(path)
.map_err(|err| Error::new(format!("unable to create output file {}: {}", path, err)))?;
let io = IO::from_seekable_write_stream(output);
let mut muxer_builder = Muxer::builder();
for codec_parameters in elementary_streams {
}, output_format)
fn plane_difference(planes1: &Planes, planes2: &Planes) -> u64 {
fn remove_duplicate_frames(input: &str, output: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut demuxer = open_input(input)?;
let (stream_index, (stream, _)) = demuxer
.map(|stream| (stream, stream.codec_parameters()))
.find(|(_, (_, params))| params.is_video_codec())
.ok_or_else(|| Error::new("no video stream"))?;
let mut decoder = VideoDecoder::from_stream(stream)?.build()?;
let mut packet_count = 0;
let mut prev_planes: Option<Planes> = None;
let mut diffs = Vec::<(i64, u64)>::new();
while let Some(packet) = demuxer.take()? {
if packet.stream_index() != stream_index {
if let Some(frame) = decoder.take()? {
let planes = frame.planes();
match prev_planes {
Some(prev) => {
let diff = plane_difference(&planes, &prev);
diffs.push((packet.dts().timestamp() / 1000, diff));
None => (),
prev_planes = Some(planes);
if packet_count > 2000 {
packet_count += 1;
diffs.sort_by(|a, b| b.1.cmp(&a.1));
with dependency ac-ffmpeg = "0.17.4".
The problem is this gives an error that frame does not live long enough:
error[E0597]: `frame` does not live long enough
--> src/
106 | let planes = frame.planes();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
107 |
108 | match prev_planes {
| ----------- borrow later used here
117 | }
| - `frame` dropped here while still borrowed
My understanding of this error is that frame is borrowed, which via planes ends up in prev_planes. But at the end of every loop the value is dropped so it doesn't exist for the next iteration. Is that correct? And how can I solve that? I tried cloning various things in this code but I'm not able to fix the error.
VideoFrame doesn't allow you to take the planes, it only allows you to borrow them from the frame.
You can see that because a lifetime is attached to the planes:
pub fn planes(&self) -> Planes<'_>
The '_ lifetime says it's identical to the lifetime of the &self reference, meaning it is borrowed from self.
If you want to store the planes, store the frame that contains them instead:
use std::fs::File;
use ac_ffmpeg::{
video::{frame::Planes, VideoDecoder, VideoFrame},
CodecParameters, Decoder,
demuxer::{Demuxer, DemuxerWithStreamInfo},
muxer::{Muxer, OutputFormat},
fn open_input(path: &str) -> Result<DemuxerWithStreamInfo<File>, Error> {
let input = File::open(path)
.map_err(|err| Error::new(format!("unable to open input file {}: {}", path, err)))?;
let io = IO::from_seekable_read_stream(input);
.map_err(|(_, err)| err)
fn open_output(path: &str, elementary_streams: &[CodecParameters]) -> Result<Muxer<File>, Error> {
let output_format = OutputFormat::guess_from_file_name(path)
.ok_or_else(|| Error::new(format!("unable to guess output format for file: {}", path)))?;
let output = File::create(path)
.map_err(|err| Error::new(format!("unable to create output file {}: {}", path, err)))?;
let io = IO::from_seekable_write_stream(output);
let mut muxer_builder = Muxer::builder();
for codec_parameters in elementary_streams {
}, output_format)
fn plane_difference(planes1: &Planes, planes2: &Planes) -> u64 {
fn remove_duplicate_frames(input: &str, output: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut demuxer = open_input(input)?;
let (stream_index, (stream, _)) = demuxer
.map(|stream| (stream, stream.codec_parameters()))
.find(|(_, (_, params))| params.is_video_codec())
.ok_or_else(|| Error::new("no video stream"))?;
let mut decoder = VideoDecoder::from_stream(stream)?.build()?;
let mut packet_count = 0;
let mut prev_frame: Option<VideoFrame> = None;
let mut diffs = Vec::<(i64, u64)>::new();
while let Some(packet) = demuxer.take()? {
if packet.stream_index() != stream_index {
if let Some(frame) = decoder.take()? {
let planes = frame.planes();
match prev_frame {
Some(prev) => {
let diff = plane_difference(&planes, &prev.planes());
diffs.push((packet.dts().timestamp() / 1000, diff));
None => (),
prev_frame = Some(frame);
if packet_count > 2000 {
packet_count += 1;
diffs.sort_by(|a, b| b.1.cmp(&a.1));
You need to keep the frame itself from one loop iteration to the next instead of the planes. So have a prev_frame variable instead of prev_planes:
let mut prev_frame = None;
let mut diffs = Vec::<(i64, u64)>::new();
while let Some(packet) = demuxer.take()? {
if packet.stream_index() != stream_index {
if let Some(frame) = decoder.take()? {
let planes = frame.planes();
match prev_frame {
Some(prev) => {
let diff = plane_difference(&planes, &prev.planes());
diffs.push((packet.dts().timestamp() / 1000, diff));
None => (),
prev_frame = Some(frame);
It's a bit tricky to reproduce this, so I'll try to answer from the top of my head.
