Difficult in converting to strings from a list - python-3.x

I have a list which is in below format
A = [ "machine's code" ,"max's code"]
I want to convert to that list to string and pass it to a query. I am using python for this.
I am trying with below query and not giving required results
for i in A:query=Select * from table where name='"+str(A)+"'"
Expected code should be :
Select * from table where name="machine's code"

list_of_queries = []
for element in A:
query = f'Select * from table where name="{el}"'
as pointed out by others here, this pattern should be only used internally, as it creates some sql injection security risks.


MySQL Connector SQL Query using LIKE

I have two sets of similar codes that gives different output. The first example does not return any output but the second example returns a output using the same search input.
First Example:
sql = "SELECT accessionID, title, ISBN, publisher, publicationYear FROM Books WHERE %s LIKE %s";
cursor.execute(sql,(col, "%" + values + "%",))
Second Example:
sql = "SELECT accessionID, title, ISBN, publisher, publicationYear FROM Books WHERE title LIKE %s";
cursor.execute(sql,("%" + values + "%",))
The codes that I am trying to code out is that WHERE is dynamic that depends on which text field user searches on. For example, if a user searches something on the title text box, it will only look into Title.
Another way I could think of is to use If conditions to hardcode, but it only works for the first If conditions and subsequent one does not work.
My question is how to make the SQL line dynamic (using first example) in the sense that I can do two %s in the SQL query line and still get the same output?

Update multiple column with bind variable using cx_Oracle.executemany()

I have been trying to update some columns of a database table using cx_Oracle in Python. I created a list named check_to_process which is a result of another sql query. I am creating log_msg in the program based on success or failure and want to update same in the table only for records in check_to_process list. When I update the table without using bind variable <MESSAGE = %s>, it works fine. But when I try to use bind variable to update the columns it gives me error :
cursor.executemany("UPDATE apps.SLCAP_CITI_PAYMENT_BATCH SET MESSAGE = %s, "
TypeError: an integer is required (got type str)
Below is the code, I am using:
import cx_Oracle
connection = cx_Oracle.connect(user=os.environ['ORA_DB_USR'], password=os.environ['ORA_DB_PWD'], dsn=os.environ['ORA_DSN'])
cursor = connection.cursor()
check_to_process = ['ACHRMUS-20-OCT-2021 00:12:57', 'ACHRMUS-12-OCT-2021 16:12:01']
placeholders = ','.join(":x%d" % i for i,_ in enumerate(check_to_process))
log_msg = 'Success'
cursor.executemany("UPDATE apps.SLCAP_CITI_PAYMENT_BATCH SET MESSAGE = %s, "
[(i,) for i in check_to_process], log_msg, arraydmlrowcounts=True)
Many thanks for suggestions and insights!
Your code has an odd mix of string substitution (the %s) and bind variable placeholders (the :1). And odd code that creates bind variable placeholders that aren't used. Passing log_msg the way you do isn't going to work, since executemany() syntax doesn't support string substitution.
You probably want to use some kind of IN list, as shown in the cx_Oracle documentation Binding Multiple Values to a SQL WHERE IN Clause. Various solutions are shown there, depending on the number of values and frequency that the statement will be re-executed.
Use only bind variables. You should be able to use execute() instead of executemany(). Effectively you would do:
cursor.execute("""UPDATE apps.SLCAP_CITI_PAYMENT_BATCH
WHERE PAYMENT_BATCH_NAME IN (something goes here - see the doc)""",
The bottom line is: read the documentation and review examples like batch_errors.py. If you still have problems, refine your question, correct it, and add more detail.

