Find and replace no longer highlighting - sublimetext3

After editing 8 of 9 books, Find & Replace is no longer highlighting my regex after clicking Find All and clicking back into the document.
Nothing has been changed in terms of settings, closed book 8, opened 9, not functioning.
edit: I guess I should state: same thing in Find. I'm just used to running Replace more than find.
Working image:
Not working image:


Find action keyboard shortcut in Android Studio opens terminal on macOS `\;type\=a` (Command-Shift-A) [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
IntelliJ IDEA Cmd+Shift+A (Find Action) causes error log: "Nothing appropriate" in a yellow terminal titled "apropos"
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
The community reviewed whether to reopen this question 12 months ago and left it closed:
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When I go to use the keyboard shortcut for "Find action" (command+shift+A), macOS opens the terminal and with some output: myPreviousSearchResult\;type\=a,(replace myPreviousSearchResult with the previous search result you did on in the search bar).
It doesn't happen all the time, which adds to the peculiarity, and often does not happen when I first launch the search bar. Only the second search and onwards.
Here is an example:
Answering my own question because finding the notice took me too long and was quite frustrating. I considered glitchy IDE plugins, other apps installed, and searched the web for all sorts of terms. I didn't consider the OS was adding shortcuts for random things like this.
You need to disable a keyboard shortcut in System Preferences > Keyboards > Shortcuts > Services > Text (dropdown menu) > Search man Page Index in Terminal.
If anyone has suggestions on debugging keyboard shortcuts (finding out which apps are handling them), please let me know.

sublime text 3 write shape and sticker (πŸ‘‰,πŸ…,πŸ’›) [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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just now I get some message in the sublime text that uses some specific shapes like
πŸ’›,πŸ… and πŸ‘‰.
who knows how I can write this everywhere that I want?
what I have:
πŸ’› Git Gutter? Want to support development?
πŸ… ⭐ ES6 ⭐
there are a good amount of ways to achieve this. The shapes and stickers are symbols listed under the unicode directory.
You are going to be flooded with a lot of answers, I will share the two ways I know how to do this:
Copy the unicode symbol from a website and paste it like so, πŸ¦„
Install a sublime plugin called the Unicode Completion (there will be other plugins, do search for them)
Note: The unicode for a particular symbol is the same across the world, but how this unicode character gets rendered (the looks) is defined by the software that is being used.
To install the plugin Unicode Completion and to use it, do as follows,
Press "Ctrl + Shift + p" in sublime
Type in install and choose "Package Control: Install Package"
Type in unicode and search for the UnicodeCompletion package and press enter, you will see at the bottom most bar in sublime, near the left the progress of installation
Once the plugin is installed, press "Ctrl + Shift + p" again and type "unicode completion"
Choose "Unicode Completion: Unicode Lookup" from the list of options that comes up
You will now see a list of symbols followed by the /:command: required to insert that command (you can search that list by typing a symbol's name in the text bar there)
For example, type heart in that text bar and you will see that there a few types of hearts there (you can press enter there on one and it will be copied to your clipboard and later can be pasted)
So you type \: followed by the command for the heart symbol you want up to an extent and press tab key for converting it into a unicode symbol ❀

Dreamweaver-like "related files" viewer and editor for Sublime Text 3

Not sure if this has been answered already as I could not find anything.
I was using Dreamweaver for the longest time but switched almost immediately to Sublime last year.
The problem is I have gotten very used to viewing and editing the related CSS & JS files linked or referenced from the parent HTML file in DW-CS6.
Is there any functionality or plugin for Sublime that enables this accessibility? - See screenshot for what I'm specifically talking about.
Thanks in advance
Off the top of my head, no, but I could be wrong. Instead, use "Go to anything" - ctrl+P.
The thought is if you are building something, you have set up a project, which adds all the files that are a part of the thing you are building. Alternatively, you can drag & drop said folder from your computer into ST3 - this is like a de facto project.
Once done, instead of clicking style.css and searching for myCoolClass, you can just press ctrl+P and start typing. without knowing your file, I am betting you'd only have to type myc or myco before it is found. You can just review the part of the file - or pressing enter will open style.css. Now you don't need to remember that myCoolClass is in style.css vs style-desktop.css.

jsTree plugin renaming error when renaming more than one item

I have a problem with the jsTree plugin crrm when I try to rename more than one item in the tree.
Problem: When I rename more than one a white box appears over the name and I can't see what I'm typing any more. This doesn't happen the first time.
The length of the "white box" that covers it is the length of the current node name. I can see my typing if I type past the length of the box as it'll appear on the right.
And the change will work - but I can't see it when I'm typing.
Anyone know what's up?