Did you try:
let planes = frame.planes().to_owned();
Mainly you're giving ownership of planes (i.e. the child), while the parent (frame) goes out of scope.
Why to_owned? (if the child is a ref, clone will return a ref, so we use to_owned instead since it converts a ref type to an owned type where it's allowed to transfer ownership.
The solution should be either:
let planes = frame.planes().to_owned(); // line 106
prev_planes = Some(planes.clone()); // line 116
If none of these work, try updating your question with their outputs. It'll make it easier to answer.

I dont understand this lifetime error : spawining threads inside a struct function

Not much to explain. I don't understand what is even having the lifetime designated 1 and 2 by the compiler error message.
All posts I have checked so far just say use crossbeam for scopped threads, but this hasn't fixed my issue at all and I dont think I even understand the finer issue here.
Any help is appreciated.
use crossbeam_utils::thread;
struct TestStruct {
s: f64,
impl TestStruct {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
s: -1.,
fn fubar(&'static self) -> f64 {
let thread_return_value = thread::scope(|scope|
// lifetime may not live long enough
// returning this value requires that `'1` must outlive `'2`
// Question: what are the two lifetimes even of? I am probably just
// a noob here.
scope.spawn(move |_| { // same error with or without move
// I have found that it doesnt matter what I put in this scope,
// but the following is the closest to what I have in my actual
// code.
let mut psum = 0.;
for _ in 0..10 { psum += self.s; }
// do anything with thread_return_value
return 0.; // just so its explicitly not the problem here, return 0.
fn main() {
let test_item = TestStruct::new();
// rustcE0597
let stored_value = test_item.fubar();
println!("{}", &stored_value);
Edit after marking for correct answer, working minimal example:
use crossbeam_utils::thread;
struct TestStruct {
s: f64,
impl TestStruct {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
s: -1.,
fn fubar(&self) -> f64 {
let thread_return_value = thread::scope(|scope| {
let th = scope.spawn(move |_| {
let mut psum = 0.;
for _ in 0..10 { psum += self.s; }
let psum = th.join().unwrap();
return thread_return_value;
fn main() {
let test_item = TestStruct::new();
// rustcE0597
let stored_value = test_item.fubar();
println!("{}", &stored_value);
The most obvious problem in your code is the &'static self lifetime. If you do so, you will only be able to call this function with static (that is, global) values of this type. So just remove that 'static and write &self.
Then the real problem is because you are trying to return your scoped thread handle from the crossbeam::scoped, the value returned by scope.spawn(), and that is not allowed. That is why they are called scoped threads: they are limited to the enclosing scope.
Remember that in Rust, when a block ends without a ; the value of the last expression is returned as the value of the block itself.
You probably want to return the psum. If so you need to wait for the handle to finish:
fn fubar(& self) -> f64 {
let thread_return_value = thread::scope(|scope| {
let th = scope.spawn(move |_| {
let mut psum = 0.;
for _ in 0..10 { psum += self.s; }
}); // <--- here, add a ;
let psum = th.join().unwrap(); //get the inner result
psum //forward it to the outer scope
return 0.;

How to fix use of moved value in Rust?

I am trying to convert a yaml file to xml using Rust and I am not able to figure out how to fix this error regarding the use of moved value. I think I understand why this error is coming, but haven't got a clue about what to do next.
