Is there a way of ejecting an external drive using python without shelling out - python-3.x

Title basically says it all. I'm trying to write a script for backing up my files and I want the script to eject the drive it is backing the data up to after its done copying things. I couldn't really find anything online for libraries or builtin methods of doing this. OS is windows 10.
I apologize in advance if I'm doing something wrong, kind of unfamiliar with SO.


Is it possible to run a python script when another computer connects to the website?

Im trying to set up a prank for my coder friends(have to clarify its not something bad, its just a harmless joke) and they are much more experienced than me. They like to brag about it, so I wanted to make them look like they got hacked by getting a singular file from their computer. Is it possible to run a script to take a their file from their computer as soon as they click on a link that i can share on discord?
I got python script to get a file, but its only when you download the script and use it, it also requires you to have any python version 3+ to run the code. Tried to make a short link but couldnt get it work either.

Tabcompletion and docview while editing rc.lua

I saw that there is a lua plugin for eclipse and there is a docpage on the awesome main page api_doc and all the .lua files in /usr/share/awesome/lib.
So I thought it must be possible to create a Library or Execution Environment so that one has tabcompletion and docview.
So I tried making my own Execution Environment:
wrote the standard .rockspec file
downloaded the documentation made an ofline version of it and put it in docs/ folder
ziped the files and folders in /usr/share/awesome/lib
ziped all up
tried it out ... and it failed.
When I try to view a documentaion for a .lua file I get "Note: This element has no attached documentation."
Questions: Am I totaly wrong in my doing (because I have the feeling I am)? Is there any way to edit the rc.lua with tabcompletion and docview?
Koneki will probably take a while to setup, but it's definitly worth it. Going for the".doclua"(by using version 1.2) would certainly make it, but I doubt that using a script to generate the information you need, would work out on the long run.
Most likely, you'll probably pass a bit of time to define what kind of object you're dealing with every time you come across one. The right to do, would be to actually take the time to see if the object/module/inner type inherit from an another object, so can actually have more completion feature as you keep using autocomplete to go from one object to another by pressing "dot"+ctrl_space.
In an ideal world, one person could probably make it right and share to other, so they can enjoy a full featured autocomplete editor.
Found solution for eclipse.
First off the idea of setting up an Execution environment was the wrong one.
So the whole thing about downloading the doc although.
For more information on that visit eclipse Wiki for LUA Development Tool.
The right thing to do is to add a source folder which contains the /usr/share/awesome/lib directory.
The bad news is that my comment from above was totally right, which means one has to configure each .lib file in /usr/share/awesome/lib to meet the requirements of the Documentation Language described here.
Than editing the rc.lua (which one can add to the project in eclipse) works with tabcompletion and doc view.
Since the Documentation Language used in the lib files is similar to the one used by "LUA Development Tool" one has not to change many things. Maybe there are even scripts for that.

Easier navigation through filesystem in linux shell (cli)

I often find myself taking a lot of time to navigate through my filesystem when using the linux shell. This generally occurs because the autocompletion of bash only works if you provide the start of the file/dirname. What I often end up in is a lot of 'ls' with 'grep' commands, finally doing a 'cd'.
When you use a GUI based filebrowser (like Nautilus) you can type any part of a file/dirname and it will have matches that it jumps to directly. This makes it a lot easier and faster to navigate.
I wonder if anybody knows any great tools that helps with this problem. I know of the existence of Midnight Commander, though I never really used it for real and I couldn't figure out a direct solution for my problem the first couple of times I tried it. Also it seems not suitable because I want to have my shell's current working directory to be changed so I can do stuff there, instead of being stuck in an external program like Midnight Commander.
Try autojmp
And following article provides another solution
You can first use the autocd or autopushd in zsh. You would just have to type the directory you want to go to, without the hassle of typing cd or pushd everytime.
You also have the globing possibility. For example, if I got those file in a directory:
I can just type
without caring about the beginning of the file.
As a last solution you can always use an alias to the find command with a personalized option.

make swf from fla without ever opening it

is it possible to change text and images in a fla file without ever opening it up and then making the swf via command line? I want to make a flash template and save the fla. Then be able to update my text and image name and convert it to swf. I have one template but tons of different text options and background images. It would be nice to be able to copy the master.fla twenty times and just change the source code (will do this from command line) and then convert to swf (via command line).
Any help would be appreciated.
With CS5, you can do half of what you're asking today, by using the XFL file format instead of FLA. Instead of a binary blob, you get an editable XML file and a tree of separate asset files: PNGs, AS3 files, etc. You can then modify the XML or AS3 files programmatically to get your variants.
(A CS5 FLA file is really just a zipped up version of the XFL, but there's no advantage to using that instead of an XFL. In CS4 and previous, FLA was a proprietary binary format.)
The missing piece is an XFL compiler. Adobe currently provides no such thing, and the third party market hasn't yet produced one.
You could use a systems automation tool to drive the Flash Professional environment through the compilation steps. On OS X, for example, either Automator or AppleScript should be able to do what you want. It'll just have more overhead than the command line compiler you were hoping for.
I agree with Jason, there are a lot of alternatives to what you suggest. Keeping content out of the SWF is good practice actually. This is a good way to avoid large files!
Depending on what you 're looking to achieve, there are a lot of solutions available. XML is an option, JSON another.
If you're looking to build a template, any of the above would seem appropriate.
It sounds like you're working from the Flash IDE, as Jason suggests you may want to have a look at another IDE, such as FlashDevelop, FDT or FlashBuilder as they make coding with AS3 a lot easier.

Tutorial/Guide to create a classic, small Linux application in a package (Debian)

I've made a small script in my machine, and an alias in .bashrc that calls it. It's a bash script with 3 lines, but it can grow.
Now, some people in my team found it useful, and want to use it.
Instead of saying "copy this alias, do this, do that, install that lib" I was thinking about creating a simple package to be a little more professional. Fact is, I've never done something like this before. And the problem to me is not creating a package, is trying to decide what usually do you put in a package.
Suppose I want to take my script, and create myapplication. I want to create a .deb file that my team would install and:
Have a /usr/bin/myapplication or /usr/sbin/myapplication (what's the difference between them?), so they would just call myapplication at their terminal and it would work;
Have a man page; (Where are usually located man pages in a debian system?);
Have a possibility to read a .myapplicationrc in home folder with some configurations;
Have an entry for shortcuts in a gnome installation (is it possible to have an universal shortcut "format" that's is available to KDE and Gnome as well?);
Install dependencies.
I'm new to all that stuff. I usually code simple scripts and create an alias in my bashrc. I've never done a package before. Which guides do you know of that can help me accomplish what I thinking of above?
Here is a place to start, though I welcome a more succinct answer.
I couldn't find a complete guide. I think the best thing to do is download a package that does exactly what I'm thinking of and do some reading, like taskwarrior.
