Dynamic chart to show either a certain months data, or all of the data - excel

I am creating a dashboard within Excel to display the outputs of tabled data. I have set up certain graphs, but i cannot seem to get some working as desired.
I have used data validation drop downs (Sheet = Dashboard Cell = N10) to help improve the interactivity of the dashboard, where the use can select which set of data (based on dates) i.e. data from 01/01/22 to display. However, I would also like to show an option where the user selects all and the graph shows all data from all dates as separate entries.
Currently, i have used a help column called "Data source" as the source for the chart data, which is an XLookUp formula to look up the corresponding data based on the users selection. However, this does not allow me to show All Data.
Note, this will be dynamic as more dates will be added, so i initially thought to use named ranges that changes based on the selection in the drop down file. Is this possible, as when entering this formula in the named range manager it does not work as wanted.
=IF(Dashboard!$N$10="All",OFFSET(Archives!$K$2,0,0,Archives!$G$1,Table6[Data Source]))
The current data table


Create new table in Excel worksheet from filtered values of a table, or pull filtered set of data from Graph API or Power Automate

I am trying to create a table in a worksheet based on a filtered set of results from an existing table in another worksheet. I have the initial table in a worksheet entitled "Form1", and have created a second worksheet with the following formula in cell A1.
=FILTER(Form1!A:G,(Form1!C:C>=(TODAY()-1+12/24)),"No matches")
This formula works to display the results I am looking for, but not as a table. I need this to be a table so I can pull it via the Graph API or Power Automate. I have not worked much with Excel so I am sorry if there is already a solution to this and I am just not searching for the correct terms. Is there a way to accomplish what I need to do, either by making this a table or some other means using the Graph API or Power Automate?
Note that I can't just pull the data directly from the initial table and filter based on that, as this table contains 13K+ entries. This filtered data set will always contain less than 50 entries.

Limit with creating a drop-down list dependent on a selection in excel

I have an excel file with two sheets. The second sheet (Report) contains data validation cells based on the first sheet (Data). From the second sheet, the drop-down list that displays in the Select XXX depends on the selection in the Generate Report. When the Generate Report is set to anything beyond the first five in its list, the "Select XXX" displays year as a default list (no problem with this) via the code ...INDIRECT("Year").... The problem is that excel does not allow for addition of more code (seems I hit the limit). The question is - how can I manipulate this code to accommodate every option in the Generate Report? or perhaps, is there another method to implement?
The data validation source code for the drop-down list is =IF($B$4=Data!$Q$5,INDIRECT("Client"), IF($B$4=Data!$Q$6,INDIRECT("Month"), IF($B$4=Data!$Q$7,INDIRECT("Product_Service"), IF($B$4=Data!$Q$8,INDIRECT("Sector"), IF($B$4=Data!$Q$9,INDIRECT("Trans_Type"),INDIRECT("Year"))))))
Please, see the sample file at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VKkGHjlJzLQqx4J9kyd_bCKG4r0Q7HkG/view?usp=sharing
What you could do is put the range names in column R, and VLOOKUP them:
You could then have as many item lists as you wish.

How can I automatically refresh filtered data?

I have two sheets of data; 'Master' contains information about cargo and it's location, 'X ray' contains all rows matching the same location.
I've created a true/false statement that checks location and pulls all relevant data to 'X ray'. That is working perfectly. However, i have to re apply the filter to see the changes.
I want the filter in 'x ray' to auto refresh when a change is made in the 'master' sheet.
The column i'm filtering is 'IF True' in A1, When the data displays 'True, show row.
I've tried many of the different methods on stack overflow, but with no success. I have low level ability with VBA code.
I think you can have the "auto refresh" only by using Pivot tables. Try to create your second tables as linked pivot table using the data from the first table.

Excel: Data Analyzing and Drop Down Options

Trying to create an excel spreadsheet which will allow me to select an option at the top of the page (a dropdown) which will be a list of names. I then want a grid below to be able to show (as an example) an individuals results over a month. This is a preference as I didn't want to have to go through multiple pages to view individual information and rather see it all in one location.
Thank you ! :)
Use a data validation linked to the range of student names on another sheet and then an INDEX, MATCH or VLOOKUP formulas to populate the table from the other sheets..

Excel : Selecting data and keeping it up to date

I'm not a hero when it comes to Excel...
I have an Excel file with one sheet that contains all data. It's basically a list of tickets, displaying the ticket ID, type, value and 5 dates per row.
I'm looking for a way to have new sheets in the Excel that actually display only tickets of a specific type. So on the sheet Bug Tickets I want to diplay like a filtered sub-set of the raw data in the first sheet.
However, this new sheet needs to refresh it's data automatically when I add new data to the main list.
Is this possible in Excel?
Ok here is a way using a Pivot Tables and Tables.
You should set it up like below: (in the SS, I put the pivot in the same sheet but you can put it in another).
You need to create a table out of your data. See here on how to do it.
Then create a Pivot Table out of your table. See here on how to do it
After that you just need to format it the way you want.
The Pivot table will update everytime you add data on your table.
It will display what you've filtered.(in my example I filtered type A).
Notice: Apologies I cannot create a step by step procedure for you(very tedious). I wouldn't have posted this as answer if only it would fit as comment.