Here's the code:
struct Element {
element_name: String,
indentation_count: i16,
struct Attribute<'a> {
attribute_name: &'a str,
attribute_value: &'a str,
fn convert_yaml_to_xml(content: String, indentation_count: i16) -> String {
let mut xml_elements: Vec<Element> = vec![];
let mut attributes: Vec<Attribute> = vec![];
xml_elements.push(Element {element_name: "xmlRoot".to_string(), indentation_count: -1});
let mut target: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let mut xml_data_writer = EmitterConfig::new().perform_indent(true).create_writer(&mut target);
let mut attribute_written_flag = false;
let mut xml_event;
xml_event = XmlEvent::start_element("xmlRoot");
for line in content.lines() {
let current_line = line.trim();
let caps = indentation_count_regex.captures(current_line).unwrap();
let current_indentation_count = caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str().to_string().len() as i16;
if ELEMENT_REGEX.is_match(current_line) {
loop {
let current_attribute_option = attributes.pop();
match current_attribute_option {
Some(current_attribute_option) => {
xml_event.attr(current_attribute_option.attribute_name, current_attribute_option.attribute_value)
None => {
// Checking if the line is an element
let caps = ELEMENT_REGEX.captures(current_line).unwrap();
let element_name = caps.get(2);
let xml_element_struct = Element {
indentation_count: current_indentation_count,
element_name: element_name.unwrap().as_str().to_string(),
xml_event = XmlEvent::start_element(element_name.unwrap().as_str());
attribute_written_flag = false;
} else if ATTR_REGEX.is_match(current_line) {
// Checking if the line is an attribute
let caps = ATTR_REGEX.captures(current_line).unwrap();
let attr_name = caps.get(2);
let attr_value = caps.get(3);
// Saving attributes to a stack
attributes.push(Attribute{ attribute_name: attr_name.unwrap().as_str(), attribute_value: attr_value.unwrap().as_str() });
// xml_event.attr(attr_name.unwrap().as_str(), attr_value.unwrap().as_str());
}/* else if NEW_ATTR_SET_REGEX.is_match(current_line) {
let caps = NEW_ATTR_SET_REGEX.captures(current_line).unwrap();
let new_attr_set_name = caps.get(2);
let new_attr_set_value = caps.get(3);
current_xml_hash.insert("name".to_string(), new_attr_set_name.unwrap().as_str().to_string());
current_xml_hash.insert("value".to_string(), new_attr_set_value.unwrap().as_str().to_string());
} */
if attribute_written_flag {
for item in xml_elements.iter() {
let event = XmlEvent::end_element();
let event_name = item.element_name.to_string();
println!("{:?}", target);
return "".to_string();
And here's the error:
error[E0382]: use of moved value: `xml_event`
--> src/
65 | let mut xml_event;
| ------------- move occurs because `xml_event` has type `StartElementBuilder<'_>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
77 | xml_event.attr(current_attribute_option.attribute_name, current_attribute_option.attribute_value)
| ^^^^^^^^^ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `xml_event` moved due to this method call, in previous iteration of loop
note: this function takes ownership of the receiver `self`, which moves `xml_event`
--> /Users/defiant/.cargo/registry/src/
193 | pub fn attr<N>(mut self, name: N, value: &'a str) -> StartElementBuilder<'a>
| ^^^^
From XmlEvent::start_element() documentation we see that it produces a StartElementBuilder<'a>.
From StartElementBuilder<'a>::attr() documentation we see that it consumes the StartElementBuilder<'a> (the first parameter is self, not &mut self) and produces a new StartElementBuilder<'a> (which is probably similar to self but considers the expected effect of .attr()).
This approach is known as the consuming builder pattern, which is used in Rust (for example std::thread::Builder).
The typical usage of such an approach consists in chaining the function calls: something.a().b().c().d() such as something is consumed by a(), its result is consumed by b(), the same about c() and finally d() does something useful with the last result.
The alternative would be to use mutable borrows in order to modify in place something but dealing with mutable borrows is known as difficult in some situations.
In your case, you can just reassign the result of .attr() to xml_event because otherwise the .attr() function would have no effect (its result is discarded) and xml_event would become unusable because it is consumed; reassigning it makes it usable again afterwards (at least i guess, i didn't try).
