Can you have an MPEG Dash File Pointing To Other MPEG Dash Files? - mpeg-dash

I'd like to assemble an mpeg dash playlist where I splice together multiple MPEG-Dash URLS to form a single cohesive movie.
MPEG-Dash URL 1 Start #00:10 End #00:30
MPEG-Dash URL 2 Start #01:00 End #05:00
MPEG-Dash URL 3 Play Whole File
Is this possible without breaking open all the files and creating a bunch of different periods with the individual AdaptionSet/SegmentTemplates/Timelines copied from the child streams? My worry is if I open up every file individually and one of the child streams is re-formatted everything will break.
This post mentions someone doing a dash-cast, but I'm trying to keep it in (static) MPD format since we have a player that already supports that.
Is this perhaps what SegmentURL is for?

The DASH specification supports the XML Linking Language (XLink), so you can include references to remote content such as a Period element.
Here is an example, from a DASH test file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<MPD xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011" xmlns:xlink="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011" profiles="urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-live:2011" minBufferTime="PT1.5S" type="static" mediaPresentationDuration="PT1M12S">
<Period xlink:href="" xlink:actuate="onLoad"></Period>


Adding HTML5 audio as embedded mp3 data URI

I have an HTML audio element that plays a linked .mp3 file upon click:
<audio id="yourAudio" preload="none" onplay="playing(this);" onended="stopped(this);">
<source src="/sandboxassets/pronunciations/esdar1e007.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
I don't want to display the direct link to the audio file (/sandboxassets/pronunciations/esdar1e007.mp3) in the HTML source. Is there any way to obfuscate it? I know we can use base64 encoding to obfuscate image links turning them into data URIs but I don't know how to do the same with mp3 files, if at all that's possible. Also, will that be a wise move compatibility-wise?
Addition: For what it's worth, there could be up to 5 such audio elements on my page and each such element loads an mp3 of size between 8kB and 20kB. I am assuming this scenario should justify a higher file size vs. fewer HTTP requests tradeoff. But please correct me if I'm wrong.
Yes, you can use data URIs to do this. Just put the data URI in your src value. For example:
<audio controls src="data:audio/ogg;base64,XXXXXX....." />
See this page for a working example

Google earth sequential placemarks on a time delay

I have a KML file with a few different placemarks all around the globe. I would like to flyto the first placemark and display it's balloon, wait a minute or two, then flyto the next placemark, and repeat this process until all of the placemarks have been shown.
I think I might be able to achieve this by putting all the placemarks into a tour but this doesn't seem like the right approach. I'm going to be refreshing the KML from a server and I'm not sure how a tour would react to that (e.g., I think you have to always click play before starting a tour).
If this isn't possible I may have to place just a single placemark in the KML file and then keep refreshing the file with a different placemark. I think that approach might be bad though because it will be refreshing a lot more.
I ended up putting one placemark per KML file. I wrote a program in Java that uses the Saxon processor and an XSLT stylesheet to create multiple KML files with just a single placemark per file then using this tutorial I was able to cycle through the KML files one-by-one.
When doing this locally on my machine I created two folders. Folder A housed all the KML files. Folder B would house only one KML file which would be the file expected from the KML NetworkLink tag. In the Java program I had a timer thread that sequentially deletes the single file in Folder B, cuts a file out of Folder A, moves it into Folder B, then renames the newly placed file the common name which the KML NetworkLink tag expects. I hope this helps and the link will help this to make more sense.
(Base KML file which is loaded into Google Earth - Basically tells Google Earth to look for the file called every10.kml every 10 seconds. If we swap that file out, say, every 9 seconds, then once it's refreshed by Google Earth it will be a new KML file thus showing the new placemark)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">

JSF play video file

I want to play a video file from my web app. I use JSF. I want to know how we can open the video file with the help of any video player installed in the client's system. I know how to open a pdf file the same way. But I want to know how to open a video file.
There's no standard JSF component for this. It's however not different from as you would do in plain HTML. Just drop the video file in public webcontent (so that it's reachable by an URL) and use the HTML <embed> and/or the <object> element which points to the URL of the video file. That's basically all. Note that you can just use EL in template text. So e.g. <embed src="#{bean.videoURL}"> would work perfectly fine, as long as it generates the HTML code the way you intend (open page in browser, rightclick and View Source to see it).
The way how to create and parameterize the HTML <embed> or <object> tag in turn depends on the video format (MPEG, MOV, FLV, etc). You basically need to consult the documentation of the video format vendor for details how to use it. Since you didn't mention what format the video file is in, we can't help you further in detail. Googling the smart way should however yield sufficient examples. E.g. "embed mpeg in html".
PrimeFaces has however a <p:media> component which makes it all easier for developers who are lazy in Googling for examples and/or figuring the browser specific inconsitenties ;) It'll outright generate the right HTML code necessary for the provided video format.
See also:
How to stream audio/video files such as MP3, MP4, AVI, etc using a Servlet
This works in browsers those support HTML5.
<video controls="controls">
<source src="resources/myVideo.mp4" type="video/mp4"/>

