I want to save a struct as a value in RocksDB and to do that, I want to codificate the Struct as a sequence of characters.
I know that is possible to convert to 'u8' using 'any_as_u8_slice' (meshopt crate), but I don't find nothing to revert the conversion.
How could I convert the Struct in a sequence of characters that I could revert after?
Here are a peace of code:
fn main() {
let path = Path::new("/home/ubuntu/.bitcoin");
let dbB = BitcoinDB::new(path, true).unwrap();
let path = "/home/ubuntu/.rocksdb";
let db = DB::open_default(path).unwrap();
let m = 0;
let n = 2000;
for block in dbB.iter_block::<SBlock>(m, n) {
for tx in block.txdata {
//db.put(key, tx).unwrap();
The idea is codificate 'tx', to add as part of the value in RocksDB.
I want to do this for improve the performance of getting a tx in the blockchain, adding indexes to the database. But just for range of blocks between 'm' and 'n'.
For iterate the blocks in the blockchain I am using the following crate: https://crates.io/crates/bitcoin-explorer, so the 'tx' struct is already created.
If and only if the original structs derived Serialize and Deserialize traits, then you could use bincode to serialize them into binary-encoded Vec<u8>.
Here I have a tuple struct MyStruct wrapped the original struct StructFromAnotherTool and use hex to encode and decode the result from Vec<u8> to and from hex string so I could easily store the hex string representation in a database. Note that the structs derive PartialEq and Debug for an assertion in the end:
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use hex;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct StructFromOtherTool {
x: f32,
y: f32,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct MyStruct(StructFromOtherTool);
fn main() {
let mystruct = MyStruct(SomeStruct { x: 1.3, y: 5.2 });
let encoded: Vec<u8> = bincode::serialize(&mystruct).unwrap();
// This hex string representation can be stored in a database.
let s = hex::encode(encoded.clone());
println!("Hex encoded struct: {}", s);
// We then decode the hex string and use bincode to deserialize back to a MyStruct entity.
let v = hex::decode(s).unwrap();
let decoded = bincode::deserialize(&v[..]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(mystruct, decoded);
I am delete a key from redis when using rust, this is part of the code looks like:
pub async fn del_redis_key(key: &str,) -> Result<()> {
let config_redis_string = get_config("redisConnectionStr");
let redis_con_string: &str = config_redis_string.as_str();
let redis_client = redis::Client::open(redis_con_string).expect("can create redis client");
let mut redis_conn = get_con(redis_client);
let mut redis_conn_unwrap = redis_conn.unwrap();
let del_result = redis_conn_unwrap.del(key).map_err(RedisCMDError)?;
FromRedisValue::from_redis_value(&del_result).map_err(|e| RedisTypeError(e).into())
now I want to output the delete result del_result as a string, I have tried to convert the result as a json string like this:
let result_json = serde_json::to_string(&del_result).unwrap();
it seems did not work because the third party redis lib Value did not implement the serialize trait, the Value code looks like:
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub enum Value {
/// A nil response from the server.
/// An integer response. Note that there are a few situations
/// in which redis actually returns a string for an integer which
/// is why this library generally treats integers and strings
/// the same for all numeric responses.
/// An arbitary binary data.
/// A bulk response of more data. This is generally used by redis
/// to express nested structures.
/// A status response.
/// A status response which represents the string "OK".
is it possible to output the delete result as a string so that I could output into log? I am using the redis lib redis = "0.21.3".
Serde can actually derive for remote structures. Check this link for details: https://serde.rs/remote-derive.html
But in your particular example, things get a bit more tricky. Because the Value type is recursive (Bulk(Vec<Value>)) and currently you cannot use #[serde(with = ...)] inside a Vec.
A way out is to define your own serializing function for the whole Vec<Value> type. Here is an example: https://github.com/serde-rs/serde/issues/1211
I've implemented this method for you. It is not quite straightforward though.
use redis::Value;
use serde::Serialize;
#[serde(remote = "Value")]
pub enum ValueRef {
#[serde(with = "redis_value_vec")]
mod redis_value_vec {
use super::ValueRef;
use redis::Value;
use serde::{Serialize, Serializer};
pub fn serialize<S: Serializer>(array: &[Value], serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
struct W<'a>(#[serde(with = "ValueRef")] &'a Value);
fn main() {
struct W<'a>(#[serde(with = "ValueRef")] &'a Value);
let val = Value::Nil;
println!("{}", serde_json::to_string(&W(&val)).unwrap());
I suggest you submit a PR to that crate, adding a serde feature, optionally enabling this derive. This is very common.
