I have an object called $latestBlob_content, this contains logs from azure build pipeline. I want to find a specific string from this object. But when I call - $latestBlob_content | Select-String -Pattern $pattern . This returns the whole logs. Is the 3rd line right way of reading a blob file!?
$blobs = Get-AzStorageBlob -Container $container_name -Context $context | sort #{Expression = "LastModified";Descending=$true}
$latestBlob = $blobs[0]
$latestBlob_content = $latestBlob.ICloudBlob.DownloadText()
$pattern = "Terraform_modules.azure_data_lake.*"
$latestBlob_content | Select-String -Pattern $pattern
Thanks in advance
Code those are not working -
$latestBlob_content.ToString() | Select-String -Pattern "Terraform_modules.azure_data_lake.*"
Most likely, your $latestBlob_content is one string instead of an array of strings.You could check the type using $latestBlob_content.GetType().
If that is the case, you are essentially passing one string to Select-String and ask it if the string contains your pattern. It does so it returns you back the complete string.
You could try following to split up your one string into an array of strings and select only those who match your pattern
$latestBlob_content -split "`r?`n" | Select-String -Pattern $pattern
I need to sort the words in a text file and output them to a file
Function AnalyseTo-Doc{
param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$Pad )
$Lines = Select-String -Path $Pad -Pattern '\b[A-Za-zA-Яа-я]{2,}\b' -AllMatches
$Words = ForEach($Line in $Lines){
ForEach($Match in $Line.Matches){
LineNumber = $Line.LineNumber
Word = $Match.Value
$Words | Group-Object Word | ForEach-Object {
Count= $_.Count
Word = $_.Name
Longest= $_.Lenght
| Sort-Object -Property Count | Select-Object -Last 10
AnalyseTo-Doc 1.txt
#Get-Content 1.txt | Sort-Bubble -Verbose | Write-Host Sorted Array: | Select-Object -Last 10 | Out-File .\dz11-11.txt
it's don't work
Sort by the Longest property (consider renaming it to Length), which is intended to contain the word length, but must be redefined to $_.Group[0].Word.Length:Tip of the hat to Daniel.
$Words | Group-Object Word | ForEach-Object {
Count= $_.Count
Word = $_.Name
Longest = $_.Group[0].Word.Length
} |
Sort-Object -Descending -Property Longest |
Select-Object -First 10
Note that, for conceptual clarity, I've used -Descending to sort by longest words first, which then requires -First 10 instead of -Last 10 to get the top 10.
As for what you tried:
Sorting by the Count property sorts by frequency of occurrence instead, i.e. by how often each word appears in the input file, due to use of Group-Object.
Longest= $_.Length (note that your code had a typo there) accesses the length property of each group object, which is an instance of Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GroupInfo, not that of the word being grouped by.
(Since such a GroupInfo instance has no type-native .Length property, but PowerShell automatically provides such a property as an intrinsic member, in the interest of unified handling of collections and scalars. Since a group object itself is considered a scalar (single object), .Length returns 1. PowerShell also provides .Count with the same value - unless present type-natively, which is indeed the case here: a GroupInfo object's type-native .Count property returns the count of elements in the group).
The [pscustomobject] instances wrapping the word at hand are stored in the .Group property, and since they're all the same here, .Group[0].Word.Length can be used to return the length of the word at hand.
Function AnalyseTo-Doc{
param ([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$Pad )
$Lines = Select-String -Path $Pad -Pattern '\b[A-Za-zA-Яа-я]{2,}\b' -AllMatches
$Words = ForEach($Line in $Lines){
ForEach($Match in $Line.Matches){
LineNumber = $Line.LineNumber
Word = $Match.Value
$Words | Group-Object Word | ForEach-Object {
#Count= $_.Count
Word = $_.Name
Longest = $_.Group[0].Word.Length
} |
Sort-Object -Descending -Property Longest | Select-Object -First 10 | Out-File .\dz11-11.txt
AnalyseTo-Doc 1.txt
Get-ChildItem 'C:\Users\Zac\Downloads\script test\script test\*.txt' -Recurse | ForEach {(Get-Content $_ | ForEach { $_ -replace '1000', $fileNameOnly}) | Set-Content $_ }
I have been trying to use a simple PowerShell script to replace the 1000 value in my documents with the goal of replacing the value with the name of the .nc1/.txt file it is editing.
For example a file that is called BM3333.nc1 has a line value of 1000 which needs to replace it with BM3333 so on, so forth. This will be used in batch editing.
What is the variable that I use for replacing the 1000 with the file name?
So far, I can get this to run but it doesn't replace the 1000 value, it removes it.
Your problem is that inside the ScriptBlock of a ForEach-Object invocation, the variable is $_ (also known as $PSItem). There is no name for the inner script to get the value from the outer script.
