Google Dialogflow CX - phone number is spoke back as a integer, not individual numbers - dialogflow-es

I'm fairly new at Dialogflow CX and have used the system entity sys.phon-number to capture user input for phone number, then I play it back to the user via phone call in the variable.
The problem is the bot is speaking the number as 8 billion, 1 hundred thousand etc.. not reading it back , i.e 8 0 1
I explored adding to the sys entity using expressions, but that doesn't seem to be working. Not even sure I'm doing it correctly. Any guides out there?

Try to SSML tag speak and before phone number use tag say-as interpret-as="telephone" , It will work


How to redirect to another intent within a Google Action (Google Assistant Action)

Currently I'm creating an Action for the Google Assistant.
In this Action, I ask the user to provide its phone number. After this, another intent will repeat the phone number given, and asks if it's correct. If the user responds with 'no', I would like to redirect the user back to the first intent, so it can provide its phone number again. It should be a kind of loop.
(I'm working in a local environment, so only the intents are created within Dialogflow.)
I tried to apply contexts for this case, but in someway it won't succeed.
Thank you guys!
Remember that Intents represent what the user has said, and not what you are doing with that data. So saying that "another intent will repeat the phone number" suggests that you're making some things more complicated.
A better design is likely to have the Intent that collected the data to several things:
Repeat the phone number back
Prompt if this is correct
Set a content indicating you have prompted for confirmation
You can then have another Intent handle the "yes" or "no" statements responding to this prompt. The user may say other things, remember, including giving a correction to the phone number.
See also these articles (based on a StackOverflow question and answer) on designing a conversation and the Dialogflow Intents based on that conversation:
Thinking for Voice: Design conversations, not logic
Conversation to Code (Part 1)

How to call a intent from Node.js for DialogFlow

I am making a app for the Google Assistant and when it runs, i only want 6 people to be able to play. Is there a way to say back to the players "Only say 6 names" and then get input again? I want to use a webhook to remember the names and if it gets more than 6 names, it will call a intent that says only 6 people can play.
Assuming you have an intent that captures a list of names, you should just return a response from your webhook that tells the user that they've input too many names and that they should try again.
Since your original intent already captures a list of names, it will be triggered a second time when they input their amended list.

Can't add cortana to dev bot framework

This isn't a code related question. On , i am unable to add the cortana channel to my bot because it wont save my cortana configuration. It keeps saying "The form is not complete" and
"Please check to make sure you have filled in all required fields" when all the fields are clearly filled.
I'm not sure if this is your issue, but currently there is a bug in the Cortana config page with the Display name and Short description fields. These fields have a limit of 30 and 50 characters respectively. However they come prefilled with information from your bot settings, and if your bot description is longer than 50 characters, it will block your submission and won't say which field is the problem. Make sure your Display name is 30 characters or less and your short description 50 or less.
Update: This bug should be fixed now.

API.AI with google assistant - phone number capture problems

We are trying to capture a phone number. Actually many other numbers, like amounts, zip, etc. We are using Google Home.
The below urls are JSON payloads we received on the fulfillment side. The entity name is TheNumber.
One JSON is when we setup the entity as #sys.number the other JSON when it was
The first problem is that the google assistant is really struggling to recognize number sequences, like phone numbers or zip codes. But even when it gets it right (according to the originalRequest in the JSON payload), the entity still has the wrong value when it arrives to the fulfillment side.
I guess my question is what am I doing wrong? Is anybody seeing the same problems?
Not sure this will help since this is more about talking to the Google Home device but.... I too was having a similar issue with a long number. If you use #sys.number-sequence as part of your Intent's context, this will allow you to recite much longer numbers without the device interrupting you. In your NodeJS code, you can grab the argument for that number-sequence for use in your Google Home agent.
if (assistant.getArgument('number-sequence') != null) { <do something> }

Printing to an Intermec mobile printer from web application

Hello I have purchased a new Intermec CK3R Mobile computer and a PB50 Printer. I am developing a inventory check in system that will work in the following way
Basically it is a single page ASP.NET MVC application with some JavaScript.
There are two form fields (Part Number, Serial number)
After the part number is scanned, focus is moved to Serial number.
After serial number is scanned the data is sent to the server via AJAX Post
Server does extensive validation
if it passes: Part number and serial number pair are entered into a database. The new unique id, part number and serial number is passed back to the client.
If it fails: and error code & message is returned back to the client
So here is the question. On a successful validation I would like a print job to be sent to the PB50 so the box can be labeled. The label should have the unique ID in barcode, and the part number in text.
I need a starting point to go from. I would be great if I could use JavaScript to send the print job.
I found which is an older example. I want to be sure i am going about this in the most efficient manner.