If all you want to do is print out the result for logging purposes, Value implements Debug. So you can print it out with the debug format specifier:
println!("{:?}", del_result);
I want to send my struct via a TcpStream. I could send String or u8, but I can not send an arbitrary struct. For example:
struct MyStruct {
id: u8,
data: [u8; 1024],
let my_struct = MyStruct { id: 0, data: [1; 1024] };
let bytes: &[u8] = convert_struct(my_struct); // how??
After receiving the data, I want to convert &[u8] back to MyStruct. How can I convert between these two representations?
I know Rust has a JSON module for serializing data, but I don't want to use JSON because I want to send data as fast and small as possible, so I want to no or very small overhead.
A correctly sized struct as zero-copied bytes can be done using stdlib and a generic function.
In the example below there there is a reusable function called any_as_u8_slice instead of convert_struct, since this is a utility to wrap cast and slice creation.
Note that the question asks about converting, this example creates a read-only slice, so has the advantage of not needing to copy the memory.
Heres a working example based on the question:
unsafe fn any_as_u8_slice<T: Sized>(p: &T) -> &[u8] {
(p as *const T) as *const u8,
fn main() {
struct MyStruct {
id: u8,
data: [u8; 1024],
let my_struct = MyStruct { id: 0, data: [1; 1024] };
let bytes: &[u8] = unsafe { any_as_u8_slice(&my_struct) };
// tcp_stream.write(bytes);
println!("{:?}", bytes);
Note 1) even though 3rd party crates might be better in some cases, this is such a primitive operation that its useful to know how to do in Rust.
Note 2) at time of writing (Rust 1.15), there is no support for const functions. Once there is, it will be possible to cast into a fixed sized array instead of a slice.
Note 3) the any_as_u8_slice function is marked unsafe because any padding bytes in the struct may be uninitialized memory (giving undefined behavior).
If there were a way to ensure input arguments used only structs which were #[repr(packed)], then it could be safe.
Otherwise the function is fairly safe since it prevents buffer over-run since the output is read-only, fixed number of bytes, and its lifetime is bound to the input.If you wanted a version that returned a &mut [u8], that would be quite dangerous since modifying could easily create inconsistent/corrupt data.
(Shamelessly stolen and adapted from Renato Zannon's comment on a similar question)
Perhaps a solution like bincode would suit your case? Here's a working excerpt:
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["An Devloper <an.devloper#example.com>"]
edition = "2018"
bincode = "1.0"
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::fs::File;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct A {
id: i8,
key: i16,
name: String,
values: Vec<String>,
fn main() {
let a = A {
id: 42,
key: 1337,
name: "Hello world".to_string(),
values: vec!["alpha".to_string(), "beta".to_string()],
// Encode to something implementing `Write`
let mut f = File::create("/tmp/output.bin").unwrap();
bincode::serialize_into(&mut f, &a).unwrap();
// Or just to a buffer
let bytes = bincode::serialize(&a).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", bytes);
You would then be able to send the bytes wherever you want. I assume you are already aware of the issues with naively sending bytes around (like potential endianness issues or versioning), but I'll mention them just in case ^_^.
I want to write a macro that generates varying structs from an integer argument. For example, make_struct!(3) might generate something like this:
pub struct MyStruct3 {
field_0: u32,
field_1: u32,
field_2: u32
What's the best way to transform that "3" literal into a number that I can use to generate code? Should I be using macro_rules! or a proc-macro?
You need a procedural attribute macro and quite a bit of pipework. An example implementation is on Github; bear in mind that it is pretty rough around the edges, but works pretty nicely to start with.