You need to create a unique name in the outer script beforehand. The ScriptBlock argument to ForEach-Object does not need to be a single expression. You can either use multiple lines or a ;.
1..3 | ForEach-Object { $a = $_; 100..105 | ForEach-Object { $_ * $a } }
For your use case, you need this variable to be the name of the file. The values in the outer ScriptBlock are System.IO.FileSystemInfo, which were returned by Get-ChildInfo.
PowerShell makes iterating on work like this very easy; try seeing which properties are available:
Get-ChildItem 'C:\Users\Zac\Downloads\script test\script test\*.txt' -Recurse | Select-Object -First 1 | Format-List *
I am looking for some script in PowerShell that will compare the date present in an inside text file as content and compare if that date is >today`+15 days then print the file name.
Also, if that script can compare the date as mentioned above along with the other string if both conditions are matching then print the file name.
The below command gives me the output for those which have matching string same as hello and was created 30 days back. But now I want to fulfill the above two conditions no matter when the file was created.
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Users\vpaul\Downloads\functional-script\*.txt -Recurse | Select-String -Pattern 'Hello', 'Hell' | Where CreationTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-6)| Export-Csv C:\Users\vpaul\Downloads\functional-script\File_Name.csv -NoTypeInformation
The output from Select-String doesn't have a CreationTime property, which is why your filtering fails - CreationTime doesn't resolve to anything so it's always "less than" any value you provide.
Either do the filtering on CreationTime before piping to Select-String:
Get-ChildItem ... |Where-Object CreationTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-6) |Select-String 'Hell' | ...
Or use the Path property on the output from Select-String to look up the files attributes again:
Get-ChildItem ... |Select-String 'Hell' |Where-Object {(Get-ItemPropertyValue -LiteralPath $_.Path -Name CreationTime) -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-6)} |...
Since it looks like you're trying to get and compare a date from a matched text string inside the file, as well as CreationTime file attribute... +15 Days and -6 Days respectively...
Example Text file Content:
Hello 4/1/2021
You could try something similar to this:
$ALL_RECURSED_TXTs = Get-ChildItem -Path '[Folder to Recurse]\*.txt' -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.CreationTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-6) };
foreach($File in $ALL_RECURSED_TXTs) {
Get-Content -Path $File.FullName | Select-String -Pattern 'Hello', 'Hell' |
ForEach-Object {
# Find a RegEx match for your Date String that is in the File
$_ -match 'Hello\s(\d+\/\d+\/\d{4}).*' | Out-Null;
if((Get-date($matches[1])) -gt ((Get-Date).AddDays(15))) {
"$($File.FullName)" | Out-File -FilePath '[Path to Output]\MyPrintedFileNames.txt' -Append;
If you want to see your matched lines in your outfile...
"$_ : $($File.FullName)" | Out-File -FilePath '[Path to Output]\MyPrintedFileNames.txt' -Append;
"but now I want to fulfill the above two conditions no matter when the file was created."
Scrap the Where-Object filter on Get-ChildItem if you want all txt files.
Edit: Getting confused again. Lol. If your txt file date string is not on same line as your "Hello|Hell" it'll get more complex. Good Luck!
I am running Select-String on a file which contains the following line:
Association ID: uj8da-21
Select-String -Path "..path.." -Pattern "Association ID:" -SimpleMatch gives me the file, the line number, the words "Association ID:", etc. All I want is the value. What's the best way to do this from the Select-String command?
And what if I wanted to extract a series of lines after this line (say, 10 additional lines) -- would the -Context argument be the way to go?
Use match groups.
$matchInfo = Select-String -Path "C:\temp\text.txt" -Pattern "Association ID: (.*)"
Context is the way to go.
$matchInfo = Select-String -Path "C:\temp\text.txt" -Pattern "Association ID: (.*)" -Context 0,10
I have started learning powershell a couple of days ago, and I couldn't find anything on google that does what I need so please bear with my question.
I have been asked to replace some text strings into multiple files. I do not necessarily know the extension of the possible target files and I don't know their location either. So far I have managed to recursively browse into the directory (get-ChildItem -recurse) and find the string I was looking for with get-content and select-string:
Get-ChildItem -recurse | Get-Content | Select-String -pattern "dummy"
The problem is, I can see the occurences of the text I am looking for, but I don't know how to tell PS to return the path and the name for every matching files as well.
How can I get the name and location of the files that contains the expression I am looking for?
This should give the location of the files that contain your pattern:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Select-String "dummy" -List | Select Path
There are a variety of accurate answers here, but here is the most concise code for several different variations. For each variation, the top line shows the full syntax and the bottom shows terse syntax.
Item (2) is a more concise form of the answers from Jon Z and manojlds, while item (1) is equivalent to the answers from vikas368 and buygrush.
