How to hardcode the UTC time on the Azure Dashboard using ARM Template - arm-template

I have created Azure Dashboard using ARM Templates. I want to hardcode the “UTC Time” on the Azure Dashboard and I don’t want to display the list of different times from the drop down of the UTC Time.


Update the ARM Template & fetch the Latest VHD Uri from blob to deploy VM

Use case:
Working to find out a solution to deploy/create VM with ARM template using Azure Blueprints.
Currently, having solutions where-in we can deploy VM using the existing VHD Uri.
Would need a solution nearest to find wherein the ARM template can directly fetch the latest VHD URi from storage account(blob) and deploy VM.
The blob would contain the latest weekly VHD Uri image build which needs to be fetched automatically with the help of ARM template parameters as a pre-defined set of values during deployment.
As of now, tried working with various searches but couldn't find any with this related.
Checked on automation account as 'runbook' if that can work, but looks like NO possibility
Other thought process currently checking is whether, ARM templates can be updated weekly on scheduled job basis using powershell script inside the automation account as 'runbook'
Spent much time, any lead/guidance would be appreciated.
Currently updated the flow as below:
Created myself a Logic App which can fetch the latest VHD uri.
So now needed guidance on updating the parameter of the ARM template file say e.g "osdiskvhduri"
once parameter updated, I can try to link the logic app with runbook think of next stage.

Azure - Automatically add new Appservice to Frontdoor

We are deploying a lot of Appservices in Azure trough Azure Devops in different pipelines. For each Appservice we deploy a West and a North Europe instance. We would like to add them automatically to Azure Fontdoor (with ARM template) with a frontend domain. We have ARM templates in place (the default one from Microsoft) but the template is not incremental. So when we add one the allready configured ones dissapear.
Any idea how we can add Appservices one by one to Frontdoor without having the full list off appservices available?
You could try to use the ARM template deployment task. This task supports incremental deployment of app service.
I use the azuredeploy.parameters.json file to input the parameters.
Here is the example:
Then I use this file in the ARM template deployment task and select the incremental option.
For the first time, you can directly use the parameters in the file.
For the next time, you could add custom parameters to the Override template parameters field.
App service will not be overwritten.
Hope this helps.

Disable Azure diagnostic agent for Azure VM diagnostic logs using ARM template

We have managed to get the diagnostic extension installed using quick start ARM template here and it appears to be working fine, however is there any way to keep it turned off while provisioning so that it does not start pushing collected data to storage sink unless it is explicitly enabled manually later whenever needed e.g. using Azure portal?
Use case is - we would want to spin up several Azure VMs using ARM template with diagnostic settings extension added but disabled, it would only be enabled for select VMs later if required. Is it possible to achieve using ARM template?

Is it possible to automate Azure 'run as' account creation using ARM templates?

Currently I'm deploying automation accounts using ARM templates but then I have to manually create 'Run as accounts'. Is there any way to automate this process?
Currently We do not have an option to create the Run As accounts using ARM template.
There is already a feature request on this : Creation of Run As accounts using ARM Template

Copy Azure Resources to client azure account

We are working on following within Azure portal
Azure Functions
Data Factory
Logic Apps
Storage account (not files)
Now as we are done with development, we need to deploy these azure resources in client's UAT environment
I looked around (might be missing something) and found that deployment of Azure resources is not straightforward.
In Azure, it is like another subscription, correct?
So found this blog, which works with different PowerShell scripts to copies from one subscription to another
This is the right approach? & it cover everything required for resources to execute flawless (I still need to go thru scripts) for e.g. permissions, Data Factory datasets, etc?
Any other way to deploy (kind of export & import)?
Basically what you need is to create a reusable arm template, your question lacks some details yet ARM templates are the way of automated deployment in Azure, on a high-level
start by authoring your arm template to deploy the vanilla required resources look here
you can combine all of them in one big template using ARM template dependency and other functions
look here
after you finish ARM templates can be used in many ways including PowerShell, direct API calls or even you can create a deployment in Azure and save it to be reused with a click
look here, also if there will be a high volume of users consider adding it to market place.
after finishing your implementation of vanilla resources you can then move into adding any customization you might have.
this is the right and best way to do "afaik"
also look here to see all of your existing resources in an arm template view
my understanding of Azure is that almost everything with some few exceptions has an ARM template representation
hope this would help.