KML & Offline availability

Sorry in advance if this is a noob question.
All kml files start with roughly the same two lines:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">
In the second line there is a reference to a web address which contains the schema for kml.
Am i to understand that this is contacted every time a kml file is
read ?
Secondly, is it possible (and how) to not have to contact
this (and other) addresses ?
The xmlns reference in a KML file only defines the XML namespace which happens to be associated with an XML Schema that defines that namespace.
Google Earth or Google Maps do NOT download the KML schema every time a KML file is accessed. In fact, it won't ever download the XML schema. The namespace just tells GE how to handle the file.
It just so happens that the Namespace URI for KML is a URL that redirects to the appropriate XML Schema.
In fact the complete schema reference for KML would look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns=""
A description of XML namespaces can be found here:
On a related note the standard icons you can use for your KML placemarks (e.g. are likewise never downloaded by the Google Earth client. Those images are part of the installed Google Earth application from which Google Earth maps URLs to the local image file.

How to properly update Google Earth KML using NetworkLinkControl and the Java API for KML (JAK)?

I'm building an application that serves up data to a standalone Google Earth client. I want to send over an initial set of data, then update it dynamically using <NetworkLinkControl> and <Update><cookie> tags as things change on the server. I'm generating the KML using the Java API for KML (JAK) library. Unfortunately, while I can confirm that GE is refreshing my NetworkLink and pulling down the Updates I'm sending, none of my updates are showing up in GE. After lots of reading, it seems like it might be that the Update's <targetHref> might be the issue, but I'm 99.9% sure I'm sending over the same string.
Part of what has me confused is that I've seen conflicting info on whether or not the <cookie> element's value needs to be appended to <targetHref>. I did actually see one early prototype updating when I was serving up hand-written test KML files from a static server URL, so I suspect it's not. Actually, that's what's frustrating at the moment: I've seen updating work on my own machine, but can't get it working now with what looks like valid and correct KML.
The current setup looks like this (extraneous XML namespaces stripped for clarity; "$CLIENT_ID" is a GUID-like string):
Root KML file served from http://server/kml/${CLIENT_ID}:
<kml xmlns=""
Initial content KML served from http://server/kmlupdates/${CLIENT_ID}:
<Document id="myProject">
<name>My ProjectProject</name>
<Placemark id="pm1"><name>point1</name>
Later update KML served from http://server/kmlupdates/${CLIENT_ID}:
<Placemark targetId="pm1">
<name>Name changed by Update Change</name>
If anyone has any suggestions on what I'm missing here, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
My original version of the question left out two facts that turned out to be relevant: 1) I'm using the Java API for KML to generate this, and 2) the XML namespaces inside <kml>. I finally figured this out after reading this Google KML Group post for the umpteenth time.
The problem is the last XML namespace, "xmlns:xal". For some reason, removing that from the KML allows the <Update> tags to actually change the items in Google Earth. JAK doesn't let you change the namespaces, but you can strip it manually from the marshaled string.
Absolutely bizarre, but at least I found a solution.
As per
<xal:AddressDetails> is used by KML for geocoding in Google Maps only.
Currently, Google Earth does not use this element; use <address> instead.
I have some sample using different approach to do something else here maybe related to yours (as your purpose "send over an initial set of data, then update it dynamically using tags") :
Approach is that all changes are from server Restful service. Hope it helps. Details as :
How to make a dynamic Auto refresh 3D Tracking :
prepare a RestFul service to generate KML file from DB (KML sample as inside above link)
My other jsp code will generate a KMZ file which has a link to my Restful service. KMZ file has onInterval ( as in the bottom)
Jsp web page allow user to download KMZ file.
When Google Earth open KMZ file, Google Earth will auto refresh to get new data from that Restful service
Everytime refreshing, server will send the latest update KML data with new data to GE.
KMZ sample:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="" xmlns:gx=""
xmlns:kml="" xmlns:atom="">