List FileInfo objects for all files containing pattern:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse filespec | Where-Object { Select-String pattern $_ -Quiet }
ls -r filespec | ? { sls pattern $_ -q }
List file names for all files containing pattern:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse filespec | Select-String pattern | Select-Object -Unique Path
ls -r filespec | sls pattern | select -u Path
List FileInfo objects for all files not containing pattern:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse filespec | Where-Object { !(Select-String pattern $_ -Quiet) }
ls -r filespec | ? { !(sls pattern $_ -q) }
List file names for all files not containing pattern:
(Get-ChildItem -Recurse filespec | Where-Object { !(Select-String pattern $_ -Quiet) }).FullName
(ls -r filespec | ? { !(sls pattern $_ -q) }).FullName
This is how I would do it, you don't need get-content:
ls -r | Select-String dummy | select line,path
ls -r | Select-String dummy | fl *
To see what the different properties are...
This is faster. The second argument is -filter:
ls -r . *.bat | select-string netsh
ls -r -path . -filter *.bat | select-string netsh
This will display the path, filename and the content line it found that matched the pattern.
Get-ChildItem -Path d:\applications\*config -recurse | Select-String -Pattern "dummy"
Pipe the content of your
Get-ChildItem -recurse | Get-Content | Select-String -pattern "dummy"
to fl *
You will see that the path is already being returned as a property of the objects.
IF you want just the path, use select path or select -unique path to remove duplicates:
Get-ChildItem -recurse | Get-Content | Select-String -pattern "dummy" | select -unique path
I modified one of the answers above to give me a bit more information. This spared me a second query later on. It was something like this:
Get-ChildItem `
-Path "C:\data\path" -Filter "Example*.dat" -recurse | `
Select-String -pattern "dummy" | `
Select-Object -Property Path,LineNumber,Line | `
Export-CSV "C:\ResultFile.csv"
I can specify the path and file wildcards with this structures, and it saves the filename, line number and relevant line to an output file.
Get-ChildItem -r | ? {$_.psiscontainer -eq $false} | ? {gc $_.pspath |select-string -pattern "dummy"}
This will give you the full details of all files
To keep the complete file details in resulting array you could use a slight modification of the answer posted by vikas368 (which didn't seem to work well with the ISE autocomplete):
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Where-Object { $_ | Select-String -Pattern "dummy" }
or in short:
ls -r | ?{ $_ | Select-String -Pattern "dummy" }
If you search into one directory, you can do it:
select-string -Path "c:\temp\*.*" -Pattern "result" -List | select Path
This will display a list of the full path to each file that contains the search string:
foreach ($file in Get-ChildItem | Select-String -pattern "dummy" | Select-Object -Unique path) {$file.path}
Note that it doesn't display a header above the results and doesn't display the lines of text containing the search string. All it tells you is where you can find the files that contain the string.
With PowerShell, go to the path where your files are and then type this command and replace ENTER THE STRING YOU SEARCH HERE (but keep the double quotes):
Have a nice day 🙂
This Scrit worked to find a specific file in a 3 000 000
#Define o parametro do ano a eliminar "2020"
$DateDel = '2019',
#Define o parametro do registro do ficheiro "_800" ou "_800sm" ou "_200"
$ResFile1 = '_200',
$ResFile2 = '_800',
$ResFile3 = '_800sm',
#Define o parametro da terminacao do ficheiro "_800.jpg" ou "_800sm.jpg" ou "_200.jpg"
$TypeFile = '.jpg',
#Define o parametro de onde se localizado ficheiro "C:\users\Luis.Cunha\Desktop\LuisCunha\TarefaScript\TesteFinal\TesteScript1"
$HomePath = 'C:\Users\Luis.Cunha\Desktop\LuisCunha\TarefaScript'
#Inicia transcriçao de toda informação para o ficheiro .log indicado
Start-Transcript -Path $HomePath\CountDelItems.log -NoClobber -Append
Get-ChildItem $HomePath -Recurse -File | Measure-Object | %{$_.Count}
#o Get vai buscar o ficheiro com a data e a terminacao definidas no $homepath e $tipofich atraves do caminho indicado no $path
#depois confirma os valores que foram removidos com o verbose
Get-Childitem -Path $HomePath -Recurse -force | Where-Object { !$_.PSIsContainer -and $_.name -like "????$DateDel*$ResFile1$TypeFile" } | Measure-Object | %{$_.Count}
#Get-Childitem -Path $HomePath -Recurse -force | Where-Object { !$_.PSIsContainer -and $_.name -like "????$DateDel*$ResFile1$TypeFile" } | Remove-Item -Verbose -Force
Get-ChildItem $HomePath -Recurse -File | Measure-Object | %{$_.Count}
#Termina transcrição