How to group elements in constraint layout like div in html? for example applying background behind mulitple textviews and buttons ?
I'm building my first Universal Windows Platform (UWP) App and am trying to implement the popular "Hamburger Menu" using the SplitView class.
Inspired by many samples, the items hosted on the SplitView pane are re-styled RadioButton controls, with a vertical highlight-rectangle, an icon and a text. The appearance is similar to that of the Groove app.
I'm now trying to implement navigation and selection using the keyboard, and this now bring a little focus-rect around the items in the SplitView pane. However, since the pane clips its contents when its DisplayMode is either CompactInline or CompactOverlay, the focus rectangle is also clipped, which is not the behavior a user would expect.
Please, can anyone advise on how to property display the focus rectangle in this situation ?
Just an idea, what if you set the width of all radio button's to be same as the CompactPaneLength property of SplitView. The default is 48 DIPs.
In Eclipse, I can right - click on my layout (say LinearLayout) and click on Change Layout
In Android Studio, I dont see anything like that. I do see Morphing but that will now show up at all times. For example, if you create simple HalloWorld with RelativeLayout, if you right click on that Layout while in Graphical mode, Morphing will not show.
If you right click on a widget in that layout, Morphing shows but to change widget type, not layout type.
If you want to change the Layout, you can do Two things:
1. Simply click into your Xml file and select the "Text" option at the bottom on your screen
2.Change to layout
1.Just drag another layout in Design and put your items in it, delete your old layout PS. you can have layouts in other layouts
Hope I helped!
In Android Studio 3.6.3 the easiest way to change the Layout is to right-click on the layout in your Component Tree and click Convert view….
The other option is to delete this layout and create new activity layout with type you want to be.
You also can use AbsoluteLayout, just change RelativeLayout to AbsoluteLayout in activity_main.xml. With AbsoluteLayout you're more "free"
I'm looking at different variations of login screens which have material design elements.
I found the Inbox app quite interesting.
The toolbar (action bar) appears to be mid screen. And the (action bar) snaps up to the right position when editing text.
Is this a standard behaviour across 5.0?
How do they achieve this?
The UI element you are seeing on the top, playing the role of an ActionBar is actually the Toolbar widget.
A Toolbar is a generalization of action bars for use within application layouts. While an action bar is traditionally part of an Activity's opaque window decor controlled by the framework, a Toolbar may be placed at any arbitrary level of nesting within a view hierarchy. An application may choose to designate a Toolbar as the action bar for an Activity using the setActionBar() method.
You can have multiple toolbars in an Activity. The toolbars can have different heights. The standard height of the toolbar in portrait is 56dp.
Default height:
Mobile Landscape: 48dp
Mobile Portrait: 56dp
Tablet/Desktop: 64dp
For extended app bars, the height is equal to the default height plus content increment(s).
You can read more from the Material design specification.
For implementing it you just set the layout_height attribute in the layout file. Of course extracting the number as a dimension resource is always a good idea.
While exploring the basic concepts of JavaFX, the following question arose:
Is there a way to customize the layout of composite controls (such as TreeView or Accordion)?
For example, to achieve a horizontal arrangement of child elements or to introduce animations.
Some controls include API for controlling their layout. For example, you can set the orientation of a ListView to Horizontal or Vertical or switch animation on or off in a TitledPane.
You can write your own skins to apply to existing controls and modify their layout.
Public API for control skinning is provided in Java 8.
Use the -fx-skin attribute to change a skin via css.
More details are in the JavaFX wiki control skinning section.
Using custom skins you can completely change the layout and animations for a control. See for instance this carousel skin of a TreeView.
I have a page with p:layout tags ( left & center ) . In the left layout i have a list of elements which are draggable.In the center layout i have a panel which is droppable.The problem is that the draggable elements only drag( move) inside the left layout.I don't know how to drag the element into the center layout. Any ideas?
There are primefaces tags to support draggable and droppable as mentioned below
<p:draggable> and <p:droppable>
For example you can see the following prime faces example in the link click here to see the example