The aim is to have the following:
#[derivefields(u32, "field", 3)]
struct MyStruct {
foo: u32
transpile to:
struct MyStruct {
pub field_0: u32,
pub field_1: u32,
pub field_2: u32,
foo: u32
To do this, first, we're going to establish a couple of things. We're going to need a struct to easily store and retrieve our arguments:
struct MacroInput {
pub field_type: syn::Type,
pub field_name: String,
pub field_count: u64
The rest is pipework:
impl Parse for MacroInput {
fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
let field_type = input.parse::<syn::Type>()?;
let _comma = input.parse::<syn::token::Comma>()?;
let field_name = input.parse::<syn::LitStr>()?;
let _comma = input.parse::<syn::token::Comma>()?;
let count = input.parse::<syn::LitInt>()?;
Ok(MacroInput {
field_type: field_type,
field_name: field_name.value(),
field_count: count.base10_parse().unwrap()
This defines syn::Parse on our struct and allows us to use syn::parse_macro_input!() to easily parse our arguments.
pub fn derivefields(attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let input = syn::parse_macro_input!(attr as MacroInput);
let mut found_struct = false; // We actually need a struct
item.into_iter().map(|r| {
match &r {
&proc_macro::TokenTree::Ident(ref ident) if ident.to_string() == "struct" => { // react on keyword "struct" so we don't randomly modify non-structs
found_struct = true;
&proc_macro::TokenTree::Group(ref group) if group.delimiter() == proc_macro::Delimiter::Brace && found_struct == true => { // Opening brackets for the struct
let mut stream = proc_macro::TokenStream::new();
stream.extend((0..input.field_count).fold(vec![], |mut state:Vec<proc_macro::TokenStream>, i| {
let field_name_str = format!("{}_{}", input.field_name, i);
let field_name = Ident::new(&field_name_str, Span::call_site());
let field_type = input.field_type.clone();
state.push(quote!(pub #field_name: #field_type,
_ => r
The behavior of the modifier creates a new TokenStream and adds our fields first. This is extremely important; assume that the struct provided is struct Foo { bar: u8 }; appending last would cause a parse error due to a missing ,. Prepending allows us to not have to care about this, since a trailing comma in a struct is not a parse error.
Once we have this TokenStream, we successively extend() it with the generated tokens from quote::quote!(); this allows us to not have to build the token fragments ourselves. One gotcha is that the field name needs to be converted to an Ident (it gets quoted otherwise, which isn't something we want).
We then return this modified TokenStream as a TokenTree::Group to signify that this is indeed a block delimited by brackets.
In doing so, we also solved a few problems:
Since structs without named members (pub struct Foo(u32) for example) never actually have an opening bracket, this macro is a no-op for this
It will no-op any item that isn't a struct
It will also no-op structs without a member
I want to send my struct via a TcpStream. I could send String or u8, but I can not send an arbitrary struct. For example:
struct MyStruct {
id: u8,
data: [u8; 1024],
let my_struct = MyStruct { id: 0, data: [1; 1024] };
let bytes: &[u8] = convert_struct(my_struct); // how??
After receiving the data, I want to convert &[u8] back to MyStruct. How can I convert between these two representations?
I know Rust has a JSON module for serializing data, but I don't want to use JSON because I want to send data as fast and small as possible, so I want to no or very small overhead.
A correctly sized struct as zero-copied bytes can be done using stdlib and a generic function.
In the example below there there is a reusable function called any_as_u8_slice instead of convert_struct, since this is a utility to wrap cast and slice creation.
Note that the question asks about converting, this example creates a read-only slice, so has the advantage of not needing to copy the memory.
Heres a working example based on the question:
unsafe fn any_as_u8_slice<T: Sized>(p: &T) -> &[u8] {
(p as *const T) as *const u8,
fn main() {
struct MyStruct {
id: u8,
data: [u8; 1024],
let my_struct = MyStruct { id: 0, data: [1; 1024] };
let bytes: &[u8] = unsafe { any_as_u8_slice(&my_struct) };
// tcp_stream.write(bytes);
println!("{:?}", bytes);
Note 1) even though 3rd party crates might be better in some cases, this is such a primitive operation that its useful to know how to do in Rust.
Note 2) at time of writing (Rust 1.15), there is no support for const functions. Once there is, it will be possible to cast into a fixed sized array instead of a slice.
Note 3) the any_as_u8_slice function is marked unsafe because any padding bytes in the struct may be uninitialized memory (giving undefined behavior).
