Using 'sed' to replace a string - linux

I have a file that contains a URL and I wish to replace this URL with a new one.
This URL can be different each time so I do not wish to replace XXX with YYY but to change the value of a variable which contains the URL.
File looks like this:
I wish to change the value of APP_URL to a different URL but without success.
I am using a bash script in order to make this work.
tried using this inside my script and it didn't work.
sudo sed -i 's/${oldline}/${newline}/g' .env
I would love to get help here!
Thank you :)

You need to remove the ' in sed and escape all / so that it doesn't think you are ending the part of s (or use other sign)
Both these work (my filename is .test):
sed -r s/${oldline}/${newline}/g .test
sed -r s-${oldline}-${newline}-g .test

Single quotes prevent variable interpolation.
You can usually use double quotes instead.
$: cat tst
sed "s,APP_URL=https://${oldurl}/,APP_URL=https://${newurl}/,g" file
$: cat file
$: ./tst
Yes, this can be simplified a lot, such as by passing in the new url.
$: grep . tst file
tst:sed -E "s,APP_URL=https://[^/]+/,APP_URL=https://$1/,g" file
$: ./tst a.b.c


How to replace a line (directory path) with a variable containing another line (new directory path) in a Linux file?

I have a file containing contents like:
export ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/test/prod/db_1
Now I want to replace the line of
export ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/test/prod/db_1
with something like below:
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11204/dbhome_1
I tried numerous ways found through Google like using "sed" or "awk" but neither one worked. I tried:
export D1="export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11204/dbhome_1"
sed -i -e "s+export ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/test/prod/db_1+$D1+" file.lst
Note: as one Google search says, since the strings contains "/", so a different delimiter like "+" needs to be used.
Can you share with me the right command to do so?
sed -r 's~(ORACLE_HOME=).*~\1new/path/here~'
here ~ is used as the delimiter. If the new path is a bash variable, you can escape the quotes
sed -r 's~(ORACLE_HOME=).*~\1'$D1'~'
If you are still having trouble with the substitution, you can use this variation which will explicitly find the line containing export ORACLE_HOME before attempting the path substitution. The expression makes use of alternate delimiters for the substitution '|'.
To edit in place (Linux), you can use the '-i' option (and add '-i.bak' to make a backup of the original). If you are using a mac or other OS without the '-i' option available, use redirection to create a new file which you can copy over the current file.
sed -i '/^export\sORACLE_HOME/s|=.*$|=/u01/app/oracle/product/11204/dbhome_1|' \
or without '-i':
sed '/^export\sORACLE_HOME/s|=.*$|=/u01/app/oracle/product/11204/dbhome_1|' \
yourfilename > newfilename
cp yourfilename yourfilename.sav && mv -f newfilename yourfilename
(note: the '\' at the end of the sed command line is a simple line-continuation)
Using a Variable for Replacement
From your comment, if you want to use a variable instead of a hardcoded path for the replacement string, then simply replace the single-quotes with double-quotes and include the variable as the replacement string. For example:
sed -i "/^export\sORACLE_HOME/s|=.*$|=$npath|" dat/opath.txt

How to remove line containing a specific string from file?

I have a file BookDB.txt which stores information in the following manner :
C++ for dummies:Jared:10.67:4:5
Java for dummies:David:10.45:3:6
PHP for dummies:Sarah:10.47:2:7
Assuming that during runtime, the scipt asks the user for the title he wants to delete. This is then stored in the TITLE variable. How do I then delete the line containing the string in question? I've tried the following command but to no avail :
sed '/$TITLE/' BookDB.txt >> /dev/null
You can for example do:
$ title="C++ for dummies"
$ sed -i "/$title/d" a
$ cat a
**Java for dummies**:David:10.45:3:6
**PHP for dummies**:Sarah:10.47:2:7
Note few things:
Double quotes in sed are needed to have you variable expanded. Otherwise, it will look for the fixed string "$title".
With -i you make in-place replacement, so that your file gets updated once sed has performed.
d is the way to indicate sed that you want to delete such matching line.
Your command should be,
sed "/$TITLE/d" file
To save the changes, you need to add -i inline edit parameter.
sed -i "/$TITLE/d" file
For variable expansion in sed, you need to put the code inside double quotes.

