MongoDB recovery database from Compass - node.js

I was working on a new project. There was a lot of data that I needed to add locally. I used mongoose and nodejs for this. But windows 11 where the project is installed does not open now. Fortunately, I have ubuntu on my computer and I can access windows files.
My question is that; There is a data folder in the mongoDB directory in the program files. Is there any chance I can recover my old data from here?


setup project for visual studio application using advanced installer with local db data is retrieved but not saved in db

I am using advanced installer (simple) to create the setup project of a GUI i am making in visual studio. upon installation, it is possible to read data from the databse i.e the records that are already added can be read but as i try to save data in databse that function is not working and the application stops working. i think that the connection string is right that is why iam able to read data from it but why cant i update data. plz help.
the databse is is service-based local database
This might happen if you have the database stored in the same install location as your application binaries. Usually that is a folder under Program Files.
You're application cannot write under this location when running as a standard user, and it should never write/store data in that location.
If you're not using the Application Data folder to store your database, I suggest you update your app to do so, this should solve your problem.

Pentaho 7.1 report files stored in filesystem

We are moving form Pentaho 3.8 to Pentaho 7.1, quite a some upgrade. :)
However many things has changed, so I need some help every now and then. On 3.8 we have had folder on HDD where we have had all our reports stored. I am quite used to manage this folder through SVN, so I was trying to do it same way on Pentaho 7.1 but its not working.
At first I have switched pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/jackrabbit/repository.xml back from postgres to FileSystem settings.
However it did not worked. I could not find folders created through web app on HDD.
Next step, I have tried to crerate folder on HDD, located in pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/. added also index.xmlvfile to recognize it and refreshed/restarted all I could find in pentaho, inculuding pentaho itself. Still can't see this folder in web app.
Now I am searching for possible location where to maintain those files, but there are so many possibilities, I could spend days working on it.
Can someone give me a hint or was doing something similar?
My system is Linux, and I use Community Edition of pentaho-server.
Pentaho only uses Jackrabbit for storing the repository since version 5. There is no longer a physical copy in your hard drive.
Your best shot is using CBF2 and the import/export scripts to sync the jackrabbit repository and a folder on your drive you can then sync using SVN.
CBF 2 blog post

Moving neo4j database from Windows to Ubuntu

I created neo4j database using cypher queries through browser and some python (py2neo) routines.
Now, I have to transfer this database to another neo4j instance on my Linux desktop.
What I did-
Zip the contents of folder default.graphdb.
Unzipped the contents of the zip file to data/graph.db in my linux installation.
Also the user:pass of the database are same.
But when I goto the browser, I can't find any of that data. The directory does point to the folder that I extracted to (/home/goelakash/neo4j-community-2.3.0/data/graph.db).
How do I get that database?
EDIT - messages.log
The data files should be located directly in data/graph.db. So check e.g. if there is a file called neostore.nodestore.db. If so, check the permissions - the system user running Neo4j needs to have full recursive read/write permission on the graph.db folder.
Also make sure that you're using the same version of Neo4j on Windows and Linux (or upgrade the store following the reference manual).
For more insight attach the startup sequence form data/graph.db/messages.log.

Visual Studio 2012 Pro C# - how to update xsd for newly created columns in db table

Please bear with me as I give a little history, then I will get to the problem:
I am rewriting a web app in Visual Studio 2012 Professional using C# and SQL Server 2012 Express. I am creating new pages / logic but am reusing the data access objects from the old app, which was written in VS2008 and SQL Server 2008 Express by another developer years ago. I got a backup of the db from the SQL Server 2008 db server and restored into the SQL Server 2012 db server.
Most everything works fine in the new application, but I have recently added a few columns to the Contacts table in SQL Server and now I am stuck at how to update the .xsd and related files for Contacts. When I said that I reused the data access objects from the old app, what I meant was that I simply copied all of the .xsd, .xsc, .xss, .xsx and designer.cs files for Contacts and other objects from the old project (VS2008) to the new (VS2012).
I think all of these .xs* files are auto-generated when you use a data source configuration wizard or something in Visual Studio? The problem is that I just copied the files into the new project to get the code behind working so that I could get and update data. But now I must update these files some how so they may be aware of the newly added columns, and I think I have to, in this new project, add a new Data Source? I don't want to perform surgery by updating the files manually, that could get messy I would think...
I can probably figure out how to add the data source, but my concern is will that process complete successfully considering the existence of the files already? Should I remove all of the .xs* files I copied in and add the datasource so it will recreate all those files again, and with the new columns? What should I do? I have backed up my new project in case something goes terribly wrong, so I can torpedo this project as many times as I need to until I get it right!
Thx in advance and thanks for reading this far.

Restoring a MySQL database on a potentially different MySQL installation?

I have a broken installation of Ubuntu 14.04 - it won't boot, but I won't say anymore about that because that's not what I'm asking about really. I have a MySQL database (created using v5.5) on the broken Ubuntu installation and I need that data. I can get at the raw MySQL database files by mounting the broken installation onto another machine.
I actually need the database to be imported into a MySQL v5.1 installation. I tried copying the raw database files (e.g. the directory at /var/lib/mysql/dbname) into the same directory on the working OS installation. At first, it seemed like it worked, I can see the database, I can use it and I can list the tables. But it turns out that even though I can see the tables in the db, any attempts to describe or use them in any way give the 'table doesnt exist` error.
Ideally, I'd love to be able to use msqldump and then import the database the proper way, but how can I get a dump of the database if it's not part of the MySQL installation (remember, I can't boot into the installation, it's broken).
Of course, mysqldump is the most preferable solution, but if it's not possible to use that utility with the raw database files as input, then I'm willing to try anything that might work.
Of course the first thing you should do is to install the same version of MySQL as the original - if you're directly using the raw data files, keeping things as identical to the original as possible is a must! The same applies to paths, make sure the new installation and data files are placed in the same directory path that they were originally.
Once you have this, you can mysqldump the tables and use that to import into a clean, new installation.
