Do you know, if there is a wsgi dataflow documentation for spyne? - wsgi

I am looking for documentation on spyne WSGI support i.e. which objects were created in which order?
Also, I used example from the repository to test the events but wsgi_call does not fire. Is there a particular case for it to fire?
PS: Myapp is the same as flask example.


How to best understand the relationship between cheroot vs cherrypy

I've read the official documentation but didn't find a definite answer. What is the relationship between cheroot and Cherrypy? I see Cherrypy imports a lot of codes from cheroot. Is it another project?
In the beginning, there was only CherryPy, which combined an HTTP server, an HTTP application-development framework, and some process and environment controls. At some point, I noticed other people were using the CherryPy HTTP server with other frameworks, like Django and Flask, but constantly complained about polluting their beautiful frameworks with (gasp) threadlocals and method dispatch. So I split out the HTTP server and the process controls into cheroot so such users could feel better about using it, and made a version of CherryPy which no longer included those modules but instead imported cheroot.

What is Context in NestJs

I'm new to nestjs, I'm studying nestjs from its documentation.
I see the word context a lot in the documentation.
For example:
Execution Context
Application Context
Http Context
I want to know what "Context" means.
Any help would be appreciated.
As per the official documentation regarding Execution context:
Nest provides several utility classes that help make it easy to write applications that function across multiple application contexts (e.g., Nest HTTP server-based, microservices and WebSockets application contexts). These utilities provide information about the current execution context which can be used to build generic guards, filters, and interceptors that can work across a broad set of controllers, methods, and execution contexts.
If I translate properly, in NestJS, the context corresponds to the way you mount your NestJS application; like HTTP, RPC for microservices, WebSocket, but could also be just a standalone app (i.e. without any network listeners).

Using PersistentAuditEvent in JHipster for managing custom events

I notice that JHipster microservices have their own Auditing viz. PersistentAuditEvent it seems easier to use than say AuditEventRepository which only has add and some limited find methods.
I want to save an Event of a task being run with a role of SYSTEM and identify it by something like type:executedLongQuery
Then in future I want to check the last run of this query and decide whether we need to run in again for report generation then log an event again if it is run. It seems to me PersistentAuditEvent offered by JHipster is the best way to go.
I don't see a PersistentAuditEventRepository or any suitable implementation within the microservice so if I can get a documentation with example that would be very helpful. Even a clue in the right direction could help me start.
I found the repository interface and a custom implementation in JHipster Gateway which is not present in microservice. It was easy to simply copy it over to microservice and use the repository. Ofcourse here I am using a database in the microservice, an empty one, which still adds the migrations as well as Audit tables.

Ant script for message broker monitoring

I want to develop an automated script for broker (IIB9/10) resource monitoring, capturing information about broker running status, message flows deployed, jvm usage, number of threads running, etc.
The initial thought is to have a report generated using scripts and then displayed over a browser.
Can this be entirely done using only Ant scripts (i am not sure as have not explored iterative processing in Ant in detail) or a combination of Ant and batch/shell scripts is the best bet?
I know Web user interface in IIB10 does most of it but i want to add some features.
I suggest you to take a look at message flow statistics and accounting:
This is a feature of IIB by which it is capable of emitting resource statistics. The statistics are published to a topic in a well defined XML format. I would try solving your requirement by writing an application to read these messages and use the data in them to generate your graphs or other reports.
There is a support pack, IS03 which can give you an idea of such an application.
This will not cover everything you mentioned, for example monitoring what flows are deployed cannot be achieved like this, but it gives a comprehensive view of the load and performance of your applications:
And there is a resource statistics feature as well for monitoring resources used by your applications:
To get everything you will need a variety of tools I think. You can use Resource Stats and Accounting / Stats as suggested by Attila to get JVM and thread usage. The Broker publishes updates to a topic so you can create a simple subscriber to grab that info.
For deploy related info, stop / start state and so forth I would be looking at building simple Integration API or REST API applications to call from ant.
You can find documentation for these API's here:
and here:

Can I create javascript function from remote in arangodb

I have a remote application where users writes queries for arangodb. I want a way to interact with arangodb from REST interface and create the scripts as javascript function. Is it possible?
For example:
So, I was hoping if I could push the these script as to reside as javascript function at arangodb. and later when I need to run these I could just somehow do a script1() or script2() rmeotely through REST interface.
this is totally possible, just take a look at the built-in Foxx Framework.
To see some example code take a look at aye-aye a simple ToDo application.
You can also checkout other foxx apps for that github user.
Foxx Apps can be uploaded during run-time of arangodb. No restarting necessary.
