Get latest tag/version from github project - github-api

I am trying to get the latest version tag of Calico, however if I go to, I can see they have, and the tag marked as "latest" is v3.22.5. So far so good, the issues is that when curling their api, the versions I get are even older than those:
$ curl -s | jq -r '.[].tag_name' | sort -r --version-sort
Also, this doesn't work:
$ curl -s | grep tag_name
"tag_name": "v3.20.6",
Am I doing something wrong, or maybe it is their API that might be outdated?

Oops, my bad. The solution was to replace the word calicoctl with calico in the URL I used with curl (I was checking the webpage of one project, and curling another...).


Where is the config file store for the xfce4-plugin "notification area" alias "systray"

I am on Qubes OS. That means fedora-25 as dom0. I would like to change the configs for "notification area" alias "systray" plugin of xfce. How can I do it. I would like to delete/add one item.
The Gui only gives me the option to hide with ugly arrow on the side or to "clear all known applications". However, regarding the last option I am afraid to lose the notification area as it is and never get it back.
I looked with the "find" command for "xfce4" and "xfce4-plugins" and so on. All the files I could find, e.g. in ~/.config/xfce4, could not help me. I can nowhere find a config file for the plugin.
Thanks in advance :)
Known applications is stored as an array in xfconf, in the xfce4-panel channel and under the property /plugins/plugin-[id]/known-items, where the plugin id is dynamic and depends on the order plugins were added to panel.
You could hack your way messing with ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml but I strongly advise you not to, instead use xfconf-query to read and set values.
I'm going to write down some snippets below so you can use them to craft a script that suits your needs:
# Find the plugin id, can be empty if systray is not present
xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -p /plugins -l -v | grep systray | grep -Po "plugin-\\d+" | head -n1
# Get array of current known apps
xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -p /plugins/$PLUGIN_ID/known-items | tail -n +3
# Set array of known apps
xfconf-query -c xfce4-panel -p /plugins/$PLUGIN_ID/known-items -t string -s value1 -t string -s value2 ...

zsh: no matches found when $ curl -s -X localhost:60702/api/bundle?name=light%20reading | j q '.'

I am working through the Node.js The Right Way book by Jim Wilson. I am currently trying to use a PUSH request to create a new bundle with the specified name.
* curl -X POST http://:/api/bundle?name=
However, when I use the command:
$ curl -s -X POST localhost:60702/api/bundle?name=light%20reading | jq '.'
rather than getting the JSON indicating that a Bundle has been created, I get: zsh: no matches found: localhost:60702/api/bundle?name=light%20reading
The command should be using a POST request to create a new All of my code is bit for bit identical to the code listed in the book. Any ideas?
Can you try
curl -s -X POST 'localhost:3000/api/bundle?name=light%20reading'
i.e wrap the url within '
This seems to be an issue with zsh solved here.
There are several ways to solve this:
You can escape the question mark ? in the url by quoting the url as explained by #huzaifa-saifuddin to avoid zsh treating it as a wildcard character.
As explained here, you can create an alias for curl: alias curl='noglob curl'
As explained here, you can disable to nomatch handling by adding the following to your ~/.zshrc: unsetopt nomatch

youtube api v3 search through bash and curl

I'm having a problem with the YouTube API. I am trying to make a bash application that will make watching YouTube videos easy on command line in Linux. I'm trying to take some video search results through cURL, but it returns an error: curl: (16) HTTP/2 stream 1 was not closed cleanly: error_code = 1
the cURL command that I use is:
curl "" -d part="snippet" -d q="kde" -d key="~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
And of course I add my YouTube data API key where the ~~~~~~~~ are.
What am I doing wrong?
How can I make it work and return the search attributes?
I can see two things that are incorrect in your request:
First, you mistyped "www" and said "ww". That is not a valid URL
Then, curl's "-d" options are for POSTing only, not GETting ,at least not by default. You have two options:
Add the -G switch to url, which lets curl re-interpret -d options as query options:
curl -G -d part="snippet" -d q="kde" -d key="xxxx"
Rework your url to a typical GET request:
curl ""
As a tip, using bash to interpret the resulting json might not be the best way to go. You might want to look into using python, javascript, etc. to run your query and interpret the resulting json.

Ocamldoc "Unbound module Thread" without ocamlfind

Is it possible to use ocamldoc for a project with Threads without using ocamlfind? More importantly, how?
-thread or -package aren't supported by ocamldoc, and -I -thread doesn't work.
-thread or -package aren't supported by ocamldoc, and -I -thread doesn't work.
Try with -I +threads instead. This will tell ocamldoc where to look for the thread library files.
On a side note, I use ocamlbuild for generating documentation, when I am already using it for my project builds (which is most of the time). With this tool, you only need to list all the documented ml files in a single .odocl file, and ask for the corresponding .docdir/index.html with the same parameters as a compilation command to get the documentation generated. If your project compiles with ocamlbuild, it should be able to generate documentation without hiccups with it as well.
$ ls src
$ ls -1 src/*.ml | cut -f1 -d'.' > project.odocl
$ cat project.odocl
$ ocamlbuild project.docdir/index.html
$ ls project.docdir

How do I POST LF with curl command line tool?

I'm trying to POST to the HTTP gateway of an SMS provider (Sybase 365) using CURL from a Linux shell script.
I need to pass the following data (note the [ ] and LF characters)
If I submit a file using the -F parameter, CURL removes the LF e.g.
curl -F #myfile ""
results in this at the server (which is rejected)
Is there anything I can do to avoid this or do I need an alternative tool?
I'm using a file containing my data for testing but I'd like to avoid that in practice and POST directly from the script.
Try using --data-binary instead of -d(ata-ascii).
From the manual:
--data-binary (HTTP) This posts data in a similar manner as --data-ascii does, although when using this option the entire context of the posted data is kept as-is.
If you want to post a binary file without the strip-newlines feature of the --data-ascii option, this is for you. If this option is used several times, the ones following the first will append data.
ETA: oops, I should read the question more closely. You're using -F, not -d. But --data-binary may be still be worth a shot.
Probably a silly thought, but I don't suppose it actually requires CRLF instead of just LF?
Alternatively, have you tried using the --data-binary option instead of -F?
I've got this working using -d
request=`printf "[MSISDN]\nList=$number\n[MESSAGE]\nText=$message\n[END]\n"`
response=`curl -s -u $username:$password -d "$request"`
Curiously, if I use -d #myfile (where myfile contains LF separated text), it doesn't work.
I also tried --data-binary without success.
curl "url" --data-binary #myfile
posts new lines in the data [tested on curl 7.12.1]