If there were a way to ensure input arguments used only structs which were #[repr(packed)], then it could be safe.
Otherwise the function is fairly safe since it prevents buffer over-run since the output is read-only, fixed number of bytes, and its lifetime is bound to the input.If you wanted a version that returned a &mut [u8], that would be quite dangerous since modifying could easily create inconsistent/corrupt data.
(Shamelessly stolen and adapted from Renato Zannon's comment on a similar question)
Perhaps a solution like bincode would suit your case? Here's a working excerpt:
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["An Devloper <an.devloper#example.com>"]
edition = "2018"
bincode = "1.0"
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::fs::File;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct A {
id: i8,
key: i16,
name: String,
values: Vec<String>,
fn main() {
let a = A {
id: 42,
key: 1337,
name: "Hello world".to_string(),
values: vec!["alpha".to_string(), "beta".to_string()],
// Encode to something implementing `Write`
let mut f = File::create("/tmp/output.bin").unwrap();
bincode::serialize_into(&mut f, &a).unwrap();
// Or just to a buffer
let bytes = bincode::serialize(&a).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", bytes);
You would then be able to send the bytes wherever you want. I assume you are already aware of the issues with naively sending bytes around (like potential endianness issues or versioning), but I'll mention them just in case ^_^.
I want to send my struct via a TcpStream. I could send String or u8, but I can not send an arbitrary struct. For example:
struct MyStruct {
id: u8,
data: [u8; 1024],
let my_struct = MyStruct { id: 0, data: [1; 1024] };
let bytes: &[u8] = convert_struct(my_struct); // how??
After receiving the data, I want to convert &[u8] back to MyStruct. How can I convert between these two representations?
I know Rust has a JSON module for serializing data, but I don't want to use JSON because I want to send data as fast and small as possible, so I want to no or very small overhead.
A correctly sized struct as zero-copied bytes can be done using stdlib and a generic function.
In the example below there there is a reusable function called any_as_u8_slice instead of convert_struct, since this is a utility to wrap cast and slice creation.
Note that the question asks about converting, this example creates a read-only slice, so has the advantage of not needing to copy the memory.
Heres a working example based on the question:
unsafe fn any_as_u8_slice<T: Sized>(p: &T) -> &[u8] {
(p as *const T) as *const u8,
fn main() {
struct MyStruct {
id: u8,
data: [u8; 1024],
let my_struct = MyStruct { id: 0, data: [1; 1024] };
let bytes: &[u8] = unsafe { any_as_u8_slice(&my_struct) };
// tcp_stream.write(bytes);
println!("{:?}", bytes);
Note 1) even though 3rd party crates might be better in some cases, this is such a primitive operation that its useful to know how to do in Rust.
Note 2) at time of writing (Rust 1.15), there is no support for const functions. Once there is, it will be possible to cast into a fixed sized array instead of a slice.
Note 3) the any_as_u8_slice function is marked unsafe because any padding bytes in the struct may be uninitialized memory (giving undefined behavior).
If there were a way to ensure input arguments used only structs which were #[repr(packed)], then it could be safe.
Otherwise the function is fairly safe since it prevents buffer over-run since the output is read-only, fixed number of bytes, and its lifetime is bound to the input.If you wanted a version that returned a &mut [u8], that would be quite dangerous since modifying could easily create inconsistent/corrupt data.
(Shamelessly stolen and adapted from Renato Zannon's comment on a similar question)
Perhaps a solution like bincode would suit your case? Here's a working excerpt:
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["An Devloper <an.devloper#example.com>"]
edition = "2018"
bincode = "1.0"
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::fs::File;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct A {
id: i8,
key: i16,
name: String,
values: Vec<String>,
fn main() {
let a = A {
id: 42,
key: 1337,
name: "Hello world".to_string(),
values: vec!["alpha".to_string(), "beta".to_string()],
// Encode to something implementing `Write`
let mut f = File::create("/tmp/output.bin").unwrap();
bincode::serialize_into(&mut f, &a).unwrap();
// Or just to a buffer
let bytes = bincode::serialize(&a).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", bytes);
You would then be able to send the bytes wherever you want. I assume you are already aware of the issues with naively sending bytes around (like potential endianness issues or versioning), but I'll mention them just in case ^_^.