ArangoDB AQL: Find Gaps In Sequential Data

I've been given data to build an application that has sequential data in the form of part numbers of products: "000000", "000001", "000002", "000010", "000011" .... The previous application was an old MS Access database that didn't have any gap filling features in the part number generator, hence the gap between "000002" and "000010" (Yes, they are also strings, but I can work with that...).
We could continue to increment based on the last value and ignore the gaps, however, in an attempt to use all numbers available to us with our naming scheme, we'd like to be able to fill the gaps. Our naming scheme describes the "product family" with the first two digits such that: [00]0000 would be a different family from [02]0000.
I can find the starting and ending values using something like:
let query = `
LET first = (
FOR part in part_search
SEARCH STARTS_WITH(part.PartNumber, #family)
RETURN part.PartNumber
LET last = (
FOR part in part_search
SEARCH STARTS_WITH(part.PartNumber, #family)
RETURN part.PartNumber
RETURN { first, last }
The above example returns: {first: "000000", last: "000915"}
Using ArangoDB and AQL, how could I go about finding these gaps? I've found some SQL examples but I feel the features of AQL are a bit more limiting.
Thanks in advance!
To start with, I think your best bet for getting min/max values is using aggregates:
FOR part in part_search
SEARCH STARTS_WITH(part.PartNumber, #family)
AGGREGATE first = MIN(part.PartNumber), last = MAX(part.PartNumber)
first: first,
last: last
But that won't really help when trying to find gaps. And you're right - SQL has several logical constructs that could help (like using variables and cursor iteration), but even that would be a pattern I would discourage.
The better path might be to do a "brute force" approach - compare a table containing your existing numbers with a table of all numbers, using a native method like JOIN to find the difference. Here's how you might do that in AQL:
LET allNumbers = 0..9999
LET existingParts = (
FOR part in part_search
SEARCH STARTS_WITH(part.PartNumber, #family)
LET childId = RIGHT(part.PartNumber, 4)
RETURN MINUS(allNumbers, existingParts)
The x..y construct creates a sequence (an array of numbers), which we use as the full set of possible numbers. Then, we want to return only the "non-family" part of the ID (I'm calling it "child"), which needs to be numeric to compare with the previous set. Then, we use MINUS to remove elements of existingParts from the allNumbers list.
One thing to note, that query would return only the "child" portion of the part number, so you would have to join it back to the family number later. Alternatively, you could also skip string-splitting, and get "fancy" with your list creation:
LET allNumbers = TO_NUMBER(CONCAT(#family, '0000'))..TO_NUMBER(CONCAT(#family, '9999'))
LET existingParts = (
FOR part in part_search
SEARCH STARTS_WITH(part.PartNumber, #family)
RETURN TO_NUMBER(part.PartNumber)
RETURN MINUS(allNumbers, existingParts)

is there a difference between `quote_ident()` and parametized queries in psycopg2?

In python3 and postgresql12, is there a safety difference between parametizing SQL queries the "proper" way or just escaping potentially dangerous content using psycopg2.quote_ident()?
For example, consider these two options.
Option 1:
name = get_unsafe_input_from_web_form()
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM students WHERE name = %s;", (name,))
Option 2:
from psycopg2.extensions import quote_ident
name = get_unsafe_input_from_web_form()
cursor.execute(f"SELECT * FROM students WHERE name = {quote_ident(name, cursor)};"
The documentation is not particularly explicit. Is Option 2 totally equivalent in terms of safety against injection attacks?
quote_ident() would be the wrong thing to use, as it is for identifiers e.g table, column names. You would want quote_literal() which does not exist in psycopg2.extensions. I would stick with the first option, but using the psycopg2.sql module:
Safety-wise, both parameterized queries and quote_ident can safely handle untrusted input and will not open you to SQL injection issues. But you can't use quote_ident for values as you're trying to do in your example. The string you're passing to cursor.execute() will end up being (for name foobar) SELECT * FROM students WHERE name = "foobar";, which will try to find rows where the name column is equal to the foobar column, not where name is equal to the string 'foobar'.

when I shoud use format() function and str() function. which one is better?

I am stuck to find out better one between str() and format() in python
"SELECT schools.deis_income , schools.school_name,SUM(money.coin_in_amount) AS coinamount, SUM(money.note_in_amount) AS noteamount , SUM(money.coffee_coin_in_amount) AS coffeeamount , SUM(money.coin_out_amount) AS coinoutamount, SUM(money.note_out_amount) AS noteoutamount FROM money_transactions AS money JOIN school_admin_details AS sa on sa.id = money.school_admin_id JOIN schools ON schools.id=sa.school_id WHERE sa.school_id ={school_id} AND money.transaction_time BETWEEN '{start_date}' AND '{end_date}' GROUP BY schools.id".format(school_id=school_id,start_date=start_date,end_date=end_date)
I use format function here. can I use str() ?
please tell me which one give me quick result, str() or format() ???
If your question is which of this:
foo = "some text " + str(some_var) + " and some other text"
or this:
foo = "some text {} and some other text".format(var)
is "better", the general consensus is very clear: string formatting is much easier to read and maintain and the one pythonic way to go.
Now for your particular example, the answer is that both are totally wrong - unless you're ok to give full access to your database to even the most inept script kiddie. For SQL queries, the proper solution is to use prepared statements, where your db connector will take care of proper formatting and sanitizing of the values:
# assumes MySQL - for other vendors check your own
# db-api connector's doc for the correct placeholder
query = "SELECT somefield FROM mytable where somedate > %(somedate)s and something_else = %(someval)s"
cursor.execute(query, {"somedate": some_date, "someval": 42})
