How to get parse_json result property ignore case in Azure Application Insight log query? - azure

The log item looks like below, the currencyamount field has multiple case situation:
{ "AdditionalFields":{
} } }
{ "AdditionalFields":{
} } }
{ "AdditionalFields":{
} } }
However, the parse_json log query is case sensitive, is there any way to get the currentAmount field case insensitively using azure log query?
The query below only able to get one of the log entry which has lower case currencyamount field.
| where apiId_s contains "targetId" and AdditionalFields.backendRequestBody has "amount"
| extend amt = (parse_json(tostring(AdditionalFields.backendRequestBody)).currencyamount)

AFAIK, in parse Json we cannot be able to use Incase sensitive Json object. Instead of that you can use following way to achieve.
| where apiId_s contains "targetId" and AdditionalFields.backendRequestBody has "amount"
| extend backendReqbody = parse_json(AdditionalFields.backendRequestBody)
| extend lowercuramount = parse_json(tostring(parse_json(backendReqbody.currencyamount)))
| extend curamount = parse_json(tostring(parse_json(backendReqbody.CurrencyAmount)))
| extend lowupcuramount = parse_json(tostring(parse_json(backendReqbody.currencyAmount)))
You can use conditions like (iff) Ms -Doc while filtering the data in a result.


How to Create Azure Resource Graph Explorer Scheduled Reports and Email Alerts

I have a Kusto query taken from this example that looks like this:
| where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
| extend vmPowerState = tostring(properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code)
| summarize count() by vmPowerState
I would like to create an weekly alert that send the result through an e-mail in a CSV file.
The Logic App is organized in 5 steps:
"query": "Resources | where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' | extend vmPowerState = tostring(properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code) | summarize count() by vmPowerState"
Where I parse the Body and I give an extract of the JSON Schema:
"count": 3,
"data": [
"count_": 3,
"vmPowerState": "PowerState/stopped"
"count_": 29,
"vmPowerState": "PowerState/deallocated"
"count_": 118,
"vmPowerState": "PowerState/running"
"skip_token": null,
"total_records": 3
Here I have a few doubt because I found a guide that says that I should use array formula instead. I'm not very sure about that because I cannot see the details in the example. Anyway this is what I do:
Where I create the attachment from the CSV
The e-mail in the end arrives but the attachment is not a CSV, it's a JSON file:
What the hack am I doing wrong?
if you want to use "Create CSV table" with Columns set to "Automatic", do pass the "body" of "parse Json".
you don't need to use the array variable but whatever you use need to return an array like this:
The body of the json parser on your example has many other json nodes enveloping that. You should have the option "data" as there is an array there called "data"
if you want to cut it short, try "data"
you can change to "custom". that would allow you to remove redundant data or format data (like the "PowerState" in "PowerState/stopped"):
you can also add the .csv to the file name:
The above worked for me but it can be enhanced
The suggestoin posted by #BrunoLucasAzure really helped me understand how Logic Apps works.
However I would like to reply to my own question with the right solution: I had to paste a sample of the JSON output pressing on the button Use sample payload to generate schema.
Then follow the workflow and everything will be fine.
The next problem I need to fix is pagination but apparently there is a solution for that too:

Kusto query with filter depending on dashboard parameter

I want to be able to toggle a filter on my query via a parameter in dashboard. How can I turn the "where" operator off?
E.g. the parameter in the dashboard is "_toggle"
let _filter = dynamic(["A", "B"]);
| where id in (_filter) // execute this line only if _toggle == true
| project id
I already tried creating a second list containing all the ids and toggle between the small an the complete list via iff() but this is too resource intensive.
you could try something like this:
let _filter = dynamic(["A", "B"]);
| where _toggle == false or id in (_filter)
| project id

Parse Json Array in KQL

Json text isn't parsing in KQL correctly. I tried using parse_json as well but that didn't work either. I did confirm the extend AllProperties is holding the correct data.
| where RegistryDeviceTag == "Standard"
| extend AllProperties = todynamic(LoggedOnUsers)
| project DeviceName, Users = AllProperties["Username"]
Output gives me the correct DeviceName but doesn't give any data in the Username field.
(based on the sample input you provided in the comment)
if the array that is "LoggedOnUsers" includes exactly one entry, you can do this:
print input = '[{"UserName":"TheUserName","DomainName":"TheDomainName","Sid":"TheSID#"}]'
| project UserName = parse_json(input)[0].UserName
otherwise, you can use mv-expand or mv-apply:
print input = '[{"UserName":"TheUserName","DomainName":"TheDomainName","Sid":"TheSID#"}]'
| project parse_json(input)
| mv-apply input on (
project UserName = input.UserName

Fetching all cucumber scenarios that have a particular tag

How can I fetch a list of all the scenarios that have a particular tag. For example
get all scenarios that have #checkout tag.
Lets assume you have 15-20 Scenarios/Scenarios Outline tagged with #checkout.
Scenario Outline: Validation of UseCase Guest User Order Placement flow from Search
Given User is on Brand Home Page <Site>
And User searches for a styleId and makes product selection on the basis of given color and size
| Style_ID | Product_Size | Product_Color |
| TestData1 | TestData1 | TestData1 |
| TestData2 | TestData2 | TestData2 |
Then Clicking on Cart icon shall take user to Shopping Bag
Please follow this way to fetch name of scenarios.
File name
public void setUpScenario(Scenario scenario){
String scenarioName = scenario.getName();
//Either you can write down name of the scenario under a file system like excel or implement in the way you want
Please lets know if you find it meaningful and it solved your problem.
Dry run to the rescue.
Dry run gives you a way to quickly scan your features without actually running them.
Try the following CucumberOptions annotations (this is Java/Junit version, but the idea applies everywhere)
#CucumberOptions(plugin = { "pretty", "html:target/cucumber-html-report", "json:target/cucumber.json" }, glue = {
"some.stepdef" }, features = { "src/cucumberTest/featureFiles" }, tags = { "#now" }
,dryRun = true, strict=true)
public class CucumberNowTestDryRunner {
The cucumber report will look like this

How can I get the Scenario Outline Examples' table?

In AfterScenario method, I want to get the rows from table "Examples" in Scenario Outline, to get the values in it, and search that specific values in the database
I know that this can be achieved by using Context.Scenario.Current...
...but for some reason I'd like to be able to get it in a simpler way
like this:
----------- SCENARIO --------------------------------
Scenario Outline: Create a Matter
Given I create matter "< matterName >"
| matterName |
----------AFTER SCENARIO -----------------------------------
public void After()
string table = ScenarioContext.Current.Examples();
So if you look at the code for ScenarioContext you can see it inherits from SpecflowContext which is itself a Dictionary<string, object>. This means that you can simply use Values to get the collection of values, but I have no idea if they are Examples or not.
The best solution I came up with was to infer the examples by keeping my own static singleton object, then counting how many times the same scenario ran.
Of course, this doesn't work very well if you don't run all the tests at the same time or run them in random order. Having a table with the examples themselves would be more ideal, but if you combine my technique along with using ScenarioStepContext you could extract the parameters of the Examples table out of the rendered step definition text itself.
Scenario Outline: The system shall do something!
Given some input <input>
When something happens
Then something should have happened
| input |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
SpecFlow Hook
public void BeforeStep()
var text = ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.Text;
var stepType = ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.StepDefinitionType;
if (text.StartsWith("some input ") && stepType == StepDefinitionType.Given)
var input = text.Split(' ').Last();