Linux Editor that can highlight all instances of a selected word [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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Is there an editor in Linux that can highlight all instances of a word when the word is double-clicked? I was using Notepad++ in Windows which provided that feature. Now I am missing it in Linux editors. I tried Kate, Gedit, etc.
To enable this feature in Geany do the following:
Install the addons plugin: sudo apt-get install geany-plugin-addons
In Geany, click on Tools -> Plugin Manager
enable the plugin Addons (check in the column Active)
configure the plugin by clicking on Preferences
enable the option Mark all occurrences of a word when double-clicking it
First install the addons plugin:
sudo apt-get install geany-plugin-addons
and then apply the answer of mr13.
What version of Kate where you using, Kate has that exact feature as described here.
This Geany addon didn't work for me (on Fedora), rather this one did: Though installing it was a bit complicated.
Eclipse has something similar. Install the Darkest Dark plugin, then double-click a word and press Ctrl + F to highlight all instances. Press Esc to unhighlight.
Both Sublime Text 3 and 4 and Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VSCode) have the double-click feature. Just double-click any word to highlight all instances of it. Click away anywhere to unhighlight.
The top 3 modern, Linux-compatible editors which come to my mind when I think about software development are the following. All 3 of them are powerful, modern, widely-used, and cross-platform (Windows, Mac, and Linux)!
free and open source software (FOSS), and no-cost, but very heavy.
My go-to and primary editor for professional and hobby software development because it's got an outstanding, world-class indexer which allows you to Ctrl + Click on any variable or function name to jump to its definition.
Links to my full setup documentation are found here.
Sublime Text 3 and 4
proprietary/closed-source shareware, a professional and very powerful and very light-weight tool, no-cost for an unlimited full-access trial period, and relatively low-cost for a license
My primary editor for individual files--I frequently edit the same file at the same time with both Eclipse and Sublime Text 3 and 4, since Sublime has wonderful multi-cursor support for simultaneous editing of multiple lines all at once! I also have Eclipse set as my git editor of choice (see my answer here: How do I make git use the editor of my choice for commits?)
Learn to use it with this live, interactive tutorial-style "plugin":
Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VSCode)
free and open source source (FOSS) source code, and no-cost; minor caveat: technically, the binaries distributed by Microsoft are freeware, though the source code is free and open source
One of the industry's most popular editors today, but also a relatively new entry into the field. I haven't used it much yet.
So, let's see how each of these 3 can "highlight all instances of a selected word":
1. Eclipse
If you install the plugin Darkest Dark Theme with DevStyle, you get the following features:
Just place your cursor on any variable and it automatically highlights all instances of this variable, like this. Here you can see _currentChannel_i highlighted in black in 4 places, and in some yellowish color in one place near the bottom-left:
[MY FAVORITE] Double-click any word to highlight it, then press Ctrl + F to highlight all instances of it! Use the buttons in the find bar in the top-right (also shown circled below) to choose "Case sensitive search" and/or "Match whole word" as desired too. You can also choose "Regular expression search". Here you can see 8 instances of _currentChannel_i all highlighted in blue, including some in the comments! I use love this feature and use it all the time! Press Esc to cancel the Ctrl + F blue highlighting.
See here for links to my full setup documentation.
2. Sublime Text 3 and 4.
From here, if I'm doing some fancy multi-cursor editing, I like to right-click the screen and go to "EasyShell" --> "Open with default Application" to open up this same file in Sublime Text 3 or 4.
In Sublime Text 3 and 4, you simply double-click any word to highlight all instances. That looks like this. Here, I have double-clicked _currentChannel_i, and you can see 9 instances of it highlighted/boxed, including in the comments. Simply click away anywhere to undo this selection.
Note that you can also highlight a word and then press Ctrl + D repeatedly to highlight instances of it, one-at-a-time, each with a new cursor. This is handy when editing all instances of a variable in a single file all at once, for quick-editing/refactoring, rather than using the Ctrl + H Find and Replace tool.
3. Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VSCode)
This one is super easy too! Just double-click any word to highlight all instances of it--same as Sublime Text 3 and 4. Click away anywhere to undo this selection. Here, I have double-clicked _currentChannel_i, and you can see 9 instances of it highlighted, including in the comments.
So, which editor to use?
Well, Sublime Text is the lightest, by far, but lacks a good indexer and function view/explorer. It has advanced, modern features like multi-cursor mode. It is made by one lone and very-talented developer, so if you use it, please go buy a license to support his work. That's his livelihood.
Eclipse is the heaviest, by far, but lacks modern features like multi-cursor mode. It is the oldest of the 3, by far, and has a world-class indexer. Since it is the oldest (first released in 2001) and FOSS, it is widespread and is used as the base for many other professional editors and microcontroller development platforms, such as the STM32CubeIDE, and the Arduino Professional IDE, both of which are Eclipse-based. For that reason alone, it is worth learning.
Microsoft VSCode is the newest (first released in 2015), and is more light-weight than Eclipse and more-advanced and feature-rich than Sublime Text. Since it came after the other 2 editors, it was able to borrow ideas from Sublime Text (I'm supposing), such as multi-cursor mode, which is ingenious. Therefore, it contains that feature (see here:, as well as a powerful indexer (which I can't comment on since I haven't used it), and an "OUTLINE" view in the left-hand pane to view a list of functions, definitions, etc., like I can see in the "Outline" view in Eclipse in the right-hand pane. Since it is backed by Microsoft, it is arguably the best-supported of the 3.
Since I am most-familiar with Eclipse, I prefer it in conjunction with Sublime Text. If you are brand-new to these editors, however, I recommend you just start with Microsoft VSCode and go from there. Optionally, try out my Eclipse installation and configuration instructions above if you ever find yourself needing or wanting to use Eclipse directly, or STM32CubeIDE or the Arduino Pro IDE.
VIM can do this:)Not by clicking, but there is a way to quickly search for a word and highlight all occurrences.
Check this out:
There's Geany, but I don't know if it does that.
You could customize gedit to do much of what you want:
If you can't get what you want, you could install Notepad++ with WINE. Try something like this.
In Linux Mint 19 Tara
Install geany-plugin-automark, then start geany, go to
Menu -> Tools -> Plugin Manager and Enable/check Auto-mark