Replacing strings with special characters with linux sed

I've read lots of posts to understand how to correctly escape white spaces and special characters inside strings using sed, but still i can't make it, here's what i'm trying to achieve.
I have a file containing the some strings like this one:
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dorg.apache.catalina.jsessionid=some_value"
and i'm trying to replace 'some_value' using the following:
sed -i "s/^\(JAVA_OPTS=\"\$JAVA_OPTS[ \t]*-Dorg\.apache\.catalina\.jsessionid*=\s*\).*\$/\1$DORG_APACHE_CATALINA_JSESSIONID/" $JBOSS_CONFIGURATION/jboss.configuration
$JBOSS_CONFIGURATION is a variable containing an absolute Linux path.
jboss.configuration is a file i'm pointing as the target for replace
$DORG_APACHE_CATALINA_JSESSIONID contains the value i want instead
of 'some_value'.
Please note that the pattern:
Is always present, and org.apache.catalina.jsessionid is an example of a variable value i'm trying to replace with this script.
What's missing/wrong ? i tried also escaping whitespaces using \s without success,
and echoing the whole gives me the following:
echo "s/^\(JAVA_OPTS=\"\$JAVA_OPTS[ \t]*-Dorg\.apache\.catalina\.jsessionid*=\s*\).*\$/\1$DORG_APACHE_CATALINA_JSESSIONID/"
s/^\(JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS[ \t]*-Dorg\.apache\.catalina\.jsessionid*=\s*\).*$/\1/
is echo interpreting the search pattern as sed does ?
any info/help/alternative ways of doing it are highly welcome,
thank you all
echo 'JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dorg.apache.catalina.jsessionid=some_value"' | (export DORG_APACHE_CATALINA_JSESSIONID=FOO/BAR/FOOBAR; sed "s/^\(JAVA_OPTS=\"\$JAVA_OPTS[ \t]*-Dorg\.apache\.catalina\.jsessionid*=\s*\).*\$/\1${DORG_APACHE_CATALINA_JSESSIONID////\/}\"/")
Note the bash expansion (in order to escape any / that may trip up sed) and the extra \" after $DORG_APACHE_CATALINA_JSESSIONID in order to properly close the double quote. Other than that your sed expression works for me and the above command outputs the follwoing result:
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dorg.apache.catalina.jsessionid=FOO/BAR/FOOBAR"
You can use sed like this:
sed -r '/\$JAVA_OPTS -D/{s/^(.+=).*$/\1'"$DORG_APACHE_CATALINA_JSESSIONID"'/;}' $JBOSS_CONFIGURATION/jboss.configuration
You can specify a pattern that'll match the desired string rather than trying to specify it exactly.
The following should work for you:
sed -i 's#^\(JAVA_OPTS.*Dorg.apache.catalina.jsessionid\)=\([^"]*\)"#\1='"$DORG_APACHE_CATALINA_JSESSIONID"'"#' $JBOSS_CONFIGURATION/jboss.configuration
sed 's/=\w.*$/='"$DORG_APACHE_CATALINA_JSESSIONID"'/' $JBOSS_CONFIGURATION/jboss.configuration

Bash Scripting: Replace (or delete) string in a file if line starts with (or matches) another string

Assuming an ini-style file like this,
Title=An Image Editor
Description=Manipulates .ico, .png and .jpeg images
I want to replace/delete ".ico" ONLY in the line that starts with (or matches) "Icon="
I was trying this:
oldline="`cat "$file" | grep "Icon="`"
newline="`echo "$oldline" | tr ".ico" ".png"`"
cat "$oldfile" | tr "$oldline" "$newline" > $file
Then i realized that tr works completely different than i thought. Its NOT a tradicional "replace this for that" function. So i guess the correct way is using sed. But:
Ive never used sedbefore. No idea how it works. Is it overkill?
If the most indicated way is really using sed, given it is so powerful, is there any elegant way to accomplish this rather than this "fetch line -> modify line -> replace oldline for newline in file" approach?
I cant replace ".ico" globally, i know that would be a LOT easier, i must restrict the replace to the Icon line, otherwise the Description line would be changed too.
Im new to shell scripting in Linux, so im looking not only to the solution itself, but also for the "proper" way to do it. Elegant, easy to read, conventional, etc
Thanks in advance!
Thank you guys! Here is the final script, as a reference:
#! /bin/bash
# Fix the following WARNING in ~/.xsession-errors
# gnome-session[2035]: EggSMClient-WARNING: Desktop file '/home/xxx/.config/autostart/skype.desktop' has malformed Icon key 'skype.png'(should not include extension)
if [ -f "$file" ] ; then
if `cat "$file" | grep "Icon=" | grep -q ".png"` ; then
sed -i.bak '/^Icon=/s/\.png$//' "$file"
cp "$file" "$PWD"
cp "${file}.bak" "$PWD"
echo "Nothing to fix! (maybe fixed already?)"
echo "Skype not installed (yet...)"
MUCH sleeker than my original! The only thing i regret is that sed backup does not preserve original file timestamp. But i can live with that.
And, for the record, yes, ive created this script to fix an actual "bug" in Skype packaging.
Something like the following in sed should do what you need. First we check if the line starts with Icon= and if it does then we run the s command (i.e. substitute).
sed -i '/^Icon=/s/\.ico$/.png/' file
Edit: The sed script above can also be written like this:
/^Icon=/ { # Only run the following block when this matches
s/\.ico$/.png/ # Substitute '.ico' at the end of the line with '.png'
See this page for more details on how to restrict when commands are run.
sed is pretty easy to deal with. Here's one way:
sed 's/^\(Icon=.*\)\.ico$/\1.png/'
By default, sed works on every line in the file one at a time. The 's/.../.../' will do a regular expression match on the first argument and replace it with the second argument. The \1 stands for everything that matched the first group, which is demarcated by the parenthesis. You have to escape the parens with \.
The above works as part of a pipeline, but you can add an '-i' flag, like this
sed -i 's/^\(Icon=.*\)\.ico$/\1.png/' input.txt
to have it replace the file input.txt in place. Don't add that until you have tested your sed script a little.

sed code to match and replace with just a / in all files in a directory

I've been searching for this answer for three hours now and I still can't get anything to work. When I run things like this:
sed -i 's/http\:\/\/www\.domain\.org\//\//g checkout_*.php
It drops me into another command line (sorry, I'm very new to sed).
I just want to cd to a dir, grep the dir to see if the string is there then run a replace so I can change my paths from absolute to relative.
You need to close your '. You can also make your command cleaner by using a different sed delimiter to / so that you don't have to escape all those forward slashes in your URL. For example, you can use !, as shown below:
sed -i 's!http://www\.domain\.org/!/!g' checkout_*.php
You just appear to be missing the closing '
sed -i 's/http\:\/\/www\.domain\.org\//\//g' checkout_*.php
Should do what you want ok. But I'd warn you against doing the -i switch without first doing a dry run.
