Getting the values of Default Attribute "Description" in Autodesk Construction Cloud with Forge - attributes

We are trying to get the values of Default Attribute "Description" in Autodesk Construction Cloud with Forge but we can't read it in Forge.
We are getting the values of all the Default Attributes and the Custom Attributes except the attribute that named "Description".
Any good ideas for how we can get that?
We tried with

We have an enhancement request to address this data extraction of the "Description" Attribute. For record please keep this number that you can use for reference in the future - FDM-3124


Filtering by file type or name in Microsoft Graph API

If I want to find just image files using the Microsoft Graph API. Is there a way to filter using $filter? By file type or name "endswith"?
I try{MyID}{Drive ID}/items?$filter=endswith(webUrl, '.png')
but got this error
"message": "Item not found",
but there is an image (.png) file contain in the drive
, My goal is to get response all of image file that contain in Drive in Sharepoint
Yeah, I agree that there is no name property populated in the response even if its documented here that there is a name property. And all properties doesn't support all ODATA query parameters as far as I know.
But you can do one thing. There is a fields relationship which you can use to get the filename with extension. Use the query below.$expand=fields
Pick that LinkFilename property from fields property and you can filter it on your end(by writing code) easily.

Search for multiple attributes with forge viewer

The AutoDesk Forge Viewer has a search function that takes in a search text, callbacks and an array of attributes to look at:
but what I want to do is search for a certain value in the "Level" attribute and a certain value in the "Category"-attribute of element at the same time.
Is this possible with the existing search-function or am I missing something in the API?
Cannot be done, the search feature in the viewer API is pretty basic, will let you search a text only in the property values and you cannot use combined queries ... The best suggestion for what you are looking for would be to read all the properties, which can be done using Model Derivatives API (see /GET :urn/metadata/:guid/properties endpoint) and store those in your own database/system, where they can be indexed and exposed through a more powerful query mechanism. Sorry for the bad news ...

How to change the display field to use when use jdl?

When use jhipster entity generator by console a question like follow allows to change the display field on frontend:
When you display this relationship with AngularJS, which field from
'user' do you want to use? (id)
It is possible to make the same with jdl?
Ok, It appears that nobody has this problem, or maybe there aren't anybody in home?
So, I'm going to explain it. Let's suppose this scenario:
Create two (or more) entities with relationship with the console.
Choose a different field from id to manage the front-end.
Test the project (it works fine).
Export the model to jdl file
Import the jdl file, with no changes, in another new project.
Boom! The UI comes back to Id reference.
Is there any option to resolve it, or is this resolve in other tools like uml import? Future plans?
Reading the documentation in detail, I've found a solution:
"Declare the field you want to use to display a relationship in AngularJS.
To do that you must add the field name between () after the injected field name."
Reading the documentation in detail, I've found a solution:
"Declare the field you want to use to display a relationship in
To do that you must add the field name between () after the injected
field name."

Access to a join entity in twig

I'm a beginner in symfony/twig and i need help to understand how to access variable from a join entity in twig
I've 2 entities : Avdert with a one-to-one relationship with the entity Image
I created an index.html.twig where all my Advert are listed using the variable $listAdverts it's OK I've the list of all my adverts
I want to display a small image near each of my Advert, if I look using dump what's in advert.image I've id and url of image it's OK.
So I thought that as I just needed to use advert.image.url to access the url of the image, but instead I'm getting this error:
"Impossible to access an attribute ("url") on a null variable"
I'm missing something but what ?

How to find unused/non-dependent fields of any entity in CRM 2011?

I am trying to identify unused or non-dependent fields of any entity in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011. By unused or non-dependent i mean the field that is not used in any of the entity forms.
I have googled to find on the same topic but couldn't get the desired results. One link that i have come across also doesn't address this problem:
Finding unused CRM fields
First I should note that just checking if a field is not on a form does not mean it is not being used somewhere. There is a chance if you have a third party integration, or other logic running on an entity that it could be updating hidden fields. If you're unsure if there is data stored for an attribute you can do a retrieve request where your condition is that the attribute is not null. If nothing comes back then there is no data stored for that attribute.
Assuming that is already clear, what you'd want to do is utilize Dynamics CRM's Dependency Tracking to check for dependencies of individual attributes.
Here's the full article on Dependency Tracking for CRM 2011:
The request that sounds most like what you're looking for is the RetrieveDependentComponentsRequest. This request seems to be the closest match according to what you're looking for and per the documentation:
Returns a list of dependencies for solution components that directly depend on a solution component.
For example, when you use this message for a global option set solution component, dependency records for solution components representing any option set attributes that reference the global option set solution component are returned.
When you use this message for the solution component record for the account entity, dependency records for all of the solution components representing attributes, views, and forms used for that entity are returned.
The basic steps to accomplish what you're looking for would then be:
Execute a RetrieveEntityRequest to retrieve all the attributes for a particular entity
For each attribute in the response, execute a RetreiveDependentComponentsRequest where you set the ObjectId to the MetadataId of the attribute, and the ComponentType to be 2 (attribute).
Parse the EntityCollection property on the response to see if any of the dependencies have a ComponentType of 24 (form).
