Evaluate a Uni object in Intellij - quarkus-panache

I am building a small app with Quarkus and I am using ReactivePanacheMongoEntity.
I am using Intellij and I need to evaluate the value of a Uni Object. When I do Evaluate(Alt +F8), it doesn't show the values as it used to be in the normal objects. How do I covert a Uni object to normal during debugging?


How to clearly view the object type?

I'm quite a beginner in Python and have been using PyCharm for some weeks.
I'm trying VS Code at the moment and when I'm putting code into the REPL, I wonder if there's a way to display the different objects type ? ... like Pycharm can do in a side frame ;-)
Thank you
You can always return it with the type function.

Referring to a constant from library, twincat 3

Im trying to accomplish a twincat 3 library which does things using global constants defined in the main project, like creating arrays the size of those constants and cycling trough them. However I've been unsuccessful and I wonder if this can be done. I just get this error "Error 4 Border 'cPassedConstant' of array is no constant value" when I try to build the main project. The error comes from the array defined in the library.
I've tried making a GVL with a constant of the same name to the library and then setting the "external implementation" property true but that does not help.
My goal here is to make a IO management library with filtering and such. And then I could just add it to the main project and define some constants like "cDigitalIputsCount","cAnalogInputCount" and so on.
Maybe you can get along with the new ARRAY[*] feature instead, although it is still very limited. There is no other way than to define the constant in the library.
The library concept is the same as in other environments. A library provides you reusable components. Your main project depends on the library and not the other way around. Therefore your library cannot know a thing about the project where it is used.
A confusing thing in TwinCat3 is, that you can build projects successful with programming errors inside. The TwinCat3 compiler allows broken code inside a project as long as it is not called. Therefore when you ship libraries you should always use "Check all objects".
You should check Beckhoff's feature called Parameter List. By adding a parameter list to the library project, you can re-define library constants in the project that uses the library. The definition happens in the library manager.
Image from Beckhoff's site:
I think that should do it. Of course, the other option is to use the ARRAY[*] option, which is awesome too (for a PLC programming world). The problem with parameter lists is that it is a project-wide re-definition. Using the ARRAY[*] allows the size be changed dynamically.
I would suggest using a variable length ARRAY[*], as explained in the link below (and also in the Beckhoff/Infosys, section DataTypes/Array).
The point is that you should declare the ARRAY[1..cAINs] of FB_AnalogIO in your main program (it knows the FB_AnalogIO from your analog library and can declare it with a constant size).
The PRG_IO should then be changed to either a function or function block, so that it accepts the ARRAY[*] as a VAR_IN_OUT without knowing the exact size.

VC++ EXE standalone has bugs that don't happen in IDE

My program has a very specific error that took me a while to track down - now I don't know how to fix it. My code is very long and in many files and I don't see much point in posting it here.
In the IDE, everything runs fine, in both Debug and Release (with the runtime library set to either /MTd or /MT, respectively, so I'm assuming all dependencies are included).
However, when I run the standalone, I get a crash. At first I thought it was a dependency problem but it doesn't seem so.
At some point in the code, I am accessing a vector via a method call: t->GetList(), where GetList is defined as std::vector<T*> & GetList() and the method simply returns a member variable (simply defined as std::vector<T*> field in the class).
It turns out, if I print out the size of the list while running from the IDE, I get 0 (which is the correct answer in this case).
However, when doing the same thing running from standalone, I get the size as 467467353.
I tried changing the method declaration to std::vector<T*> * GetList() and doing return &field; and updating the rest of the code but this didn't fix anything.
I then tried replacing the member variable field with a pointer, and in the constructor instantiating a new vector and deleting it in the destructor. Still no luck.
So I made a simple test case program that simply made a class with a vector field, and a method to return a reference to it. Then in main I would create an instance variable and getting the vector and printing the size. This worked both in VC++ and as a standalone - both returned zero.
This is driving me nuts and I can't figure out why I'm getting different behaviour. Why is the standalone running differently, and what should I be looking at to fix this?
Okay so it was literally a bug in my code that was very well hidden. I was dynamically casting to a wrong type.
Somehow it slipped past when I was running on Windows and OSX in both Debug and Release, and as a standalone on OSX. Good thing I found it.

boost property_tree push_back VC2012

There have been a number of examples posted to the web that demonstrate how to create a JSON array using boost's property tree.
The basic syntax is:
boost::property_tree::ptree array;
array.push_back(std::make_pair("", "value-1"));
array.push_back(std::make_pair("", "value-2"));
This appears to not work using boost 1.54 and visual studio c++ 2012. It works fine using VC 2010 and the same boost version.
The error I receive is "cannot convert parameter 1 from std::pair<_Ty1,_Ty2> to const std::pair<_Ty1,_Ty2> &"
Any suggestions that others may have on getting around this would be greatly appreciated.
ptree::push_back takes a ptree::value_type. Which is not a pair<key, value> but a pair<key, ptree>. push_back() forwards to insert() which copies the given ptree (defined with pair::second) into the current ptree
I would suggest sticking to ptree.add(). See the five minute tutorial, where it does essentially what you're wanting to do with an array of equally named nodes

StringTemplate and Xtext

In my current work, I have written code generator using String Template without thinking about Parser ( I am instantiating Template files using direct Java Object). and code generator generator generates nice Java code.
Now, I have started to write Parser. B'coz of some nice editor features of xText, I am thinking to write parser in Xtext.
My question is "Is it possible to use code generator ( written using StringTemplate ) and Parse (written in Xtext) in same project?
Yes that's possible. Xtext offers a typed AST for the parsed files and you could easily pass them to your code generator (directly, iff they fulfil the same contract / interfaces, or indirectly by transforming them to the expected structure). Xtext does not impose any constraints on how you want to use the parsed information.
